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Incubus Mini-Boss (Rise of an Incubus Overlord Book 2)

Page 6

by Jack Porter

  She sat up slowly, taking care not to make any suspicious moves. She took a moment to rub one of her arms, then looked at me once again.

  “I owe you,” she said.

  Interesting. “In what way?”

  “Megadeath. Me and the others–we were effectively working for him. Every time I took a contract, he would take his cut.”

  “Why didn’t you tell him to fuck off?” I asked.

  She looked away and grimaced. “Because he was the best of us. You’re new, right? You have no idea how many other hitters he’d taken out.”

  “I guess I got lucky.”

  “It takes more than luck to get the better of someone like him,” Ladykiller said as she continued to massage her forearms, calmly working some life back into them. She didn’t seem to be on the verge of attacking me again, but she was a professional killer. Far more professional than me. How was I to know that it wasn’t just a ruse to lull me into a false sense of confidence?

  She took a moment to look around the apartment, then flipped a seemingly casual glance my way. “I’ve never failed to complete a contract before,” she said.

  I looked at her. “Now you have.”

  She nodded. “I guess so.” She took a deep breath. “So, are you going to let me walk away from this? Or what?”

  I considered her. If I did, there was a chance she would just regroup and come back with a better plan, and this time it might well succeed. But I didn’t want to kill her, either.

  “There’s another option,” Azrael said in my mind.

  I didn’t need to ask what he meant. His intention was clear.

  I allowed a smile to cross my face and raised an eyebrow suggestively. “You said you owe me for getting Megadeath off your back,” I said. “I can think of a way for you to repay me.”

  Ladykiller stopped massaging her wrists and stared at me. “Really?” she asked, sounding incredulous. She knew exactly what I meant. At the same time, there was the smallest twitch to one side of her lips that suggested my idea wasn’t entirely off the table.

  A couple of weeks ago, I wouldn’t have had the courage to follow through. But a lot had changed since then. Ladykiller might once have been well out of my league, but not anymore.

  I didn’t know her status, not exactly, but knew it couldn’t be much different from my own. And Azrael’s tweaks to my character sheet were better than any surgery.

  I was a match for Ladykiller in terms of attractiveness as well.

  I kept grinning. “Of course, the cops have already been here once today. The noise of your efforts might bring them straight back. So, if you’re too timid to take such a risk…”

  The challenge did it. I had read Ladykiller right. She wasn’t a cold, aloof killer in the way that Megadeath had been. She was more like me, addicted to the thrill of it all.

  I was trying to appeal to that taste for danger. The quest for a thrill. Of course, it didn’t hurt that her blood would still be surging with adrenaline from a fight, either.

  Ladykiller appraised me with new eyes, and I knew she was mine even before she returned my grin. Even so, I figured I would give her the option to take away part of the risk.

  “If you like, we can make it quick. Give the cops less chance to interrupt.” I said it with obvious humor, as if “making it quick” was a good thing.

  Surprisingly, she snorted a laugh. She shook her head, then looked at me again. “You’re serious?”

  Chapter 17

  “Why not?” I returned.

  She considered. “And after? We will be even?” she asked.

  I nodded. “Even. If you like, you can then go back to trying to kill me, and I’ll have no hard feelings at all. Of course, you may not want to. Sex with me has been known to be fairly transformative.”

  “Is that so?”

  “Yes,” I said. “And I’m not even joking.”

  It seemed a good opportunity to mention Azrael, so I did. This time, the demon stayed silent. The first couple of times I’d spoken about him in advance, he had wanted me to shut up. His motivation was to seal the deal as efficiently as possible, and figured that mentioning the demonic part of the process might chase some women away.

  He was probably right, but I wanted to keep everything honest. And besides, I’d quickly learned that Azrael’s presence helped more than it hurt.

  It seemed that a lot of women had a hidden taste for something forbidden.

  In this, Ladykiller proved no different from Rachel, Sandy, or the random women I’d hooked up with from the dating sites. She agreed as if her immortal soul weren’t at risk, and we headed to my room without any further ado.

  The choice of room was a strategic decision on my part. If the cops did come calling at just the wrong moment, we’d still have a fighting chance. There was a fire escape just outside the window that we could make use of if we needed to.

  I stood on the far side of the bed and looked at Ladykiller with the giddy excitement of a virgin schoolboy.

  She appeared equally uncertain, and I figured not many of her contracts would have ended this way in the past. She didn’t seem to know exactly what to do, so I took charge.

  “Take off your clothes,” I said.

  As if I had used the Force on her, her hands went to the buttons of her shirt. In moments, the shirt hit the floor, as did the armored vest she was wearing, and several hidden weapons, knives, knuckle dusters, and a small phone.

  Then she was naked. Slim, muscular perfection, her breasts far smaller than Rachel’s or even Sandy’s, but perfectly formed and tipped with delicate pink peaks. Despite her slimness, she still had good hips, and even though the side of her head had been shaved, if a razor had touched the hair between her legs, it had done no more than trim it to tawny perfection.

  “Turn around,” I ordered, and she did so, giving me a good view of her taut, muscular back and rounded buttocks. In addition to the physique of a fitness model, Ladykiller had more than her fair share of scars.

  Legacy of her profession, no doubt.

  “Checking me for weapons, huh?” she quipped, and I had to admit, that was at least part of my motivation.

  “Wouldn’t you?” I returned.

  Ladykiller turned back around to face me. “Probably,” she said. Then she considered. “Actually, of course I would. Your turn. Take it off.”

  I laughed and did as she said, proving myself free of all guns, knives, and everything else within only a short time.

  “Not bad,” she judged, still appraising me. “Your file didn’t suggest anything like a six pack at all. And as for your weapon–it’s bigger than I would have expected.”

  I just smirked at her.

  “So,” she said. “Are we just going to stand here? Or what?”

  Chapter 18

  Bonking, I decided, was about the most fun a guy could have. Even a bad bonk was better than nothing, and it had been a good while since I’d had a bonk that was bad.

  Banging away in an apartment that had been partially destroyed while keeping half an ear out for the cops added an extra layer of excitement. And if that wasn’t enough, I knew full well that Ladykiller had come to kill me, and had the skills to do it.

  It took a certain amount of trust to let anyone near the old meat and berries, let alone a trained killer. Yet even that element of potential danger seemed to add to the fun, both for me and for her, because it seemed Ladykiller didn’t quite trust me either.

  I couldn’t bring myself to accept a blow job. Not when a simple bite or twist of my balls would render me virtually helpless. And while she didn’t object to me pinning her wrists to the bed in a reflection of the last part of our fight, when I looked for something to use to tie her, she shook her head.

  Yet she didn’t stop smiling, and I had to laugh when she tried the same move.

  It was a little awkward at first, but we worked out the rules, and my skin was already tingling when she pushed me over onto my back and straddled my hips.

is way,” she said. “So I can keep an eye on you at the same time.”

  As she said it, she moved her hips, and I felt the dampness of her against me. I nodded, accepting the rules, and placed my hands on her hips. She leaned over, hinted at going for a little friendly strangulation, but instead gripped my shoulders. Then, just for a moment, she closed her eyes and lost herself in a few seconds of pleasure, then snapped them open again as if I’d made some sort of threat.

  I laughed. “I promise not to try to kill you,” I said, “at least until we are done.”

  She smiled. “I make no such promises,” she returned. But it seemed she had no intention of doing me any harm. She was done rubbing herself against me, and instead reached down with her hand, leaned back to give herself room, and used the tip of my dick to test the waters, dipping it in just a little, as if unsure of the fit, then trying again.

  This time, she eased herself down nearly halfway, and it took all the self-control I had not to use my grip to plunge all the way in. Instead, I let her control it, and with a long sigh, she accepted me the rest of the way.

  Then, as if all trust issues were gone, she leaned forward again until her face was inches from mine. Her eyes were closed, and I sensed the heat in her cheeks as she came even closer, resting her elbows on the pillow on either side of my head.

  Then, just as slowly, she moved her hips as far as she could away from mine without me falling back out, then slid all the way down my shaft.

  This time, I did use my strength, crushing her against me as hard as I could. She accepted it, staying where she was for long moments, her brow furrowed as she strove to take me in as deep as she could.

  Then she opened her eyes and grinned broadly. “You feel good,” she managed.

  “So do you,” I returned, laughing.

  As if that was a signal, she settled into a rhythm, riding me like a pro. I felt the strong muscles of her thighs clenched against me and could feel the play of those in the back beneath my fingers. As the rhythm of the movements increased, she turned her head slightly to the side, as if doing her best to focus, and her breathing quickened in much the same way that mine was doing.

  Perhaps she really was mindful of the possibility of a uniformed interruption. Or perhaps she was simply enjoying herself. Either way, it didn’t take long before she drew a sharp intake of breath and screwed up her face as if in pain. Where Rachel gave voice to her pleasure with loud wails, and Sandy was quiet but determined, Ladykiller opened her mouth as if to scream, but let nothing out.

  It was as if she’d first learned about orgasms in her mother’s home, and did what she could to not make a sound.

  Yet her body shivered and quaked for some time, and the sheer intensity of her climax was enough to push me over the edge.

  I bucked beneath her like an angry bull, holding onto her tight so she couldn’t go anywhere. Yet, just as had happened with Rachel, Sandy, and the others, that was just the beginning.

  Once more, I felt the power of the divine course through my body. It was like I had been connected to a socket with the power turned up to full. It was electric, ecstatic, and I wouldn’t have been surprised to learn that my whole body glowed white with sheer power. It built in my brain like a fever, but traveled all through me as well, centering in my heart, the pit of my stomach, and at the base of my shaft. At the same time, I felt it in the tips of my fingers, and it was through them–and everywhere else–that it transferred to Ladykiller herself.

  Her eyes widened with shock, and she looked at me with an expression of surprise. Then that surprise turned to fear, and all her muscles clenched at once. She arched her back, and this time she did let out a scream.

  I found myself wondering just how many reasons I was going to give my neighbors to call the cops, but began laughing again as Ladykiller collapsed on top of me. Rachel and Sandy had both taken several minutes to recover, but Ladykiller was made of sterner stuff than that. Or perhaps, with the practice he was getting, Azrael was doing less damage as he awakened the succubi within my sexual partners.

  Either way, it was only a few seconds before Ladykiller managed to push herself back up and look at me with a dumbstruck expression.

  I could already see the succubus forming around her and knew that she could see Azrael just as clearly.

  “It’s true,” she said.

  I grinned at her, still buried balls deep in her warm dampness. “Yes, it’s true,” I agreed. Then I turned my head to one side. “Out of curiosity, do you still plan to collect on this contract?”

  It was Ladykiller’s turn to laugh. She shook her head and collapsed against me once again.

  “Not anymore,” she said.

  “Good,” I said. “Glad to hear it.”

  Chapter 19

  Both of us knew we didn’t have the luxury of enjoying the postcoital bliss that seemed an inevitable part of awakening someone’s inner succubus. The chances of the police turning up were increasing with each passing minute, and that was just one of the problems I faced.

  Chad’s apartment was history. Dario Fucking Gambetti knew where it was, and even if it still had a door, it wouldn’t be safe. Where I would go was another question entirely, and one that I put to Rachel as Ladykiller climbed into her clothes.

  “Did you happen to find out where Megadeath lived?” I asked the goth woman on the phone. I’d set her the task of ferreting out that information before, with the idea of claiming at least some part of the man’s property as a trophy for my victory.

  But life had got in the way, and it hadn’t been a high priority.

  “No,” came her metallic reply. “I can see what I can find out now, though, if you like.”

  I was about to tell her to do so when Ladykiller interjected. “I know where he lived,” she said. “I’ve been there before.”

  I looked at her. “And?”

  She understood what I was asking. “It should do, if you can get in. As far as I know, he lived alone.” Then she added, “The property doesn’t have an official address. You can’t find it via GPS or anything. And it’s a fortress. That’s why he brought us there. Me and the others. To show us that we couldn’t get to him even if we tried, and to tell us in no uncertain terms that he wasn’t afraid of us in the least.”

  It was good enough for me. I got dressed, took one last look around the place I’d called home ever since Chad had first invited me in, and spent a couple of minutes gathering a few clothes and other items I might need, including my trophies from the freezer.

  Then, figuring there was no telling when they might come in handy, I gathered up the weapons from the dead hitmen on the floor of the lounge, but otherwise ignored the corpses.

  “Lead the way,” I said to Ladykiller.

  Chapter 20

  The city of El Diablo was one of those where too many people tried to live in too small a space. It was bordered by both hills and seas, with every conceivable piece of flat land being made use of, and quite a bit of land that wasn’t flat as well.

  The woman I knew as Ladykiller led the way on a shiny red Kawasaki that seemed a spectacularly good match for her nature. I followed behind in Big Bob’s muscle car, to the edge of the town, then along a winding, narrow road.

  Even before we reached our destination, I started to understand what Ladykiller had said about Megadeath’s challenge to her and the others.

  There was basically just a single way in, and Megadeath could have that monitored without effort. He would have known if someone was coming for him before they made it within a couple of miles.

  To me, it was a good location. Close enough to the city that Megadeath could do his job, but far enough away that it felt like an escape. And when Ladykiller led me down a long driveway to the mansion itself, I couldn’t help but let out a low whistle of appreciation.

  In the past couple of weeks, I’d made more money from murders than I had over the past couple of years helping kids to earn status they didn’t deserve. Given how many contracts Megad
eath had taken, he could have earned a huge sum of cash. Especially if he took a cut from the contracts Ladykiller and the others took as well.

  Even so, his house was magnificent. A structure of elegant glass set on substantial, tree-covered lands with no neighbor in sight, it was the type of place I’d only ever dreamt about.

  I hadn’t even stepped a foot inside, and I was already wondering how I might commandeer this place permanently.

  “To the victor goes the spoils,” I muttered to myself. That’s how I had gained the car I was driving. Why shouldn’t I take possession of this house as well?

  Sure, perhaps Megadeath had a will leaving his property to some distant relative or other. And somewhere there would be a record of ownership for this place, and I knew for a fact that Simon Kingman was not the name on that record. So maybe it was no more than wishful thinking.

  Even so, I couldn’t help but feel I had the right to stay there, even if it was just for a short time.

  Ladykiller pulled up in a courtyard between the garage and what looked like the main entrance for the house, and I pulled in behind her. By the time I climbed out of the car and shut the door behind me, Ladykiller was waiting with her helmet off, still sitting astride the bike.

  “This is it,” she said. “Megadeath’s place. I doubt he leaves his keys under the doormat, so good luck getting in.”

  Chapter 21

  For some reason, I had no doubt I would be able to enter. I grinned broadly. All through my life, I had been the worst sort of failure, a collection of rubbish genetics and cosmic bad luck mixed together into Darwin’s idea of a joke. With a single digit status on both the legal and illegal scales, it had been touch-and-go for me more than once.

  As much as I resented Chad’s douchebaggery at my expense, he had, in a very real way, kept me off the street. Because of him, I had managed to lead a more comfortable life than someone of my status should have realistically expected to have.


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