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Cyborg Rewired (Space Sci-Fi Romance): Science Fiction (Robot Romance)

Page 16

by Olivia Myers

  “Yeah. I’m an idiot,” she offered. Sara and David exchanged a look, before Sara offered her a goofy grin. When Megan quirked a curious brow, David slipped a miniature tablet out of his pocket, playing back the feedback that he had intercepted. Megan cringed at the sound of her betrayal, averting her eyes as the two began to giggle excitedly.

  “Don’t be embarrassed! We’re gonna help you get the girl!” David exclaimed. Megan glanced back to him, raising a brow. “Well, anyone would have a hard time believing the change of heart you had, considering what Angelina did. Angelina especially. We have these records that prove Vivian is a scheming gold-digger. It may take some time, but we really think you can win Angelina over,” he rambled, slipping the miniature tablet back into his jacket pocket.

  “You think that will really work?” Megan inquired weakly, cursing herself for the traces of hope she heard in her own voice. She no longer had a handy narrator to obscure her feelings. Sara smiled, taking David by the hand and swinging it back and forth.

  “Oh believe me. David is the love doctor,” Sara grinned. The two gathered closer to Megan’s bed, and the three conspired until visiting hours were over. Sara vowed to visit every day, and Megan joked that she would hold her to it. As she was left alone in her hospital room, she stared up at the ceiling, silently praying that through some miracle, their plan worked.


  The next day, physical therapy began, and shortly after that, she was ready for short supervised trips out of the hospital. David and Sara were swift to volunteer for the supervisory positions, and once their records were run through the system and came out clean, they were approved to leave the hospital with Megan. They rolled her out of the hospital in a wheelchair, and she took a deep breath of the sweet outdoor air before she was swiftly deposited in the front seat of Sara’s car. Sara began to fidget with the radio, and Megan slapped her hand back to the steering wheel, leveling a glare at her friend.

  “What’s the hurry? It’s not as if we’re trying to salvage a tattered relationship with true love’s kiss,” Sara said, and David chuckled warmly as Megan continued to glare at Sara. After a moment, however, Megan was forced to look away and erupted into chuckles.

  “That’s such a corny way to look at it,” she offered, the warmth in her tone betraying her words. Sara wagged her eyebrows before setting the car to automatically follow the path to their destination. Once the navigation system was set, she crawled into the backseat with David, cooing sweet nothings into his ear. Megan rolled her eyes, focusing on the road ahead as the couple sloppily made out in the back seat. The trip to her old campus was a relatively short one, and the car pulled up to the handicapped parking spot. Sara all but fell out of David’s lap and out of the car, scrambling to her feet and moving to help ease Megan into her wheelchair. David set the alarm system on the car, giving chase as the wheelchair jolted in accordance with Megan’s directions. Sara and David had to sprint to keep up with their determined friend, and it was only once they were outside of Angelina’s dorm and heard the sounds of pleasure from inside that they realized their plan might not go as smoothly as they hoped.

  “Vivian, you fuckin’ bitch!” Megan roared, launching out of her wheelchair and lunging towards the door. She leaned heavily against it, stumbling in as Angelina pulled the door open.

  “Megan!?” she screeched, grudgingly catching the still-weak woman before she could hit the ground. Vivian peeked out of the bedroom, swearing loudly before attempting to make an escape out the window. “Bethany, what on earth—Beth!” Angelina screamed, staring in confusion as her supposed girlfriend bolted out the window. Megan struggled to get to her feet, lurching after Vivian with murder on her mind.

  “Megan wait! You’re not strong enough yet!” Sara called out, carefully snagging Megan around the waist and placing her back in the wheelchair. Megan gasped for breath, lip curled in a snarl as she stared at the window Vivian had escaped through.

  “Would someone mind explaining what is going on? Who is Vivian and why on earth did you chase off my girlfriend!?” Angelina demanded, refusing to meet Megan’s gaze. David slipped through the door, gasping for breath as he clutched his chest. Sara stepped towards him, reaching a hand into his pocket and withdrawing the tablet that held all their evidence. She gripped it in her hand for a long moment before handing it to Megan and stepping towards the door.

  “I think you two should talk,” Sara said simply, ignoring Angelina’s protests as she and David slipped away from the dorm, closing the door behind them. Angelina narrowed her eyes upon Megan, taken aback by the look of sheer adoration in the other woman’s gaze.

  “Megan… You do realize that—“ Angelina started, cut short by Megan thrusting the device towards her.

  “I know, Angel. I don’t care. Not anymore. Just… watch this,” Megan implored. As much as Angelina wanted to deny her, something in her stirred at the familiar pet name. She clicked the tablet on, and Megan sank further and further into her seat as nearly the entirety of events played out through a series of videos and audio overlays. Angelina stared at the tablet, eyes widening as she watched the scene play out. As the video came to an abrupt halt, freezing on an image of Angelina and Vivian tangled on the science lab table, Angelina looked up towards Megan, eyes narrowed. “Looks like we both have some apologizing to do,” Megan offered weakly. Angelina looked as if she would go off, but she hesitated, rewinding the video and playing through certain portions once more.

  “So you’re the one who was feeding her all those lines. No one… no one has ever said such nice things about me. You couldn’t have meant it,” Angelina murmured, glancing shyly towards her former rival. Megan reddened, rubbing the back of her neck.

  “I… I wouldn’t believe me either. It’s been a hell of a long road,” Megan said awkwardly. “But I… I do care about you, Angel. No matter what has happened between us, I’d like to put that in the past and—“ She was cut short by the other woman lunging towards her, pressing their lips together in a fierce kiss. Megan moaned against Angelina’s lips, reaching up to tangle a hand in the blonde’s perfect locks. Angelina snagged her hand before it could make it too far, shifting Megan’s grip onto her chest. Megan inhaled shakily, drawing away and staring at Angelina in confusion.

  “If you meant it… if you truly meant it. Prove it. Make love to me,” Angelina implored, guiding Megan’s hand in an exploratory motion across her chest. Megan drew her lip between her teeth, and Angelina smiled gently.

  “I guess it’s a good thing you waited to put your clothes back on,” Megan joked weakly, and Angelina gave her a playful shove before climbing into her lap. “H-here?” Megan sputtered. Angelina grinned wickedly, grinding her unclothed heat against the fabric of Megan’s loose fitting shorts. Megan bit back a cry of pleasure, ducking her head to—finally!!—take one of those rosy buds between her lips. She lavished Angelina’s chest with tender attention, and Angelina’s cries of pleasure grew louder. She tangled a hand in Megan’s hair, legs quivering as Megan trailed a hand down her perfectly sculpted torso. When Megan’s fingers dipped between her legs, her heavenly cries of ‘oh god’ echoed through the room, and Megan found it was only suitable for her name. “My Angel,” Megan murmured against her neck, and Angelina all but fell limp as deft fingers slipped into her eagerly awaiting slit. Megan rubbed slowly at first, and Angelina rolled her hips in desperation for further contact.

  “Please,” Angelina whispered, and Megan was swift to oblige her unspoken request, curling her fingers into Angelina’s moist heat. Angelina cried out, burying her face in Megan’s shoulder as the other woman lovingly worshipped her body with hand, tooth and tongue. When she thought she could take no more, Megan slipped another finger into the mix, curling them upwards to press against her aching love spot. Angelina all but screamed, desperately rutting against Megan’s hand and wrist. Megan groaned, her own arousal growing to a near fever pitch as Angelina clenched around her fingers before cumming in a gush. Megan’s moans intermi
ngled with Angelina’s as she continued to milk the other woman’s orgasm for all it was worth, reaching a hand into her own shorts to pleasure herself. Angelina was too lost in sensation to immediately notice the move, but once she did, she was swift to remedy it. As soon as her honeyed fingers pressed against Megan’s clit, the overstimulated brunette began to writhe in almost painful pleasure.

  It was if she had gone from zero to sixty, going from feeling zero sensation throughout her entire body, to feeling as if every nerve was alight with passion. Angelina sensually pumped her fingers in and out of Megan’s aching desire, pressing her thumb against the other woman’s stiffened nub with each thrust of her fingers. Megan’s body quaked, and all at once, she felt certain she could see God. If not God, then certainly his most glorious of angels. She cried out in ecstasy, body quaking violently before going entirely limp. She gasped for breath, and Angelina drew her fingers between her lips, licking them clean of Megan’s essence. Megan moaned at the sight, allowing her head to slump back into the headrest of her wheelchair.

  “Was I okay?” Angelina inquired softly, moving to ease out of Megan’s lap. With what little strength remained in the woman’s muscles, she guided Angelina back on top of her, nuzzling her face against the side of her newfound lover’s neck.

  “It was heaven,” Megan murmured, feeling the adrenaline begin to fade and her body grow sore. In spite of the pain she was certain she would endure for the next few days, she felt happier than she had in the entirety of her life. Angelina peppered kisses against the side of her face, and Megan tilted her head to consider the woman she loved. “I don’t know what I expected.” Megan murmured, reaching a shaking hand up to brush it through Angelina’s hair. Angelina purred happily before tilting her head in confusion.

  “What, you didn’t expect me to be any good?” She said teasingly, tracing a finger against the crotch of Megan’s shorts. Megan shuddered, shaking her head. Angelina quirked a brow, and Megan was quick to correct herself, speaking in an exhausted tone.

  “I just didn’t think it would be so perfect. I should have expected as much, I suppose,” she murmured. Angelina chuckled, kissing Megan on the nose.

  “Well, how could you have known?” she inquired teasingly. Megan grinned toothily, feeling herself slowly begin to give in to slumber.

  “I should have known by the fire that was alight when I saw you… through her eyes.”

  The End


  Olivia Myers is an author of paranormal romance, science fiction romance, and historical romance. Living in San Diego, CA, she loves sitting by the water and writing on her laptop. When not writing, Olivia loves attending local art shows and exploring the California coast one restaurant at a time.

  Olivia is always hard at work on her next book.

  Get in touch with Olivia and follow her new and free promotions at

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  I hope you have enjoyed this book. As a new author in the big world of publishing, it’s hard to get noticed. I’d love if you would leave me an honest review.

  Thank you for downloading my book!

  –Olivia Myers




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