Book Read Free

Don't Let Go

Page 12

by Rebecca Deel

  “Zane will be glad to help. You have his number. Call him yourself.”

  “I can’t ask him to break the law. This isn’t an official request.”

  Understanding flooded Simon. Stella needed deniability. “If you’re finished with us, I’ll call Zane on the way to PSI and request the footage.”

  “Thanks.” Her phone rang. Stella glanced at the screen and rose. “It’s Nate. I have to go. I’ll see you later.” She left the room, phone pressed to her ear.

  Simon extended his hand to Zoe. “Let’s get out of here. I’ll treat you to a muffin at PSI with a soft drink chaser.” He could use food and coffee himself.

  She grinned. “Big spender.”

  “Hey, I know how to take care of my girl.”

  Simon held Zoe back when they reached the double doors leading to the waiting area. “Let me make sure it’s safe first.” He opened the door and checked the waiting room which was clear of visitors, then walked to the front entrance of the station. The sidewalk and street directly in front of the station were in a state of controlled chaos.

  As he scanned the activity, one of the black PSI SUVs was waved through the police barricade and allowed to park at the far end of the side lot. Matt exited the vehicle and started toward the station.

  A moment later, he opened the door and strode inside. “Ethan said you needed a ride because your SUV is evidence. I looked at the damage as I came in. You won’t want to drive it in its current condition.”

  Simon growled. Bear, the mechanical magician of Fortress, would have a fit when he saw the damage to Simon’s SUV. “I’m going to owe Bear a steak dinner at the most expensive restaurant near his house.”

  Matt grinned. “A dinner for him and his family.”

  That made him flinch. “Doesn’t he have a big family?”

  “He sure does.” His friend’s eyes glinted with amusement.

  “You’re enjoying this, aren’t you?”

  “As long as it’s not me in hot water with the mechanic with magic fingers, you bet.”

  He glared at his friend. “You’re all heart.”

  The medic chuckled. “How’s Zoe?”

  “Scared and worried for our friends and neighbors in Otter Creek.”

  Matt sobered and inclined his head toward the action on the street. “Looks like she has cause to worry. Let’s get you guys out of here. Our meeting at PSI has been postponed until noon. Durango will be here in two minutes to assist with crowd control and anything else Ethan needs. Ethan’s orders are for Bravo to keep a low profile around town. If we determine Durango is a target, they’ll be off limits to the OCPD for the duration until we resolve the problem.”

  Simon didn’t blame the police chief. If he needed more assistance than Durango could offer, PSI had bodyguards that were near the end of their training. They weren’t on anyone’s radar and would be able to fill the gaps while Ethan’s men were busy with other tasks.

  “Utilize your time to hunt for the best steak dinner near Bear’s compound.” Another sly grin Simon’s direction.

  He scowled at his friend and returned to the bullpen for Zoe. “Matt’s here to drive us to PSI.”

  She blinked. “Why aren’t we taking your vehicle?”

  “The SUV’s exterior is compromised and the vehicle is evidence. Eventually, I’ll get it back and take it to the Fortress mechanic to repair.”

  “You can’t just take it to a regular body shop?”

  “We have specialty upgrades on our fleet. Only our people handle the vehicles.”

  When Zoe walked with Simon into the lobby, Matt scrutinized her. “How is the headache and nausea?”

  “A little better.”

  His eyes narrowed. “Have you eaten?”

  She frowned. “No, Mom.”

  The medic waggled an index finger at her. “You know better. Let’s get you back to PSI where I’ll ply you with food and drink suitable for someone suffering from adrenaline dump and a concussion.”


  “Yep. Let’s move unless you want to be subjected to Megan Kelter’s famous interrogation techniques.”

  Gaze firing all around in case the reporter lurked in the shadows to ambush them, Simon gripped Zoe’s upper arm and urged her forward. Meg Kelter was the editor of the town newspaper and well known for her ruthless questions. When Meg learned Simon and Zoe were the targets, she would pursue them relentlessly for an interview.

  Ethan was right. Bravo needed to keep a low profile. Otherwise, the notoriety would entice their enemies to descend on this idyllic town near the Smokey Mountains.

  Simon and Matt kept Zoe sandwiched between them as they walked at a fast clip to the SUV. Once inside the vehicle, Matt cranked the engine and drove quickly from the lot. He took a circuitous route to PSI, both he and Simon watching the mirrors in case the shooter had plans for a repeat performance.

  They arrived at the gated entrance to PSI fifteen minutes later without further incident and Matt carded them into the compound. Once they parked and walked inside the main building, the medic headed toward the infirmary.

  Instead of going to the kitchen, Simon detoured to the front office to take care of an errand that was even more important after the events of the morning. “Do you have a package for me, Kathy?” he asked the grandmother of six that Josh had hired to manage the office and keep the support staff on task.

  Bright green eyes met his. “Perfect timing, Simon. A package just arrived for you.” Kathy grabbed the white mailer and handed it to him. “The courier said I was to get this to you as soon as possible.”

  After a nod of thanks, Simon carried the envelope into the kitchen where he slit the edge and removed the black satellite phone already nestled in its protective cover along with a smaller package.

  Zoe glanced at the phone and frowned. “Why do you need a second phone?”

  “This is yours.”

  “But I already have one.”

  “This is a secured satellite phone. It’s heavily encrypted so we can talk or text when I’m on missions.” It also had a sophisticated tracker embedded into the system although he didn’t plan to tell Zoe that information yet. No need to worry her more than she already was. “This is the only safe way for us to communicate. With this phone, I don’t have to worry about someone intercepting our communication or pinpointing your location.” Only Zane would have that ability.

  “Is the satellite phone really necessary?”

  He nodded. “I want to talk to you while I’m deployed, Zoe. I miss you like crazy when I’m gone. This phone will be my lifeline. Will you accept it?”

  “All right.” She brushed his lips with hers. “I miss you, too, when you’re gone. I’ll be happy to have a way to communicate with you, a way that keeps you safe.”

  Simon scooped up the second, smaller envelope, slit the edge, and poured the contents into his palm. A watch and a pair of earrings with a matching necklace and bracelet sparkled in the kitchen’s overhead light.

  He strapped the watch on one wrist, then fastened the bracelet on the other wrist and helped her with the necklace. Simon stepped back, satisfaction filling him at the sight of the potentially life-saving jewelry on Zoe.

  He turned over her hand and dropped the earrings onto her palm. “These are beyond my ability to fasten. Will you put them on?”

  Zoe slipped the earrings she’d been wearing into her purse and slid in the ones from Fortress. “Why did you buy me jewelry?”

  “I didn’t buy it, but I chose the design I thought fit your personality.” Bright sunshine. That’s what he thought of every time he saw Zoe. “This is another form of protection.” He stroked a thumb over the cheerful sunflowers circling her wrist. “The jewelry has trackers embedded into the design. You wearing the jewelry will help me find you in an emergency.”

  She cupped his jaw, her touch gentle. “I’ll wear them all the time. They’re beautiful.” Zoe glanced at the bracelet. “I’ll have to put the bracelet in my pocket when I�
�m working so I don’t decorate it with dough or icing.”

  Matt walked into the kitchen. He glanced at the sat phone. “What did Z choose for her cover?”

  Zoe turned over the phone and grinned. “Cupcakes.”

  Simon smiled. Z was a smart man. “Zane also added the contact information for each member of Bravo, Durango, Brent Maddox, the Fortress CEO, and his own number. If you need help, contact me first. If I don’t answer, go down the line, starting with members of Bravo.”

  “What if you’re deployed? I don’t want to call you at the wrong time and put your life in jeopardy.”

  “Text me. If I don’t respond, shift to Durango or Zane. Day or night, Zoe. Someone will be available to help you with anything you need.”

  She studied him a moment. “Is dating or marrying an operative that dangerous?”

  “It can be. We keep a low profile, but unexpected things happen.”

  “Like the rogue operative.”

  Thankfully, that problem didn’t happen often. Otherwise, Simon would seriously question the wisdom of getting involved with Zoe.

  Matt ripped open a packet. “Simon, find food for Zoe while I replace her patch.”

  “The nausea isn’t bad,” she protested.

  “You’ll be much more comfortable.” He motioned for her to sit on a stool at the counter and replaced her patch with a fresh one. “As soon as you eat, take pain meds for the headache.”

  Thirty minutes later, Simon led Zoe into the classroom beside the dining hall and seated her at the back. The trainees were silent as Simon walked to the front of the room.

  He faced the students who were clustered together, watching him warily. “Liam’s wife is in the hospital so he won’t be here for this session. We’re going to the gun range today to practice your marksmanship.”

  “Lyons is dead.” Hollister stepped forward, hands fisted at his side. “Shouldn’t you be in jail?”

  Gasps greeted the bold question. Others glared at the belligerent trainee. All of them waited for Simon’s reaction.

  “I’d have to be an idiot to kill Lyons and leave his body down the street from my girlfriend’s house. I’m a lot of things, Hollister, but stupid isn’t one of them. The police don’t have evidence that I killed your friend.”

  “Doesn’t mean it’s not there.”

  “There’s no evidence because I didn’t kill Lyons. The subject is closed. If you can’t accept that, there’s the door. Don’t let it hit you on the way out. If you leave, you’re finished at PSI.”

  Hollister’s jaw tightened, but he remained in place.

  That was something, at least. Simon didn’t like having the furious trainee at his back. He’d have to keep tabs on him since he seemed to be cut from the same cloth as Lyons.

  He glanced at the other trainees. “Same offer is true for the rest of you. You can leave, but you’re walking away from PSI if you do. Otherwise, it’s time to work. Head to the gun range with your weapon, ammunition, and protective gear.”

  Simon dismissed them and held out his hand to Zoe. “Come on. I’ll find protective gear for you.”


  “You’re getting your first lesson in handling a weapon today.” He prayed she never had to use the information he gave her.


  Zoe let her breath out halfway and gently squeezed the trigger as Simon taught her. The gun bucked in her hand, the sound of the shot muffled because of the ear protectors she wore. When Simon motioned for her to continue, she repeated the procedure over and over until the magazine was empty.

  She lowered the gun and shifted her index finger to rest outside the trigger guard as Simon checked her accuracy. Zoe looked at the scattered holes in the target and was amazed her bullets hit the paper at all.

  Simon smiled, satisfaction in his eyes. “Not bad for your first time at the range.”

  She looked at the paper again. “Are you kidding? I emptied three magazines. If I was a decent marksman, the target would be obliterated. Shouldn’t the holes be clustered together instead of spread out like a shotgun blast?”

  He chuckled. “You did better your first time shooting a weapon than I did. Trust me, you’ll improve. You’re a natural.”

  She didn’t know about that. “More like you’re a good teacher.”

  Simon brushed a kiss over her mouth before he turned his attention to the other lanes where the trainees were wrapping up their practice session. He went to a panel on the wall and pressed a button. A red light came on in the corners of the ceiling. The shots slowed and finally stopped. The trainees removed their protective gear. “Collect your targets and leave them on the table at the back for Liam to evaluate. You’ll be in Crime Town tomorrow.” He chuckled at the groans. “Dismissed.”

  After collecting their gear and targets, the trainees filed out of the range building, stacking their paper targets on the designated table.

  Simon turned back to Zoe. “You want yours?”

  She shook her head. “I need a lot more practice to be halfway decent.”

  “We’ll practice and you will improve.”

  Zoe was afraid she’d never live up to Simon’s faith in her shooting ability. However, if he wanted to invest that much time in training her to be a better shot, she wouldn’t complain. She’d enjoy every minute with him between deployments. “What’s the plan now?”

  “Meet with Bravo and Durango during lunch. We’ll eat in the conference room. The other instructors will let us know if trainees become rowdy.”

  Simon took the gun he’d given Zoe to use and cleaned it, then returned it to the weapons vault at the back of the range building. That done, he escorted her to the dining room to grab lunch. He led her to a hallway that curved toward the parking lot. A rumble of male voices halted in mid-conversation when she walked into the conference room.

  As one, the members of Durango and Bravo stood at her entrance. Liam waved Zoe and Simon to the two empty chairs to his right. Once she sat, the men dropped into their seats. Some resumed eating. Others watched her and Simon with amusement or satisfaction in their eyes.

  She blew out a breath, her cheeks burning. Terrific. The members of both teams knew that she and Simon were dating.

  Trent pushed his empty plate aside and nodded at Cade who typed something into a computer keyboard. A moment later, a large screen mounted on the wall came to life and a buzz-cut blond man appeared.

  “Sit rep,” he ordered.

  Trent glanced at Simon and used a hand signal.

  “The police hauled me and Zoe in for questioning early this morning in the death of Isaac Lyons.”


  “The trainee was found in his car a few houses down from Zoe’s place, throat slit.”


  “Between two and five this morning. I was with Zoe the whole time. Unfortunately, part of that time, we were at her house. According to Blackhawk and Nate’s wife, Stella, I have the means, motive, and opportunity to have pulled off the murder.”

  Ice blue eyes shifted to look at Zoe. “I’m Brent Maddox, Ms. Lockhart.”

  “Call me Zoe.”

  He inclined his head, then returned his attention to Simon. “Continue.”

  Simon summarized their interrogations. When he mentioned the incident in Macy’s yard involving Zoe, all the men frowned.

  “Need one of the lawyers?” Brent asked.

  “Not yet. So far, we’re clear.”

  “If that changes, I want to know.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Tell me the rest.”

  Simon told his boss about the drive-by shooting, ending with, “Three civilians were injured. Status unknown.”

  “They’re being treated at Memorial Hospital,” Josh said. “Two will be released later this afternoon. The third should go home tomorrow. All will recover without long-term repercussions.”

  A nod. “What do you need from me, Simon?”

  “I asked Zane to dig into Lyons’ life
. Has he come up with anything yet?”

  “Yeah. You aren’t going to like it. He’s been receiving payments of $5,000 a month since he arrived at PSI.”

  Trent frowned. “Fortress flags unusual monetary activity. How did we miss that?”

  “The money was deposited into a second checking account under his girlfriend’s name.”

  Shock rolled through Zoe.

  “Did Z track the money’s origination?” Trent asked.

  A snort. “Offshore bank account.”

  Simon groaned. “Let me guess. The Cayman Islands?”

  “That’s right.”

  “Any chance of tracking it beyond the Caymans?”

  “Maybe. Trace’s wife, Bridget, is a computer whiz and doesn’t give up once she sinks her teeth into something. She’s chasing the money trail. Z is handling another crisis at the moment. Between them, they’ll figure out where the money came from. As soon as we know something, we’ll contact you.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “If you’re the primary target of the attacks, you may have to relocate. Otherwise, we risk more innocent civilians in your town.”

  Trent scowled. “We aren’t sending him out alone, boss.”

  Alarm exploded inside Zoe. Brent couldn’t send Simon away from his teammates. Against a determined opponent unafraid of collateral damage, Simon would be at a disadvantage. He needed his teammates to guard his back.

  The Fortress CEO’s eyes narrowed. “Did I suggest we toss him to the wolves?”

  “No, sir.”

  “We’ll consider options once we have more information. In the meantime, think about your missions and scour the Internet for mention of your opponents. If someone wants revenge, he made inquiries about Bravo.”

  “We don’t know who the rogue sold information to or what he provided to the enemy.” Josh looked thoughtful. “We do know that Zoe and Piper were targeted. What if the rogue’s work isn’t responsible for what’s happening in Otter Creek? Is it possible the attacks are connected to one of the ops Liam and Simon went on together without their teammates?”


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