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Cassandra: Here She Rules: Book One

Page 13

by Kat Brewer

  Her stomach fluttered at the desire she saw there. When his lips parted and he softly ran his tongue over them, Cassie found herself sighing gently; he was so damn sexy.

  Her hands reached out to caress his shoulders and chest, thumbnails grazing his tight nipples.

  Garen caught his breath and slowly wound his arm around her back, holding her softly as Cassie eased closer to him to take in the smell of his skin, delighting in him.

  She released his long hair and buried her fingers in it. He nuzzled his face into her neck and breathed, “Mistress, you are so beautiful. I want you so much, and I beg that you would make me yours fully.” Chills shot up and down her spine at his hoarse, raspy growl.

  Cassie met those eyes again and felt her knees melt as she clung to him. Garen held her up and lowered his mouth to hers, testing, tasting, and running his tongue around her lips. Fire raged in Cassie’s belly as she pushed away from him, taking his hand and heading for her bed.

  They quickly shed their garments, and Cassie enjoyed the incredible pleasure of Garen’s flesh pressed against hers. They kissed and kissed, deeply and hungrily, their hands roaming everywhere. He slowly laid her down on the bed, and his hair created a cloak around them as he then let his mouth explore every inch of her, as she in turn, explored him.

  When their bodies at last joined, Cassie was nearly incoherent with desire. The feel of him sliding in and out of her, his strength, his hardness had her moaning his name over and over.

  Garen threw his head back, and the muscles in his neck corded as he plunged deeply into her. Cassie met him thrust for thrust as passion burned between them.

  There was no fear or hesitancy in Garen as his body performed as it had been trained to do, but his heart and mind were full of his Mistress and the joy of her mastery of him. The last vestiges of the brutal treatment by his Trevian captors faded away in the face of his Lady’s pleasure.

  Chapter Thirteen

  The following day, Cassie put her troops through their paces and had each warrior practice her part of the exhibition over and over. She did not intend to look foolish before the visitors. She wanted her warriors to look as good as she knew they were. Before dismissing them, she went over a few grooming tips and then asked them to shine their swords, shields, and other gear.

  Kara also made some suggestions that were quickly accepted by the gathered women. They were expected to be on their best behavior in the face of potential bad behavior by the foreign men.

  Instead of being tired after the long training session, Cassie was energized and had sent the groom to saddle her stallion.

  “Care for a ride, Kara?” she asked.

  “Count me in!” she replied before shouting for her horse.

  The grooms ran quickly to do their bidding, and they soon returned leading both animals.

  The women grabbed the reigns and leapt onto the horse’s backs. They spurred the horses into a gallop and rode like naughty children through the marketplace, scattering people and animals in their wake.

  The townspeople stared in awe after the beautiful, powerful women. Such a sight as this was rare, two strong warriors playing like little girls.

  Cassie and Kara cleared the village and raced through the fields, having a care not to damage the crops. The wind whipped their hair out of the bindings, and it flowed behind them on the breeze.

  They laughed at each other and raced through the forest, unmindful of the eyes that followed their progress.

  The three advance riders of the Serlenn delegation watched in awe at the beauty that flew by them. The men wore dappled green hoods on their heads, camouflaging them from the women’s eyes, and after they had gone, the men looked at each other and smiled.

  Perhaps aligning themselves with Erla would yield many interesting benefits.

  Cassie and Kara rode till their mounts were winded and they themselves were tired. Only then did the women slow their horses to a walk and head back towards the Palace.

  Kara looked over and said mischievously, “How is that pretty new slave of yours? Have you taken him yet?”

  “Mmm, yes I have, and he was splendid. He is working on becoming one of my favorites,” Cassie replied with a laugh. “And your new slaves?”

  “Alas, I hadn’t the room for them, so I sold them, and for a pretty penny at that.”

  “And you didn’t buy me a present?” Cassie mocked, and Kara laughed in return.

  “I did, and I placed it next to the gift you got for me!” The women laughed again as they headed slowly through the fields, allowing the horses to recover with a slow walk.

  “Kara, have you ever thought about having a baby? A daughter to carry on your line?”

  Kara nodded and said, “Yes, but I wish to wait for a while. I would have to train lightly through most of the pregnancy, and I wouldn’t get to play war with you. What about you Cassie? Would you like a house full of little Commanders?” Kara laughed.

  Cassie’s face grew still, and she looked away. Kara’s smiled faded as she looked at her friend in concern.

  “What is it? Did I say something amiss?” Kara asked.

  “No. No, my friend,” Cassie said. “It is just that I am not able to have children.”

  “How can that be? You are young, healthy, and strong. Who told you this?”

  “In the other world, I had a husband, and we tried for a long time to have children. Medicine is more advanced there, and they discovered my ovaries are not viable. I menstruate like normal women, but there is nothing in me to fertilize. I’ve told only Nera until now. It’s not something I talk about much. I have always wanted children…"

  “I can scarcely believe it. Oh, Cassie, I am so sorry!” Kara was distraught over her friend’s loss, and she reached over to pat her arm.

  “It’s okay, Kara. I have had a long time to deal with this, and I am at peace with the situation,” Cassie replied as she smiled at her friend.

  She had learned this when she was twenty three and had been devastated. She and Michael had applied to adopt a child before he died, and afterwards, she couldn’t bring herself to do it alone. In retrospect, she was glad; it would have been horrible to have had to leave a child behind.

  Cassie met Kara’s sad eyes and said, “Cheer up! You will have me as a doting aunt to the houseful of little warriors you will bear!” Kara summoned a smile and leaned over again to squeeze Cassie’s hand.

  “They will indeed be fortunate to have us,” Kara said.

  The horses had recovered, so they kicked them into a canter and headed back to the stables. The women parted ways with a quick hug as each headed home to a relaxing bath and the pampering of their slaves.

  Early the following morning, Cassie stood before her mirror adjusting the breastplate of her new “Xena-style” outfit that fit her like a second skin. Dark brown and accented with bronze, it was still somehow comfortable even though the leather was thick. It helped that the leather shorts underneath were buttery soft and supple.

  Arn knelt before her, lacing up the knee-high moccasin-style boots that completed her uniform.

  She sighed as she sat down to allow Kai to fix her hair. She was looking for a compromise between her training braid and the mass of curls that Kai was famous for. They finally agreed upon pulling the front of her hair back smoothly, holding it in place by a barrette, and allowing the remaining riot of curls to fall gracefully down her back.

  Mika slipped a new dragon arm band onto each of her arms. They were fashioned from gold with an amethyst stone set in the dragon’s eye and were a gift from Nera. Cassie wore no other jewelry as it would not befit her role that morning.

  Finally, she stood and stepped through her bedroom door with her men following behind. They would remain in her quarters during the day and join her at the celebration that night, so they lined up by the door, and she bid them goodbye as she left the chamber.

  She had asked them earlier what they thought of these visiting men from another country. To a man, they replied tha
t they were curious to see such men, but they did not understand why the men would not want a life such as the one that Cassie’s slaves enjoyed.

  As she headed outside, Cassie could hear the heralding trumpets in the distance signifying that the Serlenn delegation was close, and she picked up her pace in response.

  She reached the steps only a moment before Nera and ran down to join her troops, standing at the front with Kara to her right. Nera and her high-ranking courtiers stood at the top of the steps, awaiting the delegation, all were dressed in their finest.

  The crowd was buzzing as they lined the streets waiting for the spectacle to come. Cassie and Kara took a deep breath in unison and released it as the sound of the crowd swelled. Then, the cacophony of pounding hooves from several hundred war horses filled their ears, drowning out the sounds of the crowd.

  Pennants were seen flapping in the breeze, indicating the arrival of the people of Serlenn.

  Cassie, Kara, and their troops snapped to attention. Their eyes faced forward as the procession passed. An advance guard came before the dignitaries and they were paid little attention. However, as the warriors of Serlenn approached, they were scrutinized very closely.

  They wore dress armor that reminded Cassie of the Roman style. Concealing helmets covered their heads, thus obscuring most of their faces, and metal encased their biceps. Although not shielded, their tanned legs were heavily muscled, giving proof to their strength and agility.

  Cassie counted two hundred and fifty mounted warriors following the dignitaries, and she mentally cataloged their weaponry, assessing the Serlenn defenses.

  Even if they were welcome guests, Cassie did not wish to be caught unawares should there be any treachery afoot. Knowing your enemies strengths and weaknesses was the key to survival.

  The warriors of Erla were aware they were a fascination to the Serlenn men, and so they kept their faces neutral and serious while their bodies remained stiff and at attention. None of them wished to appear weak before these men.

  Cassie could hear the Queen greeting the King of Serlenn and his high-ranking officials. She scanned the Serlenn troops, watching for signs of duplicity, but her eyes met only respectful nods from the soldiers who caught her gaze.

  She heard Nera call her name along with the buzz of the crowd as she was called forth to join the Queen.

  Cassie was aware that every eye was on her as she strode forward and up the steps to take a knee and bow her head before the Queen.

  “Rise, Lady Cassandra,” Nera said regally and smiled at her. “King Nyles, allow me to introduce Lady Cassandra, the Commander of my Army and my dearest friend.” Cassie smiled at this compliment and then turned to the King of Serlenn and bowed.

  “Welcome, King Nyles, to Erla,” Cassie said, feeling brevity was the best tactic.

  “Lady Cassandra, it is my pleasure to meet you. Had I known Erla was inhabited by so many beautiful Ladies, I would have come years ago.” His voice was deep and musical.

  Cassie raised her eyes and got her first good look at a Serlenn man. He was tall, broad-shouldered, and well-muscled with a tiny waist. His skin was a tanned gold, and smooth lips parted in a smile over even white teeth.

  She met his eyes, smiling carefully, and noted they were a blue so dark that they would appear black in low light. His hair, kept off of his face by his royal diadem, was a silken, silvery white that flowed past his shoulders to mid back. He was handsome and strong. Altogether, he was a very compelling man.

  “Lady Cassandra has planned an exhibition for you and your men, showcasing some of the unique fighting skills she has brought to us,” Nera said.

  “Yes, I had heard you were an Off-Worlder brought here through the Portal.” Realization dawned in his eyes, and he looked at her speculatively for a moment before the sexy smile lit his lips again. “How do you enjoy our world?”

  “I like it very much indeed. I feel as if I were born to live in Erla,” Cassie replied with a smile.

  "I am glad to hear it." He smiled and a fission of awareness slid down her spine. "Allow me to offer you the hospitality and protection of Serlenn, should you ever need it."

  "Thank you, Your Highness." She bowed.

  Nera and the King took a seat in the throne-like chairs that had been set up on the Palace steps as slaves brought the finest wine in golden goblets encrusted with precious stones.

  Cassie bowed before the other dignitaries, noting that all of the Serlenn people had some variation of colored eyes blond hair.

  Interesting…Their gene pool seems to be have been limited to a certain type, and with no external influences, it has produced a race of tall, tan, blond men and tiny, beautiful, blonde women.

  Drinks were brought out to the dignitaries and courtiers, who sat on chairs and cushioned benches, while other slaves brought water out to the mounted warriors. Kara spoke with the Commander of the Serlenn troops and had them fan out to allow space for the demonstration.

  The Erlan and Serlenn troops, interspersed with the people of the city, formed a large ring, and voices were raised in anticipation of the spectacle to come.

  “Lady Cassandra,” Nera spoke, “begin when you are ready.” Cassie bowed to her, and the King then left the steps to join her warriors.

  She and Kara picked up wooden swords and moved to the center of the ring where they were joined by other pairs of warriors similarly armed.

  A bell sounded, and they began the mock battle. Cassie and Kara grinned at each other as they clashed swords loudly.

  They were well-matched. Each woman was lithe, strong, cunning, and well-trained. After several minutes, the bell rang again, and they bowed to their partners amidst the cheering of the crowd and the Serlenn soldiers.

  When they finished the next round and bowed, the audience once again burst into applause as the Serlenn warriors spoke amongst themselves, admiring the technique and skill of the women.

  The final part of the demonstration was hand-to-hand combat.

  Kara and Cassie faced one another alone in the ring, and, at the sound of the bell, they attacked. Cassie had carefully choreographed this fight. She wanted it to be strong and convincing, but she also wanted to severely limit the chances of them hurting one another.

  For over fifteen minutes, they fought, kicking, blocking, and punching.

  They were lightning fast with deadly accuracy, and the Serlenn warriors roared their approval as Cassie finally threw Kara to the ground with her hand on her throat.

  The crowd went wild, chanting Cassandra’s name.

  She rose and held out a hand to help Kara up. Regaining her footing, Kara took Cassandra’s arm and raised it up, causing the crowd to roar out their approval even louder than before. The women were met with the proud smiles of their own warriors, and the two hundred and fifty Serlenn soldier's eyes now held a newfound respect for the female warriors of Erla.

  “Well done!” cheered King Nyles.

  The booming voice of the Serlenn King rang through the clearing as he jumped to his feet and bounded down the steps. He was closely followed by a man that was unmistakably his son based on their uncanny resemblance.

  “Lady, you are truly amazing! You possess such strength, such grace, and such skill!” The younger man grinned as he came to a stop in front of her. “Never have I seen the like.” His excitement was charming, and Cassie grinned back, wiping the sweat from her forehead with the back of her forearm.

  “Your Highness, may I present my Second-in-Command, the Lady Kara?” Cassie half-bowed and indicated the woman standing slightly behind her.

  Kara stepped forward and bowed to the King.

  “Lady Kara, it is a pleasure to meet you.” The King had a way of emphasizing the word “pleasure,” so that whenever he said it, a ripple of sexual awareness arose in Cassie’s belly.

  Kara smiled coolly in response and said, “Thank you, Your Highness. I am honored to meet you.”

  “Ladies, I would have you meet my son and heir, Prince Nall.” He indica
ted the younger man who had spoken to Cassie when they had first approached.

  Cassie and Kara bowed to him, smiling politely. He smiled at the women, returning their bow with a nod of his silvery head.

  “It is my honor, and as Captain of the King’s Personal Guard, I must say how impressive that display truly was. I would like very much to discuss fighting techniques and then to train with you.” The words poured out of his throat like the finest brandy and slid right down the women’s spines.

  “We look forward to it, Your Highness,” Cassie said as she bowed and excused herself to join Nera.

  She left Kara there to entertain their guests and grinned as she walked away. Kara would surely make her pay for this.

  Scores of foreign male eyes lingered on Cassie as she walked to her Queen. In their eyes, she was an exotic beauty and a particular novelty. The women of Erla were very different from the petite, reserved, small-boned women of Serlenn’s lands.

  The Serlenn women shared the same coloring as their men, but not their tall and strong physiques, so these women with their varied hair color, height, and physical strength were fascinating to the Serlenn men.

  Cassie mounted the steps and bowed before Nera, who looked up to smile at her friend.

  “I am well pleased with you, Lady Cassandra. You continue to make me proud.”

  “Thank you, Your Highness. I am grateful to serve you, now and always,” Cassie replied as she crossed her arm over her chest and bowed.

  Nera rose as the King approached and ordered slaves to show their visitors to their apartments, where they could settle in and enjoy a bath before the banquet and celebration. Slaves were then dispatched to see to the comfort of the Serlenn warriors who were being quartered in the Warrior’s Hall a short distance from the Palace.


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