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Shadow of the Coalition

Page 29

by Jamie A. Waters

  “Hello, Kayla,” Ramiro said with a cruel grin.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Alec paced his office, listening to the conversation. Brant’s battered image filled the screen as he reported to Thomas, the head of security in the towers, on the events that had transpired in the trading camp. All Alec’s worst fears were coming to fruition. He didn’t know how much longer he could remain in the towers when Kayla was out there somewhere with those people.

  It had been sheer torture not going after her when she fled from the towers, but this was a thousand times worse. The only small comfort was he could sense her faintly through their bond. He knew she was still alive. Other than that, he had no way of knowing if she remained unharmed.

  If he’d sent a team to Carl’s camp to guard her instead of a single agent, this wouldn’t have happened. She would have hated it and maybe him, but it no longer mattered. He’d suffer through her contempt for the rest of his life if she remained unharmed. Alec squeezed his eyes shut. He’d even be willing to let her live in peace with Carl if he had some assurance she would be protected.

  It wasn’t a matter of their bond anymore or that he loved the willful and headstrong woman. Kayla was the first spirit channeler in generations. He’d listened to his heart and allowed her to walk out the doors in the hopes she just needed a little more time to accept their bond. Instead, he’d let her walk right into harm’s way.

  “She admitted to providing them with information about Kayla’s location and the layout of the camp. She was also responsible for intercepting my transmission to the towers warning of the attack. The financial records support—”

  Alec jerked his head up and interrupted Brant’s report. “Who did you say was responsible for this?”

  Brant paused and glanced at Thomas. “Lisia Carpan, a surface dweller. She was recruited by Trader Carl Grayson a year ago. She’s being interrogated by one of our agents as we speak.”

  Alec walked over to his desk and pulled up the woman’s file. He scrolled through her information and frowned. There was nothing remarkable about her skillset. The fact she was recruited in the first place was surprising. “What did they offer her?”

  “From what I’ve gathered from the other camp occupants, she believed Carl was revoking her contract at the end of the month. The Coalition offered both her and her brother a place within their organization. Her brother is being interrogated as well, but at first glance, he appears innocent. Other members of the camp have also stated Lisia Carpan was instrumental in helping to coordinate the attack against Mistress Rath’Varein several weeks ago. Apparently, she provided intel to Ramiro Lucas. We believe she may be one of the links we’ve been looking for.”

  Alec’s eyes narrowed at the mention of the former trader. Ramiro had disappeared right after Kayla’s birthright had come to light, and they hadn’t been able to locate him. “Are you insinuating Ramiro is working with the Coalition?”

  “Yes,” Brant replied. He hesitated and then added, “Lars Cerulis was also here. He appears to be a key player within their organization.”

  Alec’s knuckles whitened as he gripped the edge of the desk. This was much worse than he could have imagined. He’d thought Lars and the rest of his family had perished. There could be only one reason they’d allied with the Coalition. Alec’s throat tightened at the thought. “Does Lars know who she is?”

  Brant grimaced and nodded, making it clear he understood the implications of this news a little too well. “Yes. He knows she’s Andrei Rath’Varein’s daughter. Kayla was the reason for their attack.”

  For the first time since they arrived, Kayla felt a taste of real fear. Ramiro was a massive figure and reminded her of a pre-war tank. His menacing eyes observed Kayla with a combination of hatred and contempt. She knew he blamed her for losing his trader status and his expulsion from OmniLab towers. In retaliation, Ramiro had sent one of his goons to kill her and nearly succeeded.

  Carl straightened in his chair. Kayla could almost see the air ripple around Carl from barely restrained fury. “You traitorous bastard. You’re the one who gave the Coalition information about us?”

  Ramiro didn’t even glance at him. Instead, he walked over to Kayla and raked his eyes over her. “I wasn’t expecting you to be still digging around in Carl’s camp. I heard a rumor that some little ruin rat bitch moved up in the world.”

  Her heart thudded, but she forced herself not to react. Men like Ramiro got off on fear. Feigning a look of boredom, Kayla shrugged. “Is that all you’ve got? I’ve been called worse by better than you.”

  Ramiro laughed, and her blood went cold. She’d had nightmares about that laugh. He leaned in close enough she could smell the stench of his sweat. She had to struggle not to gag. In a low whisper that was loud enough for only her and Carl to hear, he said, “I told you before that I intended to collect. From the way it’s looking, I’m going to get much more out of the deal I made with the Coalition. I’ll have to arrange a private thank you later.”

  She scowled and brought her leg up swiftly into his crotch. Ramiro howled in pain. Two for two. It was a good cheap-shot day. He lifted her from the chair and slammed her against the wall. She cried out as her previously injured shoulder hit the wall, jarring it again.

  “You little whore.”

  Even though he was still bound, Carl charged Ramiro and used his weight to knock Ramiro backward into the wall.

  “Enough,” Lars ordered. “Until we finish our business with OmniLab, they are both to remain unharmed.”

  Sergei grabbed Carl and forced him to sit. Ramiro yanked Kayla up and shoved her toward her chair.

  Lars assessed Ramiro with cold disdain. “The information you provided us was outdated and useless. We’ve confirmed Edwin Tal’Vayr is dead. The new leader of the towers is Alec Tal’Vayr. What do you know about him?”

  “Alec Tal’Vayr is Edwin Tal’Vayr’s brat. He must have taken his father’s place. He’s just some snotty Inner Circle member who enjoys flaunting his title. That’s all most of them are. Some have different weird abilities but most of them are just stuck up prigs.”

  Lars tossed the tablet onto the nearby table. “I see. Do you know what sort of abilities Alec Tal’Vayr has?”

  Ramiro shrugged. “Hell if I know. We’re not included in their little circle. I’m thinking the whole thing is probably just to keep other people from challenging their authority. Some of them can talk to each other with their minds, if you want to believe the rumors. Some of them can control people and even kill with a thought. I think it’s all just a bunch of bullshit though.”

  When Lars didn’t reply, Ramiro added, “They’re all just a bunch of pompous asses who enjoy looking down their noses at everyone else.” He stuck his thumb out toward Kayla. “If this one here could do anything, she wouldn’t be sitting here right now.”

  “I see.” Lars focused on Kayla once more but didn’t contradict Ramiro. For some reason, Kayla had the impression he didn’t want to Ramiro to know much about their abilities. She tucked the information away to possibly use later.

  Leaning back in her chair, she glared at Ramiro and hoped she had a chance to ask Alec to use his influence on this asshole. There were a lot of embarrassing and painful displays she’d enjoy watching. Maybe she’d have him strip naked and run through the ruined streets until his skin melted off. Yep. That would be a good start.

  Before Lars could question Ramiro further, one of the guards entered the room and spoke rapidly to Lars and Sergei. Lars raised his eyebrows and looked down at his tablet computer. Sergei walked over and looked down at it too.

  Lars laughed loudly. Kayla swallowed back her unease at the uncharacteristic sound. Lars lifted his head to look at her, his blue eyes ablaze with an inner fire. “This changes things quite a bit.”

  Carl shot her a concerned look. She shook her head to indicate she didn’t know what they could have found.

  Lars walked around the desk and held out the tablet to her. “You know Alec Ta
l’Vayr far better than you led us to believe. Their records indicate you’re engaged to be married.”

  Kayla squeezed her eyes shut and slumped back in the chair. She didn’t need to look at it. It was just her luck the stupid engagement thing would come back to bite her in the ass.

  Ramiro snickered. “Well, well, sleeping your way to the top, huh?”

  Kayla opened her eyes to glare at him. “If that’s the case, is it any wonder why you were bypassed completely? I’ve been more aroused by shit on the heel of my boot.”

  Ramiro’s eyes narrowed, and he took a threatening step toward her.

  Carl straightened in his chair and nodded toward the former trader. “You might want to rein your boy in.”

  Lars frowned. “Enough. It’s a fool who gets riled by a woman’s words. Take them to a holding room until the others arrive.”

  With a cruel look, Ramiro yanked Kayla back to her feet. Sergei took Carl and led him down the hallway. Kayla watched them stop at a door and Carl gave her an alarmed look as Ramiro continued taking her further down the hall. Carl turned to Sergei. “Don’t leave that bastard alone with her.”

  Sergei ignored Carl’s plea and pushed him inside the room. The door slammed shut behind them, and Ramiro grinned down at Kayla. A chill went through her at the look in his eyes. She swallowed and said, “Looks like you’re licking someone else’s boots now.”

  “That’s what you think.” Ramiro squeezed her arm tighter, and Kayla winced in pain. She refused to cry out. It would only encourage him.

  Ramiro pulled her toward a small room and shoved her inside. She stumbled and tried to catch her balance, hindered by the restraints still on her wrists. She looked around nervously. It was a tiny, windowless room with a small cot, a sink, and a toilet. Ramiro closed the door behind them and unhooked his belt.

  Oh, shit. Kayla backed away, but the room was small and there wasn’t anywhere to go. She tugged at her restraints, but they didn’t budge. Ramiro stood between her and the door, closing in on her.

  “Nowhere to run now, you little whore,” he sneered and grabbed her. “You need to be taught a lesson, and I’m going to give it to you.”

  She went to kick him, but he was expecting it this time. Ramiro slammed her up against the wall, knocking the wind out of her. He grabbed her shirt, and she heard it tear as he shoved her face-down on the cot. His heavy weight pressed down on top of her. The smell of his sweat choked her, and the memory of Pretz fighting him flooded into her mind.

  “Get off me, you disgusting sack of shit!” she yelled and tried to push him off.

  Ramiro yanked her head back by her hair. She cried out in pain as her eyes welled with tears. “Oh, I’ll definitely get off, you little bitch. Don’t you worry. It’s just too bad Pretz and Carl aren’t here to watch. I wonder if Alec Tal’Vayr will still want you when he finds out his fiancée is nothing but a whore.”

  The sound of his zipper was like a bucket of ice water being thrown over her. Her breath hitched. Kayla felt energy well up inside her, and she opened herself completely to its power. Energy snapped and whirled around her in a kaleidoscope of sharp colors and the earth began to tremble and shake.

  “What the hell?!” Ramiro scrambled back. Dimly, Kayla heard shouts from the hallway as the walls continued to shake. As she continued channeling the energy, she heard the echo of a thought urging, ”It’s too much, love. You need to pull back.”

  “Alec?” There was no response, but the energy was quickly becoming too much to control. With a pained gasp, she released the energy and the shaking stopped.

  A moment later, the door to Kayla’s cell flung open. Sergei, Carl, and another armed man rushed inside. When Carl saw Kayla’s condition and Ramiro’s unbuttoned pants, he charged him. He tackled the former trader and shoved him against the wall. Carl took a swing and his fist connected squarely with Ramiro’s jaw. Ramiro used his bulk to shove him backward. Carl grappled with him as they wrestled each other to the floor.

  Kayla rolled over and scooted herself back against the wall, pulling her legs up to get out of the way of the two men. Sergei yelled in his foreign tongue, and several armed men rushed into the tiny room and separated the fighters.

  Sergei’s eyes landed on her. He reached for her wrists, and she heard the telltale beep of the bindings being released. Sergei removed them and tucked the restraint into his pocket.

  Kayla rubbed her wrists, trying to ignore the trembling in her hands. She looked up to meet Ramiro’s stare. “It must suck to know that forcing yourself on someone is the only way you’ll ever get laid. No woman is willing to get anywhere near your pathetic excuse for a dick.”

  Ramiro snarled at her. “Next time, bitch, I’m going to make you beg for it.”

  Kayla held her head up high, refusing to let this bastard intimidate her. “That’ll never happen. I wouldn’t fuck you if the world were flooded with piss and you lived in the only tree.”

  Sergei whirled on Ramiro and glanced down at his unfastened pants. “You were ordered to return her unharmed. We do not condone rape.”

  Ramiro didn’t have time to react before Sergei pulled out his weapon and fired. There was a slight hissing noise and then Ramiro clutched his chest, gasping for air, surprise etched on his face. Kayla watched with a strange sort of detachment as he collapsed on the floor. His body twitched and then remained still.

  She blinked. It all happened so fast. Two of the guards bent down to remove his body from the room.

  “Wait!” Kayla jumped off the cot. Sergei held up his hand to stop the guards and looked at Kayla questioningly. She walked over to Ramiro and stared down at the man who had caused her so much grief.

  His death wasn’t enough.

  He should have been made to suffer in the same way Pretz suffered. He should have been forced to experience the same pain he’d subjected Veridian to when his arm was broken. He should have experienced the same degradation he tried to force upon her. He should have been made to feel every ounce of pain he’d ever inflicted.

  She spat on his lifeless body. It wasn’t nearly enough, but at least it was a small form of payback. Without saying another word, she turned and sat back down on the cot.

  Sergei’s mouth crept upward in a small smile. He gave her a nod of approval before motioning the guards to continue taking Ramiro from the room. Once he was gone, Sergei gave her and Carl a considering look. He then instructed the remaining guards to release Carl.

  “You will temporarily share this cell. The other was damaged a few minutes ago during the earthquake.”

  Carl nodded. “Thank you.”

  Sergei inclined his head, and the armed men followed him from the small room. When the door closed behind them, Kayla leaned back against the wall. She wrapped her arms around her legs and pressed her forehead against her knees. She couldn’t seem to stop the tremors going through her.

  Carl leaned down toward her and she flinched, not able to handle being touched yet. “Just… I need a minute.”

  He stopped, and she heard the cot creak as his weight settled on the edge. Now that it was over, emotions and memories flooded through her. She could still feel Ramiro’s hands on her, and she wanted nothing more than a hot shower to wash away the memory. She took a deep breath and choked on a sob.

  Don’t lose it now, Kayla. You will get through this.

  She took a few more deep breaths and looked up at Carl.

  “Kayla? Did he…”

  “No,” she said quietly. “Apparently, earthquakes aren’t conducive to rape.”

  Carl fisted his hands and looked away. After a long moment, he sighed and leaned forward to rest his elbows on his knees. “I’m so sorry. It took me too long to convince Sergei to check on you. My cell was damaged when the earthquake hit, and he didn’t have a choice but to bring me here.” Carl paused and lifted his head. “Was that you? With the earthquake? The wall split open in my cell and I thought… was it you?”

  She nodded and rubbed her arms, thankful fo
r the distraction. The room hadn’t felt this cold when she first came in. She was freezing. “I think so. I don’t know how I did it though.”

  “Can you do it again?”

  Kayla shrugged. Right now she wasn’t sure she could stand, much less cause another earthquake. “I just channeled a whole hell of a lot of energy. I’d probably end up bringing the entire place down on top of us if I tried. I don’t know how it works.”

  He was quiet for a moment and then said, “If we can figure out what triggered it, maybe we can use this to our advantage. Can you tell me what happened?”

  Kayla frowned. She saw the wisdom in his request but didn’t want to relive the experience. She took a deep breath and forced out the words. “Ramiro brought me in here and told me he was going to teach me a lesson. I went to kick him again, but he pushed me onto the bed. He put his hands on me and… oh shit, he…” Her voice trailed off as she choked on a sob, unable to say the words. It was too much.

  Carl wrapped his arms around her and pulled her onto his lap. She buried her head against his chest, desperate to soak up his warmth and chase away the chill. In a soothing voice, he said, “Shhh, it’s okay. He can’t ever hurt you again.”

  “I can’t… I can’t think about it right now.”

  “It’s all right, sweetheart. You don’t have to say anything. I won’t let anything happen to you,” Carl assured her. He tightened his arms around her, and she felt his lips press against her hair. He rubbed her back, continuing to warm her with his touch. She curled her fingers in his shirt, enveloped in the safety of his embrace.

  “Everything’s going to be fine. Alec said he felt your energy pull the other day when you caused the other earthquake. Maybe he felt it again just now and can trace it. Either way, I’m sure he’s tearing apart all four districts trying to find you.”

  “Maybe,” Kayla whispered. She hoped it was true, but there was no way she’d wait around for someone to rescue her. She’d figure out a way to get them out of this situation, even if she had to bring down the entire building in the process.


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