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The Turtle and the Hare (Furry United Coalition)

Page 8

by Amanda Kimberley

  “Catch me if I fall, Dad.”

  “You know, I will,” Mr. Hopper said in a cracking voice.

  They started to descend the long Victorian staircase. The carpet was a beautiful paisley flowered print with a peachy orange accent. It looked elegant against Harriet’s white satin shoes. She detested the fact that she had to wear heels. Her feet would protest after the first hour of their reception, but Carol insisted that heels were much more appropriate for the future Princess of Skyros than white Converse sneakers.

  As her first step hit the stairs, she was beginning to doubt her reasons for not protesting Carol a little more on the matter. She hesitated, unsure she’d be able to make it.

  “I’ve got you, Harriet. I won’t let you fall,” Mr. Hopper said again. “You’re doing fine.” Her father squeezed her arm in reassurance.

  Harriet smiled at her father. Then her gaze turned toward Lear, who was clad in his royal Skyros military uniform. She smiled widely at him, her heart aflutter at how handsome he looked.

  She kept her eyes locked with his as she transitioned from the staircase to the white-clothed pathway that led to the love of her life, and to her new world. The warm breeze brushed her cheeks as she officially hit the outdoors. Everyone stood and turned to watch her walk down the remainder of the aisle, and she noticed Lear’s eyes starting to tear up.

  She held back the urge to run to him, though the walk seemed to be taking forever. Finally, she reached the outdoor altar, and her father turned to her and kissed her on the cheek. He then shook Lear’s hand and stepped away, officially leaving Harriet with Lear.

  During all the virtual planning sessions with her mother and Carol, they’d told her she wouldn’t remember much about the wedding, that it would all be a blur. Harriet didn’t want that to be the case, though. She wanted to always remember the moment she stood next to the man of her dreams, on one of the most beautiful beaches imaginable, in front of all of the people of Skyros.

  The ceremony would unite them. They were proclaiming their love in front of everyone, telling them that they belonged together and would be side by side as they served the island and its people.

  They already had a physical and mental bond with one another, but the ceremony would add to that bond on a spiritual level, making it all the more special to her.

  She tried to make sure her brain would etch this memory for forever. She didn’t want to forget any details, not the smell of the beachy air, or the brightness of the white roses and lilies in her bouquet, and especially not the look of pure joy on Lear’s face.

  “Welcome! Please be seated.” The king took his place as the officiate of the ceremony, and the guests who had seats sat in their wooden white-slatted folding chairs lined with ivy garland. Other onlookers lined the sides of the seating area.

  “I’d like to begin by thanking every one of you for being here on this most joyous of days on Skyros! Out of all of my days, there is only one other that’s been equally joyous, and that was the day that Lear was born.” The king beamed as he looked at Lear, the love between father and son evident to everyone who watched.

  “But today is just as wonderful because I am now gaining a daughter, and Skyros is gaining a beautiful princess.” The king turned his gaze to Harriet, and at that moment, she knew that she was gaining another father. The pride in his face matched only the way her own father, and even Stan, looked at her.

  “Thank you,” she replied before the king continued.

  “Each of you, bearing witness to this love, represent someone important in the individual and collective lives of both Lear and Harriet. This wedding is not only monumental for the wedded couple-to-be, but also for all of Skyros.” With that, the crowd cheered, and the king paused until it was silent again.

  “The most remarkable moment of any leatherback’s life is when he meets the one person who makes him feel complete. The person who makes the world a place of warmth, serenity, and love. A person with whom you share a bond so special that it becomes a pure and wonderful union for all the people of Skyros to cherish.

  “I remember such a bond with Queen Dimitra. Even though she is not with us in physical form, I’m certain she is here with us in spirit and celebrating with us. In a way, I believe her spirit is what drove Lear across the ocean to Canada so he could find his true love.

  “I know how deeply both Lear and Harriet care for and love one another, and I am privileged to be here today as your king and as a witness to their commitment to a lifetime of love for one another and for the people of Skyros.

  “Dearly beloved and honored guests, we are gathered here together today to join Prince Lear of Skyros and Harriet Hopper in the union of marriage. The bride and groom have each prepared vows that they will read now.” The king nodded to Harriet.

  She cleared her throat, hoping she could ignore the lump and get through her vows without crying too hard. “Lear, when I first met you, I knew that we had something special. Each day since the first, I’ve wanted nothing more but to strengthen the bond between us. It is that bond that I am certain will grow and shape our lives, the lives of the people on this beautiful island, and the lives of our future children. With every fiber of my being, I promise to love and honor you and the people of Skyros, as long as I shall live.”

  Lear squeezed her hands, and she saw the shimmer in his eyes that told her he was trying just as hard not to cry. “Harriet, loving you is as easy as breathing for me. Right away, I was positive you were my mate, the one I’d traveled so far to find. It didn’t take spending a day with you for me to see that you were a perfect fit for a future queen of Skyros. Your love and devotion are strong and true, and I promise to love and cherish you until my dying breath.”

  The king cleared his throat, and Harriet realized how close he was to tears as well. “And now Prince Lear of Skyros, do you take Harriet Hopper to be your wife? Do you promise to love, honor, cherish, and protect her, forsaking all others, and holding only unto her forevermore?” asked King Gregor.

  “I do,” Lear said solemnly.

  “And, Harriet Hopper, do you take Prince Lear of Skyros to be your husband? Do you promise to love, honor, cherish, and protect him, forsaking all others, and holding only unto him forevermore?” asked King Gregor.

  “I do,” Harriet said, just as solemnly.

  “Both Prince Lear and Harriet will now exchange rings as a symbol of love and commitment to each other. These rings mark the beginning of your long journey together. Your wedding ring is a circle—a symbol of love never-ending. It is the seal of the vows you have just taken to love each other without end. Harriet, please place the ring on Lear’s left hand and repeat after me. As a sign of my love…”

  “As a sign of my love,” Harriet repeated.

  “That I have chosen you…”

  “That I have chosen you,” Harriet said.

  “Above all else…”

  “Above all else,” Harriet repeated.

  “With this ring, I thee wed.”

  “With this ring, I thee wed,” she said as she slipped the ring onto his finger.

  “And, Lear, please place the ring on Harriet’s left hand and repeat after me. As a sign of my love…”

  “As a sign of my love,” Lear repeated.

  “That I have chosen you…”

  “That I have chosen you,” Lear said.

  “Above all else…”

  “Above all else,” Lear said.

  “With this ring, I thee wed.”

  “With this ring, I thee wed you, my darling Harriet,” Lear said as he slipped the ring onto her finger.

  “Your relationship will grow out of the love you have for one another. Continue to respect one another and take the time you need with one another to cherish that bond. Take time to show each other that your love and marriage grows with each passing tide of the Aegean Sea.”

  He continued. “It will take dedication to stay open and to learn together how to support one another while ruling Skyros. It will
take loyalty to go forward together and with our people. And it will take a commitment to hold true to the journey you have both pledged today to each other and these great people. And now, by the power vested in me as the King of Skyros, it is my honor and joy to declare you husband and wife. Go forth and live each day to the fullest. You may seal this declaration with a kiss,” King Gregor proclaimed.

  Lear wrapped his arms around Harriet’s waist and claimed her lips while the crowd cheered again.

  “I am so pleased to present the newlyweds, Prince Lear and Princess Harriet of Skyros!” King Gregor shouted so everyone, even the people in the back, could hear.

  The people cheered as Harriet and Lear returned up the aisle while holding hands. Lear guided her through the castle to the ballroom. The crowd followed, and the moment they entered the room, they were introduced as husband and wife.

  “Husband and wife, I love the sound of that, Princess Harriet of Skyros,” Lear whispered into her ear as he kissed her cheek.

  Harriet smiled. “I won’t get tired of hearing that. I love you with all of my heart.”

  “And I love you.”

  The two danced until the wee hours of the morning with the rest of the people of Skyros until the last guest left as dawn awakened the night sky. They walked to Lear’s favorite ledge that overlooked the sea and watched the sunrise in each other’s arms.

  The End

  Not quite! There are more FUC Academy books coming every month!

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  About the Author

  Amanda Kimberley is a Connecticut native who now lives in the warmth of Northern Texas with her husky and cocker spaniel dogs, her tuxedo cat, two hamsters, a tank of fish, two daughters, and a husband.

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  Her nonfiction blog, which focuses on the chronic disease fibromyalgia, has garnered recognition from various organizations, including Health Magazine. Naming her blog, Fibro and Fabulous, as a top blog for fibro sufferers.

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  When she is not writing you can find her cooking whole foods for her pack. She also enjoys hiking and gaming.

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  Find her online:



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