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The WRONG Brother: A Friends to Lovers Romantic Comedy (Love You Forever Book 1)

Page 13

by Alexis Winter

  It’s going on 2 p.m. when we’re both back at her place with our bags packed. She has her suitcase sitting by the door when I walk in.

  “Hey!” I call out, not finding her anywhere in sight.

  “In here,” I hear her say from the bedroom.

  I walk through the living room and down the hall to the bedroom. The door is open and she’s lying in bed completely naked, wearing nothing but my tie.

  I smile as I walk deeper into the room, shutting the door behind me. “What’s this?” I ask, already pulling my shirt over my head.

  She giggles. “I have to go all weekend without touching you. I’m going to need a fix before we leave.”

  “Ask and you shall receive,” I say, jumping onto the bed and making her squeal. My mouth lands on hers while my hips find their place between her parted legs. Her hands wrap around my waist, pulling my body down to hers.

  “What time is Preston supposed to be here?” she whispers against my lips.

  “We have one hour and counting.”

  We walk out of the bedroom only minutes before Preston walks in the front door. “Let’s get this show on the road! Cal, you driving?”

  I grab Piper’s suitcase to take to the car. “Yeah, I’m driving.”

  “Great!” he cheers. “Now Pipes and I can do some booze cruising on the way. What do you say, Piper?”

  “Drinking illegally while trapped on a long car ride? I think I’ll pass, but feel free to drink it up in the back seat—I’m calling shotgun!”

  He groans. “Man, I’m too big to ride in that little-ass back seat.”

  She laughs as we head toward the door. “Then be a good boy and maybe I’ll trade you at the halfway point.”

  Preston snorts with her comment but doesn’t argue. He knows as well as I do that she’s serious.

  The start of the drive is normal and slow. But before we even hit the halfway point, Preston gets the idea to liven things up with a game of Would You Rather.

  “Piper, would you rather drink 20 shots of tequila or 20 shots of bear urine?”

  She laughs. “What kind of question is that? Tequila, no doubt.”

  “But you loathe tequila,” he points out.

  “If it comes to drinking tequila over bear piss, I’d do it every day of the week.”

  I shake my head at the game they’ve played since we were kids.

  “Preston, would you rather have to sleep with every girl you’ve ever done anything with, or go the rest of your life without sex of any kind?” she asks him.

  “Like, I’d have to sleep with every single girl I’ve done anything with—sex, head, kissing, all of it?”

  “That’s right,” she replies.

  “That isn’t fair. Some of those were nasty drunken kisses.”

  She shrugs. “Too bad. Screw them all or never again?”

  “I don’t know. I know there are a few I wouldn’t touch even with Calvin’s dick. I guess no sex ever . . . No, wait. There aren’t that many I’m ashamed of. Maybe it’d be worth it to get them out of the way first so I could enjoy the others. But Wendy . . . ugh. No. No sex.”

  “Final answer?” I laugh out.

  “No sex ever again,” he decides. “Calvin . . .” he starts.

  “Oh, no. This is your little game,” I point out.

  “Fine. Piper, if you had to choose, would you rather screw Calvin or me?”

  She looks nervously at me. “Calvin,” she answers quickly.

  “What? Why?”

  She turns and looks over her shoulder at him with a smile. “Because by sleeping with you, our friendship would be over. But with Calvin, who knows what would happen? Maybe I’d fall in love and find my Prince Charming.”

  I shoot her a wink as Preston laughs. “You and Calvin? I don’t see it working out, but whatever. It’s just a game.”

  The game goes on a little while longer, but before I know it, Preston is passed out in the back seat.

  “Shhh,” Piper says, “he’s finally asleep. Don’t stop or he’ll take my seat.”

  I quietly laugh. “How do you know he’s asleep now and not 30 minutes ago when he finally shut up?”

  “Hear that?” She points back at him and I strain to listen. “He only makes that little whimpering sound when he’s really asleep.”

  I listen harder, and now that she’s pointed it out, he does make a little whimpering sound before taking another breath. I laugh and shake my head. “I’m related to the guy. You’d think that would be something that I—not you—would know about him.”

  She shrugs as she reaches for her water bottle. “I’ve slept next to him a lot over the years. When he sleeps like that, you could probably wreck this car and not wake him.”

  “Good to know,” I say quietly. Then, with a devious look in my eye, I lift my ass off the seat slightly. “Road head?” I whisper.

  She laughs loudly and playfully smacks me across the chest.

  As the trip goes on, the sun goes down. Preston wakes up right when Piper calls a padiddle.

  “Why are you two playing that game? That’s only a game you play when you’re trying to get laid.”

  “We were just bored, Pres. And no, that’s only a game you play when YOU want to get laid. The rest of us play it like normal-ass people.”

  In the rearview mirror, I see him rub his eyes. “Where are we? How much longer until we’re home?”

  “Just a few minutes. We’re about to get off the interstate now,” I answer.

  “Hey, you were supposed to trade seats!” He bumps her seat, causing her to spill her water down her chin.

  She laughs and wipes it dry. “I would’ve, but you were asleep.”

  “Looks like I get shotgun the whole way back then.”

  “What? No way!” she argues.

  “Yes way. I’m calling it now.”

  She spins around to face him. “It doesn’t work that way and you know it. You can only call shotgun as we’re getting in the car, not three days beforehand!”

  “Calvin, tell her how hard it is to scrunch your tall body into a little back seat.” He tries playing me against her.

  “Not doing it, dude. If it’s up to me, I’m choosing her every time. She’s prettier than you. And she smells better.”

  He shakes his head, crosses his arms over his chest, and sits back, waiting out the rest of the ride.

  A little while later, the three of us are pulling into my parents’ driveway. We all climb out and I pop the trunk to get our bags. Preston grabs his and starts toward the door. “See ya tomorrow, Pipes.”

  “I’ll carry your suitcase across the street if you want,” I tell her.

  She smiles up at me. “Thanks.”

  I take my bag out and set it on the concrete to grab it on my way back. I pick up hers and walk with her across the street. At the front door, I set it down and look over my shoulder to make sure Preston isn’t outside to witness our goodnight kiss.

  “I’ll talk to you tomorrow?” I ask, leaning in for a kiss.

  “You better. Or maybe we could even manage to sneak out later tonight for a dip in the hot tub my mom finally talked my dad into buying.”

  “Mmm, that sounds perfect,” I say, pressing my lips to hers. Her arms wrap around my neck, pulling me closer. I put my hands on the small of her back, pulling her against me. Our soft, quick kiss turns to one of passion and need—and maybe anxiousness about parting for the night. The next thing I know, I have her back pressed to the side of the house next to the front door. Her legs are wrapped around my hips and my hand is up her shirt.

  “Cal, where’d you go?” Preston yells from across the street. Thanks to the darkness and the tree in her front yard, he can’t see us.

  I pull back. “I gotta go before we get busted. Text me later and I’ll sneak over.”

  She smiles as I set her on her feet. Her hand is in mine and she doesn’t let go until our arms can no longer stretch. Finally, we have to let go and I walk across the street.

Preston is standing on the front porch. “Where the hell have you been? They’re all over me in there. Go in so they can have their golden son and leave me alone.”

  I laugh as I grab my bag off the ground. “Sorry, I had to carry Piper’s bag across the street for her since you just ran off.” I walk past him, opening the door and stepping into the foyer.

  Mom squeals when she sees me, quickly wrapping me up in a big hug.

  “I’m so happy to see you, Calvin. How’s my boy been?”

  I drop my bag. “Good, good. Where’s Dad?”

  She waves her hand through the air. “Oh, it’s Thursday. Bowling night. Are you hungry? Have you eaten?”

  “I’m starved,” Preston says, stepping behind me.

  “Well, come on boys. Let’s get you fed.”

  Over a plate of spaghetti, we sit and talk and catch up with Mom. She tells us that she’s been busy making all the deserts for the party this year, then goes on to list them off. She asks about the office and talks to Preston about his job. He gives vague answers and instead changes the topic to how I’ve somehow managed to kidnap his best friend and turn her against him.

  Mom laughs at that. “Well, Calvin, what’s going on with you and Piper? You know, I always thought you two would make the perfect couple.”

  “What the hell?” Preston says. “What about me? She’s my friend. Why wouldn’t we make the perfect couple?”

  Mom rolls her icy blue eyes that match mine and my brother’s. “I’m sorry, dear. I just couldn’t see the two of you together. I mean, you hang out for 10 minutes and you’re arguing. But Piper and Calvin,” she turns to look at me, “seem to get along very well. I would always sit back and watch you have your little talks. You were always very good at calming her down, and she was good at getting you to let loose. That’s what a real couple does. Each partner makes up for what the other lacks, so there’s perfect balance. So, are the two of you dating?”

  I snort. “What? No, Mom. We’re just becoming friends again. I think she’s finally starting to outgrow Preston and his childlike behavior.”

  He rolls his eyes and scoffs.

  “Well, hopefully something will come out of it eventually. I’d like to have grandchildren while I’m still young enough to enjoy them. Keep that in mind,” she says, looking at me. Then she turns to Preston and says, “You keep wrapping yours up.”

  “Hey!” He looks from her to me. “Why’s everyone picking on me today?”

  I laugh as I stand up. “Because you’re a dumbass.” I put my plate in the sink. “It’s been a long day. I think I’m going for a shower and some sleep.”

  “Good night, honey.”

  “Night, Mom.” I start to walk out of the kitchen but stop when Preston pushes his chair back.

  “I think I’ll call Piper and see if I can talk her into a nightcap.”

  I grind my teeth together but push myself forward, not wanting to stop him from hanging out with his friend.

  On my way up the stairs, I shoot her a text, warning her that Preston is about to call. That way, if she wants to hang with him, she can back out of our hot tub plans. But if she wants to keep our plans, she’ll have time to think up an excuse.

  I’m almost up the stairs when Preston reaches for the door.

  “Where you going?” I ask.

  “Over to Pipes’ place. What’s it to you?” Without another word, he walks out and shuts the door behind him.

  Fuck. He’s not even going to bother to call. Looks like our plans will have to be postponed.



  I have a late dinner with my parents and spend a little time talking with them before excusing myself to my room. I’m walking up the stairs when I get a text from Calvin warning me about Preston. A few seconds later, there’s a knock at the door. I turn around and walk back down the steps to answer it.

  To no one’s surprise, it’s Preston. He flashes me that flirty smile of his. “Nightcap?” He lifts his shirt to show me the bottle of Jack tucked into his waistband like he had to sneak it out of the house.

  I laugh and shake my head. “I’m tired. I think I’m just going to go to bed.”

  He cocks his head to the side. “All right, tell me . . . what’s up with you?”

  I cross my arms over my chest. “What do you mean?”

  “Ever since the show, you’ve acted differently toward me. We’re not as close as we used to be and you promised we’d still be friends—that the show wouldn’t change us.”

  “It’s not that, Pres. It’s just that I’m tired. It’s been a long day.”

  He snorts and rolls his eyes.

  “Fine. Come on, we’ll go out back,” I tell him. He smiles wide, happy he got his way.

  Calvin and I spend every evening together, so I guess I do owe Preston a night. But if this goes on too long, Calvin and I will have to cancel our hot tub date. I was really looking forward to a few minutes alone with him. But Preston is my best friend and he thinks our friendship is strained. I need to right that wrong.

  Mom and Dad announce they’re going to bed and ask that I lock up everything when Preston leaves. I agree to their request before walking out into the backyard. I flop down in a pool chair and he takes the one to my right. He uncaps the bottle, takes a swig, and hands it over. I do the same.

  “So, what’s this about?”

  He shrugs. “I don’t know. I just didn’t want to stay there. I needed an excuse to leave, and well, you’ve always been my excuse,” he laughs out.

  “What was Calvin doing?” I take another sip and pass the bottle.

  “Taking a shower and going to bed.”

  “Why didn’t you ask him to come with? We all could’ve gone out or something.”

  “Because lately the two of you are always together and I’ve been feeling left out. I miss my friend, so forgive me for being greedy and wanting you to myself for one night.”

  I laugh and roll my eyes. “Okay, sorry. And Calvin and I aren’t always together,” I lie. “We just reconnected and have been becoming better friends lately. We’re not leaving you out on purpose, you know.”

  He waves his hand through the air. “Yeah, I know. I think it’s just the weirdness of that show and how I acted mixed with the growing friendship the two of you have. It makes me feel like I threw you away and he picked you up. And that isn’t what I intended to do.”

  “I know, Pres. We’re friends. We’ll always be friends. You have nothing to worry about.”

  There’s a long, drawn-out silence for a moment before he finally says, “My mom was talking about how she’s always thought that you and Calvin would be the perfect couple.”

  “She was?” I can’t help the smile that forms.

  He nods. “Yeah, and honestly, it kind of pissed me off.”

  My brows draw together. “Why?”

  “I don’t know. I guess, in a way, I’ve always considered you mine. It just irritated me that even though you were mine, everyone always saw you with him. Like I didn’t matter.”

  I laugh. “That isn’t true. And no one ever said they saw me with Calvin.”

  “Your dad did that day, remember?”

  “No, he said I needed to find a guy like Calvin.”

  He waves the bottle through the air. “Same thing.”

  I sit up and turn to face him, placing my feet on the ground between our chairs. “What’s bringing all this on, Preston?”

  He takes a deep breath and sits up, turning to face me. “What would you say if I told you that maybe you were right?”

  “Right about what?”

  “About the reason we kissed that night?”

  My mouth drops open. What is he saying? “I . . . I don’t . . .” I shake my head. “Are you saying you like me?”

  He runs his hands through his dark hair, eyes already bloodshot from the whiskey. “I don’t know. I think it’s more than that. I think . . . I think I might be in love with you, Piper.” Honestly is shining brightly in hi
s eyes but he looks nervous.

  I let out a nervous giggle. “I don’t think so, Preston. I think you’re just confused by seeing Calvin and me together so much. Maybe even a little jealous.”

  He shakes his head. “Maybe, but lately, I look at you and see how beautiful you are and how much you’ve grown up. Maybe it’s time for me to grow up too. If I could do that, then we could be together, because then I wouldn’t ruin this.”

  I stand up and take a few steps back, needing distance. “No, Preston. We could never be together. You were right. We’re friends. We’ll always be friends, but we couldn’t ever be more. I love you. I do. You’re my best friend and I’d do anything in the world for you, but I’m not in love with you. In fact, I don’t think I was in love with you when I took you on that show. I just thought I was.”

  I know this now because of my feelings for Calvin. I do love Calvin. I can feel it in the way my heart quickens when he gets close. I can feel it in the way my breath catches in my throat when he kisses me—the way my body fills with tingles and need and desire and passion. He makes me feel it in a way Preston never did.

  He stands up and takes a step toward me. “Are you saying that if I kissed you right now, you’d push me away?”

  I lick my lips and nod. “Yes. Pres, we can’t go there. If you were thinking straight, you’d see that, just like you did before. Don’t let my friendship with Calvin confuse you into thinking you want something you don’t.”

  He takes another step. “You’d push me away? Let’s find out.” Without another word, he’s directly in front of me, pulling me against his chest with his mouth on mine.

  My brain doesn’t have time to process what’s happening. He’s kissing me, but I feel nothing. I’m not even kissing him back. I have to stop this. As badly as I wanted this moment before, it’s the last thing I want now. Now, I want Calvin, and no one else will ever do. Not even Preston.

  I place my hand on his chest and push him back. “See? There’s nothing between us. Did you feel tingles? See fireworks? Did that kiss make your heart race, your breathing pick up?” I shake my head. “It didn’t for me. I think you should go, Preston.” Without another word, I turn and walk back into the house, locking the glass door behind me. I look out and see him still standing by the pool where I left him. I shut off the light and walk away, heading for my room.


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