The WRONG Brother: A Friends to Lovers Romantic Comedy (Love You Forever Book 1)

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The WRONG Brother: A Friends to Lovers Romantic Comedy (Love You Forever Book 1) Page 11

by Alexis Winter

  I don’t know if I’m sort of a Band-Aid to cover the pain Preston left behind, but right now, I couldn’t care less. I’ll be whatever she needs me to be, as long as I get to have her for a little while. Sure, I hope this opens her eyes and she realizes what she thought she felt for Preston was nothing more than some silly crush. I hope she realizes I’ve been there for her throughout the years because I’m in love with her. I hope this is the start of a long relationship for us, and that we can move on to getting married, having kids, and growing old together. But I don’t have my hopes up. Right now, all I can think about is keeping myself buried in her for as long as possible.

  I pump into her until I can’t hold back another second. Then it dawns on me that I’m not wearing a condom and we didn’t talk about how this would end. Should I pull out? Since the rules haven’t been discussed, it’s better to be safe than sorry. When my release makes its way to the surface, I pull out and use my hand to pump myself up and down, spilling every last drop onto her stomach. My heart is racing and my lungs are doubling their efforts to get me the oxygen I need. I rest my head on the pillow between her head and shoulder while keeping my body off of hers until I can get up to grab a towel.

  She runs her hand through my hair, gently tugging at the strands. I lift my head and kiss her softly. “I’ll go get a towel.” I give her one last quick kiss before removing myself from her completely and walking into the connected bathroom. I use the bathroom and wash my hands before studying my reflection in the mirror. My eyes are lit up with happiness and the usual soft lines around my eyes have faded away. With her, there’s no effort. I don’t have to try or force anything. I feel like when we’re together, we’re still just a couple of kids.

  I turn away from my reflection and grab a towel, taking it back to the bed. I sit on the edge and wipe her stomach clean, then toss the towel onto the floor and lie at her side. Without having to ask, she rolls into me, wrapping me up in her arms and legs and holding me close. I can feel her heart pounding against my side even though her breathing has evened out. Her warmth sinks into me and I know this is exactly where I want to spend the rest of my life.

  I run my hand up and down her back as we both try to calm our bodies. There’s nothing but silence, but it’s a comfortable one. There’s no awkwardness between us. Only comfort, acceptance, and maybe even love.

  “Can I ask you a question?” she asks, breaking the silence.

  I chuckle. “I think you already did.”

  I practically hear her eyes roll. “Have you always felt this way about me?”

  Ah, the dreaded question. Because now I have to explain that while she was chasing after my brother, I had to sit back and watch. Every time, it broke my heart a little more. “Well, I wouldn’t say always. It’s been going on for years though.”

  “I’m so sorry I never saw it. You must have felt awful every time I came to you crying about how Preston didn’t have feelings for me.”

  “It wasn’t awful, because each time you did, it gave me hope that it would be the last time—that you’d finally wake up and move on from him.”

  She doesn’t reply, so I ask, “This thing we’re doing, have you ever thought about it before?”

  She takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly. “Growing up, I didn’t see you like that. You were older and weren’t around much by the time I really started looking at boys. I remember there being a few times when you came home from college and I stood back and thought, ‘Wow, he’s really growing up.’ But that was it. Until your recent phone call.”

  “What phone call?” I ask, confused.

  “When Preston and I were leaving the beach and you called because you were on your way home too. You laughed about something—I don’t remember what—but it made my body come alive. There were tingles and I was so confused because: one, I couldn’t even see you, and two, you were Calvin. I couldn’t have feelings for Calvin. That night, I was so nervous to go out with you guys. And even though I tried to focus on Preston, you kept stealing my attention. I couldn’t deny how good-looking you were and the effect you seemed to have on me.”

  “So this isn’t just because Preston is no longer an option for you?” I ask and feel stupid for doing so. This one question could ruin whatever it is we’re doing.

  She rolls onto her stomach and looks up at me. Her green eyes are shining and the corners of her pink lips are turned slightly upward. “This—you and me—has nothing to do with Preston. If anything, he just took himself out of the picture so I could see you more clearly. You no longer have that filter over you. Everything is stripped away now. I can see you for you. And when I look at you, I see the guy who was always there to pick me up when I needed him most. Even when I didn’t know I needed him.”

  I don’t know what I was expecting, but her answer is perfect and I press my lips to hers again—a kiss that’s long and deep. When it ends, she lays her head back on my chest and I run my fingers through her honey-colored curls.

  “I want to take you out. On a real date.”

  I feel her cheek move against my chest when she smiles. “I’d like that,” she agrees.

  In the morning, I have to leave early again in order to make it to work on time. I’m used to living in the heart of the city, and being able to roll of out bed, shower, dress, and drive a few blocks to get to the office. But her place isn’t in the center of the city like my apartment. It’s off in the suburbs. If I don’t get a head start, I’ll be stuck in traffic all morning. I quickly write her a note and get on my way as I plan our date night.

  I manage to have a dress delivered to her office with shoes, jewelry, and flowers. The attached card explains that tonight is date night and I have everything covered. It’s going on noon when she calls.

  “Calvin, this is too much. You don’t have to do all of this, you know.”

  “I know I don’t, but I wanted to. Everything is planned out. All you have to do is show up.”

  “You’re so stupid,” she says, but I hear her smile and know that’s her little way of saying I love you without using those words.

  “I’ll see you at 7 p.m.” I hang up the phone and see that I have a text confirming our reservation at the Capital Grille. I also got us the best room at the Gwen, and it’s already being prepared for our arrival. I’ve ordered chocolate-covered strawberries, champagne, rose petals, and a nice hot, bubble bath in the deep porcelain tub. Tonight is going to be the most romantic night of Piper’s life. I’m going to make sure of it.

  After getting all the preparations ready, I start to think about all the guys she’s dated. Her first boyfriend’s name was Bryan. He was on the baseball team and was friends with Preston. I think he set them up, but he also broke them up when Preston felt Pipes was too busy to hang out with him anymore. At the time, I thought it was funny. I thought that maybe watching her with another guy had made him realize he wanted her too, but that wasn’t the case.

  Then she dated Matt, the quarterback. He was the one who escorted her to her junior prom and took her virginity. When Preston found out, he beat the shit out of him and was suspended from the team for a week. I thought that was funny too. I assumed it would open his eyes for certain, but sure enough, he was just as blind as ever.

  I don’t know much about the guys she dated in college, because she and Preston weren’t together much. I know he mentioned her dating some yacht-owning asshole, but as far as I know, they didn’t last long.

  I guess my only real competition romance-wise would’ve been from Richie Rich, since I know a couple of high school kids never could’ve pulled off something like this. I want to impress her. I want her to see that there’s nothing I wouldn’t do for her. No distance I wouldn’t walk for her. I just want her to see that I’m absolutely sure about us and where we’re going, even if it is still new.

  When I get home from work, I strip out of my suit and go for a shower. I wash and shave my face, style my hair, and wrap a towel around my waist as I head into my walk-in close
t to find something to wear. I’m surprised when, as I’m walking past my open bedroom door, I find Preston sitting on the couch in the living room. I pause, take a step back, and do a double take to ensure I’m not seeing things.

  “What are you doing here?” I ask, finally walking into the living room.

  “I let myself in. The door was unlocked.”

  I study him, wondering what the hell he’s doing.

  “You got plans tonight? I snagged tickets to see The Killers at the last minute, but Piper refuses to go with me. Something about seeing that guy from the other night. Speaking of which, did you get a peek at him while you were there?”

  I shake my head. “No, she made me leave before he arrived.”

  “Damn, I wonder who she’s seeing. And why is she keeping him hidden? I mean, it’s not like I’m going to chase the guy off.”

  I sit on the couch. “If I remember correctly, you’ve chased off all her boyfriends.”

  “I know, and looking back, that probably wasn’t a good idea. But they weren’t good enough for her. If she’s hiding this guy, she must be ashamed or something. He’s probably just another loser.”

  “Or maybe she wants to get to know him a little better before introducing you two. You know, to ensure you won’t chase this one away too.”

  He snorts. “I’ll only chase him off if he isn’t good enough. I don’t want her getting stuck with some unemployed loser who will just use her for her money and sleep with all her girlfriends.”

  I shrug, not sure what to say. I need to appear to be on his side so I don’t raise suspicion, but I’m on Piper’s side on this one.

  “So, anyway, about tonight?” he asks, raising his brow, blue eyes hopeful.

  “Sorry, man. I can’t. I have a business dinner at the Capital Grille.”

  “Blow it off!”

  “I can’t, Pres. This is a new client. I can’t reschedule our first meeting. I’d lose the chance for sure. I’m sorry, but I’m sure you’ll find someone.” I walk him toward the door, not giving him a chance to argue. At the last second, I push him through it and close it in his face, locking it this time so he can’t walk in again.

  I dress in my nicest suit and get a call when the limo has arrived. I go downstairs and climb into the back seat, setting the bouquet of flowers on the seat next to me. For the next hour, I sit and wait as the driver navigates through evening traffic. Finally, the limo arrives at her house, and I grab the flowers to take to the door.

  She opens it wearing the dress I picked out. She looks gorgeous. The white dress ends at her knee, the skirt loose and flowing around her tanned legs. The top of the dress has amazing beadwork that sparkles and shimmers when the light hits it. It’s low-cut, but still respectable, and sleeveless, showing off those sun-kissed shoulders of hers. Her hair is beautiful—half pulled back so it doesn’t hide her face, but still long and curled as it hangs down her back. She’s put on makeup, but it isn’t a lot. It’s just enough to highlight her features and showcase my favorite part: her sparkling green eyes.

  “You look . . . beautiful,” I breathe out.

  She smiles. “Are those for me?” She nods toward the forgotten flowers I’m holding at my side.

  “Oh, yeah.” I hold them out and she takes them with a giggle. She brings them to her nose and inhales their scent before grabbing a vase and filling it with water before adding the flowers. Then she smiles as she loops her arm through mine and we walk to the awaiting limo. I allow her to crawl in first, then I slide in behind her. The door closes and we’re alone.

  “Wine?” I ask, grabbing the bottle.

  “Sure.” She smiles and it steals my breath while making my heart beat harder. “You really didn’t have to do all of this, Calvin. It’s too much.”

  “It’s not too much.” I hand her a glass. “It’s perfect. Tonight is all about you relaxing.” I clink my glass off of hers and we each take a sip.

  She giggles and says, “We need to figure out what we’re going to do about Preston. He’s driving me crazy. I basically had to kick him out of my house when I told him I couldn’t go to the concert with him. Then he demanded to know the name of the person I’m dating.”

  I laugh. “I know. He came by my place too.”

  “What did you tell him?”

  “That I had a business dinner with a new client.” I take another drink. “What do you want to tell him?”

  “Honestly, right now, I don’t want to tell him anything. I like being in our own little bubble, don’t you?”

  “I just like being with you, Piper.”

  She gives me a small smile. “I just want to be sure of what we’re doing before we tell everyone. You know what everyone is going to think—that I’m just with you because I couldn’t get Preston. Things are still so early and everything’s going great. I don’t want anyone coming between us.”

  “So you want to wait?”

  She nods her head. “If that’s okay with you.”

  I pick up her hand and press a kiss to the back. “I’ll do anything you want, as long as I get to spend time with you like this. Just us. No Preston. No expectations. No strings. Just us.”

  “I’ll drink to that,” she says, knocking her glass off mine and taking a drink.

  The drive to the restaurant seems to go by in no time now that I have her beside me. We touch and kiss and laugh on our way to dinner. The ride ends far too soon for my liking, but I get the whole night with her.

  We go into the restaurant and are seated right away. She looks around the place in amazement. “I’ve never been here before.”

  “No?” I ask as I’m pushing in her chair.

  She shakes her head. “No, I’m usually found around coffee carts and taco bars.”

  I laugh as I take my seat across from her. “Well, this place is amazing. Order anything and everything you want.”

  The waiter comes over and I order us a bottle of wine while she reads over the menu. We end up settling on crab cakes to start, then she orders some kind of pasta for dinner. Dessert is the best. We share a triple chocolate brownie topped with chocolate syrup, whipped cream, and nuts. By the time I’m paying the bill and we’re leaving, I couldn’t eat another bite.

  As the two of us are walking out, we bump into Preston. He looks me up and down, then does the same to Piper. “What the hell are you two doing here? I thought you said you had a date?” he asks her.

  “Uh, I lied,” she says, not sounding very convincing.

  He looks at me. “And I thought you said you had a business dinner.”

  “I did,” I lie. “My new client is Piper.” I just blurted it out without thinking it through. Fuck.

  His face wrinkles. “Piper?” He looks at her. “Why do you need a lawyer?”

  Her eyes are wide with fear and panic. “Um, I need a lawyer because . . . I’m suing you!” she announces.

  He looks taken aback. “Suing me?” he points at his chest.

  She looks like she’s kicking herself.

  “Why would you sue me?”

  “Because you humiliated me on that show! I’m suing for de . . . what’s it called?” She looks at me.

  “Defamation?” I ask, trying to play along with her story.

  “Defam . . . what?” he asks, looking between the two of us. “What the hell does that mean?”

  “Oh, and emotional distress. That too,” she adds on. I can tell she’s proud of herself for coming up with this plan on the spot—anything to protect our secret.

  “You have emotional distress? From me? If you sue, I’m countersuing.”

  I hold up my hands. “Okay, now wait a minute. We discussed it over dinner and I’ve managed to talk Piper out of the lawsuit. Right, Piper?”

  She looks at me, surprised I’m taking his side, but then she quickly realizes she doesn’t actually want to sue Preston. She nods. “That’s right. You’d better suck up to your brother, cause your ass would’ve been getting handed to you right now.”

  I ca
n’t help the smirk that pulls at my lips.

  “Piper, you were really going to sue me?” He sounds a little hurt.

  She rolls her eyes. “Don’t take it so personally, Preston. I was just trying to teach you a lesson. I doubt it would’ve gone to trial.”

  He scoffs, mouth hanging open. “Whatever. So are you two free now? We can grab some drinks and hang out, and you can tell me more about why you wanted to take me to court.”

  “I actually have to get back home. I have an early morning.”

  I nod. “Yeah, me too. We can catch up in a day or two.”

  The two of us walk out, keeping as much distance between us as possible before making our way to the limo once Preston is out of sight.

  We drive around the city for a little while, sipping our wine, and watching the lights on the fountain change colors before finally heading to the hotel.

  “I didn’t know I needed to pack for an overnight trip.”

  I shoot her a grin. “That’s okay. You won’t need clothes for what I have planned.” I step out and offer her my hand.



  The whole night has been absolutely perfect. Dinner was amazing and I stuffed myself completely full. Running into Preston wasn’t great, but I think I covered for us well. I could have died laughing from the face he made when I said I was going to sue him. It’s a good thing I can think on my toes. I even surprised Calvin.

  He takes me up to our suite and it’s gorgeous. There’s a fancy sitting room that looks like a living room. There’s a full kitchen and dining area, and a bedroom with a balcony that overlooks the city.

  There’s a trail of rose petals leading the way to the bed, and I follow them until I’m in the bedroom, where I reach behind me to unzip my dress. Calvin walks up to my back and presses a kiss to my neck as his hand lowers the zipper.

  “We have a nice, hot bath waiting for us,” he says softly in my ear.

  I can’t help the embarrassment that stains my cheeks as my dress falls down my body to the floor. I made sure to wear the sexiest bra and panty set I had. They’re both white, made of lace, and completely see-through. I go to take a step toward the bathroom, but he stops me with a hand on my hip.


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