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Don't Let Go

Page 27

by Rebecca Deel

  Simon moved closer. “You want me? Come get me.” He gave a “come on” gesture.

  The man holding Zoe captive growled and threw her to the left.

  Zoe screamed as she fell into the darkness.


  Horror filled Simon as Zoe disappeared over the edge of the gorge, a scream ripping from her throat. “Zoe!” He tore his gaze away from his greatest nightmare and refocused on the man bearing down on him like a freight train. The sooner he dispensed with Barone, the faster he could find Zoe and provide medical assistance. He refused to even consider that she was beyond help.

  Simon shifted his weight at the last second, twisted, and used the thug’s momentum to slam Barone to the ground on his back. He rammed his fist into Barone’s face twice, splitting his lip and breaking his nose, blocked a roundhouse punch to the jaw, and landed more blows to the man’s face.

  A moment later, he sailed over Barone’s head when the soldier tossed him off. Simon hit the ground on a roll that ended in a fighting stance. He blocked kicks and punches when Barone came at him again, landing blows between each of his opponent’s failed attempts.

  Barone’s attacks slowed, more attempts to hit Simon missing his target than hitting. Enough. He’d wasted too much time on this clown. Simon swept the other man’s feet out from under him and followed him to the ground. After another two punches and an elbow strike to the temple, Barone was out.

  Breathing hard, Simon grabbed his Sig and aimed at the man coming from the trees. He lowered the weapon when Ethan strode into view.

  “Go,” the police chief said. “I’ve got Barone.”

  Simon leaped up and ran to the edge of the gorge. “Zoe!”

  “Simon, help me. My hands are getting tired.”

  Her voice helped him pinpoint her location. She clung to a slender tree growing into the side of the gorge. If she lost her grip, Zoe would fall at least twenty feet before she hit a ledge. “Don’t let go, baby. I’ll come get you in a minute.”

  Simon ran to the tree where he’d left his bag. Digging out his rope as he returned, he caught more movement to his right and Bravo emerged from the tree cover. “Zoe fell over the side of the gorge.”

  Matt slid his Go bag from his shoulder and grabbed his flashlight. He hurried to the edge and aimed the light into the gorge. After a moment he glanced over his shoulder. “I’m going down there. We don’t know what kind of injuries she’s sustained. It’s not safe to move her until we know for sure.”

  “Leaving her hanging there isn’t an option. She won’t be able to hold on much longer.” Simon stepped into his harness and secured it to the rope, then attached a second one from Trent to his harness. Cade took the other end of the rope and secured it to a nearby tree. Trent did the same for Matt’s rope. When his teammates indicated that all was ready, he and Matt turned their backs to the gorge and began a careful ten-foot descent to Zoe.

  When Simon drew even with her, he slid the extra harness around Zoe’s waist and secured it. He glanced up to be sure his teammates were ready and received a hand signal to proceed. Simon wrapped his arms around her. “Let go, sweetheart. Your harness is attached to mine.”

  “I’ll be too heavy and pull you down with me.”

  “Trust me,” he murmured into her ear. “Lean against me and let me take your weight. I won’t let you fall.” A moment later, she let go of the tree.

  Matt came to a stop on Zoe’s other side. “Where are you hurt?”

  “Everything hurts. My right ankle is the worst.”

  “I’ll check that when we’re up top. Will you let me check your ribs?”

  She nodded. Her breath hitched when Matt pressed against the middle of her ribcage.



  “I don’t think the ribs are broken, Simon, but I want to be safe anyway until I’m sure.”

  With a nod, Simon glanced at Trent and Liam. “Haul us up, nice and easy,” he called. As his teammates pulled them up, Simon leaned back and “walked” the side of the gorge with Zoe cradled against him.

  When they crested the top of the gorge, Trent and Liam lifted them to solid ground while Cade and Ethan held the rope steady.

  A moment later, Matt hauled himself over the edge and got to his feet. “Get the harness off her, then I’ll check Zoe’s ribs before I work on that ankle.”

  Once their harnesses were removed, Simon eased Zoe to the ground while Matt retrieved his mike bag. As the medic checked her, Simon sat with his chest to Zoe’s back for her to rest against and cradled her hand in his. “Did Barone or his cronies hurt you?”

  When she didn’t say anything, Matt glanced at him, flicked his gaze to her face, then returned his attention to her ribs.

  Stomach knotting, Simon leaned to the side to see her face. When she turned her face away, he gently cupped her chin with the palm of his hand and turned her face toward him.

  He gritted his teeth when he saw the injuries to her beautiful face. “I should have killed Barone.”

  “I’m all right, Simon. I’ll heal.” She smiled. “I’m proud of myself. I escaped from a Special Forces team and almost made it to safety by myself.”

  Simon’s teammates and Ethan chuckled at that. He didn’t. The terror of almost losing her still rode him hard. Simon pressed a gentle kiss to her bruised mouth.

  “Barone took my phone. Lyons told him about the jewelry. He heard one of the other wives talking about it and figured you gave me a set as well. Barone made me take them off.”

  “I found the jewelry. They gave us a starting point to track you.”

  Matt straightened. “Ribs are bruised, but I don’t feel any broken bones, Zoe. I’ll check your extremities, then focus on your ankle.”

  Simon remained quiet while Zoe answered Matt’s questions, reveling in the pleasure of having her with him again. When the medic reached Zoe’s ankle, he handed Trent a flashlight to illuminate the injury. Simon whistled softly. Zoe’s ankle was swollen to twice it’s normal size.

  “Bet that hurts,” Liam said.

  “You are the master of understatement,” Zoe said, voice tight.

  “I’ll use a vacuum splint on your ankle until you reach the hospital.” Matt grabbed his equipment from the mike bag, positioned the splint, and pumped air into it. He turned to Simon. “She needs to have an x-ray as soon as possible.”

  “Is it safe for me to carry her?”

  “I think so.” Matt turned to Zoe. “If the way Simon holds you hurts, you have to tell me. We have other ways to transport you. Promise?”

  She nodded.

  “Let’s get her out of here.”

  Liam and Simon lifted Zoe from the ground. Once she was steady, Simon slid one arm behind Zoe’s back and one behind her knees and settled her against his chest. “Is this okay?” he asked Zoe.

  She wrapped her arms around his neck and nodded. “Don’t forget my phone.”

  Simon looked at Liam.

  His best friend jogged to the moaning man and searched until he found the phone. Liam slid it into a compartment of Simon’s vest.

  “I’ll stay with Barone and drive to the hospital when the local cops arrive on the scene.”

  “Thanks, Ethan,” Simon said.

  The police chief nodded. “Get your girl to a doctor. I’ll see you in a few hours.”

  Simon set off with Zoe in his arms, his teammates surrounding them for protection. When they arrived at the cabin, Simon set Zoe on the wicker couch on the porch and elevated her injured foot. He called for an ambulance since the SUVs were still at the ranch. Although he could have carried Zoe longer, he wanted her examined by a doctor as soon as possible.

  Within minutes, an ambulance parked in the driveway, followed by the local police. Trent motioned for Simon to accompany Zoe to the hospital while he and the others provided explanations to law enforcement, including the locations of Barone and his cronies. They had noted the GPS coordinates where they left each thug.

  When one of the EMTs insisted that Simon ride in front with the driver, he glared at the man. “I’m not leaving her.”

  The other man sighed. “All right. Just stay out of the way.”

  Ignoring him, Simon climbed into the rig and sat near her head. The ambulance doors closed and they sped down the driveway with lights flashing and siren blaring.

  When they arrived at the medical center, Simon contacted Texas unit’s leader to provide backup.

  Brody Weaver arrived two minutes later. “Sit rep.”

  Simon reported what had taken place in the hours since he and Zoe had left the hospital. While he talked to the other team leader, Simon kept an eye on the door to the examination room. When he finished his report, he turned back to Brody. “I think the danger to Dad is over but I’m not positive.”

  “We’ll stay on duty for now.” Brody lifted one shoulder. “We want you focused on Zoe.”

  He couldn’t deny the relief that swept through him at the other operative’s words. “How are my parents?”

  “No incidents while you were gone. Have you had anything to eat or drink for a while?”

  “No, sir.”

  “You burned a lot of fuel. I’ll be back in a few minutes with a snack.”

  The next two hours passed in a blur as the doctor examined Zoe and sent her for x-rays on the ankle. He was by her side when the doctor returned with the news that Zoe had a severe sprain that required a walking boot or crutches.

  Zoe made a face. “Boot, please. I’ll be a hazard to everyone around me if I’m using crutches.”

  When the doctor released her clad in a walking boot, she had a prescription for pain medicine in her hand. As she hobbled down the corridor toward the elevator, Simon stayed close to her side, steadying her when she staggered.

  “This is ridiculous,” she grouched. “I feel like a toddler just learning how to walk.”

  “While the boot provides stability for your abused joint, the weight throws you off balance,”

  She sent him a suspicious look. “I’m aware. You’ve worn one of these contraptions?”

  “More than once. I’m not a fan of crutches, either.”

  They arrived at his father’s room to see Ethan in a conversation with him.

  Lisa Murray leaped to her feet, worry filling her gaze. “Zoe! What happened to you?”

  “It’s a long story that I’ll let Simon tell you. Do you mind if I sit down?”

  “No, of course not.”

  While his mother fussed over Zoe, Simon helped her settle into a chair. He glanced at Ethan, his eyebrow raised. Had the police chief told his parents anything of the night’s events?

  Ethan gave a slight head shake in answer to Simon’s unspoken question.

  “Simon, what’s going on?” Don frowned. “You look like you’ve been in a fight.”

  He glanced at his mother. “You’ll want to sit down for this.”

  “That bad, huh?”

  “A long, involved explanation.” He spent the next hour relaying the events of the night and answering his parents’ questions.

  Lisa rubbed Zoe’s shoulder. “Are you sure you’re all right, Zoe? Those awful men had you in their hands for several hours.”

  Simon watched closely for Zoe’s reaction. He hadn’t had the privacy to ask Zoe for details of her time in the hands of Barone and his buddies. Would she have told him if the thugs hurt her in ways he couldn’t see?

  “I’ll heal.”

  A ball of ice formed in his stomach. What if Barone or his buddies had raped her? Simon doubted Zoe would blurt out the truth to his mother. He vowed to get the truth from her as soon as they were alone.

  “Simon, do you have a recommendation for a good hotel close by?” Ethan asked. “I need to sleep a few hours before I make arrangements to return to Otter Creek.”

  He told Ethan the name of their hotel. “I’ll tell the front desk to add your room to my tab.”

  “That’s not necessary, my friend.” Ethan clapped him on the shoulder. “I’m glad I was in the area and able to help.” A few minutes later, the police chief took his leave after promising to stop in before he left town.

  Simon’s father looked at him. “Is the danger over, son?”

  “I’ll know more in another 48 hours.” He had already contacted Maddox with an idea to end the threat to Bravo and their families from the Barone organization. If the plan worked, they’d know by that time. If not, he and the rest of Bravo would shift to more drastic measures. No one threatened their loved ones without serious repercussions.

  “Go rest, son. You and Zoe look exhausted.”

  “Only because we are.” Zoe smiled. “Do you want us to sneak anything in for you when we return?”

  “I’d love a real cup of coffee.”

  “We’ll take care of you, Dad.” Simon hugged his parents, then helped Zoe to her feet. “See you later,” he said over his shoulder as they left the room.

  He stopped a moment to check on Jesse and Max. “You two okay to stay on duty?”

  “Won’t be the last time we go 24 hours without sleep,” Jesse said. “I understand the docs are planning to release Hollister sometime today.”

  “I’ll touch base with him before we leave.” When he and Zoe were in the elevator, Simon wrapped his arms around her, grateful he could. “Do you mind one more stop before we leave? We won’t take long.”

  She shook her head. “As long as I’m with you.”

  He longed to tell her he was in love with her and wanted her by his side permanently. This wasn’t the time or place for such a declaration and he’d prefer to have Zoe all to himself when he did. Perhaps tomorrow. His father was right. They were both exhausted.

  They exited on Hollister’s floor and walked to his room. Sawyer greeted him, his curious gaze shifting to Zoe. “Sweetheart, this is Sawyer Chapman. Sawyer, Zoe Lockhart, my girlfriend.”

  The operative smiled. “Great to finally meet you, Ms. Lockhart. Simon talks about you every time we work with Bravo.” Sawyer turned back to Simon. “Logan’s inside with Hollister. Got a plan for when he’s released?”

  “Working on it. He has a lot to answer for back in Otter Creek.” Simon tapped on the door. “It’s Simon. I’m coming in soft.” He eased the door open and moved into the room ahead of Zoe.

  Hollister gave him a wary glance and shifted his attention to Zoe. His eyes widened. “Zoe! What happened?”

  “Barone kidnapped her.” Simon folded his arms across his chest. “Lyons told him about the GPS jewelry our women wear. Barone made her strip it off. Took me hours to track her down. Barone and his buddies hurt her before I found her.”

  The trainee winced. “I’m sorry, Zoe. I didn’t know Isaac told them. Are you all right?”

  “I will be.”

  He looked Simon. “What happens when I’m released, sir?”

  “You’ll return to Otter Creek eventually.”

  “To PSI?”

  “You’ll talk to Josh Cahill and the members of Durango. What happens after that depends on your answers to their questions.”

  Blood drained from his cheeks. “Yes, sir.”

  “Until you’re deemed fit to travel, you will stay at our hotel. Your only job for now is to rest, recuperate, and answer questions truthfully from us or the cops.”

  “I understand.”

  With a nod, Simon turned to Logan. “Can you and Sawyer stay on duty? I want to take Zoe to the hotel. She needs to ice her ankle.”

  “We’re fine. Take care of your woman.”

  “I owe you.”

  A slow grin curved Sawyer’s mouth. “Shouldn’t spread your favors around, my friend. I’m liable to take you up on it one of these days.”

  When Simon ushered Zoe into the suite, he said, “I won’t be surprised if the police knock on our door soon.”

  Zoe frowned. “Do you think they’ll come talk to us about what happened tonight?” She lowered herself to the couch.

  “They might. I’m more
concerned with the dirty looks I received from the night clerk when she saw your face. She might call the cops to report that I abused you.”

  She settled deeper into the couch cushions. “Don’t worry. I’ll defend your honor.”

  Simon chuckled. “Good to know. What do you need?”

  “You. I just need you.”

  He positioned the ottoman in front of the couch and lifted her feet to rest on the surface. “I’ll make an ice pack for you in a few minutes. Right now, I need to hold you something fierce.”

  Simon sat by Zoe and wrapped his arm around her. She relaxed against him with a sigh.

  “I was so afraid,” she whispered.

  “I know. I’m sorry.”

  “It’s not your fault, Simon. You did everything possible to protect me. You didn’t know Isaac told Barone about the jewelry.”

  He kissed her temple. “Rest for a bit, then I’ll get the ice.”

  With a nod, she closed her eyes. Within a couple minutes, Zoe was asleep.

  Simon shifted to settle her more fully against his chest. He needed to talk to her soon about how he felt. Hiding it would be impossible after the scare they’d survived this night.

  Sometime later, his phone signaled an incoming message. He checked the screen. His teammates were on the way to the hotel. Good. He’d feel better with backup close at hand.

  Zoe sighed and snuggled closer. “Everything okay?” she murmured, eyes still closed.

  “The team is returning to the hotel. I need to ice your ankle or Matt will have my hide.”

  After brushing a light kiss over her mouth, Simon levered himself up, and found a plastic bag for the ice. After making an ice pack, he removed Zoe’s walking boot and draped the bag over her swollen ankle.

  He returned to his previous position and wrapped his arm around her shoulders.

  Minutes later, Simon aimed his weapon at the door when a key card slid into the lock. He relaxed when Liam walked in followed by the rest of Bravo. They looked tired but uninjured. They also carried multiple bags of food from the best hamburger joint in town, one that happened to be open 24 hours a day.

  “Didn’t know if you were hungry, but we bought extra food for you and Zoe,” Trent said.


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