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Seven Stories for a Summer Afternoon

Page 7

by Jossy Loes

  And precisely Valeria was the first who decided to speak when she walked away.

  —Forgive me for having fled —she said embarrassed.

  —I told you I want you in my life —replied Héctor heavily.

  Despite being away, Valeria's mother could hear them, with growing hope in her heart.

  —I was scared —she confessed again. Héctor moved away a few steps and opened his arms.

  —This is who I am —he revealed sincerely—. I am Héctor Fernández, I am thirty-four and I have a girl of four. I'm not perfect, but I will try to make you happy if you want to.

  Valeria let out a sob and her mother covered her mouth at the same time when a tear slipped her, seeing that her daughter had found happiness again.

  The girl, who saw the gestures of her father, fixed her eyes on Valeria without understanding, the young woman knew that she had to present herself if she wanted to be a part of Héctor's life, so she bent down to be at the same height as the little one.

  —Would you like me to be a friend of your dad? —The little girl smiled, grabbed the trousers of her father and nodded.

  —I think I should ask for some more fish —said her mother out loud. Valeria turned and saw her mother with moistened eyes and the hands clenched in her chest.

  —You surely should —answered Valeria.

  Héctor lifted his little one, at the same time interlacing his hand with the woman who had stolen his heart in Tuscany, that night Valeria accepted that Héctor was the man who would change her life filling her heart with hopes.

  One year later...

  —Honey, do you remember the trip where we first met? Do you know that we missed a few places? —said Héctor mockingly.

  —Why? —answered Valeria.

  —I am innocent —replied her future husband, catching her to give her an innocent kiss.

  —Since you are innocent, I imagine that, coincidentally, our honeymoon corresponds the same dates.

  —Oh, no! I assure you that I'm not innocent about this —told Héctor with a certain air of evilness—. I did it with all the forethought, including that we could take those same suitcases, and perhaps certain underpants.

  Valeria laughed, thinking about the itinerary of the trip to Tuscany, and remembering the beautiful scenery that cured her broken heart by getting to know the man who made her understand that she had a new chance.

  The Kiss at the Fountain

  I don't know I'm noticing that I have a certain fear of what I can expect regarding these opinions.


  Again the invitation of the dukes of Atholl had come to her home.

  One of the balls where in the last two years she had captured the attention of British nobility. Hayley came close to her twenties and for her time, 1810, was on the list of debutantes.

  It was her second season and not that none of the gentlemen would have noticed her, on the contrary, she had several statements, but none of them came closer to her heart. Her mother thought that if the right man wouldn't show up, she would be a burden to her older brother, the future viscount Kavanagh, who used to take continuous trips to avoid the seasons of debutantes.

  Ironically, since it was assumed that Hayley should be on the hunt for a worthy gentleman, but that was the last thing she had in mind, until now, all had a "but" which made her go away quickly.

  So she didn't wont the time of the dinner to come, she was certain that her mother would speak of the invitation and is not that she wasn't excited, it was the event that she liked very much, the mansion of the dukes of Atholl had lovely gardens, full of hyacinths, roses and daffodils accompanied by the sound of fountain with which she fell in love from the first moment she saw it.

  She imagined that her first kiss would be there, in front of it, it was an absurd idea, but to daydream for a moment could do no harm to any damsel. Hayley was not wrong, the dinner turned to dancing and the constant hints with respect to her singleness. She agreed to flow with the current, and in the end, she was prepared to become the excellent wife of a great knight, the problem was that she didn't like anyone, and her parents began to bother her for being so demanding.

  The days passed and one afternoon she decided to go for a walk in Hyde Park with her maid, without realizing that two men were just finishing a horse race, leading to an accident caused by their behavior, so she ended up falling spectacularly to the ground.

  With the look she sought responsible of this humiliation and one of them hastily got down the horse to approach her.

  —Are you hurt? —he asked.

  Hayley lifted her head, ready to reproach him, and since all the eyes fell on her, moreover, including the brown eyes between thick eyelashes that were looking at her too, she remained speechless.

  The gentleman offered his hand to help her get up and she accepted, wondering who he was, she had never seen him until that moment.

  —Milady, are You feeling well? —he asked the maid.

  —Yes —she answered, still looking at the knight—. You should know that the runs are held on the west side of the park —indicated with a touch of indignation.

  —I have been reckless and selfish —the knight emphasized, in apologizing tone—. I just thought how not to let win my opponent, since I don't like to lose.

  Hayley was cleaning her dress, making it clear to him what a loss it was, though, hearing him, she looked at him again, surprised by the honesty of that gentleman and his accent, revealing that he wasn't English.

  —I assume that you are not from the city—answered Hayley, recovering.

  Ian wasn't used to so direct type of questions coming from a lady. The young girl who was in front of him had a self confidence that attracted him, something about her was familiar to him, her beauty wasn't typical English, but he couldn't deny that her huge blue eyes were a magnet that attracted him to get lost in them.

  He avoided to maintain his look for too much time, he didn't want a bad image of him to be built and also not to embarrass her, especially when she had mentioned several intentions.

  —This is right, it's been many years since my last time in London.

  He stood in silence again, observing, trying to investigate them and wanting to know who was who, the maid, who stood a little on the back, walked to Hayley to announce that it was time to return.

  —Milady, we should return. —Hayley blinked several times and confirmed nodding.

  —I hope to see You again in other circumstances—said Ian—. Excuse my poor chivalry.

  Hayley avoided smiling openly, the gallantry of the unknown showed that he knew how to win the sympathy of others and her curiosity increased. She wanted to know who he was and from where he had come, but such kind of questions she couldn't ask directly, she would have to think how and whom to ask about him.

  Ian could watch the Lady, and found that she was much more beautiful than what he had noticed in the beginning. The blue of her coat helped to highlight the tone of her skin and her face, as well as the drawn bonnet[4] gave her that touch of a sweetness that could make fall more than one mortal.

  —If you will stay longer in the city, perhaps we'll meet in another circumstances—said Hayley.

  Ian smiled, she just gave him a piece of information that could help him.

  —I hope this will happen —he concluded and dismissed with his hat, climbed back up on his horse, thinking of the only person who could reveal who was this Lady, his cousin, the duke of Atholl, the only problem was that he was out of the city.

  Several days passed until Hayley and Ian would be reunited at a concert.

  —Milady —he greeted her with enthusiasm—. It seems to me that our meetings are so unpredictable. —Hayley smiled, not expecting to see him that night—. It is a pleasure to meet You again —he said with sincerity.

  —I have to think the same —answered the young girl smiling naively.

  Smile that managed that Ian was hit by desire to feel the lips of the Lady, he blinked to clear the image, it was
impossible to keep those thoughts in front of this unknown Lady, but it was the ideal time to ask about her name and when he gathered the courage to do this, they announced that the recital was about to start.

  —I have to go —said Hayley—. I hope to see You after the recital and to be able to exchange opinions. —Ian smiled.

  —I don't know if You are warning me that I should have a certain fear of what I can expect regarding these opinions. —Hayley let out a little smile, which she covered with one hand.

  —Most tend to have very different views about the recitals.

  Ian raised an eyebrow, finding that response to be funny, while Hayley kept looking at him, flirting. She felt a force that drew her stronger and stronger toward that unknown gentleman, she contemplated him, wanting to stroke his brown and thick hair, as well as his chin.

  —Since I'm honest, I admit would like to please You having possibility to chat about this, Lady...

  Ian could not fulfill his mission, a young woman approached interrupting them, grabbing Lady's arm and telling that they should go to their position or they would miss the front seats.

  Hayley said goodbye with a bow and hastily walked up to her seat.

  —Hayley —said Byanca in a low voice—. Out of where did appear a man so attractive?

  She saw him sideways and, for a few seconds, they held the gaze, he smiled to the side, and she turned, blushing before those gestures that she had never exchanged with any gentleman.

  —That's what I almost found out before you arrived —she reproached her friend, who turned her head openly and saw the duke of Devonshire approaching, calling the attention of the unknown.

  —I think that he's already occupied —she whispered.

  Hayley wanted to turn back to see by herself what she had just said, but her pride was great and she decided to wait until the end, if it was true that he was occupied, it was necessary to hear that from him directly.

  Ian needed to know the name of the young, as well as to which family does, she belong, yes, he would have to ask his diplomatic cousin, the Duchess of Atholl. He would do it, but again there was a mishap, that night she had not attended the recital because of the flu. He thought quickly trying to sit close to them, but he bumped into the duke of Devonshire, and, after a brief conversation, he decided to leave immediately, he knew the true intentions of that man with reference to his daughters.

  After the concert, Hayley sought for the mysterious knight, but he had disappeared again; thus, increasing her curiosity. It occurred to her to ask some friend of the family and, in a second, she got rid of that idea; she did not want let them see her interest and to end up committed, just as her friend supposed.

  She wanted to tell Byanca how they had met and, strange as it was, how he began to appear in her dreams, however, she did not want to deceive herself despite the fact that his smile made her heart beat faster and her body shudder.

  She knew many attractive and charming gentlemen, however, that unknown had crept into her thoughts more than he should.

  In the following events she did not meet him again and that was discouraging, bringing her to conclusion that he was in the city only in passing, but her heart began to yearn for listening to that strong accent, until the destiny made the desired encounter to happen at the theater.

  —Good evening, Milady —she heard from behind. She avoided to smile at the excitement in her heart, turned around, fake casual, she accomplished it with difficulty—. It's becoming usual that we meet in unexpected ways.

  —Good evening, I have to admit it —answered Hayley. Ian smiled from the side, satisfied to encounter again with the young woman.

  That night was stunning and he wished for the second time to kiss her and to have her in his arms, until that moment he had not been aware how much he had missed those blue eyes and that discreet smile.

  —Maybe there is a connection between us —said Hayley, realizing that her tongue had been faster than her brains and she blushed embarrassed. Color came to her cheeks and that wasn't unnoticed by Ian, drawing him even more to her.

  —I have no doubts about connections —answered Ian, stating that he also thought the same thing.

  It was hard to ignore what his mind was beginning to realize; in that unknown young woman he discovered his other half.

  —How did you like the play? —asked Hayley to change the subject—. If I had to choose between the theater and recitals, I would choose the second —she added nervous due to the intense gaze of the unknown.

  Her desire to see him again had been fulfilled, just days before she had entrusted to her friend Byanca to investigate about a gentleman who had come to the city from the north, and she found out that there were four strangers.

  Her friend wanted to know more, but the limited information that she obtained said that among them was an important count. She questioned again and again her brother, the description of each of them being completely different from Ian.

  After this cross-examination she had to swear that they had not had any type of interest more than a simple curiosity, and promising that her commitment to a wealthy business man will remain intact.

  —Since I'm honest —said Ian—. I also lean toward the music and as I just have said, it would be interesting to know your opinion about a concert in Vienna.

  —Vienna! —exclaimed Hayley surprised—. I'd love to go —she responded enthusiastically.

  "It was now or never," said the young woman to herself. She wanted to know his name and ask her father to invite him to a dinner party, but what she never imagined was that Candice Toole, daughter of the duke of Devonshire, which had no likeliness whatsoever, was coming toward them.

  —Milord —she indicated, interrupting them—. It's time to go back —she pointed out.

  Ian did not want to go back to the box now that he had found the young woman who was mingling through his dreams, and again he regretted accepting the obligation given to him by his cousin.

  —Good evening, Milady —he said goodbye, resigned.

  —Good evening, Milord —said Hayley with a small bow, watching her dreams melting away.

  She wanted to run to the box, in order that her friend Byanca investigates immediately who was the fiancé of Candice, but she dismissed that idea, concluding that she could not do anything.

  One month later, the future viscount of Kavanagh came back from his habitual voyage, so he decided to pass through the gentlemen club and revive some old friendships, among them with his friend Ian, who had decided to spend a long season in London.

  Surely, to Hubert Redmond, the pleas stated by his friend in the last letter were not reliable at all, which made him think that his stay in London was rather to reset his head, which was a situation that didn't make him happy at all, since it would set more pressure on him.

  He tried to understand his friend's situation, he has been the earl of Buchanan for short time, and had sworn to his dying father that he would marry in less than five years.

  Ian kept his attention on the discussion on the tension between France and England when he heard his friend Hubert intervening.

  —You should leave Napoleon to one side, or else you'll end up unhinged. —Ian got up to greet him.

  —I thought that you have fled from London during a certain era —he told him in mocking tone. Hubert laughed.

  —The alarms have been triggered —Hubert responded ironically—. So I had to move forward my adventures to avoid that a good friend does a crazy thing. —Both men laughed.

  —Do not say anything about Lady Candice; I swear that it all has been a premeditated plan by Lady Atholl, and regarding which I have asked to be apologized.

  —Do you realize that you have needed me? —answered Hubert jokingly—. You have been for a couple of weeks in London and you're in a big trouble already. I have to imagine that your attention is directed toward another more beautiful Lady.

  —Why to deny it —Ian confessed with a smile—. The strange thing is that we
have crossed our paths three times and I still don't know her name, I tried to investigate about her and I have come to the conclusion that I'm describing a woman unknown to all.

  —Who would say that of a single person like you —added Hubert with a laugh—. You are asking questions about a woman ready to marry in the time of hunting, don't be afraid of the danger! —Ian smiled sideways.

  —I know it is the worst time, in fact, if it hadn't been for the stumbling with that beautiful Lady, I would have been on the north of Europe in some adventure with a certain friend and not falling here into risk that one Lady makes me commit to her.

  —Darn! —exclaimed Hubert, surprised—. Then, you are getting serious about that unknown Lady.

  —No one has talked about commitment —said Ian immediately—. I will not deny that she is beautiful, but for the moment I want to enjoy my last year of singleness, why to deceive myself, this is just a curiosity.

  —As your friend, I have to warn you, if you still have not considered any compromise, I hope that your will never direct your kindness toward my sister.

  —I have not had the pleasure of meeting her, however, I assure you that the sisters of my friends are my sisters as well —answered Ian.

  Hubert laughed again and they changed subject to travel and politics.

  On the other side of the city, Hayley was happy due the arrival of her older brother, he had spent a year without coming to London and she would have blamed herself for not being at home at the time of his arrival, she was waiting full of impatience, and as soon as she saw the carriage arriving, she got out of the chair, full of excitement.

  —My dear and beautiful sister —greeted Hubert entering the sewing lounge where their mother and Hayley used to spend a lot of time—. You were the first person I wanted to see, but mother told me that you were visiting Victoria.

  —I tend to be bored without your presence —answered Hayley—. I thought you wouldn't come back ever, I'm so happy to have you again here, at the end, mother will fix her gaze on the other.


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