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Talk For Me: Club Avalon Book 3

Page 24

by Kay Elle Parker

  “No. There's no sense in being afraid of a piece of metal, Connie. It's an object. You think things over, again and again. We all do it, but you've turned anal into the same thing I turned Jasper's sjambok into—something insurmountable. I guess it's gonna be hard for you to be on the receiving end, right? I don't know what it's like to be a Domme, but I can't imagine relinquishing control is straightforward.” Archie set the box on the couch between them. “Want my advice as a sub?”

  Nodding, Connie rolled the metal along her palm, wrapping her fingers around it.

  “You said Thane's picking you up later, which means you were using me and the mall as an escape. Taking you home would be a direct violation of his orders, which comes down to both of us getting a spanking. I can take it, it's no big deal. But if I were you, I would pop that sucker up my ass and wait for my Dom to come for me.” Archie's smile was kind, and far too wise. “Let him take you home, have a glass of wine, and ask him to do it. Just get it over with, away from Avalon and the pressure of choosing one part of yourself. Just be Connie tonight, the woman who's frightened about taking a new step. Let yourself be scared instead of struggling to be the big, brave Domme.”

  She swallowed hard, shoving the plug back into its slot in the box and closing the lid. Could she be that woman? Could she admit she had a weakness, and trust Thane to shore it up? She'd trusted him all the way so far, with a wobble now and then, but he hadn't let her down.

  Her breathing picked up a notch, anxiety fisting in her belly. Maybe wine would be a good idea, but she doubted Thane would let her get away with utilizing a crutch. Sensibilities became impaired, safewords were forgotten, mistakes were made under the influence of alcohol. She'd learned that lesson herself at the weekend.

  And how was she supposed to ask him to do that to her? Did she just blurt it out in a rush—please fuck my ass, Thane—or was she meant to be more confident—I think I'm ready for you to fuck my ass, Sir. The latter wouldn't work; she couldn't lie to him. He'd lock on to it and be disappointed with her. Reject her. Walk away without looking back.

  “What if I can't?”

  “You can. Lose the armor, Connie, and show him the softness. Show him how vulnerable you are, how much it scares you, and let him step up to the mark. A Dom protects his sub—I've learned that from watching Braun with Bodie, and from living with a sadist who'll go to any lengths to protect me from himself if he thinks he might go too far. Thane's cut from the same chainmail, I guarantee it.”

  That, Connie couldn't argue with. He really was made of Avalon Master material, and it wouldn't surprise her if one of the others nominated him to be voted into the circle. He'd have her vote, because he belonged with them, and after all the shit she was putting him through, he'd earned the title.

  Archie bounced up and hurried to Connie's desk, swiping her cell phone. She brought it back and held it out. “Unlock it.”

  “What are you doing?”

  With an arch stare, Archie pushed it at Connie insistently. “Unlock the phone and let me do the rest. I'm not going to do anything you can't undo if you truly need to get out of it.”

  Connie's fingers gripped her pants, her nails biting through the material into her thighs. It might be awkward to backpedal, but it was possible. Stomach sinking, heart beating in her throat, she croaked out her security code, then buried her face in her hands and tried to breathe.

  Archie hummed under her breath, her short nails catching the keypad rhythmically as she typed at high speed. God knew what she was writing. Suddenly crippled by a severe case of nerves, Connie lifted her head and tried to snatch the phone from her friend's hands, only to be effortlessly evaded. “Archie, don't send anythi—”

  “All done.” Keeping the phone out of reach, Archie smiled gently. “Relax, Connie. I didn't put anything awful in there, so just breathe before you pass out. My mouth-to-mouth skills aren't fabulous—well, unless you're Jasper.”

  “Jesus, what did you say to him?”

  “Just wait and see what he comes back with.” Archie's eyebrows almost met her hairline when the phone chirped in her hand. “Wow, he's fast. Okay, let's see what the delightful Master Thane has to say about the situation.” Her eyes skimmed over the screen, her lips producing a pleased smile as she hummed in her throat. “Oh, he's good. Not too eager, no stupid jokes.”


  Without another word, Jasper's highly annoying sub handed over the phone with some ceremony. Connie's hand trembled as she clamped her fingers around it, not sure she had the courage to read whatever Archie had written. But now she was in a position where sticking her head in the sand left her blind, deaf, and mute as to what was coming for her, and she couldn't stand the thought of being caught unaware.

  The phone had gone blank when she finally looked at it. She entered her passcode, and words filled the screen, blurred and wavering. Blinking, she focused on scrolling to the message Archie had sent, and felt all the blood in her face drain into her feet. “Sweet Christ, what did you do?”

  Connie: Thane, this is Anarchy. I'm with Connie in her office, admiring the gift you sent. I'm hoping you're Dom enough to understand butt stuff freaks her out, which is why I'm intervening. You need to come pick her up and take her home to do the deed, respectfully. My session has finished so Connie can play hooky anytime from now. I would come sooner rather than later, before she chickens out or has a coronary with the stress. If you hurt her in any way, shape, or form, I will sic Master Jasper on you so fast, you won't realize you're missing your balls until it's too late. Again, respectfully.

  Master Thane: Thank you for the warning. I'll make sure to let Jasper know how…fierce his sub is when I next see him. I'm on my way, I'll be there in ten minutes. If she's not wearing the gift, don't make her. I'll deal with it myself.

  Ten minutes. Shit, he was in the area. Blinded by panic, Connie lurched to her feet and tripped over her shoes. The only reason she stopped was to shove them on, because some rational part of her brain was still in control, rolling its eyes at the flurry of riotous emotions capable of rendering her down to a prey animal. She hit her shin on the coffee table, barely felt the pain, and stumbled over to the desk to find her purse.

  Then she just stood there, unable to recall what she'd done with the damn thing. A moment later, she couldn't remember what she was looking for. Mind as clean as a polished pane of glass, she could only sway in place, lost as to what to do next.

  “Sit down, Connie.” Gentle hands pushed her into her chair, then urged her head down between her knees. Archie rubbed her back firmly, crouching down beside her. “See, this is what you need to work toward stopping. Get it done and out of the way, and you don't need to go through this again. You know, Jasper uses a cream on me sometimes, to numb things. Feels weird, but in a good sense.”

  “You're not helping, Archie.”

  “Yeah, I am. You're just freaked out to admit it right now. Thane's going to come, and you'll calm down. Jasper has that effect on me—I think it's a Dom trait. They walk into a room and just blanket everyone under their power. Some people get scared, but for people like us, it's a comforting weight. You offer that comfort to everyone, Connie, wherever you go. It's time you let someone else do the coddling now.”

  When the hell had this situation devolved, and why was it going downhill so fast? Connie couldn't pinpoint the precise moment when it all blew up in her face, what she'd said or done to bring her here. There would be an opportunity to cancel out Archie's actions, but Connie didn't know if she wanted to. Apparently, her friend listened to her more than she thought, and she was putting everything Connie had taught her into play.


  She was well aware of the time ticking past as she remained bent over, breathing in slow, long breaths to give herself time to think. Archie remained beside her, her hand still stroking and petting. Eventually, she sat up slowly, all the blood from her head filtering away and leaving her dizzy.

  An instant message popped up on the com
puter through the interoffice system. She read it, a request from reception to allow a personal visitor to be allowed access. She almost told Shauna to refuse Thane access, then reconsidered. If Thane wanted in here, he would come. No feisty receptionist, no door or lock, would keep him out of here now.

  Archie tsked and leaned over, quickly typing: Please ask him to come back to my office.

  When Thane tapped on the door and stepped in, Connie's throat tightened. He was every inch the damn Dom, and she hated him for having the self-control she'd lost somewhere along the way. The door shut at his back, but he just stood there and raked his amber gaze over Connie, then Archie. Heated, focused, serious.

  “That's my cue to leave!” Archie stood quickly, bending to kiss Connie's cheek. “I love you like a sister, Connie. Enjoy yourself, okay? Find the bliss that comes after the first part, and let him look after you.”

  As her friend and lifeline bolted across the room, yanking the door open and slamming it at her back, Connie straightened in her chair and attempted to put on a deadly expression. She was sure it was a failed attempt, but she had to try and regain some of her equilibrium.

  “Hello, sugar.”

  Chapter Ten

  Jasper's sub shot past Thane, giving him an exaggerated wink as she went. The little troublemaker wasn't hanging around to explain the message he'd received, nor to threaten him to his face. A very wise move on her part, because he was not in the mood to defend himself right at this moment.

  Thane glanced around the room, taking in the two halves of the room that were so different, yet so Connie in design. The desk, the bookshelves, the administrative area of the office might as well have had Domme stamped on it in big red letters. It was a workspace, organized and orderly. The other half was all submissive, a lot softer and welcoming than the hardwood and darker colors on the other side. The couch, the table, the colors spoke of home and comfort.

  “Hello, sugar. Someone did a sweet job with the decorating in here,” he commented, wandering further into the room. The door was still shuddering on its hinges from the almighty slam Anarchy had given it when she left, but Connie was frozen in her chair, gray eyes huge and wary. “So, a little birdie told me you're done for the day. Do you know what that birdie suggested I do?”

  Her head bobbed twice, barely perceptible.

  “Did that birdie send the message with your knowledge and permission?” Thane crossed over to the couch, sitting down with his back in the corner opposite Connie, and stretching his long legs out in front of him. He didn't get his phone out—he'd memorized the fucking text.

  This time, Connie hesitated before nodding. Her breathing was labored, despite her attempts to conceal it.

  “Scale of one to ten,” he said conversationally, reaching over to pluck a familiar box off the coffee table, “how scared are you? Honestly, sugar. I'm curious.”

  Connie mumbled something, sliding her eyes to the carpet.

  “A little louder, Connie. There's no point hiding from me now—there's a whole deck of cards on the table we need to sort through. This seems an appropriate place to talk things over.” He lifted the lid on the box and ran a fingertip over the sleek contour of the anal plug he'd chosen for her.

  “Fifty-six,” she whispered.

  Thane didn't laugh. He had an inkling he knew what had gone on here this afternoon, and he couldn't whole-heartedly approve of Anarchy's tactics. But then, he doubted the woman had all the necessary data required. He pulled the two items out of the box, then tossed it aside. “Go lock the door, Connie, and strip on your way back here. Are there cameras in here for your safety?”

  “No cameras.” Connie licked her lips. “How did you get here so fast?”

  He scowled and jerked his head toward the door. When she got up and walked towards it, he flicked open the cap on the lube and drizzled a thin stream around the shiny tip of the plug. “I fully expected you to make an escape after you got my present,” he told her simply, using his thumb to distribute lube over the steel. “I've been waiting in the parking lot down the street, just in case. I wanted to be able to catch you before you ran too far, too fast.”

  She stopped dead, looked at him over her shoulder. “Excuse me? You woke up this morning and figured it was a good day to stalk me?”

  “Not stalk. I sent this,” he held up the glistening plug, “as a test. I didn't know if you would obey my request, or get yourself all twisted up and turn tail. In the event you bolted, I wanted to be here. Pushing your limits is acceptable, Connie, as you well know. Terrifying you and leaving your ass to swing in the wind is not. But then, I get a message from your phone—but not you—advising me to, ah…oh yes, do the deed.”

  Her shoulders sagged as she flipped the two locks on the door, and she released a shuddering sigh as she stripped off her top layers and cast them aside. His eyes landed on the lush weight of her breasts as they were freed from the confines of her bra, her nipples crinkling from flat rosy discs into tight peaks in full bloom. “That was Archie. She thinks I won't be as fearful once…after…if I…”

  Thane added more lube to the plug, spreading it around and around the toy. “Okay, so I now know what the expert thinks. What about the woman with the psychology degree? What are her thoughts on this plan of action?”

  “She's out of the office for the rest of the day.” Connie lowered her pants an inch at a time, obviously trying to delay the unfolding events happening here and now. When he cleared his throat meaningfully, she let them fall and pool around her feet. Her panties followed.

  “That's a shame, I was looking forward to her input.” He patted his thigh and gave her a warm smile. “Pull up a chair, sugar. I don't bite unless it's a full moon.” He howled softly, grinning when she almost cracked a smile. “Just because the invite's been written doesn't mean the party's going ahead. Come here.”

  Naked, flashes of sunlight striking her skin through the cracks in the blinds, Connie walked to him and settled herself onto his lap. It was decadent, sitting here fully dressed with a beautiful woman bare and trembling on his thighs. He was delighted with her—she wasn't struggling against his authority, despite the fact he was trespassing on her territory, and she was exhibiting levels of trust he'd thought would take a few more weeks to strengthen.

  Showing her the plug, he asked quietly, “Think you can take this for me?”

  “Maybe Archie is right, and we should just…do it. I-I've got some vodka in my desk drawer. A few hits of that and I won't care what's happening.” Her fingers curled into his shirt as she laid her head on his shoulder. “I don't want to feel like this anymore, Thane. Just get it over with.”

  “Well, now I'm disturbed you have alcohol in your desk,” he muttered in displeasure, thinking of Atticus’s prediction she'd turn to drink, possibly drugs, to keep herself afloat. “Can you remember what I said about your ass, sugar? That there was scarring from the burns?”

  Connie nodded warily, tightening her fingers on his shirt. “You said something about it.”

  “Yeah, well, that scarring means I can't just bend you over the arm of the couch and screw my cock into you, sugar. It would hurt, it could cause you a great deal of damage, and I don't want to be responsible for tearing open a place you already fear.” Thane kissed her head, rocking her slightly. “We need to warm up your muscles, stretch them slowly and gently. I can put the plug in and let it do the hard work while I get you home, then we can go to the next stage if you're comfortable. As much as I see the logic in Archie's suggestion, sometimes charging headlong into a situation does more harm than good.”

  “But you'll let me have a drink—”

  “Absolutely not. No impairments, nothing to distort it. You'll experience it from start to finish, Connie, and recognize my hands on your body the entire time. There'll be no one but you and me. When I make you scream, it'll be with an orgasm. When you cry, I'll be the one holding you until the tears stop.” His lips found her ear, kissed their way down to her jaw, then her shoulder. “
When I'm inside you, my cock stretching that tight little hole open, it's my name you'll be shouting. Are you ready?”

  She shuddered, huddling into him. “Yes, Sir.”

  God, he loved it when she called him that. It felt just as right as it did when he called her Mistress. “Clever girl, Connie. I need to ask you a question before we start. The night you got burned, were you on your hands and knees?” When she hesitated before confirming, Thane altered his plan of action. “Okay. I'd like you to sit here on the couch, heels and ass on the edge.”

  He leaned forward and set the plug on the table, dropping the lube beside it. In a simple move, he deposited her on the cushions and rose, leaving her to assume the position he required while he removed his jacket, then his shirt. The jacket he tossed aside, the shirt he placed under her butt as she slowly settled into place. Dropping to his knees, he shoved her legs further apart and wasted no time in putting his mouth to work on her pussy.

  She was wet, warm, and deliciously fragrant. His tongue lapped over her folds, traced swollen labia as she whimpered and wiggled. Clamping his hands on her hips, he kept her pinned in place, licking into her for every drop of sweetness he could find. His nose nudged her clit repeatedly, rubbing the bundle of nerves in time with his movements. More of her juices met his tongue, and her fingers found their way into his hair.

  Thane reached back with one hand, groping for the lube. He smiled against her pussy when he found it, his mouth never leaving the source of his delight. Testing her, he encouraged her to tilt her hips, then pressed the flat of his tongue over her anus. She stiffened and fisted his hair, making low sounds of protest. Fluttering the tip of his tongue over her, he used only his mouth to distract her as he lubed up his middle finger.

  He licked from anus to clit, closing his teeth around it and biting down just hard enough to force her to arch, keeping his teeth locked on as he set his finger against her asshole and pushed gently. She twisted her hips, trying to dislodge him, but he was one step ahead of her. Teeth were replaced by lips, and he sucked on her firmly, quick draws that swelled the little nub.


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