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The Contract

Page 20

by Jerry D. Young

  “That would work,” Sara said, staring at Jason. “Everyone unmasks before we go home. That way you will not be able to try to fake me out. You will have to be here.”

  “You are implying that if I am here, you will know me, no matter what costume I wear. That is not saying much for my ability to come up with a costume.”

  Sara shrugged. “You are resourceful. And I have only known you for a short while. But Trinity has known you for a long time. If you fool us both…”

  She suddenly frowned. “I was not making a bet. Just getting you to come and have a good time.”

  “I like the bet idea,” Jason said. “You and Trinity seemed to have come up with a plan to get me to do something I do not particularly want to do. That calls for retaliation.”

  He smiled. “I think Trinity would agree. She has been trying for a long time.”

  “So you want to bet me that you can fool us?”

  “No,” Jason said, “But it does seem to have come down to that.”

  “You are really annoying me about this,” Sara said.

  Jason smiled.

  “You wear something pretty, sing three karaoke songs, and recognize me before the unmasking, and you can name your stakes.”

  Each of the staff gasped. Jason looked over at them and smiled. “And I trust each of you not to let on to anyone if you do happen to recognize me. You have all known me a long time. You probably will.”

  He looked back at Sara. “You agree not to try to get information from the staff?”

  “Of course not. That would not be fair. I know that. Before I pick my stakes, you have to pick yours,” Sara said, getting a prickly feeling up and down her back.

  Jason shrugged. “You can name them both. Yours and Trinity’s, and mine. She might as well think she is getting something out of this. It will make the defeat even just that much more enjoyable for me. And you can name mine. Whatever you think me being here, in costume, seeing you sing in something pretty, is worth to me.”

  Fortunately Sara’s high emotions already had her cheeks bright red. Otherwise the blush would have been highly visible.

  Quickly dragging her thoughts away from the blush causing ones Sara said, “If any of us beside the staff recognize you before the unmasking, you have to do a karaoke song and dance, and you have to take Kathy out on a date and you have to find me a suitable date for the same night to go out with Trinity on a double date with Alan.”

  Sara managed to hide the wince she felt like making. The stakes were not that much better than the first one she had thought about. Why in the world had she arranged a date with Kathy for him? That was what she had been trying to avoid. And she had been avoiding any dates herself.

  “Sure,” Jason said immediately. “I have already told you that George is a nice guy. From what you and Trinity said out on the steps the other day, he has been asking you out since you met at the game two weeks ago.”

  It was obvious this time that Sara’s color was not all previous emotion.

  “Okay. Forget that part of it,” Sara said quickly.

  “It is moot, anyway,” Jason said softly. “You will not recognize me. What do I win?”

  A little weakly Sara said, “You get to see me sing and…”

  “Oh, no,” Jason said. “That is just so I will be there. This is if you do not recognize me. If no one recognizes me, I mean.”

  Sara just stared at him. It was several moments before Sara finally said, “I honestly cannot think of anything you have indicated you want.”

  She saw the sudden flash in his eyes he was not quite quick enough to hide. So did each of the staff. Sara whispered, “And I know you really do not expect anything I cannot give.”

  “No, I do not,” Jason replied. “I tell you what. You just promise me to have a good time some weekend. No responsibilities. No school. No chores. Just doing something you really want to do. No worry about what it costs.”

  “But you still do not get anything out of it if you win,” Sara protested.

  “Yes, I do,” Jason insisted. “You being happy.”

  “You are not being fair, again!”

  Jason smiled and shrugged. “I know. It must be grating to know you cannot win.”

  Sara growled. “Okay, buster! Since you put it that way, I guess I really should not worry. There is no way you can win. One of us will recognize you.

  “What I should do is make a side bet that I will recognize you…”

  The look in Jason’s eyes earlier had Mrs. MacDougal quickly stepping forward. “Now, I am not sure I like this betting business, to start with. Let us just leave this where it is.”

  “Okay,” Sara said grudgingly. She looked over at Mrs. MacDougal finally. “I am beginning to get a little worried about the amount of work this is turning out to look like it is going to be.”

  Jason added, “As am I. This is a good idea, but it has grown from part of our class to pretty much all of it, plus quite a few other people.”

  Sara looked over at Jason. “You have an idea?”

  “I think we should rent a place.”

  “I do not mind… We do not mind doing this,” Mrs. MacDougal said, making a motion to include the others of the staff. “We are all actually looking forward to it.”

  “I realize that,” Jason said. “I think we both would like you to remain in charge and oversee the party. Just, rather than having it here in the house, we do it at the community center.”

  “I agree,” Sara said. She looked over at Jason. “That would be extra work, in that there is the travel and such.”

  Jason met her gaze. “I think appropriate compensation can be arranged.”

  “Now, I will not hear of anything additional. We are paid, and paid well, to care for this household. We do not need anything additional.” Mrs. MacDougal insisted. The others were all nodding.

  “This is outside of the household, now.” Jason looked at Sara again. “I think we can come up with something. How about you?”

  Sara nodded. “I am sure we can. So, you think the community center. Can we get it?”

  Jason looked back at Mrs. MacDougal. “Do you think you can swing that, Mrs. MacDougal?”

  Sara noted the very slight color in Mrs. MacDougal’s cheeks.

  “You just be very careful what you imply, young man! If you insist we conduct this party elsewhere than this house, then we shall. I will see to it.”

  “Thank you, Mrs. MacDougal.” He winked at her and added, “I shall allow the Mistress of the House to handle the details with you, then. Apparently the one issue that was a bone of contention has been resolved. I do not think my presence is required, until the night of the party.”

  “Not so fast,” Mrs. MacDougal said. “I think that perhaps your assistance will be required. Since we be doing things away from the house, you will be needed for various and sundry tasks. This is a household project, despite being held elsewhere. Make yourself available for various chores. We will be carrying out Miss Sara’s instructions. As will you.”

  Sara smiled at Jason.

  “Yes, Ma’am,” Jason replied, then cut a quick smile toward Sara. “I am at your disposal, Miss Lee.”

  “Do not give me any ideas. Such as disposal,” Sara said.

  Sara glossed over the details with Trinity the following day as she told her friend that Jason had agreed to help, and be at the party. She did feel obligated to explain the bet, and became rather annoyed when Trinity grinned, then started laughing.

  “I should have included you some way other than the…” Sara said.

  “Okay,” Trinity said. “You left out something. Are leaving out something.”

  “Not really, since it turned out not to be part of the bet,” Sara protested weakly.

  “Come on, Sara,” Trinity cajoled, “Give!”

  “It was almost part of the bet that Jason had to find me a date to double with you and Alan.”

  Trinity grinned. “Him!”

  “Him? No. He said George.”

  “What?” Sara asked. “You have been telling me I should go out with George.”

  “Well, sure. You should. He is a nice guy. I went out with him a couple of times before they moved. But it was the perfect time for you to wangle a date with Jason. Or him with you.”

  “I was not trying to wangle a date with him!”

  “I know. But you should.”

  “But you have said we just argue all the time.”

  “Well, I think if it was a date you both would probably wind up having a good time.”

  “Not going to happen,” Sara said adamantly.

  Trinity realized Sara was serious about the subject. So she changed it. Sort of.

  “So you are going to go out with George, then.”

  “I do not know. Maybe. I probably would if Jason would go out.”

  “What does his going out have to do with you going out?”

  “Nothing, really, I guess,” Sara quickly said. “Just we were making the bet and he has to go out with Kathy if we recognize him. That was when I did the idiot thing and mentioned going on a double date with you and Alan.”

  “So what is the big deal? Even if you do not recognize him, I probably will. He goes out with Kathy, which I think is a good thing, for several reasons. You go out with George, with Alan and me.”

  “Uh… What if we do not recognize him?”

  “I have known him for over five years. We will know almost everyone there. Even if he has a really good costume, a simple process of elimination should do it.”

  “I thought about that. But he is so tricky,” Sara said, realizing it was true.

  “That is sure the truth,” Trinity agreed. “But I just cannot see how he could fool us.”

  She looked at Sara questioningly. “And what is the deal about a pretty cos-tume.”

  “I do not know. He just said I had to wear a pretty costume. Not the witch one.”

  “He is strange, sometimes,” Trinity admitted. “You are beautiful, and you do tend to hide it. Maybe he is just trying to bring you out of your shell a little more. You have…”

  “Hey! I do not need anyone to bring me out of anything!”

  “Easy! I was not… Well… I guess I was, but… Gee, Sara! I am sorry!”

  Trinity looked chagrinned.

  “No,” Sara said softly. “It is me. I am sorry. I should not have snapped at you.”

  “This is Jason’s fault,” Trinity said firmly. “I may have to have a few words with him, coming between two friends like us.”

  Sara had to chuckle. “Oh, Trinity! Nothing could come between us. Not even Jason McKindrick.”

  “For whatever convoluted reason he has, I must say, I think all this is a good idea. You have a great voice, are beautiful, and are the hostess for this. You should be in something pretty.”

  “I have agreed to it, even if I do not agree with it. But what?”

  Seeing the gleam in Trinity’s eyes Sara quickly said, “I am not about to be some kind of fairy princess, so do not even go there.”

  “But…” Trinity suddenly smiled. “How about a ballerina? Short, short, short little tutu, and your long ol’ legs…”

  “Cut it out, Trinity,” Sara warned. “You are sounding like a sixteen year old boy with runaway hormones, not a young sophisticated woman.”

  “Not hardly,” Trinity responded. She grinned. “I am thinking what a sixteen year old boy with runaway hormones would want to see. Big difference.”

  “Okay. But I said pretty, not sexy…” Her voice trailed off as she remembered Jason ticking off his points on why he did not want to go to the party.

  “What? You just thought of something,” Trinity prompted, bringing Sara’s thoughts back to the issue at hand.

  “Uh, just something someone said one time.”

  “Yeah, right. And I am Little Red Riding Hood and you are the Big Bad Wo…” Trinity whistled. “Wow! I amaze myself sometimes. That is it. Little Red Riding Hood. With that red hair, and long legs…”

  “Get off my legs, okay?” Sara said, frowning. Jason’s eyes had drifted to them earlier that week when she had worn one of the shorter skirts in her wardrobe.

  Trinity grinned. “Been getting comments, huh? I told you that skirt would get you a date.”

  “Date, schmate,” Sara growled. “It got me leers.”

  “Including one from George, nice guy that he is.”

  “At least he was polite about it. If Rodney says one more thing to me, I am going to borrow one of Jason’s javelins and run it through Rodney.”

  “At least Kathy is doing a little better around him. She makes a concerted effort to avoid him, instead of just waiting for him to start in.”

  “I know. I think we helped. But back to my costume. You have a good idea…”

  “Of course I do,” Trinity said.

  Sara frowned at her again. “But no short skirt. A long, flowing one.”

  “Okay. What they cannot see, they will think about. I heard somewhere that is just a big a turn on as…”

  “Will you leave my legs alone?” Sara said, cutting another annoyed glance at Trinity.

  “No wonder Jason loves to annoy you. It is so easy.” Trinity was grinning.

  “Yeah. Get much further on my bad side and I will talk to Alan about a few things.” Sara smiled at Trinity sweetly.

  “So, long red flowing skirt. Red hooded cape. Pretty much covers your costume. What about me?” Trinity said solemnly.

  “That is better,” Sara said, smiling. “You can use my witch costume.”

  “No thanks,” Trinity said with a sniff. “I have to at least be pretty. Alan was talking about wearing the Phantom mask and a tux. I have to have something to go along with that.”

  “Just be the girl in the play. She wears beautiful clothes.”

  Trinity shook her head. “I do not want to do it that way. I want my own cos-tume. But I want to look as good or better than him.”

  “You have all the classic choices. Fairy tale princess. Cleopatra. Sleeping Beauty.”

  “I know. I just want to do something different.”

  “You are into the RenFair thing. Do something with that.”

  “I thought about it. And some of the clothes are nice. I have a couple of maiden outfits I have worn. But I am more into the martial end of it now.”

  Sara started to smile. “Okay. Not RenFair. Fantasy Fair. Do a Fantasy Warrior Princess or something.”

  “Hey! That is not bad. As long as I do not get too salacious…”

  “Like you would!” Sara interjected.

  “I can think about it!” Trinity said, grinning. “But, yeah, I think we are on to something.

  “Oh. Before we get too far into that, I really do think some of us should help.”

  Sara nodded. “I know. Mrs. MacDougal said it was not necessary, and we are going to get a catering service to help with the food. I think letting people help will make it even more fun. People are actually looking forward to getting involved.”

  Jason found Tommy working downtown. “Perfect,” Jason said to himself. Tommy was doing a promotion for one of the department stores. As a mime.

  “I thought you hated my mime work,” Tommy told him. Jason talked to him while Tommy was on a break.

  “I really do not care for it. But it will work for what I need to do.”

  “When do I get to meet this girl? She must be something.”

  “She is,” Jason said, quietly. “And when you see her, feel free to introduce yourself.”

  Jason grinned. “Tell her you are the one that taught me the sleight of hand that got all this started.”

  “All of what? It sounds like you are setting me up to get popped in the kisser.”

  Jason continued to grin.

  “When I do meet her, and I will,” Tommy said, “I think I will just keep that to myself. And probably this, too. You come on over this evening and I will teach you a few mime moves. But you owe me for this.”
  “Sure thing, Tommy. You name it and you got it.”

  “Think you can get me a date with your chauffeur?”

  “No, but I can tell her you are interested.”

  “Uh… Just make sure she drives you down here, soon. I think I had better handle the rest.”

  Jason laughed.

  When he had a chance, Jason casually asked Sara, “The staff have been dis-cussing their costumes. What did you come up with for the caterers?”

  “The caterers?” Sara asked.

  “I just assumed they would be in costumes, too,” Jason said. “You have had some pretty good ideas for this, particularly Trinity’s costume.”

  He winked over at Trinity, who blushed, slightly.

  “Somehow I just figured you would have the caterers all decked out as classic movie monsters or something,” Jason continued.

  Trinity suddenly grabbed Sara’s arm. “I have an idea,” she hurriedly told Sara, glancing over at Jason.

  When they moved away from Jason, Trinity, her voice low, said, “That rat has been kidding me about my costume. I want to get even. He hates mimes, Sara. Have the caterers be mimes.”

  “Why does he hate mimes?” Sara asked, looking over at Jason speculatively.

  “Oh, he does not really hate them, he just really does not like mime as entertainment. There is a small group that performs downtown during fairs and things. Even at the RenFair. He goes out of his way to aggravate them, by not responding to their work.”

  Sara started to smile. “Really?”

  Trinity, too, smiled. “You will do it?”

  Sara looked over at her. “I will find out if the staff can do it. They might not even be able to.”

  “They really do not have to be mimes,” Trinity said. “If they wear either the tights or tuxes, white face makeup and white gloves, that should be enough to drive him nuts. You said there were, what, five or six servers?”

  Sara nodded. “Three people in the kitchen, six servers, plus the house staff. And you think it would annoy him? Maybe give him away when he is around them.”

  “I do not think he could resist,” Trinity said, getting excited. “The main thing is to annoy him. I still think we will recognize him, but every time I have seen him around a mime, he has pushed through the glass box, or walked away from the pulling rope thing they do. You know.”


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