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Cassandra: Here She Rules: Book One

Page 22

by Kat Brewer

  A wicked smile then lit his face as he replaced his hand with his mouth.

  Cassie jumped and then stilled as Sern spread her legs wide and looked at her closely, feeling his cock turn rock hard. He used his mouth and tongue to explore every inch of her as Cassie distracted herself by mentally considering the ways she could kill him when the time came.

  Sern stood, pushed out of his leather pants, and his erection sprung out, long and hard.

  He smiled at her as he moved into position between her legs. Cassie couldn’t stop herself; she shoved against his chest, trying to squirm away, but he caught her hands above her head, parted her legs with his knee, and slammed deeply into her. She cried out in shock as his eyes burned into hers, his hair curtaining their faces.

  Sern set a deep and hard, pace. Cassie’s anger, outrage, and hatred built up to such an extent that she screamed out in fury. In his arrogance, he mistook her response for pleasure, and his movements became faster and faster until, moments later, he collapsed atop her, his sweat covering her.

  He lay there for a while, before rolling onto his side, facing her. When she regained her breath, she looked at him with pure hatred. Teeth marks and scratches marred his skin, and she felt ill and disgusted by what had just occurred.

  He smiled at her smugly and ran his hands through her hair as Cassie’s mind raced. She had to gain the upper hand or all would be lost. Then, it occurred to her. She knew what she had to do.

  Taking a deep breath, she pasted a sultry smile on her face and moved closer to him, curling up against his side and stroking his chest. Sern stilled and then brought his hand under her chin to look at her. Cassie made her eyes go soft and adoring, and as his lips parted in surprise, she wound her hand up into his hair and kissed him hungrily.

  “What is this?” he asked, pulling away from her kiss, trying to read her face.

  “What do you mean, My Lord?” she purred, caressing his chest.

  “What game do you play?” Sern demanded.

  “It is no game, My Lord. I swear. I have never felt anything like what just happened. I didn’t know I could feel like this.” She gazed into his eyes, willing him to buy it. “I am a traveler through the Portal, so it was only chance that put me in Erla. Your country is more like the world I came from. I was never truly comfortable with Erla and its strange ways,” she purred as she continued to nuzzle his chest.

  Tension eased out of his body and he smiled. He squeezed her breast gently, satisfied he had shown her what a real man was and that there was nothing to fear from her now.

  Cassie felt ill, sick to her stomach, but she continued to kiss and caress him, and he ate it up like candy.

  She was well on her way to convincing him that she had never experienced being with a “real man” before. She mewed and purred and stroked his ego. All the while, she felt like a whore, but it was working. The conceited jackass honestly believed the sun rose and set in his pants, so it wasn’t a stretch to make him think she thought so, too.

  Just before she fell asleep, she sent a silent prayer up that Nera was well and unharmed, unaware that the same idea had come to Nera. As the King bucked wildly atop her, she moaned and feigned an orgasm, fawning over him and feeding his enormous ego until he finally fell asleep. As she dozed off, she hoped her Commander was well and whole.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Kara sat in her saddle, impatient to be moving whilst her warriors searched a remote village on the outskirts of Erla. It had been ten days, and there had been no signs of either Nera or Cassie.

  In response to their disappearances, Kara sent the bulk of Erla’s warriors out to find the Queen and Cassandra, leaving a skeleton crew behind to keep the peace. They questioned everyone they encountered, but nothing had been discovered, and she was beyond frustrated and angry. The two women could not just disappear off of the face of Jiva. She turned her horse at the sound of approaching riders. Three of Nyles’ men rode up to her, breathless.

  “What news?” Kara asked.

  “Lady, King Nyles sends word that he has discovered some information that may relate to the disappearances,” the man huffed out.

  King Nyles and Lord Nall had taken the northern direction, King Darien the southern, and Kara had split her warriors into the eastern and western directions.

  “We ride! Sama, gather your women, we ride to the King,” Kara shouted to her Second. She then whipped her horse around, and they rode northward.

  Far to the North, Cassie’s slaves had ridden hard, following a trade route. Once outside Erla, they stopped at an inn on the outskirts of King Nyles’ territory.

  Mika, swaggering with a false bravado he had seen displayed by Nyles’ and Darien’s men, requested a room that would house the six of them. The innkeeper informed them of meal hours and bathing availability and handed them each towel and soap.

  The men followed a young female servant up to their room and she boldly offered her services to any and all of them for the night for a modest sum. Mika refused, but he gave her a small coin in thanks as she left. The girl was disappointed, but she was also very pleased by the unexpected tribute she had received.

  Once alone, they all collapsed in relief. The act they had to put on was wearying and stressful.

  Cassie’s slaves talked quietly amongst themselves, deciding that when they went down for a meal, they would ask questions and try to get any information they could from the Inn’s public house.

  Mika wasn’t sure what made him choose this northerly direction, but he hoped his instincts were correct.

  “What will we do when we discover who has taken her? We may have weapons, but we are not warriors. We have no training. I would gladly lay down my life to save our Mistress, but we must have a plan,” Arn said quietly and was quickly seconded by Taylyn.

  “We are strong and in good shape. We have watched much of our Lady’s training. Along with the self-defense she taught us, I believe that we may be able to fight hand-to-hand against whoever has taken her,” Garen said.

  “I may not be trained, but I believe I can swing this sword well enough to do some damage,” Kai said with passion, touching the blade at his waist.

  Mika looked to Aidan who said, “While there is breath in my body, I will fight for My Lady.”

  “As will I,” Taylyn said passionately. He by far had the most to lose if their Lady was not recovered.

  “Let us go down to the common room to eat and see what we can learn. Ask questions of everyone concerning large groups of men, caravans, and even small groups. Anything is possible. I want to explore every possibility and leave no stone unturned,” Mika said. The men rose, leaving their swords and taking only their daggers with them before heading down the stairs.

  The sun rose brightly over Erla days after the disappearance of the Queen.

  Courtiers squabbled over who would run the country until the Princess Danai was old enough, while those with political aspirations worked to take control. In addition to this upheaval, there was only small force of warriors and guards left to protect the city.

  In the end, it was little wonder that the city was unprepared for the marauding army that took it by storm just after first light.

  The Ambrians attacked with precision, and the few warriors who were left to defend the city were no match for them. Though the Erlan women fought with valor, they were quickly overtaken by the overwhelming number of enemy warriors.

  King Ston and Lord Sern had planned the attack carefully. It was their intention to do the least amount of damage possible to the city that would soon be annexed by Ambria and ruled by Lord Sern for his brother the King.

  The casualties were light, and the Ambrians had the surviving Erlan warriors bury their dead before being thrown into the stockade on the outskirts of the town.

  The male slaves were rounded up and informed that they now belonged to the King and would serve him until they were distributed to his officers, and the female slaves were given directly to the warriors for entertainment
. The highborn Erlan Ladies were locked up with the warriors in the stockade. It did not take the Ambrians long to take over and set up their headquarters.

  Later that night, Ston and Sern sat in the Banqueting Hall at the head of the table, celebrating their victory while they were served food and Mull. Around them, their men drank heavily, toasting their King and each other while harassing the slave girls.

  “Excellent work today, my brother,” Ston said as he drained another tankard of Mull.

  “Yes, it was pitifully easy. I am almost disappointed at the lack of defense. These stupid women took their entire Army out to look for their Queen? I am shocked they have not been overrun before this!” Sern laughed.

  “We must move with care now, brother. Darien will not take lightly our traversing of his land with an army without his leave. We do not need to have him for an enemy, for he is too powerful. It was brilliant of you to intercept the communications between Darien and Nyles. Causing that little conflict allowed us to make such a bold move as this!” Ston’s eyes gleamed maliciously.

  “I was surprised they decided to make an accord with Erla. It was indeed an unexpected move, and it is one that has served us very well in the end!” Sern toasted his brother with a grin.

  “I now look forward to returning to the loving arms of my new slave. I told you that once these women knew a real man, they would melt like butter in our hands.” Ston laughed, thinking of how well-entertained he had been by the little Queen in his bed until his departure.

  Sern’s mind turned to the woman awaiting him in Ambria. Already, she was falling in love with him. He just knew it by the way she couldn’t get enough of his cock. He smiled smugly and adjusted the crotch of his pants.

  After the first night, she had bent over backwards to please him, and Sern was very happy with her. Once she had succumbed and become a willing lover, he had dismissed any thought of her being a threat. He could not wait to have her brought to him here, and if she was a good girl, he would even let her have the Queen’s quarters.

  The brothers sat and drank till it was very late. They then ordered slaves for their beds before turning in for the night.

  Kara thundered up to Nyles’ camp and leapt off of her horse before it had fully stopped. Her guard followed quickly as they made their way to Nyles’ tent. She swept into the large cloth structure to find the King and Nall sitting at a table with maps unrolled before them.

  The men rose when she entered and then motioned for her to sit.

  “What news, My Lords?” Kara bit out anxiously.

  “We have discovered that a large force of men was encamped outside of the Erlan border to the northwest nearly two weeks ago,” Nyles said.

  The tent flap flew back as Darien entered the tent. They motioned for him to sit and join them as well.

  “Northwest? Isn’t that your territory?” Kara’s hand dropped to the dagger at her waist as she made to rise.

  “Lady, do not draw your weapon. We are allies, and I had nothing to do with the disappearances. The man we questioned is an innkeeper, and the group he described is undeniably Ambrian,” Nyles said, attempting to calm Kara.

  “Ambrian? Impossible, they would have had to cross my lands to get here.” Darien growled, rising from his seat.

  “Calm yourself, my friend. We must figure this out,” Nyles said slowly. “Would Ston be so foolish as to cross your territory, steal the Queen and Lady Cassandra, then cross your territory again without your leave?”

  “He would not be foolish enough to do so, per se, but he is most certainly arrogant enough.” Anger blazed in Darien’s eyes. He knew if Ston had the women, then they were very likely his slaves by now, or dead, knowing Cassandra’s temper.

  “Then, we ride for Ambria. With our combined forces, we will level this King’s realm and get our Ladies back.” Kara snarled, rising again.

  “Sit, My Lady. We must make a plan. This will be an all-out war. This is not something you charge into blindly,” Nall said firmly with as much gentleness as he could muster.

  “Lady Kara is right. We will crush Ston like the insect he is.” Darien was incensed. The man had violated his borders and used his lands as a passageway, thus allowing him to take Cassandra and Queen Nera.

  Suddenly, the tent flap flew open and a bloodied Erlan warrior fell at their feet. Kara jumped and ran to her, rolling her over and lifting her head gently.

  “What has happened?” she asked and then looked to the men and commanded, “Bring water!”

  “Lady, we were overwhelmed. There were so many, we had no chance . . .” The woman’s voice was weak.

  Nall ran from the tent and shouted for a physician.

  Kara held a cup to the woman’s lips, and after the woman took a weak sip, she gently said, “Tell me what has happened.”

  The woman groaned and said, “Forgive me for abandoning the city, but I knew I had to find you, My Lady. They came in force and invaded the city. We fought hard, but there were too many. They have taken Erla…” The warrior’s breath rattled and then ceased. She was dead.

  Kara looked up at the men in horror, and their shocked faces swung from her to each other.

  Darien recovered first and shouted out the tent for riders to gather the combined forces needed to ride to Erla. The shouts of men and the neighing of horses sounded as the men immediately prepared to move out.

  “I believe we now know why the women were taken,” Nyles said softly.

  Kara’s face was a ghostly white. Having left the fallen warrior, she sunk into a chair, holding her head in her hands. The men watched in amazement as the strong warrior cried bitterly.

  “This is my doing. I am the biggest fool, for I left Erla vulnerable. Gods, I am not fit to fight for my country. All is lost.” Hysteria clutched at Kara. How she wished she could have Cassandra’s counsel, to have her friend beside her now!

  Nall knelt before her, and taking her face in his hands, lifted her gaze to his.

  “Lady, you must pull yourself together. We will liberate Erla and we will restore the Queen and the Lady Cassandra to their home and rightful places."

  Kara sniffed and wiped her eyes. Her momentary weakness, brought on by worry and fatigue, passed. She straightened her shoulders and smiled at Nall.

  “Thank you, My Lord, and forgive me. I am better now. Let us free Erla!” She stood, and they all walked out of the tent together.

  Cassie’s men entered the Inn’s common room and sat at a roughhewn table. A serving girl quickly came round, nearly tripping in her haste to take the orders of her handsome patrons.

  Mika and Aidan rose and walked about the room, asking questions of the people at the surrounding tables. When the girl came back with their drinks, Arn smiled at her and flirted lightly, making her blush and stammer, and Taylyn ran his hand caressingly down her arm.

  The girl was overwhelmed by them. They were the most beautiful men she had ever seen, and yet they were so kind and respectful. She would have done anything for the smiles that they bestowed upon her, and all they wanted to know was about the caravan that had passed through the town not long ago.

  When Arn kissed her hand as she left to get their food, the girl nearly swooned.

  Mika and Aidan rejoined them when the servants brought out their meal.

  They quickly shared the information the girl had given them. As the little serving girl leaned over Mika to set a plate before him, he turned the full force of his sexy golden eyes upon her. She gasped like a fish out of water and then her breath caught when he smiled.

  “Tell me what kind of place Ambria is, sweet one.” He cocked his head and smiled warmly into her eyes, and she melted, telling him of the cold climate and how her sister had married an Ambrian man.

  Mika thanked her, and she floated away on a cloud of fantasies inhabited by a beautiful golden-eyed man.

  The men ate their meal in silence until they noticed three rowdy men harassing the young girl who had served them. The men were drunk and were pushing h
er back and forth between them, grabbing at her breasts and trying to lift her skirt up over her head. The girl swatted at them and tried to get away, but she lacked the strength needed to extricate herself from their hands.

  Arn rose, striding over to the men and taking hold of the girl, he placed her behind him as the rest his brethren joined him.

  One of the drunks roared and threw a punch that connected with Arn’s shoulder, and Arn was stunned by the assault, rubbing the aching place on his shoulder. Taylyn, having had some experience with brawling, came around Arn and drove his fist into the man’s face and watched him crumple to the ground. When the other two rushed them, it soon turned into a free-for-all.

  Cassie’s men, except for Taylyn, had never hit anyone in their lives, but they were quite strong and in excellent condition, so they eventually won the fight. The landlord finally came to them after it was over and helped them drag the drunken men out into the street.

  Settling up with the landlord for their meal, Mika left him five extra gold pieces for the damage the fight caused, and the man smiled greedily, wishing them a good evening.

  The little serving girl threw herself in Mika’s arms sobbing, saying how she would do 'anything' to repay him for saving her, but he assured her she owed them nothing and pulled himself from her clinging arms to go upstairs.

  As they readied themselves for bed, they joked with each other about the bruises and scrapes they had acquired in the fight. Garen had a particularly livid bruise on his cheekbone where he had been hit by a chair, and the others had various marks on them.

  They lay in the dark for a time, too stimulated from the night’s events to go to sleep easily, even though they knew they needed to rest for their journey the next day. Finally sleep overtook them and they slept deeply through the night.

  They rose early and visited a merchant to purchase clothing for the cold weather. They bought more traveling food and the necessary equipment for the cold trek ahead. As they mounted their horses, Mika pulled out the map the old man at the mercantile sold him. Looking at it, he pointed north, and they set out, once again, on their quest.


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