The WRONG Brother: A Friends to Lovers Romantic Comedy (Love You Forever Book 1)

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The WRONG Brother: A Friends to Lovers Romantic Comedy (Love You Forever Book 1) Page 10

by Alexis Winter

  I wake in the morning when my alarm goes off. I groan as I reach over to silence it. Once it’s silent, I roll in the opposite direction, hoping I’ll find Calvin beside me, but the bed is empty. In his place is a pink piece of paper from the notepad I keep by the bed. It reads:

  * * *


  Sorry I had to run off. It was getting late and I needed to get to work early. I’ll lock the door behind me. And whatever you do, don’t stress over what happened. Don’t ruin the memory. Leave it as it is: perfect. Talk to you soon.


  * * *

  I smile as I read over the note. Weirdly enough, it makes my body tingle all over again. I read it once more and giggle. He knows me so well. He knew that, left alone long enough, I would’ve overanalyzed everything that happened between us. I’m still wondering where this leaves us, but I won’t jump to conclusions. I push the memory of last night out of my head as I stand and head toward the bathroom to shower and get ready for work.

  An hour later, I’m walking out the door with my purse, laptop bag, and coffee. I put everything into the passenger seat and start the car. I’m backing out of the drive when my cell rings over the car speakers. I look at the screen and see his name. I smile as I accept the call.


  “Good morning, beautiful. I was thinking I could bring over some takeout tonight and we could have our movie night. What do you think?”

  I smile just from thinking about getting to spend another night in his arms. “Sounds great.”

  “Be there around 7 p.m.?”

  “I’ll see you then,” I agree.

  “Okay, I’ll talk to you later.”



  “I just wanted to say I had a lot of fun with you last night. And thank you for leaving that note. Sometimes it seems like you know me better than I do.”

  “I had a lot of fun with you too. Bye, beautiful.”

  He hangs up the phone and goosebumps prickle my skin just from hearing his voice and the way he called me beautiful. My gut reaction is to start picking this whole thing apart, but I refuse to let myself do that. I know that if I do, I’ll freak out and panic, ruining whatever this is between us. And I’m nowhere near done.

  Riley and I go out to lunch at our favorite sandwich shop. We’re sitting at a table outside while we eat and drink our tea. “So, what did you do last night?” she asks, just to make conversation.

  I don’t answer but I feel my face grow 10 degrees hotter.

  She smiles as she takes me in. “Tell me! I have to know now.”

  “Well, Calvin called yesterday while Preston was over. It was the first time Preston and I had talked since the whole ordeal. It wasn’t long after Preston left that Calvin showed up to check on me and make sure I was okay. Then we may have . . . sort of . . . uh, we hooked up.”

  Her eyes grow wide as her mouth drops open. “You had sex with your best friend’s brother? The best friend you just claimed to be in love with?”

  I roll my eyes and nod. “Yes, but before you go ruining this, I need to say I didn’t sleep with Cal as an attempt to get over Preston or as any kind of replacement. Got that?”

  She holds up her hands, showing me her palms. “How do you explain it then?”

  I take a bite out of my sandwich—chewing slowly and swallowing while thinking over my answer. “Okay, look, Calvin and I grew up together. I was closer to Preston than him, but still. Pres was the one I went to when I wanted to have fun and do something. But Calvin was the one I went to when I was hurt or in trouble. He’s helped me out of every bad situation I’ve ever been in, which is why he showed up last night. He knew things between Preston and me weren’t good. He wanted to make sure Preston didn’t make them worse. And then, one thing just led to another. Lately—and I mean, before I even took Preston to that show—I’ve been having surprising feelings for Calvin.”

  “I don’t think this was a random hookup, Piper.”

  “You don’t?”

  She shakes her head. “If everything you said is true, I think he’s had feelings for you this whole time. I mean, what kind of guy is always there to pick up a girl who’s down if he isn’t in love with her?”

  I roll my eyes. “That’s just Calvin. He would do the same for you, or any woman, for that matter. He’s sweet and kind. He’s a gentleman.”

  “Show me a picture.”

  “What? No!”

  “Come on. Show me or I’ll just look him up on Insta.”

  I know she will, too. “Fine.” I dig my phone out of my bag and search through the photos. His Insta account mostly advertises his law office. In every picture, he’s in a tailored suit and looks professional. I want to show her a picture of him looking laid back and easygoing. I flip through the pictures on my phone until I find one of the three of us from my recent trip home. It’s a picture I had our waitress snap after we’d finished eating.

  In the picture, I’m between Preston and Calvin. I hand over the phone and watch as her eyes move from the screen, to me, and back. Her eyes widen and her lips turn up into a smile. “Girl, what’s wrong with you? Calvin is wayyy hotter than Preston.”

  I giggle. “He kind of is, isn’t he?” It’s funny how I never really saw it before. And if I did see it, I was too blinded by Preston to fully accept it.

  “This boy is in love with you.”

  I take my phone back and snort. “How do you know?” I look at the picture again.

  “Look at the three of you. Preston has his arm over your shoulder like you’re just any old buddy. But Calvin has his hand on your hip. And his fingers are curled slightly, like he’s trying to pull you closer to him. He looks tall. Is he tall?”

  I smile at the picture before putting my phone away and nod. “He is tall. He’s tall and lean and . . . big.” My eyes stretch wide and she giggles.

  “How big?”

  I lean in and whisper. “Bigger than anyone I’ve ever been with. Like, I-was-afraid-he’d-rip-me-in-two big.”

  She laughs and licks her lips like she’s picturing it. “Lucky bitch,” she breathes out jokingly.

  The rest of the day passes unusually slowly. All I can think about is Calvin coming over tonight. I can’t wait to cuddle up in his arms and spend the rest of the night beneath him. I’m a little sore today, but nothing that’s going to stop me from enjoying him tonight.

  I wonder if I should tell Preston that Calvin and I are spending so much time together, but at the same time, I don’t want to tell him we’re doing something we’re not, and I don’t exactly know what we’re doing yet. This is all so new. I don’t want to jinx anything. Plus, how would Preston react to the news that his older brother is screwing his best friend—the one who just confessed her love for him? I think it’s best to keep this a secret for now.

  When I finish up with work, I go home to take a shower and prepare for our movie night. I shave my legs, put on a touch of makeup, and blow-dry my hair. I put on a cute pair of pajama shorts—the kind that leaves the bottom of my booty hanging out slightly—and pair them with a tight white spaghetti strap top, sans bra. I’m reaching for a bottle of wine when the doorbell rings.

  “It’s open!” I call out as I grab a wine glass.

  I hear it open and turn around expecting to see Calvin, but I’m surprised to see Preston instead. His eyes grow wide when he sees what I’m wearing.

  I jump behind the island, trying to hide myself. “What are you doing here?” I ask in a panic.

  He laughs. “You said to come in. What if I’d been the cable guy?”

  “You were supposed to be who I’m waiting on right now.”

  “Oh, trying to get me out of your system by banging some other dude, huh?” He offers up a grin.

  I force a smile. “Something like that. Now, if you don’t need anything, I’m going to have to ask you to leave. I already have plans as you can see.”

  He laughs and nods. “Yeah, okay, just make sure h
e wraps it up well.”

  I shake my head as I walk out from behind the island and grab his bicep to lead him to the door. He thinks it’s hilarious. “Damn, Pipes, you’re looking good. Sure you don’t want me to warm you up for him? I mean, I’ll take one for the team if you know what I mean.”

  He’s only joking, but it’s annoying me, because I want him out before Calvin gets here. I don’t know what it is we’re doing yet, but I know I don’t want anyone to know about it.

  I open the door, ready to push Preston through it, but freeze when Calvin is on the other side. His icy eyes look me up and down with a smirk.

  “Hey, man,” Preston says, slapping him on the shoulder, “she’s about to get laid, so you can’t stay. She’s already kicking me out.”

  I push him through the door.

  Calvin smirks. “I won’t stay long,” he tells Preston. “But there is something we need to talk about,” he adds on, looking at me.

  I roll my eyes and open the door wider. “Better make it quick.”

  Preston laughs as he makes his way to his car. Calvin steps inside and the moment the door’s shut, I find myself pressed against it. His mouth is on mine and my legs are wrapped around his waist. His hands are on my ass, caressing the soft skin my shorts don’t cover.

  “Is this how you normally dress for dinner and a movie?” he asks, assaulting my lips.

  I offer up a flirty smile. “I figured I’d want to be comfy for a night on the couch. You like?”

  “I love,” he agrees, moving his mouth back to mine. His lips move from mine down to my neck and upper chest. Finally, he takes a deep breath and pulls away. “The food should be here any minute and I’d rather not answer the door with an erection.”

  I giggle. “Good thinking. The poor delivery boy would probably think you’re hiding a weapon in there to rob him.”

  He rolls his eyes as he sets me on my feet. “Very funny.”

  Even though I’m standing, I don’t release my arms from around his neck. “I guess I could answer the door . . . that way, we could keep doing this,” I say, letting one hand glide down his chest toward his pants, where he catches my hand.

  “If you think I’m letting another man see you like this, you’re crazy. It’s bad enough my brother got a look at you.” He reaches up and traces the outline of my nipple through my shirt. It hardens immediately.

  I snort. “Preston saw the whole package long ago.”

  “My brother’s seen you naked? Remind me to punch him for that later,” he says around a smile.

  I open my mouth to say something, but someone knocks on the door.

  “Go get the wine, and I’ll grab the food,” Calvin says, watching me walk away.

  I find two glasses and a bottle of wine. When I walk back into the living room, he’s already arranging the food on the table. I set down the bottle and two glasses.

  “Where’s the movie? I’ll put it in.”

  He opens his jacket and pulls the movie out of the inner pocket, handing it over. I move to the TV and put in the DVD. When I turn around, he’s taking off his jacket and tie.

  I walk up to him and look in his eyes as I start to unbutton his shirt.

  He smirks. “What are you doing?”

  “It’s movie night. We can’t stuff our faces with Chinese food if you’re wearing a suit and dress shirt. Let me help you with that.” I unbutton his shirt and push it over his shoulders, revealing the undershirt beneath. I grab his belt and unfasten it, pulling it off in one swift motion. I look at his pants. They don’t look comfortable, but what can we do about that now? “You need to bring some more comfortable clothes over here for occasions like this.”

  He rolls his eyes. “I was hoping to end up naked anyway.”

  “Oh, we’ll get there. But I don’t think eating hot sauce while naked is a good idea.”

  The two of us take our seats on the couch and start the movie. I’m surprised to find that Calvin has managed to procure all of my favorite selections. There’s orange chicken, fried rice, eggs rolls, lo mein noodles, and extra packets of soy sauce. I pick up an egg roll and add some soy sauce. “How did you know what to get? This is always my exact order.”

  He smirks as he eats his grilled chicken and white rice. “I figured anything fried was a must.”

  I laugh and shake my head, playfully smacking him across the chest.

  “You’re a medical mystery. How anyone can consume alcohol and eat nothing but fried foods as much as you and still have that figure is beyond me.”

  I give him a bigger smile than necessary. “I’m one of a kind.”

  After we eat, the food gets pushed away as we lie on the couch watching the movie. I’m wedged between the back of the couch and Calvin’s chest, resting my head on his toned pec. His hand is absentmindedly running through my hair.

  “You know what’s funny?” I ask him.

  “What’s that?”

  “That weekend we all spent at home, my dad said something about how I needed to find a man like you, and Preston burst out laughing. He said we’re complete opposites and that we’d never get along long enough to have a relationship.”

  “And what did you say?”

  I smile as I remember. “I said we’d have to connect on a deeper level. That, or you’d have to be really good in bed.” I giggle out the last part.

  “And which one stands true?”

  “Both,” I answer, turning my head to look up at him.

  His hand moves up to cup my cheek, holding me in place as his lips move to mine. They’re soft and strong and warm and sweet. He kisses me slowly, teasingly. He’s not pushing for more. He’s simply enjoying having his lips on mine. But the longer we kiss, the more my body tingles and comes to life. I find myself crawling up his body, moving to straddle him.

  His hands find my hips and he squeezes them tightly, gently grinding me against his hardness.

  “Take me to bed, Calvin,” I whisper into our kiss.

  On demand, he holds me tightly against him as he stands and walks us into my room. He lays me down and covers my body with his, kissing his way up to my lips while our hands messily rip off each other’s clothing.

  When we’re fully undressed, he kisses his way down my body, just like he did last night, but I stop him before he gets to my center. I place my hand on his jaw and tilt his head up until his icy blue eyes are locked on mine.

  “I want to taste you tonight, Calvin.”

  “Are you sure?” he asks, sounding a little nervous.

  I’m quite aware of the mouthful he has going on, but I’m absolutely sure. I nod.

  He climbs back up my body, pressing kisses along the way until he’s at my side. I sit up and get between his legs, watching his face as I unbutton and unzip his pants. He lifts his hips and allows me to pull them down to his thighs. His hard cock springs free and stands at attention. I work my hand up and down the silky skin as I wet my lips. I look at him one last time as I’m going down. His eyes are hooded with desire, burning with passion.

  I slide his tip into my mouth and run my tongue around it. He takes a hissing breath. Slowly, I work my way down his length, using my hand to pump what can’t fit down my throat. I’ve never been turned on by a man’s moans, but Calvin’s are like nothing I’ve ever heard. They’re a mix of heavy breathing, whispered pleas, and soft whimpers. He has one hand fisted in my hair, while the other is tangled in the sheet. It doesn’t take long before he’s pleading with me to stop, but I don’t. I want to taste his release. I want his sweetness on my tongue. I want to taste what I do to him.

  With one last warning, his orgasm washes over him and he spills himself into my mouth. I swallow down every squirt he gives me while continuing to suck. When it’s clear there’s nothing left, I pull back, ready to slide a condom down his length, but his hand that’s tangled in my hair pulls me upward, his mouth landing on mine.

  I know a lot of men won’t kiss a girl after she’s gone down on them, but Calvin isn’t afraid or ho
lding back. He kisses me hard—so full of passion. While I’m seeing stars from our kiss, his cock grows stiff again, and it presses against my opening like it has a mind of its own. I move my hips against him, trailing his tip between my folds and spreading my wetness. When his hand reaches up and pinches my hard nipple, I’m no longer in control. I push down on him, sliding him inside me. We both let out relieved moans at the connection.

  Instead of telling me to stop or get a condom, his hands land on my hips, lifting me up and dropping me back down his length until I can take all of him. I never knew how good it felt to be stretched so tightly. There’s pain, but there’s so much pleasure, and it mixes together like a delicious cocktail. I grind my clit against his pubic bone, and before I know it, I’m shattering on top of him, coming undone in every way possible.

  When my release ends, he lifts me up and flips me over, entering me from behind. This position makes him feel even bigger, and it has me moaning and panting as he pushes me over the edge again.

  He still doesn’t let himself go. He pulls out of me and lays me on my back, positioning himself between my thighs. He slides into me as his chest presses against mine. He kisses me softly and slowly, and I can’t help but notice the difference. Before was rough and hard and rushed. Now he’s taking his time with me and savoring the experience. Both ways feel amazing, and I can’t help but hold on to him, kiss him back, and cry out his name.



  I’m absolutely fucking lost in her. I’ve never craved a woman as badly as I want her. I’ve never gone back for seconds—not unless we were actually dating and in some sort of relationship. But Piper and I haven’t discussed what this is—what we are. I don’t want to push her to jump into something she isn’t ready for. I mean, less than a week ago, she thought she was in love with my little brother. And now, here we are, fucking without a condom.


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