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Talk For Me: Club Avalon Book 3

Page 27

by Kay Elle Parker

  “Feel good?” he asked, continuing to twist as he tugged the toy, testing the resistance of her muscles.

  “No,” she moaned in denial, lying through her teeth.

  “That's a shame.”

  Another hard tug, and she felt herself arch against the sensation of something moving in her back passage. She whimpered, taking a hurried breath in and exhaling deeply, relieved as the steel was expelled in a rush. She went limp, praying she wasn't as open and exposed as her body was telling her she was.

  “Beautiful,” Thane murmured reverently.

  Something cool dripped down her crack, inside her, then his fingers slipped into her. Lube, she realized. He was taking precautions with her even though the stupid toy had done its job, making sure she was slick and capable of clearing the final hurdle with him.

  God, she loved him. Part of her wanted to get up and run, but it was a minimal part. The rest of her was handing over full control, trusting him like she had no other. Trying to calm her breathing, she set her teeth against her forearm, biting into her jacket.

  She heard the crinkle of foil, envisioned him sheathing his cock in a condom. Protecting her every step of the way.

  “I know the bad shit happened when he had you on your hands and knees, sugar, so we're not going to do this how you'd expect. I want you to sit on my lap. I'd rather see your eyes, be able to watch your face, but I understand how intimate that is. So, this once, I'll let you choose which way you sit.”

  When she opened her eyes, she saw him sitting beside her, his legs stretched out into a narrow vee. His cock jutted up from his groin, erect and primed, and she'd been correct about the condom. Latex fitted the thick shaft so well, she could see the plump veins feeding his erection.

  Hesitantly, she pushed herself up and crawled onto his lap, facing him. He wasn't the only one with a need to see his lover's eyes and read every nuance of emotion. Conquering a fear required strength, courage, and hers was waning. Straddling him, she counted her breaths, knowing she was breathing too fast.

  “Take it easy, sugar. Lift yourself up, that's it. No, don't look over there. Look at me, Connie. Eyes on me, all the time.”

  Lube-slicked latex kissed her pussy, then slid back under the guidance of his hand. Her heart stuttered as the broad crown notched against her anus, sank in just a little. Her shoulders moved restlessly, a silent protest, but Thane simply gripped her nape in a fierce grip, squeezing lightly.

  “Ease yourself down, sugar. Gently now. No rush. Relax and let your weight do the work, just like in your office. Fuck, I bet you feel so damn good.” His eyes lit with a hunger that almost scared her, the amber blazing with heat and ravenous desire. “A little more, Con. Let me in. I'm thicker than the plug, but not by much. You can take me.”

  Connie froze, feeling the head spread her open. It didn't hurt, not how she'd anticipated. The faintest burn sizzled along her nerve endings, drawing an uncertain moan from her throat. Beneath her, Thane's hips lifted, and the pressure grew until his cock slipped inside her. She went rigid, her back arching, stunned by the intrusion. The plump crown was definitely thicker than the goddamn toy, she thought, and if he believed it was not by much, he needed to get a tape measure and assess that shit properly.

  “There we go.” Pride and approval flavored his tone. “Work yourself onto me, Connie. All the way down, that's my girl.”

  She didn't have much choice. Her body had taken over, locking her anxious brain into a cell. Her insides quivered, fluttering around his cock like a welcome committee. She dropped her head forward onto his shoulder, her hands sliding around his back, only for him to ease her back and cup her face.

  “Eyes on me,” he demanded, thrusting his hips up again and driving another inch into her. “This is our time, Connie. You and me, alone. I want to feel that wet pussy rub against my skin, and the root of my cock press against you. Take every inch of me, sugar. I can feel you squeezing me like a goddamn fist,” he groaned, slamming his mouth to hers and stealing another kiss.

  There was too much pressure, so much fullness. Logically, she knew she could take him, but she wasn't in a logical mood. There wasn't a single thought in her head about Evan or acid, pain and torture. They were long past that now, and Evan no longer held a claim on her. The chains of fear fell away, clattering to the ground.

  With a cry, she shoved her hips down, her startled gaze reflected in the amber of Thane's. Panting, mewling, she caught her breath before she began to laugh. “Is this really happening, Thane?”

  His eyes darkened. Strong arms banded around her, and she got the impression he didn't want to let her go. Which was just fine with her—she was standing astride the line between overwhelmingly horny and high as a kite. “It better be. If this is just a high-resolution dream, I am going to be so pissed off.” Teasing her mouth with a slow kiss, he added, “No one can take this away from you, Connie. You've won an important battle. Take the win.”

  It was real. It was happening. And it wasn't as bad as she'd allowed herself to believe. Her heartbeat pulsed in time with the cock throbbing in her ass, calmer now, steady. She might not be in control, but she found comfort in that. As the Domme, she never would have permitted this to happen, and she'd have spent the rest of her life being terrified of a simple act that really wasn’t as terrible as she’d been made to believe.

  Of course, Thane’s patience and infinite care cemented her trust in him.

  Some of the tension seeped from her body. “I'm ready, Sir.”

  Thane didn't argue. He slipped his hands down to cup her buttocks, lifting her up so his shaft ignited the nerves around her anus as he withdrew. Lowered her, stroking the head of his cock across sensitive inner tissues. Up and down, up and down. She found the rhythm awkwardly, using her thighs to help him raise her, controlling the descent.

  Faster, harder, until Thane's hands were no longer assisting, only guiding. His groan melded with her whimpers when she felt her lower belly cramp, her back tighten. An orgasm lurked, reluctant to break free. Thane reached between them, setting his thumb on her clit, thrusting two fingers inside her pussy. Filled to shattering point, she came apart at the seams with a vicious scream that echoed through the hills.

  Before the endless cycle of pleasure stopped, he flipped her onto her back and ranged himself over her, amber eyes boring into hers. She couldn't look away, even though her vision blurred slightly at the edges. He pummeled her orgasm back into life like a piece of metal beneath a metalsmith's hammer, keeping the sparks flying. Hands braced on either side of her head, his body toiled as efficiently as a piston, driving into her relentlessly.

  When he surged home, rutting into her as deep as he could, she dragged his mouth down to hers to claim his growl of release for herself. She swore she heard him say, “Mine,” as the world spun and went mad.

  Chapter Eleven

  Friday rolled around faster than Thane anticipated. He suspected it had to do with the woman he loved and the routine they were quickly establishing. Since he'd finally stripped her of her anal virginity on Monday night, they had grown closer, and he was pleased that their bond was solid. Trust went a long way.

  So far, Connie had spent the past four nights in his bed. Something else to be pleased about. He'd forgotten what it was like to wake up with a warm body in the morning, to share meals and daily conversation, to go to bed at night after an exhausting bout of sex with his arms wrapped around his lover.

  They shared breakfast before Connie went to work, then he spent the day renovating the parts of the house he didn't like. Oddly, he found it necessary to ask her opinion on things like colors and furnishings, including her in the decision making. It made her part of the house, and in all honesty, he liked it that way.

  There was joy in finding her clothes in the laundry basket, her toothbrush in the holder next to his. Small, simple things that gave him hope for more. God knew, he wanted so much more with her. Saying the words I love you hadn't been a mistake, and he wouldn't take them back
for anything. He was old enough to know his heart and mind, wasn't he?

  She gave him everything he'd ever dreamed of, and more besides. This past week, he'd watched the clock with eagerness, waiting for the hands to tick around to six o'clock. Waiting for her to come home so they could eat together, take a shower, watch inane comedies on Netflix. They were building something lasting.

  Walking into Avalon with her made him proud. He loved studying the tilt of her head, the dominant stride and attitude come to life. The more she submitted to him at home, and in private at the club, the more he could see the changes in her other capacity. Both parts of her were flourishing.

  “Atticus was right about the standing room only,” he murmured to her from his place by her feet, amazed by the throng of people gathered in the social area. Some of them he'd never seen before. “Should we make our way through before we get hemmed in?”

  Connie's fingers stroked his head absently. The gesture he'd been so envious of last week between Jasper and Anarchy was bliss when given to him by his Mistress. “There's ten minutes left,” she replied, scraping her nails over his scalp lightly. “But yes, perhaps we should. I want to make sure Archie's okay about this going ahead.”

  Always worrying about everyone else, he mused. He was aware she snuck off every night after dinner for thirty minutes to call the facility where Alicia was staying. From the conversations he'd overheard, the girl had settled, was making friends and taking classes, but she wasn't happy. And when Alicia wasn't happy, Connie wasn't either.

  With that in mind, Thane had already drafted some mental plans to alter the house to make it wheelchair friendly. He didn't think it would be hard to install a ramp at the front and back doors, although he was still calculating the correct angles to make sure they wouldn't be too steep for Alicia to navigate. The dining room could be altered without too much fuss, turned into a bedroom. Maybe he could knock the wall through into the mudroom, recycle it into an en suite bathroom.

  Having Connie in his life would inevitably bring Alicia into it too, and he wanted the girl to feel welcome in his home. Perhaps he was thinking too far forward into the future, but if he didn't dream about the years to come, what was the point in living? Fantasizing about spending the rest of his years with Connie made him excited to wake up in the morning.

  A sharp tug on his hair brought his attention away from his musings. Lifting his eyes, he realized Connie was standing, waiting for him to clue back in on reality. With a grunt, he got to his feet. “Sorry, Mistress. My mind was on other things for a moment there.”

  “You looked happy,” she commented as they climbed the steps out of the pit together and cut toward the walkway. She didn't protest about his hand on the small of her back, which gave him a reason to smile. “Not that you're not happy all the damn time, but this was on a different level.”

  Because I was thinking about you. About us.

  “I have many levels.” He liked her confident stride, the way she covered ground quickly yet unhurriedly. They only had a few minutes left before Jasper's scene began, but Connie's feet didn't rush. “You know a few of them, but a man needs to have his secrets—at least until he's ready to spill them.”

  She shot him a glance as they crossed the threshold into barn two. “You have secrets?”

  Several of the play stations were in use, he noted as they passed through. His cock, already hard, swelled to the point of pain as soft cries filtered through the air. Connie's voice had made those noises on Monday night, although hers had bounced off rock formations and echoed beautifully into the wilderness. “None that should worry you, Mistress. This, with you, is what I want. I'm not going to jeopardize that for the sake of withholding information from you.”

  “I should hope not,” she muttered. “I'd hate to bust your balls, Thane.”

  His laugh was quiet, respectful of the scenes happening around them. As they approached the second walkway, he let her lead. The third barn was a mystery to him, somewhere he hadn't explored. Connie's stride was smooth, not wavering as she continued straight on into what he'd been told was essentially an oversized wet room. The playground for those with a filthier appetite.

  Watersports, blood play, any play that required a great deal of lubrication. If the scene was designed to make a mess, this was the space reserved for it.

  Thinking of Connie's hard limits and the reasons behind them, Thane stopped and pulled her to one side. Dropping his voice, mindful of the other spectators heading in the same direction, he asked, “Are you okay going in there, sugar? Anarchy may be the main attraction tonight, but that doesn't mean no one else will be playing at the same time. Should I be watching for triggers?”

  Gray eyes flicked to her right, then back to him. “We're staying for the demonstration, then we're getting the hell out of here. Barn three gives me the creeps,” she admitted slowly, “and I can't guarantee I won't be triggered by something. But I can handle it. I promise.”

  Thane scowled. “The first sign of upset and I'm dragging you out. We've made progress with your fear; I'm not letting you slide back.” He linked his fingers through hers, gripping her securely. “Don't let go of my hand, Connie. That's an order.”

  “I won't.” She squeezed it, then gave him a tug. “Come on, we're going to be late.”

  “You're not going to get to talk to Anarchy, are you?”

  “No, but I have to trust she's made peace with the decision to go ahead with this. Besides, Jasper will have everything under control. When it comes to his kitten, he leaves nothing to chance.” Her face softened, her eyes grew a little sad. “They've overcome the odds,” she told him as she started walking again. “There was an…accident a few months ago, and Jasper was injured badly. Spinal shock. He was paralyzed for a short time, and he's worked his ass off to recover. Anarchy…well, Anarchy suffered the torment of the damned in more ways than one, but they fought back. They won.”

  Oh, there was so much more to that story than she was telling him, he thought with suspicion. In fact, he was willing to bet she'd barely scraped off the first wafer-thin layer. “You'll have to tell me the whole ordeal when we've got some privacy. I'm intrigued, sugar.”

  She almost crushed his fingers. “Some stories aren't mine to tell. Jasper will probably tell you, if you manage to sneak into his inner circle of trust. He's a private guy.”

  There was a retort on the tip of his tongue, but they stepped into barn three, and his stomach dropped.

  Everything was vinyl and tile. There was color, sure, but he got the same vibe as when he stepped into a hospital. Clean, clinically so, with the scent of lemon disinfectant in the air. He smelled it, tasted it. There were four bays, two down either side of the room, but they were thankfully redundant tonight. Relief washed over him as he realized there was nothing to trigger Connie.

  All the equipment had been shoved back against the walls, leaving an open space in the middle of the room. A rubber-topped examination table with split leg rests waited, unoccupied. Someone had placed a stainless-steel table on wheels beside it, a cloth draped over the top.

  “What the hell is Loki doing?” Connie whispered as they drew closer, joining the small gathering already waiting for the show to begin.

  Thane saw the Master a few feet away, working at a table of his own. His back was to them, his attention focused on whatever he was doing. “No idea. Holding down the fort until Jasper gets here?”

  As if speaking his name had summoned him, the white-blond Master stepped out of the shadows and moved to stand by the examination table. Icy blue eyes surveyed the crowd, and Thane took a moment to do the same. People were still filing in, but the room behind him was fast becoming full. Evidently, everyone had realized what time it was and come through at the same time.

  It was a full house.

  “Well, I see our planned activity for the night is popular,” Jasper called out, and a ripple of laughter bounced back at him, along with a tangible surge of excitement. “We've had a lot of requests
to do this, so I'm glad the attendance is this good. There may be opportunities in the future to ask for similar demonstrations and lectures if the interest is there.”

  A few voices chimed up in support.

  Jasper inclined his head. “Tonight, I'll be using my lovely sub, Anarchy, as a teaching aid. She is understandably nervous, so there are going to be a few rules in place before we begin. Firstly, I'll ask for silence until my sub is settled and the scene is underway. No sub, no demo,” he said when someone groaned. “Secondly, please do not direct any questions toward her. I'm the one you need to address. Politely,” he added darkly. “Thirdly…”

  He snapped his fingers and the lights around the room went dark at the same three spotlights illuminated the examination table and a six-foot area around it. “Do not step into the light. I've denied Anarchy a blindfold as I need to be able to read her face. This is an important lesson for any of you trying this kink for the first time. Fisting has the capability of being an incredibly enjoyable act for a sub, but it does have its risks. Reading my partner's expressions, her eyes, is what I consider to be one of my most valuable tools as a Dom.”

  “Is this a new kink for her?” A female voice called out softly.

  Thane watched those blue eyes scan the darkness, lock on the voice.

  “Melanie, I'm pleased you could join us. Anarchy's experience with kink in general is limited, and while she voiced her curiosity about fisting, now that this is upon us, she's suffering from a few performance nerves. This is something that the Doms among you will need to deal with, as and when they arise, and that the subs in the audience will no doubt understand.” Jasper shoved his hands in his pockets. “Any questions before we begin?”

  Thane pulled Connie in front of him as questions flew toward the circle of light ahead of them. She was trembling, he discovered, and wondered whether it was from anxiety for her friend, or her own fears. “It's okay, sugar. Jasper seems to have everything under control.”


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