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Talk For Me: Club Avalon Book 3

Page 31

by Kay Elle Parker

  “How badly do you want to come, Thane?” Her lips skimmed over his shoulder blades. “I wanted to spend some time getting to know this body before I let you fly, but maybe we should just get down to the main event.” A soft, warm tongue licked along his spine before she flitted away, reappearing a moment later in front of him. “Oh, baby,” she crooned sympathetically. “You really are in a pickle, aren't you?”

  Thane growled, feeling sweat beginning to sheen his skin. It was taking a phenomenal amount of self-control not to go against her orders, especially when his erection was so close to going off like a rocket. “A little help, ma'am?”

  “I could be nice and help you,” she murmured. “After all, you've been a good boy, keeping your eyes closed, just like I asked.” A solitary fingertip, light as a whisper, skated from the root of his shaft, all the way along the underside to his crown. He heard a sucking noise, then the pop of lips. “Hmm, delicious. Salty, musky, with an undertone of desperation. I'm surprised there's anything left for you to come with, Thane. Your cock is leaking precum all over the floor.”

  He groaned and clenched his teeth together. That single touch was akin to a line of fire coursing down his dick. When he got his hands free, his Mistress would be flat on her back with his face buried between her thighs. He would keep her there for hours, licking her until she couldn't say a damn word, then he'd—

  “Say please, Thane.”

  “Please, Mistress.” There was pride in giving her the words.

  “Good boy.” Breath fluttered over his lips before her mouth melded to his. She threaded her fingers through his hair, clutching it as she rubbed herself against him, smearing his precum over her belly. He felt a familiar tingle stir in the small of his spine.

  Then she was gone again, leaving him breathless and frantic, straining against the restraints. Connie knew how to torture him without floggers or vibrators, with just her body and voice. The cock ring and anal beads were nothing but a prop, one he found himself enjoying even though his balls were on the verge of rupturing.

  It was hard to hear anything but the thrum of his own heartbeat. If there were conversations going on around him, they were little more than a buzz lost in the strength of his pulse. The world could come tumbling down around his head and he would hear nothing, see nothing, feel nothing but the leash of submission around his neck, leading to the hand that controlled him.

  Fingers traced the curve of his ass. Buttocks clenching, he felt tension spread its fingers to his shoulders and feet, infecting every inch it touched. The muscles in his thighs and calves shivered, only to calm beneath the petting of smooth palms.

  “Relax, Thane. I find it odd how you don't have a lot of miles under your belt as a submissive, yet you have no difficulty being both halves of you. Me, I've driven down both roads and found the Dominant side easier to navigate. But you…you just adapt to whatever's required of you.” Connie's voice was quiet, pensive, but he heard her above all else. “I'm going to fuck you now. I'm going to take care of you. When I come, you come.”

  Release. Sweet, blessed release. His head bobbed in agreement, keeping his body limber when his Mistress removed the anal beads one fucking bump at a time. Inside him, they nudged his prostrate, demanding he unleash the full force of his dick. Sweat pearled on his forehead, dripped off his nose. His chest heaved with the effort of keeping himself on a chain.

  The rounded tip of a rubber phallus pressed against his asshole an instant after the last bead fell away. Snarling under his breath, he held on to the padded rests and grunted with each careful thrust of his Mistress's hips. Thicker than the beads, the strap-on dildo ventured deep into long-forgotten territory, and he almost lost his load then and there.

  Connie wasn't like the Domme whose name and face he could no longer recall. All memories of the woman who'd masqueraded as a knowledgeable and capable Dominant no longer existed. That woman was a shadow compared to the light that was Connie, and God knew he was basking in it. The grip on his hips was strong, nails nipping his flesh as she used her hold on him to rock the rubber shaft further inside him.

  He knew his dick was wet, could feel the copious amount of fluid trailing down the sensitive flesh like a fingertip. His heartbeat no longer reverberated in his ears, but palpitated in his balls. Unable to help himself, he thrust back as Connie's pelvis slid forward, and he took the last inches of rubber with an anguished shout that silenced the world.

  His knees went weak, almost sinking him to the floor. “Holy fucking God.”

  “Easy, Thane. Just take it easy.” Connie's lips kissed a line across his back. “Tell me when you're ready.”

  He didn't hesitate. “Don't make me wait, Mistress. Please, I'm ready.”

  Fuck. The slow withdrawal from his ass left him speechless, but the slide back in…he didn't think he'd survive this. In fact, he was sure of it when Connie purred, “That's it, Thane. Push this ass out at me. Take every inch. Open your eyes, baby, and see how me fucking you turns on everyone in Avalon.”

  A groan wrenched from his chest, unsteady and broken, as her pace picked up. The rapid slaps of her groin against his ass was music to his ears, a rhythm matching the sensation of having his world turned upside down. The dildo inside him became an entity of its own, infuriating his prostrate with every nudge, then forging hard into tender tissues.

  When he opened his eyes, he saw a blurry sea of faces. Just wavering blobs in an ocean of yet more of the same. He couldn't read expressions, couldn't tell whether they observed the scene with lust, disgust, or pity, but it wasn't their scene to judge. He dismissed them without a second thought, concentrating on the rush of pleasure flooding his system. The pain in his cock was reaching the point of unbearable, the need to come unstoppable.

  Connie hammered into his ass, her own whimpers of excitement becoming more frequent, morphing into cries of delight. The bite of her fingers was inconsequential, the bump and grind of her strap-on nothing but a catalyst to the finale. He jerked forward when she rammed into him viciously, holding still as her arms wrapped around him like steel cables, her hand reaching down to loosen the restraint around his balls, then fisting him, tugging the thick shaft once, twice…

  That was all it took. Before her fingers finished squeezing him, the orgasm ripped up through his spine. It took no prisoners as it surged through his balls, battling the constriction of the cock ring, then used the pressure to force copious amounts of cum spurting onto the floor.

  Thane roared, his spine snapping straight. The metal frame shook as his arms fought the ropes tying him in place. His cock felt like a burst waterpipe, spewing stream after stream of ejaculate in what seemed like a never-ending orgasm. The lucid part of his brain not drowning in endorphins was frantic to break free, turn around, and fuck Connie into the floorboards, pumping her full of every last drop of wasted cum.

  The rest of him, well…the rest of him was helpless, enslaved by his Mistress and the release she gave him.

  His legs crapped out on him a few seconds before his brain. He felt his weight hanging off his arms, heard Connie cursing and shouting for someone to grab him. As his head fell forward, lolling limply as he surfed along in absolute bliss, someone grabbed him around the waist and hoisted him up, releasing the pressure off his shoulders.

  “Jesus Christ, Connie, what did you do to the poor guy?” Atticus demanded gruffly, tilting Thane's head back to study his eyes. “He looks like you shot him up with cocaine, for fuck's sake.”

  Thane grinned stupidly.

  “Just shut up and hold him steady while I cut the ropes.”

  His eyes rolled back in his head.


  “Congratulations, Con. You fucked your sub unconscious.”

  Connie glared at Atticus as she used the knife she'd set on the table to slash the blue ropes free from Thane's arms, the ones tying his ankle cuffs to the rig. As the Master bore her lover's weight, she checked for signs of corrupted circulation and found none. She hadn't tied them tight enough t
o restrict blood flow, but with the way Thane had thrashed through his orgasm, she'd been worried they'd strangle his limbs. But his skin was healthy and pink, marred only by the pattern of the rope imprinted on his flesh. “Are you okay keeping hold of him for a minute?”

  Amused green eyes glinted at her. Oh, the big oaf was fucking loving this. “Do what you have to. I've got him.”

  Stunned by her own climax, she took a few seconds to get her head back into working order, then wrestled the harness off her hips, wincing as the small dildo slipped from her pussy. She grabbed a large Ziploc bag from the canvas tote she used for her toys, stashed the harness and toys inside, and zipped it up for cleaning later. Trying to work as fast as she could, she tidied the scene up and dressed, gathering Thane's clothes into a pile.

  “Connie, sweetie, leave your stuff. Just grab a blanket and we'll take loverboy next door so you can coddle him, okay? Calm down,” Atticus advised gently when she didn't know what to do with her hands. “It's nothing to be flustered over. I have subs pass out on me all the time. It's disconcerting to be on the other side, right?”

  Damn straight it was. Never in all her years of topping subs had she caused one to lose consciousness. It made her anxious, undermining her control as a Domme. Questions ran through her mind like rats scattering in the face of imminent danger. Was he hurt? Had she caused irrevocable damage somehow? Jesus, had he been in overwhelming pain? Had he yanked his shoulder when he dropped, twisted his hip?

  “Come on, get the blanket. I'll find a couple of recalcitrant subs to fetch your bag and Thane's clothes, then finish cleaning up.” Carefully, Atticus swung Thane easily into his arms, tilting the limp form toward his chest to give him some semblance of modesty.

  Snapping out of her funk, Connie yanked her special sub blanket from her bag and shook it out. Before she covered Thane with it, she quickly extracted his cock from the rubber rings around the base of his shaft and his balls. With sure movements, she spread the material in her hands over him from chest to thighs, tucking it down between his body and Atticus's chest. “Sorry, it just threw me for a loop. I wouldn't have restrained him to this if I thought he'd go down like a ton of bricks.”

  “I doubt he was expecting to, either, if that's any consolation.” Atticus started walking, pushing through the lingering crowd, and heading straight for the walkway. “That was a different scene to anything I've seen you do before. Usually you like to torture your subs before the grand finish.”

  Connie pushed her tired body to keep up with Att's long strides. She felt like someone had shoved her through the wringer a few times on top of riding the astonishing wave of release still vibrating in her core. “He hasn't played for a while. I didn't want to toss him in at the deep end and keep pushing his head underwater with a long stick.”

  Her friend laughed, grinning at her. “I think you dropped him in at the deep end with a pair of concrete shoes, sweetheart. The look on his face when he came was like he'd seen the light and God was calling him home.” They stepped into the social area, and Atticus jerked his head at Liam before beelining for the seating pit. “Sit yourself down, Con, and relax. You're not in much better shape than he is.”

  “Thanks for that,” she muttered balefully, but eased herself into her usual spot with a grateful sigh. Cradling her arms, she supported Thane's head and neck as Atticus settled him along the bench seat, taking great care to keep the blanket over him. “On a less sarcastic note, thank you, Atticus. I'd have been stuck if you hadn't come to the rescue.”

  “My pleasure, as always, but there were a couple of Doms already heading for you. You wouldn't have been stuck.” He retreated to his own seat, sitting like a king. “This thing between you is getting serious, Connie. More than I expected when I asked him to step in for me as your Dom. He's making you happy?”

  She stroked her fingers through Thane's hair, smiling as she noted the peace on his face. “Don't worry, Att, you didn't set me up to be heartbroken. He makes me happy, he exasperates me, and he gives me a reason to laugh. We love each other, and I know he sees a future for us. It's nice to be in a relationship with someone who's so damn sure he knows what he wants, instead of a guy who hedges about what he thinks he'd like to happen.”

  “That's reassuring.” Atticus arched a brow at her when she narrowed her eyes at him. “What? I like the guy, I approve of him. I was uncomfortable with the idea I might have to beat his brains into mulch,” he admitted. “It would've pained me to make him bleed, but I would have—still will, if he does a single thing to hurt you.”

  “You're not shocked I'm in love after three weeks of knowing him?”

  Atticus pulled a Seriously? face, then wafted her question away with a wave of his hand. “I watched Braun lose his shit over Boadicea in record time. Jasper fell for Anarchy the moment he laid eyes on her, even if he was a dumb fuck and kept her at arm's length for damn near a year. Both of them serve as an example, Connie. Fate throws our hearts at the ones we're meant to be with, and it's up to us what we do with the time we're given. Braun almost lost Bodie, Anarchy almost lost herself and Jasper. Don't base your relationship on three weeks of normal time constructs. A relationship isn't the measure of days and weeks, it's the sum of your interactions. You can't calculate how much trust one scene adds to the dynamic and compare it to so many days.”

  “So I shouldn't be freaking out?”

  “Not unless you think he's a mass murderer who's lining you up to be his next victim.” Att rolled his eyes at her when she gaped at him. “Connie, open your eyes and fucking look at him. The man adores you. He might not know all the details of your past the way I do, but how he got that information is through the right means. I hacked into your life—you're letting him in.”

  A sub scampered down the steps with a tray balanced on the fingertips of one hand. Her pale pink thong and seashell-shaped bra in the same color was revealing enough to raise Connie's hackles. She couldn't even say why it annoyed her, but somehow she refrained from berating the younger member with a sharp tongue.

  “Mistress Connie, apologies for interrupting. Master Liam asked if I'd bring you some refreshments.” The tray lowered to waist height, and the pretty brunette held it steady as Connie accepted two bottles of water and a small bar of chocolate. Before she could say thank you, the girl swung around to Atticus. “And a scotch for you, Master Atticus.”

  “Thank you, sweetie. Ask Master Liam to round up a couple of cleaners for bay six in barn two.” Taking the glass, Atticus dismissed her with an appreciative smile. When she skipped off, he sipped the drink. “Braun and I have been talking about promoting several members into the Master's rank. Obviously, Braun is committed to Bodie's health and wellbeing, and his attention will continue to be split after the baby comes. Jasper is enamored with his new fiancée, and while they'll be in attendance, he's not going to want to be monitoring the barns. We need to bolster the circle to provide quality guidance for the membership.”

  “You've compiled a short-list.”

  He nodded and rubbed his chin beneath his beard. “It went from a long list to less than five once we investigated their history a little. The top contenders right now are Thane and Saul.”

  Connie blinked, then smiled as she glanced down at her sub's face. He was starting to wake, a faint line marring his brow. Stroking it away, she nodded. “I can't disagree with either choice. Saul seems capable, and the subs have taken a liking to him. He's been taking on more responsibility, covering the front desk and the bar when needed. As for Thane…”

  “Thane's proven himself,” Atticus told her. “As far as we're concerned, he'll be voted in as a Master if he accepts the position. Of course, adding him to the roster seems futile when he's tangled up with you, but he's got a lot to give, and the members can learn a lot from him.”

  Taking into account what he'd already taught her, Connie imagined he would make an incredible addition to the team. He was calm, in control, knowledgeable, and passionate about the lifestyle. She was
a different woman under his care, and while jealousy pricked her heels, she couldn't deny other women—or men—the gift that was Thane. “Good. He deserves the chance.”

  “Yeah, that's what I figured you'd say.”

  She was about to reply when Thane's eyelids cracked open, revealing beautiful strips of amber. His lips quirked into a dazed smile. She rested her hand on his cheek, willing him to come all the way back, disturbed by the depth of her relief. “Hey there, stud. Nice nap?”

  “Died and went to heaven, didn't I?” Dark eyebrows wiggled at her. “That's the reason there's an angel looking down at me.”

  “Sappy bastard.” Laughing, she bent and kissed him, then reached for one of the bottles of water the sub had brought over. Unscrewing the cap, she raised his head and pressed the rim to his lips. “You know the drill, Thane. Put back in what you sweat out. You did well, I'm proud of you.”

  He drank slowly, carefully, as she tipped water into his mouth. His eyes were amused as he let her quench his thirst, dragging his arm out from under the blanket to grasp her wrist. It was an oddly intimate moment, more than even the joining of their bodies. When he stopped drinking, he ran his tongue around his teeth. “Was that you in your element, Connie?”

  “That was me being nice.” It wasn't far from the truth. She had a reputation among the male subs for being enthusiastic in her role. Not quite sadistic. Never that. She liked to test limits, expand them, but causing intolerable pain wasn't one of her kinks. “How are you feeling?”

  With a grunt, Thane pushed himself into a sitting position, letting the blanket drop to his waist as he swiveled to sit properly on the seat. He rolled his shoulders, cracking his neck. “Well, my ass is certainly going to remember you fondly for the next few days, that's for sure. My dick might never recover from that godforsaken contraption you wrapped around it.” He slanted her a wicked look. “It might need CPR from a talented mouth before the night's over.”


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