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Princess of Wind and Sea

Page 16

by Cassandra Finnerty

  The next morning, there was a flurry of activity. It was the day before Christmas, and there was a heightened sense of anticipation. The staff was busy with last-minute decorations. Well-appointed Christmas trees, wreaths, and garlands adorned the grand hall and sitting rooms. Bursts of red and green brightened the doors and windows.

  In the kitchen, the cooks and assistants were busy preparing a festive meal.

  Aisling had a surprise of her own.

  After meeting with the estate manager and coordinating with staff, she was ready. Now, it was time to find her husband.

  He was in their chamber, writing a letter to his father, the king.

  “There you are,” she said. “I’ve been looking for you.”

  “I’m almost done,” he said, “and then I’m all yours.”

  “Excellent. I have a Christmas gift for you.”


  She nodded and smiled. “I don’t want to wait until tomorrow.”

  He turned in his chair. “Well, this is mysterious. How can I refuse?”

  “You can’t,” she said, and laughed. Aisling grasped his hand, and together they walked down the stairs and into the outdoors, leaving the hectic bustle behind them. She chatted as they made their way across the bridge, but instead of turning onto the main road, she led him down a secluded path, deeper into the copse of trees.

  “Close your eyes.”


  “We’re almost there.”

  She guided the prince around a corner and stopped.

  “All right, you can open them now.”

  He took a step back and his eyes widened. In front of him was a replica of the pagoda in the trees, his favorite spot in the Palace of the Cherry Blossoms. The layout was similar to the one in the East Kingdom, and there was even a deck with a panoramic view of the water.

  “Do you like it?” asked Aisling, peering up at him.

  “I’m overwhelmed,” he said. “I never expected to see anything like it again.”

  “Let’s climb the ladder and you can take a closer look.”

  At the entrance, he opened the door. Inside were two rooms, with the same layout as the original structure. The larger space included a sitting room and dining area, while the adjoining chamber was the bedroom, decorated in shades of amber, green, red, and blue.

  “Thank you, Princess,” he murmured. “How long have you been planning this?”

  “I wrote to the estate manager as soon as we left for the Island of Crystal Waters,” she said. “I’m so pleased that you like it.”

  He pulled her close. “I love it,” he said, brushing his lips over hers. “I don’t think I want to leave.”

  “We don’t have to. If you’re interested, we can spend the night here. I thought we might want a break from the flurry of activity in the main house. Food is being delivered soon.”

  “Who needs food?” he murmured, as he pulled her closer and kissed her with a fervor that made everything else seem like a distant memory.

  Aisling nestled next to the prince. His arm was locked around her in an iron embrace, and when she tried to sit up, he reached out and pulled her back down. In the next moment, he hovered over her, whispering kisses across her eyes and cheeks. “Where are you going?” he asked in a low, mesmerizing voice.

  “Nowhere, it seems,” she said, as she smiled and kissed him back.

  Hours later, the last rays of sun faded into the horizon. Aisling opened the door to the deck and looked out at their surroundings. The moonlight cast soft shadows across the river. She could hear the sounds of running water, skidding around the stones. It’s a perfect spot, she thought.

  As Drayaen slept, she retrieved the food that had been left at the entrance. She lit a candle and opened the wine. She smiled as she looked at the label. It had her name on it, along with her birthday. Her thoughts were interrupted by large hands that wrapped themselves around her waist.

  “I wondered where you went,” he said.

  “Our food is here. I thought you might be hungry.”

  He nodded and scanned the table. “This is quite a feast. We have your special wine too.”

  “It has a unique taste. I’m not sure I can describe it.”

  “It’s perfect,” he said, as he ran his fingers through her hair.

  A short while later, they blew out the candle and retreated into the dark.

  “I love you,” he whispered, as he kissed her with an intensity that raged like the sea before a storm.

  “I love you too,” she said, wrapping herself around him, swept away by the motion of the tide.

  The sun burst through the cloud layer, illuminating the chamber. Aisling flung her arm across the bed and realized it was empty. She sat up and scanned her surroundings. The prince was in the sitting area, arranging the table for breakfast.

  Aisling grabbed her robe and headed into the other room.

  “Ah, you’re awake,” he said, wrapping his arms around her. “I’ve missed you, these last few minutes.”

  She laughed. “Let’s promise each other that we’ll come here when things become hectic. It will be our special retreat.”

  “You don’t have to convince me,” he said as he nuzzled her ear.

  A few hours later, they said goodbye to their house in the trees and headed down the garden path.

  Later that day, everyone at the estate gathered to celebrate Christmas. The house was filled with laughter. By mid-afternoon, the remaining guests clustered in small groups by the fire.

  The prince scanned the crowd for Aisling. She was sitting near the window, looking off into the distance. She looked pale. He crossed the room and spoke to her in a low voice.

  “Let’s take a walk, and you can show me the garden.”

  “Are you all right?” she asked.

  “I need some air,” he said as he clasped her hand.

  They walked around the estate, to one of her favorite spots. It was a protected enclave, hidden in the woods, with a small bench and a view of the river and bay.

  “This reminds me of our special place in the secret garden,” said Drayaen.

  “You’re right,” she said, her eyes brightening. “It’s where you first kissed me. You also gave me your mother’s ring. Those are some of my happiest memories.”

  “I have something else for you,” he said, handing her a small box.

  She lifted the top and caught her breath. “Oh, they’re beautiful,” she murmured. The emerald green earrings glistened in the light.

  “They belonged to my mother as well.”

  “Thank you.” She reached out and brushed her lips against his. “I’ll treasure them, always.”

  She looked around at the peaceful landscape.

  “When you were ill,” she said, “I prayed you would recover. I had a dream the night before you woke up. We were sitting in a garden, by the water, and there was the sound of a child’s laughter.”

  He grasped her hand and surveyed the haven, with its sculpted trees, stone bridges, and crystal waters. “It has almost come true. Here we are in a similar place, and we have each other.” He smiled down at her.

  She reached out and wrapped her arms around him. “Soon to be three,” she whispered.

  “What?” He leaned back and looked into her eyes.

  She nodded, and laughed at his stunned expression. “Are you happy?” she asked.

  The prince ran his thumb across her cheek. “I love you both, more than anything,” he said, his voice filled with emotion.

  His eyes were shining with warmth as he pulled her into his arms, and vowed he would love her forever.

  The End

  Read on for an advanced preview of Book Three in the Princess of Nature Series.


  A light snow drifted over the estate. As the crystals floated from the sky, they covered the house and gardens with a shimmer of white, creating a mystical and monochrome fairyland.

  It was early dawn when Aislin
g woke. She lay in bed, nestled next to the prince. Despite the frosted windows, she was bathed in warmth. A steely arm held her close, while the fire in the hearth crackled and seared, sending sparkling embers up the chimney and out into the light.

  She reached for her silk robe and padded across the floor into the next room. A pale glow cast a bluish hue over the chamber. After dressing in the dark, she made her way to the Great Hall. The house was quiet, with the exception of muffled noises from the kitchen where the cooks were preparing for breakfast.

  Aisling navigated past the sitting rooms to the library. Locking the door behind her, she glanced around the dark space and headed to the bookshelf, extracting a copy of Annals of the Four Masters. She inserted her key into the hidden lock behind the tome and passed through the secret door.

  The room was cloaked in permanent shadow. She lit a candle and climbed the staircase to the loft.

  Aisling sat at her desk and removed the stack of letters. The first had been received after the death of her parents. She recalled her shock when she read about her legacy, which included magical powers and oversight of a secret society. Its charter was to use these gifts for the common good.

  To keep her abilities, she needed to pass a test. Aisling had traveled with her fleet of ships to the East Kingdom, where she helped Prince Drayaen and King Yi battle dark forces.

  Something unexpected had happened during that journey, and she smiled now at the memory. She had fallen in love. After defeating the enemy, she and the prince married in an elaborate ceremony at the Palace of the Cherry Blossoms.

  Her second quest had challenged her to change history. She and her new husband had battled their way across the globe, supporting their allies and fighting for survival.

  Now, the time had come for the third mission. After returning to Ireland, she had opened her father’s missive before the holidays. Her brows furrowed as she reviewed its familiar contents.

  Dear Aisling,

  If you are reading this, you must have completed your journey. I am so proud of your achievements. I’m confident you have done great things with your powers.

  Within the next twelve months, you must find an enemy closer to home. Insidious adversaries are trying to steal our basic freedoms. Develop relationships with members of the secret society. Together, you can defeat the darker forces that threaten our way of life.

  The map on my wall in the secret room includes trading routes and notations of potential alliances. This information may help you in your quest.

  Stay safe, and know that you are loved.


  She shook her head and rifled through her Book of Magic. There were no additional clues about these nefarious forces.

  One mystery was solved, however. She and the prince had tried to analyze the notations on Lord Bailey’s map. She now realized that the markings highlighted the elaborate network of the secret society members. This may be just the information I need to help in my next quest, she realized.

  As a chill permeated the air, she secured her papers and locked the door, leaving her secrets behind.

  A few minutes later, Aisling peered into the bedroom. Her prince was still sleeping. She changed into her silk nightgown and crawled back into bed. As she closed her eyes, a voice murmured in her ear.

  “You’ve been busy, it seems,” he said, eyes still shut.

  “I was catching up on some reading but decided there was someplace else I’d rather be.”

  “That’s just what I wanted to hear.”

  He grasped her shoulder and pulled her toward him. She came face to face with a pair of luminescent eyes. “I’ve missed you,” he said, in his low, mesmerizing voice.

  She smiled and wrapped her arms around him. In the next moment, he shifted his weight to his arms, enveloping her with warmth. She ran her hands over his back as he nuzzled next to her ear.

  “I’ve missed you, too,” she said, before their lips melded in a rhythm of searing heat. He ran his hands over the silky fabric, caressing her soft curves.

  As the snow outside swirled in a frenetic dance, the prince hovered over her, whispering slow, languid kisses, and transporting them to a place where nothing else mattered.


  I’m grateful for the many people who helped make this book a reality.

  To Bob and Robbie, for their ongoing support; the early readers; my editor, Meredith Tennant; print and production teams, including the crew at Damonza; and to Carolyn, for rekindling a dream. For inspiration from afar, Chandler, Sean, and the community at SPS, Joanna Penn, and K.M. Weiland.

  For research, the following entities were also helpful: BBC; Cork Ireland Archives; Guangzhou Travel Guide; The Korea Society; Library Ireland; Lonely Planet; The Maritime Heritage Project; Metropolitan Museum; National Geographic; National Museum of Korea; Oxford Research Encyclopedias, Asian History; Popular Mechanics; University of Texas Historical Maps; Wikipedia.

  Most of all, I’d like to thank my readers for their interest in the Princess of Nature series.

  I hope you enjoy the journey.

  For more action-adventure, fantasy, and romance…



  Book One: Princess of Nature Series

  By Cassandra Finnerty

  In 1772, Lady Aisling inherits an army of men and a fleet of merchant ships. But her greatest legacy is her new powers—the ability to control sky, earth, fire and water. Thrust into a new world, she is now part of a secret society, serving as ambassador to kings and courts around the globe.

  Hurled onto distant shores, she meets her greatest challenge—a warrior prince whose love is so fierce that it threatens to destroy both their lives.

  Together, they face ruthless enemies and royal intrigue, fighting for their very survival and a chance for enduring love.


  Book Three: Princess of Nature Series

  By Cassandra Finnerty

  Aisling and Prince Drayaen return home to Ireland in time to celebrate the holidays. But their festivities are short-lived.

  New enemies are threatening their way of life.

  As dark forces swirl around them, Aisling and the prince must destroy their adversaries to protect each other and everything they love.



  What new challenges do Aisling and the prince face as they embark on their journey?

  How is the prince adjusting to life at sea?

  What are the implications for Aisling’s magic, as she acquires new daggers?

  Why is the prince concerned about their trek to see the Nawab?

  After they leave India, what new insights does Aisling have about her powers?

  How does the prince continue to evolve during his time with Aisling?

  As they battle the King of Floe, what observations do they have about good and evil?

  How has Aisling changed history?

  Conversation with Cassandra Finnerty

  Author of Princess of Wind and Sea

  Today, we’re with Cassandra Finnerty, to talk about her upcoming release.

  Q: Princess of Wind and Sea is your second novel. Can you tell us about the story?

  Yes, it’s the sequel to the Princess of Sky, Earth, Fire and Water.

  The story begins after Aisling and the prince leave the East Kingdom, in 1773.

  In the first novel, Aisling inherits a fleet of ships and secret powers. She’s given a quest to help Prince Drayaen and King Yi fight dark forces in the East Kingdom.

  As she and the Prince battle for survival, they fall in love and are married in the Palace of the Cherry Blossoms.

  After a brief visit to the Island of Crystal Waters for their honeymoon, they embark on a journey back to Ireland.

  The second book follows their trek across the globe as they fight formidable enemies. Ais
ling is given a second challenge and has twelve months to achieve her mission.

  She must change history.

  Q; Can you tell us some of the locations in book two?

  There are a number of exotic locales in The Princess of Wind and Sea. Aisling’s ships travel through the Straits of Melaka to India and then on to the island of Mauritius. A pivotal location in the book is the fictional Kingdom of Lions, where her powers are tested. There are other exciting places that are highlighted, including Gibraltar, Spain, France, England, and Ireland.

  Q: What kind of challenges do Aisling and Prince Drayaen face as they trek across the globe?

  As their enemies become more formidable, Aisling realizes her limitations. Due to unforeseen incidents, her power increases during their journey. As she’s adjusting, so is the prince. He realizes that her control over the environment is growing while his is diminishing. It’s a difficult situation. As they battle for survival, they must rely on each other and make some challenging decisions.

  Q: Is there another book, after Princess of Wind and Sea?

  Yes, it’s called Princess of the Emerald Valleys.

  In Book Three, the prince and princess return to Ireland and discover that enemies close to home are threatening their way of life.

  Together, they must fight the dark forces and protect everything they love.

  Thanks, Cassandra, for the overview of the Princess of Nature Series.

  Interviewed by Castle Swan Media.


  Cassandra Finnerty is the author of action-adventure, fantasy and romance. She has a passion for magical settings, and loves to transport readers to unexpected places.

  She enjoys creating bold, untamed, and endearing characters who struggle to overcome their flaws. Her debut novel, Princess of Sky, Earth, Fire and Water, was inspired by a joy of travel, both real and imagined.

  Her enthusiasm for dramatic weather—preferably while sitting next to a cozy fire—is incorporated into her books. She enjoys writing about castles, mystical powers, lush landscapes, and stormy seas.


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