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Cassandra: Here She Rules: Book One

Page 37

by Kat Brewer

  “What?” Nera looked back at Cassie thunderstruck. “You do not remember anything?” Cassie shook her head.

  “I am sorry, Your Highness. Your Commander returns somewhat the worse for wear from her adventure.” She smiled ruefully and then sobered. “If it is your wish to replace me, I will understand completely and will harbor no ill will.” Cassie dropped to her knees in front of the Queen.

  Nera gasped and pulled her to her feet. Putting a hand under her chin, she raised Cassie’s eyes to her own.

  “I would not do that. You look to be in fighting form to me. Your memory loss is devastating, but we can overcome that. You have earned our respect and loyalty; we will not abandon you in this time of trouble. You are too well-loved.” Nera embraced her friend, her tearful eyes meeting Kara’s over Cassie’s shoulder.

  Cassie was overcome with emotion and gripped her Queen tightly.

  A high-pitched squeal sounded from the steps of the Palace, and a dark-haired little girl flew down the steps and hurtled towards Cassie, who quickly released Nera to catch the little ball of energy that launched herself into her heroine’s arms.

  “Cassie, Cassie! Oh, you are back! I am so happy! Why did you stay away so long? Did you find more evil Trevians to slay?” Bright amethyst eyes sought Cassie’s.

  As she looked into the little girl’s eyes, a searing pain ripped through her skull and a vision of herself and the child cavorting naked in a sunlight dappled pool appeared in her head. Cassie cried out and squeezed her eyes shut.

  “Did I hurt you? I am sorry. What did I do?” The little girl’s voice rose in alarm, and Quinn moved forward to pluck her from Cassie’s arms as the woman leaned forward to clutch her aching head.

  “Cassandra! Kara, get help. We must get her into the Palace.” Nera’s clear voice rang out over the exclamations of concern as she slipped her arm beneath Cassie’s, lending her friend the support to stand.

  “No. No, My Lady. It is going away. I had a memory of the child, but it came with pain.” Cassie rubbed her forehead and temples as the last of the pain receded as quickly as it struck.

  Nera put her arms around Cassie’s shoulders and squeezed gently.

  “Nevertheless, I will have my physician see to you to be sure.” Her worried eyes met Kara’s again. "Someone send for Griselde!"

  “Very well, My Queen. I thank you,” Cassie said. “I am very sorry I do not remember our friendship.” She looked into Nera’s eyes and was rewarded with another hug from her Monarch.

  “Well, if your memory does not return we will just have to build new memories to take the place of the old!”

  The sound of feet running down the steps drew the women’s attention, and Cassie gasped as six of the best looking men she had ever seen ran towards her, their faces wreathed in smiles. They all dropped to their knees before her and bowed their heads.

  For a moment, she froze. She was uncertain as to what to do when Nera clasped her hand reassuringly and made a motion indicating she should have them rise.

  Cassie drew in a deep breath and firmly said, “Rise.” They stood gracefully, their bright eyes focused entirely upon their beloved Mistress.

  Each was eager to embrace her, but each restrained himself as they were in public and she had not given them leave.

  Cassie looked from one to the other, putting names to faces from Kara’s descriptions. Warmth pooled in her belly as she took in their perfect bodies as well as their muscles rippling in the sunlight. They looked a bit tired and stressed, and she knew it was due to her disappearance.

  She smiled at them, but looking at her, they instinctively felt something was wrong. The usual warmth and affection were missing from her eyes. She looked at them almost as if they were strangers to her.

  Cassie turned to Nera and bowed.

  “Your Highness, may I beg your leave to have a bath and a nap?”

  Nera nodded. “Of course. You are tired from your journey. Kara, you and your women are dismissed. Return to your homes and enjoy a well-deserved rest. My dear Cassie, allow your men to escort you home. Come and see me when you are well-rested, but do not hurry. I know you have much to tell them.” Nera stroked her friend’s cheek, and Cassie smiled before turning to go into the Palace.

  The men followed her closely, confusion mixed with eager joy at having her home.

  She stopped just inside the Palace doors, suddenly realizing she had no idea that way to go, and looking up at Mika who was just behind her, she said, “Lead me to my chambers. I don't know the way.”

  Mika’s lips parted in shock, and he stared at her for a moment before nodding respectfully and walking ahead of her toward her rooms.

  He opened the door and she moved past him into the suite. Her men followed her and looked at each other with confusion and fear. Taking a deep breath, she steeled herself and turned to face them as they closed the door.

  “I had a head injury when I went missing, and I have lost my memory. I don’t know any of you, I don’t remember you,” she said it all in one breath and watched as alarm and distress etched their features. “Kara has told me a good deal about each of you, but I wanted you to understand how it is with me now.”

  “Mistress, you do not know us at all?” Mika asked.

  “No. I am afraid I will have to come to know all of you again. I have had some flashes of memories, but nothing solid or complete.” They stood staring at her in astonishment.

  “Is there anything we can do, Mistress? Is there any way to help you remember?” the beautiful redhead, Aidan, inquired, his emerald eyes meeting hers.

  “I don’t know. I am afraid I can’t tell you anything right now. We will just have to see how things progress. Right now, I just need a long, hot bath.” Mika and Arn spun quickly and went into the bathing room to ready her bath.

  “Mistress, I am Aidan. I do most of the cooking. May I prepare you a meal?” he asked.

  “That would be wonderful, Aidan. Thank you.” She smiled at him, and he turned to disappear through another door at the back of the apartment. Kai and Garen remained standing in front of her. The tall, dark-haired one with the facial scar, Taylyn, stood to the side, his face was pale and drawn.

  “You are all so beautiful. I believe I am a lucky woman indeed.” She smiled, and they responded with uncertain smiles. “Will you show me where I sleep? Thank you for bringing in my saddlebags. There are some clothes in them that will need to be laundered.”

  Garen turned to pick up the bags as Kai gently took her hand and drew her to the bedroom. Once within, she noticed the bed platform that was surrounded by silken curtains. She also saw a wardrobe, and when she opened it, her eyes were met with a rainbow of silk outfits and she smiled, drawing out a teal-colored one.

  When she turned, she found Kai standing close to her, and he began unfastening her vest to ready her for her bath.

  Blood rushed to her face as her hands caught and held his. He sent a look of confusion at her and she released his hands. She flushed all over as she removed the rest of her clothes herself with Kai standing by, watching in confusion.

  Cassie was embarrassed. Only Nall and the healer had seen her naked in her available memory. She realized however, by Kai’s easy manner that this was a typical task for him.

  When he met her eyes again, she saw the desire and naked longing in his deep brown eyes and felt an answering pull in her groin. She smiled softly and walked past him, following the path taken by Mika and Arn towards the bathing chamber with Kai silently on her heel.

  Moments later, she was thoroughly washed head to toe by her slaves and relaxing in the water, still struggling with her lingering embarrassment.

  They looked at her curiously, not sure what to do in this unusual situation. They didn’t know how to act or what to say to this change in their Mistress, but each man silently resolved to do whatever he could do to help her; they were so happy and relieved to have her back home with them, and that was what mattered the most.

  Chapter Thirty One
  Cassie grimaced as she parried the expert attack of one of her warriors. Sweat poured from her body and ran into her eyes. She kept telling herself that she trained this woman; the skill she was facing was due to her own tutelage. That, however, did little to soothe the aches that took up seemingly permanent positions in her body.

  Kara’s voice rang out, calling a halt, and Cassie and the warrior bowed and clasped forearms before walking off of the field. Kara threw Cassie a towel as she approached and she mopped her face and neck before taking a long drink of cold water.

  “Your overall speed has improved, Cassie and your defense response is so much faster. I think you will soon be even better than you were before.” She grinned as Cassie grimaced and stretched her back, swiveling her hips.

  “I am surprised they don’t lose respect for me; it just seems to be taking so long!” Cassie ground out in frustration.

  “Don’t be ridiculous. You are a very beloved leader. Their disrespect and anger are most definitely directed at the Prince of Serlenn,” Kara said, turning her head to watch another pair practice their swordplay, and in doing so, she missed the sad look that crossed Cassie’s face at the mention of Nall.

  The women stood side by side, leaning on the chest-high fence and watched the last of the group finish sword practice. Kara suddenly looked over at Cassie.

  “Have you lain with your slaves yet?” Cassie flushed in response to the question.

  “No, not yet.”

  “Cassandra, it has been weeks. Why do you deny yourself their comfort?” Kara’s brows rose.

  “It’s been a little difficult, and I am still not comfortable in my role. The time with Nall has left its mark. I still love him, Kara.” Cassie looked down at the toes of her boots.

  “Cassie, these men love you, and they belong to you completely. I am sure they are unhappy you have not had any of them. Think of their doubts, their discomfort. A good Mistress uses her pleasure slaves frequently and fairly,” Kara said and Cassie sighed. “I know from experience you would have them give you frequent massages, and I am sure you are in need of one right now. Why don’t you go home, take a hot bath, and allow them to relieve your tension? Then, perhaps, nature will take its course? Which of them do you find the most attractive? Take him into your bed tonight, and if you need something to relax you, drink some Jul. I think I would go crazy from being around all of those beautiful men and keeping myself from touching them,” Kara declared as she finished her gentle diatribe with a vaguely lascivious smile.

  “I suppose you are right, and God, yes, they are incredibly sexy!” She grinned at Kara and threw her a wink. “Perhaps, I will go and take that bath now…”

  “Go.” Kara gave her a shove, and Cassie slapped at her hand, laughing.

  Calling out goodbye to Kara and to the others, she ran quickly to her chambers.

  Opening the door, she saw them all seated on the sofas in the front room, talking and laughing in a brotherly fashion. Her brain flickered like a bad movie reel, and flashes of this same scene worked through her head. She suddenly knew she had seen this sight many times in the past. The memory came without pain this time, and she smiled.

  They rose quickly when they saw her, smiling nervously. They still did not know how to act around her any more than she did with them. Her signals were so jumbled and awkward; it frightened them more than a little bit.

  The look on her face now, however, was reminiscent of their old Mistress, and they smiled a little more broadly having seen it.

  “I need a bath and a good scrubbing,” she said, grinning as they jumped to prepare her bath.

  Cassie walked to her bed and stripped her clothes off, throwing them onto the floor, as the feeling of déjà vu stayed with her.

  Eschewing her robe, she walked to the bathing chamber nude, running her hand across each man as she passed him on her way to the tub. Their skin was like bronzed satin, smooth and warm to the touch, and she felt desire kindle inside of her.

  Stepping into the steaming water, she knelt and put her head completely under to wet her hair. When she emerged she was surrounded by six beautifully naked men armed with cloths and soap.

  She leaned back against Arn’s firm chest and allowed them to wash her. Sensing her mood, they made it a very sensual experience. Their hands caressed after the cloth washed, and wickedly clever fingers rubbed her intimately when she allowed the pleasure to show on her face.

  She reached out and snaked her arm behind Aidan’s neck as he was closest and pulled him in for a deep, hot kiss. Their tongues tangled and rubbed, exploring each other, and he sucked gently on hers making her ache and throb between her legs.

  Burying her hands in his damp hair, she pulled him closer and sank her teeth gently into his full lower lip, and he groaned his eager response. She rubbed her hips against his and growled when she felt his erection.

  She looked to her right and locked eyes with Mika’s glowing golden eyes. Reaching out with one hand, while holding tightly to Aidan with the other, she pulled Mika to her and ravaged his sweet mouth hungrily.

  Cassie worked her hand down Mika’s muscular chest as she brought Aidan’s hot mouth to her neck. Still leaning against Arn, she sinuously rubbed her buttocks against his growing length. Pulling her mouth from Mika, she motioned to Taylyn, Garen, and Kai, kissing each of them.

  Arn’s hand slipped around her waist and down to the juncture of her thighs. Unerringly, he found her throbbing clit and rubbed it in gentle circles. She could hardly breathe as each man touched and kissed her at the same time. Arn’s finger slipped inside her, and she cried out as she tightened on the invading digit.

  It was so incredibly erotic to have all of these beautiful men pleasuring her so thoroughly and so well, that she lost all control of her senses and moaned wildly, her hips bucking against Arn’s hand.

  She opened her legs and pulled Taylyn between them. Gently removing Arn’s hand, she pulled Taylyn close, rubbing her entrance with his silken head, smiling as his eyes rolled back and a guttural groan emitted from his throat.

  Arn lifted her slightly and held her close to his chest as Taylyn slid deep within her, taking her to even greater heights of pleasure, and she growled low in her throat.

  Mika pulled the plug and let some of the water escape as Cassie urged Taylyn to a fast and hard pace. The others continued to kiss and caress her, and she returned those caresses blindly as Taylyn took her higher and higher. Her body arched and stiffened as she found her release, and he followed not long after.

  She turned and jumped up, wrapping her legs around Arn and let him slide inside of her, moaning as his size stretched and filled her. His large, well-made hands gripped her behind and lifted her up and down on his hardness. His eyes adored his Lady, and his mouth caressed hers as she found her pleasure once more when Mika’s wicked fingers reached between them and caressed her throbbing center.

  She sagged against Arn’s broad chest, licking at the water droplets that remained. She turned, and they helped her out of the tub. She allowed them to dry her before she took them all into her bed, resolved to not leave any of them wanting.

  The bright light of morning worked its way through Cassie’s eyelids, and she stretched luxuriously. She had made love to her men until deep into the night, fulfilling every fantasy and naughty idea she could come up with.

  Afterwards, they had eaten and talked in bed late into the night. None of them wanted to break the spell that had settled over them and eventually, they all had fallen into an exhausted, satisfied slumber.

  Now, her body ached pleasantly. They were lusty men, and she had enjoyed every second of it.

  Rising slowly, she eased out of bed so she wouldn’t wake them. Looking down, she was overcome by a wave of desire and affection that made her catch her breath. She knew suddenly that she loved these men.

  It was like the memory of an emotion, and it choked her up a little. She pulled a clean set of leathers from the closet, then picked up her boots and went to
change in the main room.

  Once she was dressed, she left her chambers, closing the door quietly behind her.

  She felt so good, so much better than she had for a long time, and was ready to be out in the fresh air.

  She saw Kara headed her way and smiled at her friend. Kara looked her up and down and then broke out into a huge grin.

  “Well, it’s about time,” Kara chuckled as Cassie swung and punched her lightly in the shoulder.

  “I’m going for a ride if you would care to join me, smartass,” Cassie returned with a smile.

  “Haven’t you been ridden enough already?” Cassie laughed and punched her again.

  “Real fucking funny. Now, do you want to go for a ride or not?” Cassie pulled Kara’s ponytail lightly.

  “As a matter of fact, I was just going to see if you were up for one,” Kara smirked, and the women walked side by side to the stables as Kara pulled details of the previous night out of her friend. “All six of them? Gods, you are amazing. Maybe I should observe one of these encounters as you obviously should be a teacher,” Kara said, laughing.

  “That’s right. I am The Sex Goddess. Actually, I didn’t want to make any one of them feel left out. They are such sweet guys,” Cassie said, grinning cheekily at her friend.

  They had nearly reached the stables when she felt a wave of nausea. Her hands went to her head as the nausea was almost always followed by an intense pain in her head.

  “Cassie, are you all right? Is it your head? Did you have another memory?” Kara’s hand gripped her shoulder.

  Cassie stood perplexed for a moment as the expected pain did not come.

  Suddenly she grabbed her mouth and ran to hang her head over a fence by the stables, vomiting violently. A few moments later, she wiped her mouth and discovered Kara standing next to her with a cup of water and a cloth. She rinsed her mouth and then wiped her face clean.


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