Book Read Free

Shadow of the Coalition

Page 6

by Jamie A. Waters

  Kayla entered the commands to bring up the two aircraft images. The request was rejected. She frowned and glanced up at Cruncher to ask him about it, but he was fully engrossed in his project. Unwilling to disturb him, she circumvented the system and extracted the files from the archive server. She’d have to ask him and Lisia later if they’d changed some of the system settings. Carl would be wanting to leave soon, and she didn’t have time to investigate the issue.

  Based on what she could see, the design of the aircraft was identical. She enlarged the images to take a closer look and caught a glimpse of something on one of the wings. There was a partial image on the one Xantham had extracted as well.

  Kayla manipulated the picture to overlay Rand’s image with the one from Carl’s camp. It appeared as though some sort of emblem had been painted on the wing of the sleek aircraft. She enhanced and sharpened the image even more.

  Once it was complete, she sat back and eyed the finished product. It was an unusual design that looked like a circular shape with a line extending through it. She saved the new image and sent it to her commlink along with the unmodified images of the aircraft.

  Cruncher glanced at her screen. “What’s that?”

  “Some sort of design on one of the wings.” She shifted the screen so he could view the image. “Have you ever seen anything like this before?”

  He frowned and shook his head. “No. I can send it over to OmniLab and have them run a search through their database though. I didn’t catch that when I saw the images.”

  “Catch what?” Carl’s voice interrupted as he entered the room.

  Kayla turned in her chair. He was wearing his UV-protective gear and looked like he was ready to leave. She pointed to the monitor. “This image was on the aircraft. Have you seen it before?”

  He walked up behind her to get a better look at the screen. Carl studied the image and shook his head. “I can’t say I have, but I haven’t made a study of other facilities. You just found this?”

  She nodded. “Yeah. I overlapped the images to get a clearer look at it. I’m going to send it to Alec.”

  Carl waited while she sent the image directly to Alec along with a short message explaining how she found it. She turned back to Carl when she finished and said, “Maybe he’ll know something by the time we get there. You’re ready to go?”

  “Yes. The bikes are already packed. I grabbed your bag off your bed.”

  Kayla picked up the water samples and put them into a secure carrying case. Unable to think of any other reason for delaying, she sighed. “Okay. I guess it’s time to get this over with.”

  Cruncher chuckled and waved them off. “Have fun, you two. I wouldn’t mind if you brought me back a couple of those sandwiches.”

  She grinned, recalling the last time they had been in the towers. Cruncher had become obsessed with the food Seara, Kayla’s mother, had served them. Her mother had been delighted with Cruncher’s appreciation and had sent them home with a full box of sandwiches. It wasn’t much of a surprise when they’d been devoured within a day of arriving back at the camp. The pre-packaged foods the camp normally kept on hand were tasteless compared to the food in the towers.

  After promising she’d mention his request to Seara, Kayla and Carl headed to the entrance so she could gear up. She pulled on her protective equipment, and they both headed outside into the bright sunlight. Kayla scanned the horizon, half expecting to see the aircraft again, but there was no sign of it or anything else.

  Although the towers could be seen from where they’d been scavenging in Sector Twelve, they were too far away to see from the trader camp. Even without a physical presence, Kayla felt a strange pull coming from their direction. It might be her imagination or because of Alec, but either way, it made her uneasy. The thought of this bond thing having that sort of control worried her. She refused to be dependent on anyone or anything, real or imaginary.

  Taking a deep breath and pushing aside her reservations, Kayla climbed on the back of her bike and followed Carl away from the trader camp.

  The drive to the towers through the ruined landscape was long and uneventful, but Kayla began to feel a stronger mixture of apprehension and anticipation once the two buildings came into sight. The main tower primarily catered to the human residents, while the other tower housed their more unusual residents: The Drac’Kin. The towers stood out boldly against the barren horizon like an imposing beacon, offering both a potential haven and a warning.

  Steeling her resolve, she followed Carl’s lead and parked behind him outside the main entrance. She climbed off and stretched once she’d shut off and secured the speeder, her legs feeling leaden, partially from the long drive but also because of nerves. Carl reached over and grabbed the bags from the backs of the bikes and hefted them over his shoulder before leading her inside.

  Kayla pulled off her helmet as soon as she stepped through the large doors into the immaculate entrance area. The blaring whiteness of the interior contrasted sharply with the dust, dirt, and grime from the outside world.

  One of the OmniLab attendants she recognized from her previous visit rushed up to them, intent on relieving them of their belongings. Determined to stop any signs of obeisance before they started, she sidestepped the attendant and hung up her helmet. “Heya, Melvin. How’s it going?”

  The man stopped short, his eyes widening at the unaccustomed familiarity. “Uh, it’s going well, Mistress Rath’Varein.”

  “Kayla,” she reminded him, grimacing at the formal title. She’d cure the whole blasted tower of their annoying deferential attitude if it killed her.

  He hesitated before nodding. “Of course, Mis—Kayla. Are—Are you doing well?”

  Kayla flashed him a smile. One Omni down, a few thousand more to go. “I’m great, thanks for asking. Although, I think my ass went numb from sitting on the speeder for so many hours.”

  Melvin continued to stare at her, completely bemused.

  Carl leaned close and whispered, “You’re going to torture all of them, aren’t you?”

  She whispered back, “Only until they start treating me like a regular human being.”

  An elderly woman with graying hair approached them and waved the young man away. As he scampered back to his station, the woman addressed Kayla and Carl in a clipped but polite no-nonsense voice. “Welcome back to the towers. Master Tal’Vayr informed us of your arrival. Trader Carl Grayson, please sign into the terminal so we can modify your access for this visit.”

  Carl hung up his helmet and went over to the console on the far wall. After completing a retinal scan, he placed his palm on the machine until it emitted a loud beep. He spoke his name clearly and then turned back to them.

  The woman glanced down at her handheld tablet and nodded. “Thank you. Master Tal’Vayr has given you clearance to visit the Inner Sanctum during your visit. Your biometric signature has been authorized for use within the priority elevators.”

  The side door swung open and an unfamiliar man with short, brown hair stepped into the room. He was slightly shorter than Carl with a trim waist and heavily muscled arms and chest. Kayla hadn’t seen many other Omnis with such an athletic physique.

  His gaze swept across the room and seemed to absorb every minute detail. Kayla guessed the newcomer was somewhere in his mid-twenties, but the intensity in his hazel eyes made him seem older. She recognized the same look many ruin rats possessed, and it instantly put her on alert. This was a man who’d seen the darker side of human nature.

  The gold OmniLab Ouroboros symbol was a stark contrast against his dark jacket. It was a miniature depiction of a dragon circling around and grasping its tail in its mouth. Veridian, who had a love for history, had explained once that it represented the concept of cyclicality. As an example, he told her the story of a bird called the phoenix that had the ability to rise from its own ashes to begin anew.

  Kayla pushed these thoughts aside to focus on the man wearing the symbol. Her gaze traveled down his length, and sh
e stiffened at the sight of the weapon holstered at his waist. Given her previous experience in the towers, this wasn’t good news. Kayla glanced at the exit and tried to calculate how long it would take to grab their helmets and make a run for it.

  The man noticed her reaction and froze. They stared at each other for several heartbeats, both assessing and considering one another. He slowly raised his hands in a passive gesture, indicating he intended no harm. His voice, when he finally spoke, was low and soothing and reminiscent of someone trying to coax a feral animal into approaching. She nearly snorted at the realization she was the feral animal in this scenario.

  “I apologize for startling you. My name is Brant Mason. Master Tal’Vayr and Director Borshin were unable to meet you personally. They both send their apologies. Master Tal’Vayr has asked me to escort you to your family’s quarters. He’ll be joining you there shortly.”

  Kayla wouldn’t have lived long as a ruin rat if she trusted everyone at their word. She shook her head, gesturing to the weapon at his side. Alec’s father had used the same type of weapon when he knocked her unconscious weeks earlier. “Why do we get an armed escort?”

  Brant’s expression remained neutral. He continued to hold himself still as though aware that any sudden movement would have her running for the door. Smart guy.

  “It’s a standard issue security device configured to stun and subdue. All security escorts carry them,” Brant said carefully, trying to assuage her obvious apprehension. “I understand your last visit to the towers wasn’t altogether pleasant. I assure you, I have no intention of harming you or forcing you to do anything against your will.”

  “I’m sure it’s fine, Kayla.”

  She glanced at Carl, who gave her a reassuring nod. His vote of confidence made her feel marginally better, but she wasn’t completely convinced.

  “I’ll go with you on one condition,” she proposed, determined not to fall into the same trap as last time. “I want my own weapon if you’re going to keep yours. Either level the playing field or I’m out of the game.”

  Brant’s head jerked in surprise, and his calm façade dropped for a moment. His obvious shock at her request pleased her. It was about time these Omnis were shaken up a bit. Kayla put a hand on her hip and gave him a cocky grin. When Brant’s eyes narrowed, Carl smothered a laugh and looked away.

  Brant hesitated for several long minutes as though deciding. Kayla tapped her foot impatiently, giving a pointed look at the exit door. With a scowl, he bent down. Keeping his movements slow, he lifted his pant leg. Kayla hid her surprise when he withdrew a second weapon from an ankle holster. He turned the device around, aiming it away from them, and then slid it along the floor toward her. Her eyebrows arched in surprise. She didn’t think he’d actually give her a weapon.

  Kayla picked up the device and studied it for a moment, itching to take it apart and find out how to replicate it. As a general rule, most ruin rats only had weapons they were able to create or scavenge. OmniLab wasn’t exactly eager to arm the masses on the surface. Experience, however, had taught her never to be without a weapon and she now carried a knife embedded within her belt.

  The new device Brant had given her was a slender, cylindrical weapon with a small touchpad. At the bottom of the touchpad was a grooved trigger.

  “It’s an electrolaser gun. It stuns your target for several minutes.”

  She nodded at Brant’s words and admired the way the device fit in her hand. She was definitely keeping it. The ankle holster wasn’t a bad idea either. She’d have to see about getting one of those too.

  “All right,” Kayla agreed and pocketed the weapon. If Brant was willing to take a leap of faith, she could do the same. However, there were going to be some rules. “But you have to call me Kayla. I don’t like the whole Mistress and Master thing. And if you even look like you’re going to pull out that weapon, I’ll have you crying on the floor like a little girl before you know what hit you.”

  Brant blinked and studied her as though she were a puzzle he couldn’t quite figure out. Finally, he took a step back and gestured toward the open elevator doors. “I won’t harm you, Kayla.”

  She flashed him a smile and walked over to the priority elevator. With a slight chuckle, Carl adjusted the bags over his shoulder and followed them. Once they were inside, Brant leaned forward and programmed their floor into the control panel.

  Kayla fingered the weapon in her pocket and looked out the glass window into the huge courtyard area as the elevator shot upward. Flowering plants and vines were scattered throughout the enclosure creating a rich gardenscape. The view in the towers was extraordinary, and she wondered if this was the way the world used to look before the last war.

  Carl moved to stand behind her, wrapping his arm around her. When she leaned back against him, he brushed his thumb against the bare skin at the edge of her shirt. His warm breath whispered against her ear, “It’s beautiful, isn’t it?”

  She nodded, catching a glimpse of Brant out of the corner of her eye. The security escort was watching them with a disapproving frown. She caught his eye and his expression quickly blanked. With a polite nod, he turned back to watch the elevator console. Kayla glanced up to see if Carl had caught the exchange, but he was focused on looking out the window.

  The elevator signaled their arrival, and the doors opened to a large corridor. Recalling her last visit, she recognized the simulated miniature stream flowing through the hall surrounded by trees and foliage. A cobblestone path twisted through the landscape toward her family’s quarters.

  The door was decorated with a large tree carved into its surface. Strange creatures she now recognized as dragons, or Drac’Kin as they were referred to in the towers, were flying above the tree and cradled within its branches. She lightly traced over their image with her eyes before pressing her palm against the plate on the side of the entrance.

  The door slid open, but before she could enter, Brant said, “Your mother has been informed of your arrival. Master Tal’Vayr will be here shortly. I’ll wait outside until he arrives.”

  Kayla glanced at the man, still unsure what to make of him. Unable to do much except nod, she left him at the entrance and headed inside with Carl. The large circular-shaped common room was decorated in soft cream colors. Ornate pillars added an opulence to the room while the plush seating and decorative flowering plants invited guests to linger. The room might appear welcoming, but it just served as a reminder she was out of her element.

  Seara Rath’Varein, Kayla’s mother and current co-leader of the High Council, rose from her chair. The petite, dark-haired, older woman moved forward to embrace her daughter. Slowly becoming accustomed to her mother’s displays of affection, Kayla returned the hug and brushed a kiss against her cheek.

  Seara beamed in response and took Kayla’s hand. “I’m so glad you’re here. I was ecstatic when Alec told me you were coming back. Please, come in and put your things down. Your old room is still ready for you. I can show Carl where to put everything.” She motioned for them to follow her down the hall, still nervously chattering. “I hope you don’t mind, but I picked up some extra things for you to wear. I just couldn’t help myself. I was going to send them to your camp, but Alec suggested I wait because you wouldn’t wear them on the surface. I’ve left them all in your room for you.”

  Kayla smiled at the woman’s enthusiasm. Their relationship was still too new to feel comfortable, and Kayla suspected Seara’s purchases were a way of trying to make up for all the years they’d missed together. At Carl’s nudge, she said, “You didn’t have to do that, but thanks.”

  “Oh, I couldn’t resist. One of these days, I’m hoping you’ll join me. I’d love to take you shopping.” Seara laughed, her green eyes twinkling as she beamed at Kayla. “Sorry. I keep going on and on. Of course you’ll want to get settled in and unpack.” She turned to flash a smile at Carl and added, “I’m sure Kayla wants you to stay with us here. I went ahead and put some extra toiletries in the room
for you too.”

  Before Carl could reply, a loud chime sounded at the door.

  “That’s probably Alec,” Seara mused. “Kayla, why don’t you let him in while I show Carl where he can put everything?”

  “Uh, sure,” she managed, and her gaze traveled back down the hall. The thought of opening the front door had the same appeal as touching a live electrical circuit just waiting to zap her.


  She blinked at the sound of Carl’s voice. He and Seara were both watching her stare down the hallway like a dumbass. At Carl’s questioning look, Kayla swallowed her reservations and gave him a tentative smile. She needed to get her shit together and quick.

  “Yeah. I’m fine. Go.”

  He hesitated briefly, but then nodded and headed into the bedroom with Seara.

  Kayla took a deep breath, trying to push aside the nervousness about seeing Alec. Pull it together, Kayla. Just forget about the energy and the stupid connection. You can do this. You’re not going to let him use Carl to get to you. Steeling her resolve, she took a deep breath and marched to the front door.

  It slid open, and she found herself face to face with Alec. Any residual anger she’d been experiencing fizzled at the sight of him. He was about the same height as Carl but that was where the similarity ended. Alec’s golden hair fell neatly to his shoulders, and Kayla flushed at the memory of running her fingers through its silky softness. Brilliant blue eyes studied her intently as she admired his strong jaw and elegant bone structure.

  The man looked like some sort of ethereal figure standing in a long, white tunic embroidered with golden thread over a pair of white pants. A gold chain lay around his neck, and there were several rings on his fingers. His appearance was so far removed from everything on the surface that it felt a little surreal. How the hell does he always manage to look sexy, exotic, and mysterious at the same time?

  “Hello, my love.”


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