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Shadow of the Coalition

Page 8

by Jamie A. Waters

  “I see,” Alec mused thoughtfully. “Her temper is quick to ignite but seems to fade just as fast. I thought she’d been avoiding me because she was still angry with me. That’s not the case, is it?”

  Carl frowned, wondering what sort of information the High Council leader was trying to get out of him. Feeling as though the drink was nothing more than an attempt to lower his guard, he put the half-empty glass down on the bar. Alec might run OmniLab, but there were some lines Carl wouldn’t cross. “No, she’s not still angry about that. You’ll need to ask Kayla about her reasons for avoiding you though. I won’t betray her trust.”

  “Very well,” Alec agreed. “I need to begin training with her tomorrow. I’ll speak with her then. Director Borshin will be meeting you at his office around noon to go over some of your records.”

  “I received the request,” Carl said with the slightest hint of irritation. “I’m curious to know what you’re hoping to learn from me. Two of the other traders have more field experience than I do.”

  Alec nodded. “Very well. I didn’t want to discuss this in front of Seara, but we have some time now. They’ll most likely be a few more minutes.” Alec gestured to Carl’s abandoned drink. “Would you care for something different?”


  Carl crossed his arms and waited for the council leader to continue. Alec finished his drink and put the empty glass back on the bar. He adjusted one of the rings on his finger and said, “There has been some instability within the towers since I accepted the position of High Council leader. Of course, this is to be expected with any regime change. My father’s death left a lot of people angry, both for what he did to obtain his position and while he held it.”

  “That’s hardly unexpected.”

  “You’re right, it’s not,” Alec agreed, but his hands curled into fists, belying his feigned nonchalance. “Some individuals are wondering how far the proverbial apple has fallen from the tree. A few of these people believe it may be beneficial to have me permanently removed from the High Council.”

  Carl resisted the urge to comment. He wasn’t surprised the High Council leader was already making enemies. Deciding to take a neutral approach, he said, “I don’t see what this has to do with auditing my records.”

  “My security advisers have brought it to my attention that threats have been made against me. Unfortunately, they’re having trouble determining the origin.” Alec paused, looking toward the hallway again where Kayla had disappeared. “Kayla’s name has been brought up several times in connection with these threats. As such, we’re investigating all possible leads. Some references have mentioned the trader camps, specifically your district and Rand’s district. Since Kayla has such strong ties to the surface, we’re concerned.”

  Carl stared at Alec, shocked by what he was hearing. “Are you trying to tell me you believe Kayla has something to do with the threats against you?”

  “Absolutely not,” Alec said sharply. “My security advisers are concerned someone may try to use her to get to me.”

  Carl stiffened at the insinuation. “You obviously don’t know her at all. Kayla would never allow someone to use her like that. She’d chew up and spit out anyone who tried.”

  Alec turned away and strolled toward one of the shuttered windows. “While your defense of her character is admirable, it’s sorely misplaced. You forget I can feel the purity of her thoughts and feelings with our connection.”

  He pressed a button, and a panel slid aside to expose the outside world. Through the sealed and filtered glass pane, darkness was beginning to fall. The fading sunlight painted an eerie canvas of shadows over the dismal landscape. Alec stared out across the large expanse of land. “I wanted her here to protect her and prevent anyone from trying to harm her. Even with the instability in the towers, I believe she’s safer here than outside. I can’t control what happens outside these walls, but here, I can protect her.”

  Alec motioned toward the security officer. “Unfortunately, my duties won’t permit me to remain by her side at all times. Brant is the best ICS agent in the towers, and he’ll make sure she’s safe when I’m not around. If I can’t convince her to remain here, he’ll return with you to your camp. I refuse to allow anything to happen to her.”

  Carl turned back to the security officer, eyeing him with grudging respect. “Shit. You’re an Inner Circle Shadow?”

  Brant inclined his head. “I am.”

  Carl frowned, growing increasingly concerned about the severity of the situation. General security within the towers was handled by OmniLab security officers. Their duties were to investigate, deter crime, and keep the residents of the tower safe. A more elite sect of this group was referred to as the Inner Circle Shadows. These individuals were skilled bodyguards assigned to protect Inner Circle members from adverse threats. Carl had heard rumors that although they weren’t Inner Circle members themselves, they’d developed tactics to manipulate energy to a lesser extent.

  Even so, they weren’t common. It was worrying that Alec felt the bodyguard’s presence was necessary. It also implied the threat was coming directly from another Inner Circle member. He wished they were more forthcoming with information about this energy usage so he could be in a better position to understand the situation. Even though he’d been born in the towers, Carl wasn’t part of the Inner Circle, and he was very much an outsider to all of them, as Alec so frequently reminded him.

  “How much danger do you think she’s in?”

  Alec hesitated briefly, and Carl saw the truth in his eyes. Kayla was more than just a link to Alec; she was a specific target. “If she’s in danger from the Inner Circle, she’s safer back in my camp. Are you so desperate to get your hands on her that you’re willing to let something happen to her?”

  Alec’s expression went cold, but it was Brant who intervened. “You’re out of line, Trader. Until Mistress Rath’Varein receives sufficient training, she’s a security liability regardless of whether she’s in the towers or on the surface. Right now, their bond is vulnerable and could easily be manipulated by a skilled energy user. Her weakness leaves Master Tal’Vayr vulnerable. She leaves the towers vulnerable.”

  Carl rubbed his forehead. It all came back to that damned bond again. If there were some way they could just eliminate the entire thing, everyone would be better off. He blew out a breath, thankful that at least Kayla wasn’t the primary target in all of this. Even so, more information was needed so he could help protect her. With a brief nod, Carl said, “All right. I’ll help anyway I can. What do you know about this threat?”

  Brant glanced at Alec and the High Council leader nodded, indicating his permission to discuss the situation openly. The security officer turned back to Carl. “As Master Tal’Vayr mentioned, there has been some dissent since he took over control of the towers. The public announcement of the engagement and claim between Master Tal’Vayr and Mistress Rath’Varein a month ago has both helped and hindered the tower’s stability. Most are pleased with the proposed union. However, a few others are expressing their concern that too much control is being filtered to one family.”

  Carl felt as though the floor opened up beneath him. Blood pounded in his ears and he clenched his fists tightly. He barely managed to control his anger at hearing Brant’s words. Resisting the urge to pummel the High Council leader, Carl instead pierced him with a fierce glare. “You left the announcement standing? You know Kayla has no intention of marrying you and living here. What the hell are you trying to accomplish by allowing the public to keep believing that lie? She probably wouldn’t be in any danger if you had withdrawn the announcement and cut ties with her.”

  Alec stiffened, and his eyes turned cold as ice. “If it were that simple, I would have done it immediately. I’ve been trying to protect her not just from the towers but from herself. How do you think people would react if they knew Kayla had no interest in the towers and couldn’t care less about governing her family’s legacy? The fact that she’s bonded to
me has stayed more hands than not. Like it or not, she’s vulnerable, Trader. After the display at the High Council meeting, there’s no doubt to anyone within the Inner Circle about her remarkable potential. Not many people can wield the sort of power Kayla can. I know many people would jump at the chance to exploit her, if given the opportunity. And trust me, it wouldn’t take much to do exactly that.”

  Carl didn’t reply, trying to squash the burning sensation in the pit of his stomach. He wanted to lash out and demand Alec recant the announcement, but he forced himself to hold back. As much as he hated to admit it, Carl suspected the High Council leader might be right. The thought pissed him off even more, almost as much as the idea of Kayla publicly agreeing to be another man’s wife.

  Carl pinched the bridge of his nose and cursed inwardly. He’d been so distracted by the additional work in his camp lately that he hadn’t been paying enough attention to the current political climate in the towers. If people believed Kayla didn’t have any loyalty to the towers, there was no reason for them to have any loyalty to her either. It would have been better if she could have retained some anonymity after her identity had been discovered. Unfortunately, her unique parentage and the circumstances behind her disappearance put her directly within the public spotlight. He’d heard some of the rumors but dismissed them as idle gossip. Kayla’s return to OmniLab was something of a fairy tale and celebrated by the masses.

  Alec must have taken his silence for acceptance because he continued, “As far as our engagement is concerned, I have intentionally decided not to withdraw my formal statement to protect both her and the towers. I know Kayla will be less than pleased when she realizes we’re still engaged, but I’m hoping to convince her it’s in the best interest of the towers to leave things as they are for now. The thought of our families merging, even in marriage, sends a powerful message of unity to the towers at a time when it’s needed the most. If I publicly cancel our engagement, the unrest and political tension in the towers will just escalate. Right now, it’s just a small group that’s unhappy. That’s manageable. Widespread dissent and fear could topple the towers.”

  Carl rubbed his temples, trying to ward off the impending headache. After Kayla’s father had been murdered, the towers had been in turmoil without a leader. Protests, riots, and crime had escalated dramatically. It was only when Alec’s father, Edwin Tal’Vayr, had stepped in with an iron fist that the towers had stabilized. But even then, it had taken several years before things settled back into a regular routine. Now it appeared to be happening all over again.

  “I see your point,” Carl admitted grudgingly, forcing the words. “But you don’t fool me either. I know part of you has kept that rumor alive because you’re hoping to change her mind.”

  “I’m not denying it,” Alec said plainly. “I fully intend on marrying her when she’s ready, but my personal desires come second to the needs of the tower. It just happens that they both align in this particular situation.”

  Carl’s eyes narrowed, and he took a threatening step toward Alec. Brant’s hand slapped to the butt of his weapon, warning him away. “I swore an oath to protect Kayla Rath’Varein and Alec Tal’Vayr. If you lay a hand on either of them, I’ll be forced to subdue you. She may take a swing at him without my interference, but you, Trader, will not.”

  Carl glared at Alec and tried to rein in his temper. There was no doubt Brant would step in if he laid a hand on the council leader. In a low voice, Carl said to Alec, “You’re going to be waiting a long time. I have no intention of giving her up.”

  “That’s your choice, as are the consequences. For now, I expect you’ll keep this conversation between us until I’ve had a chance to speak with Kayla in private. I don’t want to have this discussion in front of Seara. It would only serve to upset her.”

  Carl closed his eyes and nodded. The thought of keeping anything from Kayla didn’t sit well, but he understood Alec’s reasons for not discussing the matter in front of her mother. There was a certain frailty to the woman as though one strong blow would topple her. Unfortunately, Alec wasn’t finished.

  “If you decide to remain near Kayla while she’s in the towers, you’ll also need to stay vigilant. If you see or hear anything suspicious, let Brant or myself know immediately.” Alec paused for a moment and then added, “As far as you and your ‘relationship’ with Kayla is concerned, it no longer exists outside her family’s quarters. For her safety, you will need to maintain your distance and treat her in a manner befitting any other Inner Circle member.”

  “Fuck that,” Carl snapped. If Alec thought he’d just lie down and let him move in on Kayla, the council leader was sorely mistaken. “If you want to try to play these games, that’s your call, but I won’t sit by and keep my mouth shut while you act the loving fiancé. Kayla made her choice. I’ll take her out of these towers and back to my camp before I let you interfere in our relationship.”

  “You’re making a mistake.”

  Carl scoffed. The only mistake he’d made was bringing Kayla back here. He should have known Alec would try something like this. “It’s just killing you that Kayla walked away from you, isn’t it? I wouldn’t put it past you to have orchestrated this entire conspiracy.”

  Alec’s eyes flared with anger, but it was Brant who stepped between them. “I assure you the threat is real. You were asked to come to the towers specifically because of your close relationship with Kayla. You have knowledge of her past, including names and dates that may match up with our compiled evidence. Director Borshin will go over all of this with you tomorrow. In the meantime, however, you need to get hold of yourself, Trader. Put your personal issues aside and look at this from a different viewpoint. How do you think the public would react to seeing Kayla with you when she’s supposed to be marrying Master Tal’Vayr? Right now, she’s beloved, and that same adoration helps protect her. If the masses turn on her, what’s to stop the Inner Circle from going after her?”

  Carl paused, and his gaze flickered to the security officer. If the entire towers were under the impression Kayla and Alec were a happily engaged couple, any untoward contact would be looked upon with disfavor. He didn’t care much for this political game or Alec’s personal intentions, but Carl wouldn’t do anything to put Kayla in jeopardy. The political arena within the towers could be volatile, and Kayla didn’t have enough experience to navigate it on her own. Carl’s jaw tightened, but he didn’t argue. There was no point. Taking a deep breath, he let it out on a slow exhale. “I won’t let anything happen to her.”

  Brant nodded and took a step back. A noise from behind had all three of them turning around to see Kayla and Seara walking back into the room.

  Kayla’s dark hair fell loose around her shoulders. She wore a simple, emerald-green dress that matched the color of her eyes. Low-cut and held in place with two slender spaghetti straps, it accentuated the gentle curves of her body as it cinched slightly at her waist, the material floating downward and stopping mid-thigh. As Seara promised, Kayla wore a pair of matching shoes without any noticeable heel.

  Carl’s heart thudded at the sight of her. After hearing Alec’s speech, he wanted nothing more than to tear her away from these towers, throw her on the back of a speeder, and return to his camp.

  Kayla frowned, eyeing all of them warily. “What’s going on?”

  “Nothing,” Carl said quickly and tried to bury his concerns. Knowing Kayla, she was far too perceptive and would quickly discern the truth. In an attempt to distract her, he strode toward her and gestured to the dress. “You look amazing.”

  Kayla’s eyes warmed at the compliment. Resting her hand against his chest, she stood on her toes to kiss him. When she pulled back, her mouth tilted upward in a teasing smile as she spoke in a low whisper so only he could hear, “Wait until you see what I have on underneath it.”

  Carl chuckled and covered her hand with his. Turning to Seara, he said, “I was just telling Kayla the other day how much I admired your taste.”

sp; Seara beamed and gazed at Kayla with obvious affection. “Thank you. I’ve missed having her here, even if she is an unwilling victim in my dressing room.”

  He glanced down at Kayla to find her still smiling up at him. He trailed his fingers across her cheek before tucking a loose lock of hair behind her ear. Brant cleared his throat, interrupting the moment. Carl looked up to meet the security officer’s gaze.

  The meaning behind Brant’s expression was clear. It was a reminder that intimate gestures such as the one he’d just displayed were no longer acceptable outside these rooms. Carl’s jaw clenched as he lowered his hand. He took a step away from Kayla, and it felt more like a wide chasm forced between them rather than a small step.

  His anger at the entire situation was about to boil over. The longer he remained in the room, the more likely he’d say or do something he’d regret. Nodding to the rest of the room, Carl said, “If you’ll excuse me for a moment, I need to check in with my camp and get changed. I’ll be back in a few minutes.”

  Chapter Five

  Kayla frowned and watched Carl disappear down the hallway. The turmoil she’d seen in his eyes was worrying, and she hadn’t missed the look he’d exchanged with the security officer either. Something was going on and she was determined to get to the bottom of it.

  Before she could go after him, Alec’s hand brushed against her arm and a trickle of energy washed over her. Kayla’s eyes shot up to meet his alluring blue ones. Desire and something else she couldn’t quite distinguish through their shared connection flared to the surface.

  “Carl’s right,” he said quietly. “You’re absolutely breathtaking.”

  “Thanks,” she managed, unable to tear away from his gaze. Alec took a step closer, blocking her view of the hallway. He lifted her hand, his eyes holding a thousand promises as he brushed a soft kiss against the back of her hand.

  Kayla swallowed, feeling both uncomfortable and enthralled by his attention. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Alec’s nearness was overwhelming, and she needed to get her thoughts together. This was bad. Very bad.


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