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Cassandra: Here She Rules: Book One

Page 40

by Kat Brewer

  Nall’s eyes shot to her quickly, pain and happiness warring within them.

  “Cassie, I. . .” he began. Before he could continue, she put her hand on his lips softly.

  “Don’t. Don’t say it, Nall. We must now begin a new chapter in our relationship, and it won’t do to dredge up the past and make me angry all over again. My memory has returned in full, and it has taken time for me to work through my anger. But in this, motherhood has softened me, and I am ready to forgive. From this day on, we are parents to these children, and we will have a harmonious relationship for their sake,” she said.

  Nall’s eyes registered relief and then confusion at her words.

  Nyles, having picked up on the same thing asked, “Children? What do you mean?”

  Cassie grinned and pointed to her slaves seated nearby where Jasmine was cradled safely in Mika’s arms.

  “There is your granddaughter, My Lord. Lady Jasmine of Erla.” Both men’s eyes went to the other infant and widened, and then Nyles burst out laughing.

  “Twins! You have twin children, my son! Well done, indeed!” Nyles laughed. “Now, I will have a girl to spoil and a boy to raise as a Prince and Soldier!”

  “Your Highness, I believe I have done all of the hard work! My Lord Nall merely had the fun in it,” Cassie laughed.

  “Indeed, you are exalted among women…giving me two such beautiful grandchildren!” Nyles was thrilled with the babies, and his joy was infectious.

  “Nall, take your son. Mika, bring the King his granddaughter.”

  Mika rose as Cassie and Nall moved towards Nyles. Cassie took Nicholas from him and gently gave her son into his father’s waiting arms. The baby smacked his little mouth and waved his arms a bit, accustoming himself to his father’s touch.

  Nall’s eye’s overflowed as he gazed at his son, and when he raised them to Cassie, she smiled gently at him as she wiped the tears away with her fingertips.

  Nall struggled to speak, but he could not muster the words, and Cassie stroked his face gently before unwrapping Nicholas and showing his father his little fingers and toes. Nicholas fussed at the cool air, kicking his feet and waving his arms, and Nall laughed in joy at the sight.

  Nera had taken a seat next to Nyles, and together they admired Jasmine. When she looked up at Cassie and Nall, her heart lurched for they looked very content. The love between them was evident. Nera had no wish to lose her Commander, but Cassie’s happiness was what she desired most.

  “I thank you for your kindness, Cassandra, and I thank you for my beautiful children.” Nall’s voice was gruff and sincerity shone from his dark blue eyes.

  Cassie took his son from him and handed the baby to a waiting Garen before taking Nall’s hand and leading him to the balcony where they could speak privately. When they stood facing each other, Cassie smiled softly at Nall and brushed a strand of white hair from his face.

  “Nall, I am giving you Nicholas to take to Serlenn to raise.” His brows rose in surprise, and his astonishment was plain on his face. “He is a Prince of Serlenn and should be raised as such. I have every intention of being an influence in his life, and I will make frequent trips to Serlenn. Jasmine will, of course, remain here in Erla. She is to be trained as a warrior for her people.” Cassie inhaled sharply, the very thought of sending her baby boy so far from her gave her such pain that she could hardly bear it.

  “I want you to be in Jasmine’s life as much. I will bring her with me when I visit you. I expect for you to travel to Erla as frequently to see her, bringing Nicholas with you of course.” Nall stared deeply into her eyes for a moment before responding.

  “I cannot believe you would be so generous to me after what has passed between us.” He held up his hand when she opened her mouth. “I do not deserve your kindness, but I am grateful for it. I will raise our son to be a good man, and I will teach him the values I know you will wish for him to possess. He will be the man and Prince you would want him to be.”

  Cassie couldn’t find the words to speak for a moment. So, instead, she pulled his head down to press her lips to his. Nall crushed her to him for a precious moment and kissed her with all the love he had for her, leaving Cassie breathless and slightly dazed when he pulled away and released her.

  “Thank you, Nall. I know he will be in good hands, but you must not let your father spoil him too much.” She grinned at him, and he smiled in return.

  “I don’t think I will be able to stop him. You will have to come often to keep his head level and his feet on the ground.”

  “You can count on that,” she said.

  They joined hands and walked back into the room. Nera’s gaze settled on their content faces, clasped hands, and the closeness of their bodies, and her heart fell.

  “We have come to an understanding regarding the children. Nicholas shall go with his father and grandfather. Jasmine will remain here. We will travel frequently between our two countries, and we will both have a strong presence in our children’s lives.” Nera drew in a relieved breath as Cassie spoke.

  She then smiled at Nyles who rose and crossed to Cassie, taking her into his arms in a crushing embrace.

  “I thank you, Lady, for your kindness to myself and my son. We are forever indebted to you. Serlenn will always be a home for you and my sweet granddaughter. Its borders will remain open to Erla, and the two of you will be royalty to every Serlenn citizen.” Nyles drew back and placed a kiss on her cheek.

  “Thank you, Your Highness,” Cassie murmured. “I want you all to stay as long as you wish, but I am still recovering from the birth and could use a nap.”

  “I believe I will accompany your Queen to her quarters for refreshments and return later to admire my grandchildren some more,” Nyles said, turning to offer his arm to Nera, who accepted graciously.

  They looked at Nall who stood over Garen, caressing his son’s cheek. He felt their eyes and glanced up.

  “I would like to remain if that is acceptable to Cassandra.” She smiled and nodded. “I will see you in your quarters later, Father.” He bowed to Nera and Nyles as they left.

  “Mika, you and the others will attend Lord Nall. Get him anything he wants, food and drink to start. Then, help him with the babies until he becomes used to them.” She sent each man a meaningful look, conveying her desire for them to be civil and accommodating to Nall.

  “Yes, Mistress. It will be done,” Mika spoke as Aidan rose and went into the kitchen.

  Mika placed Nall’s daughter into his arms as Cassie turned and made her way to her bed and to a nice, long nap.

  Over the next few weeks, Cassie slowly weaned Nicholas from her milk onto the wet nurse’s, and as father and son bonded, she found it hard to keep her emotions in check.

  It was the most painful thing she had ever experienced, but she knew it was the only way. The wet nurse was a sweet, plain-faced, placid girl whose own babe had died shortly after its birth, and while Cassie pitied her loss, she also was bitterly jealous of the woman’s role in her son’s life.

  Time moved swiftly to the day when Nall and his father would return to Serlenn, and all too soon, they stood on the steps of the Palace.

  Cassie held her sweet boy, cuddling and kissing him, inhaling his unique, sweet baby scent as she prepared to hand him over to his father.

  Nall held his daughter. His large hand gently cupped and caressed her white-blonde curls until finally, when they could delay no longer, Nall handed Jasmine to the ever-present Mika.

  “I charge you with the care of my daughter. I hope that you will love her as your own and keep her safe when her mother cannot attend her.” Nall looked deeply into Mika’s golden eyes.

  "I will protect My Lady Jasmine with my life, My Lord," Mika replied and bowed to the Prince, Jasmine held securely to his body.

  Nall placed a kiss on the infant’s downy curls as he turned to accept his son from Cassie, who stood fighting back tears. He kissed his son and then handed him to a guard who carried him to the opulently fitted
carriage that would convey Serlenn’s heir to his new home.

  “I will not say goodbye, Cassandra. I will only say that I will see you very soon,” he said, looking into her eyes.

  Cassie smiled tremulously and nodded. She knew she would be journeying to Serlenn as soon as she was fit to travel.

  Nall moved closer to her and pulled her into his arms, much to Mika’s chagrin. He buried his face in her neck to inhale her scent and held her tightly as Cassie returned his embrace. He pulled back slightly and lowered his lips to hers, kissing her with passion and love.

  “I love you, My Lady Cassandra…always.” Cassie stood gasping when he released her.

  He then bowed to Nera before running down the steps to mount his horse.

  Nall turned one last time to Cassie before the riders turned to head for Serlenn. She had taken Jasmine back into her arms and the sight struck him in the heart; he knew he would never forget the picture they made.

  Cassie smiled through her tears as her son’s carriage disappeared from view.

  Next: Willow, the Chronicles of Erla: Book 2


  Willow (Here She Rules, Book 2)

  Over Twenty Years Ago

  Two precocious seven year olds were taking turns pushing each other on the schoolyard swings while a bespectacled boy sat next to them, spinning on his own swing in circles.

  “We’ll always be friends, won’t we Will?” the brown-haired girl asked.

  “Yep, Cassie. Always. I will always protect you from the meanies.” They both giggled.

  “And, we’re gonna make sure no one bosses Nelson around but us, right?” Nelson looked up and squished his face.

  “That’s right!” Willow squealed as she pumped higher.

  “Nobody is bossing me around. I am going to be an astronaut and fly to Mars.”

  Three Days Ago

  “Willow, it’s working, and I think with enough power I can make it large enough for you to go through. This is huge; it is definitely a trans-dimensional rift, and it may even be a rift in the space-time continuum.” Nelson talked fast when he was excited, and he was very excited.

  “You’re sure that this is what happened to Cassie?” Willow asked. She had him on speaker phone as she tried to find a parking space close to his on-campus lab.

  “I just know it. The residual energy particles near where her car was found were off the charts. Are you here yet?”

  “Coming down the hall now. Open the door.” She pushed end.

  Nelson crossed and unlocked his lab, waving Willow in as he quickly closed and locked the door.

  “Okay. Watch this.” He pointed to a glass-walled isolation chamber that sat adjacent to the instrument panel he was fiddling with. He flipped a switch, and inside the glassed-in area a small, green glow began to flicker to life.

  It pulsated and glowed brighter, widening as Nelson typed in some adjustments on a small laptop.

  “I have kept everything on my personal computer; I don’t want the University or the Feds taking my research until I know for sure this is what took Cassie.” He raked his hand through his thick, wavy hair and pushed his glasses further up his nose.

  “You realize that since I’m a Marine Captain, you kind of are talking to the government, right?” She smirked.

  “Just had to work the whole ‘Captain’ thing in again, didn’t you?” He grinned.

  “Damn right. You will probably hear it often until my next promotion.”

  “Will…I’m sorry about Ben, but I told you he was a douche-bag.”

  “Yeah, I know.” Her smile fell away.

  “I mean, yeah, you’re tall and tough as nails, but you are also hot as Hell.” He grinned again.

  “Easy there, Delgado. I may take you seriously one day.” She winked at him, and he laughed.

  “You ready?” he asked, picking up the laptop and heading for the glass enclosure. The glowing green glob pulsated steadily.

  “Are you sure this is safe?” She moved up behind him, following him through a door that closed automatically behind them.

  “Nope, but I have to know that Cassie is okay, and I know you feel the same.”

  Willow took a deep breath; the air was full of static electricity, and the glow was almost hypnotic as it pulsed along, making a low humming noise.

  Nelson held the laptop in one hand and typed something with the other; the rift reacted by getting larger. He handed the computer to Willow and moved forward, staring into the growing opening.

  “My God, Will, this is insane. Come here.”

  Willow moved up next to him, and they both stared into the rift. It was strange—like looking through water—and on the other side was what looked to be a forest.

  Nelson raised his hand and reached out; his fingers met a smooth, slick surface.

  “Damn.” Disappointed, he turned back to Willow, took the laptop, and started one-handed typing.

  Willow, unable to resist, reached towards the glowing green mass.

  “Nellie!” she shrieked as a force seemed to snatch her hand and pull it into the rift.

  Nelson looked up and stared in shock before he grabbed her other arm, snatching her away from the glow.

  “What the hell?” Willow rubbed her arm; it felt like tiny bolts of lightning were dancing up and down it.

  Nelson reached out again and encountered the same result he had before.

  “Do it again, Will,” he pushed her.

  “The hell I will.”

  “Come on, Will. This is science. This is how we figure things out. It won’t let me through, but it let you. So, now we have to do it again to test my theory,” he pleaded, and Willow frowned. “Do it for Cass.”

  “Okay, but you hold on to me.”

  Nelson set his computer down on the floor and took hold of Willow’s arm as she reached out again towards the rift. It immediately pulled her arm inside, and Nelson pulled with all his strength to get her out.

  “Well, that settles it; it doesn’t seem to like men.” He picked up his computer and started typing. Nelson typed faster with one hand than Willow did with two.

  He ushered her out of the glass box, and they went back to the instrument panel.

  “Okay. I can give it more juice, then you can go through, find Cassie, and then, when I re-open the rift—in, say, twenty four hours—you bring her home.” The situation was settled as far as he was concerned. He didn’t even look at Willow as he spoke; he just kept typing on his keyboard.

  “Nelson, this is nuts. What if something goes wrong?” Willow felt the oddest sensation as she stared at the shrinking green glow in the enclosure.

  “Nothing is going to go wrong, Will. If I could, I would go, but it’s probably better if I stay here anyway to make sure the rift gets opened again.” He patted Willow’s shoulder. “I will make sure I get my girls home, okay? I promise.”

  “Okay. I have some leave I can get pushed through. We will make a go of it on Friday. I will get some things together and meet you here. What time?”

  “Let’s say early; no one is here on Friday’s.”

  Willow sighed and straightened her shoulders.

  “See you then,” she said as she left.


  The dappled sunlight coming through the trees made it nearly impossible to clearly see the face of the person standing beneath the branches, and although the colors of the desert camouflage were at odds with the greenery surrounding the figure, it was impossible to make him or her out clearly. So, the warriors put their hands on their swords instinctively.

  For a long moment, neither the cadre of warriors nor the silent figure dressed in the strange apparel moved.

  Cassie pushed her horse through the line of warriors, who had protectively surrounded their Commander against the stranger in their forest. Emerging from their midst, she pulled her horse to a halt some twenty yards from the motionless figure.

  “Who are you?” Her voice rang out across the space between them.

�Cass?” the figure replied. “Cass, is that you?”

  Cassandra’s mouth fell open at the sound of the all too familiar voice. She slid off her horse and started moving towards the stranger, much to the assembled warriors’ dismay.

  They slid from their mounts and followed, pulling their swords from their sheaths.

  “Will?” Cassie now ran full tilt towards the figure. “Will!” Cassie’s warriors watched with apprehension as the stranger ran forward and embraced their Commander. They reached them only seconds later and surrounded the pair.

  “Oh, my God, Will! Oh, my God. How is this possible? How are you here?” They watched as Cassie reached up and pulled the cap from the head of the stranger and a long, black braid slipped out and down the woman’s back.

  The two women laughed and embraced again. “I cannot believe you are here!”

  “Where exactly is here, Cass?” She looked at the warriors surrounding them with swords drawn and then at the mounted women holding swords at the ready, and her hand went to the firearm at her hip. “Who are these people, Cass?”

  “Holy crap. Did you bring a gun?” Cassie was shocked at the sight of the weapon; it was so foreign and yet so familiar. Then, she nearly laughed at herself for being shocked. Willow was a Marine Corps Sergeant; of course, she would be armed.

  “Well, duh. Of course,” Willow said as she was sliding the gun out of its holster. Her eyes scanned the women on horseback. “Get behind me, Cass,” she ordered.

  “Will, please don’t shoot my warriors. They are just trying to protect their Commander.”

  “Well, where is their Commander? I evidently need to speak with him.”

  Cassie started to laugh and moved to stand in front of her friend.

  “I am their Commander, Will. Ladies,” Cassie spun to her warriors, “sheath your swords. This Lady is my friend, Willow. She and I have been best friends since we were children. Will, these are my warriors. They are sworn to my service and that of the country of Erla, which is where you now find yourself.” The warriors slowly slid their swords into their scabbards, but still remained on high alert.


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