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The Billionaire's Bet

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by Shaw Hart

  The Billionaire’s Bet

  Chapter One



  I still remember the first time that I saw her. She stepped into the smoky hotel room and couldn’t have looked more like an angel. I feel head over heels for her right then and there. I couldn’t take my eyes off of her as she made her way around the poker table. I wondered who she was here for and who I would have to steal her away from. Most of the men in this room were old enough to be her father and I was easily the youngest person by a decade.

  She makes her way around the table and over to Maximus Vanderhall. Maximus is an asshole who has been getting drunker with every hand of poker that he loses. He reached the point that he’s belligerent an hour and a half ago and now he’s moving into unconsciousness. His voice has been getting louder as the night goes on and he has a bad temper on a good day, mix in alcohol and you’ve got a bomb waiting to go off. I thought I heard security call someone to come get him half an hour ago. I hope that this isn’t who they called. She’s so tiny that there’s no way that she could handle him by herself. If he passes out there’s no way that she could carry him or even drag him anywhere.

  Rumor has it that he’s as bad at running his company as he is at poker. Apparently, he’s weeks away from losing everything; his house, company, all of the cars, everything. I wonder how he got a girl like my angel. I also wonder how hard it will be to take her away from him. I watch as she puts her hand on his arm and leans down to say something to him. He jerks his arm away from her and shakily stands to his feet. I watch him lean on the table as he sways unsteadily and she tries to wrap her arm around his waist to steady him. He goes to push her off of him and I’m on my feet and around the table before he can put his hands on her.

  I grab his arm and grip it tightly in mine as I lean in and whisper that it’s time to go. I put my other hand on the small of her back and steer her ahead of us and out of the room.

  “I’ll help you get him home.” I say to her as I call over my shoulder for them to cash me out.

  I watch as my angel runs ahead of me and hits the button for the elevator. She grabs Maximus’s other arm and helps me load him into the elevator. I text my driver to pull the car around on our way down and drag Maximus out as my angel runs ahead once again to open the lobby doors. I direct her over to my waiting car and my driver jumps out to open the door for us. I load Maximus in before placing my hand on the small of her back and leading us around the car. I open the door for her and watch her slide in before I slide in after her and close the door.

  “Where to, Angel?” I ask as my driver settles back into his seat.

  She rattles off an address that’s not far and we head in that direction. I know that I only have a couple of minutes left with my angel and I’m desperate to find out anything about her. I shift in my seat so that our legs brush against each other and I watch as she glances down before her cheeks turn pink with the cutest blush.

  “Tell me your name, Angel.” I demand.

  She bites her lip before looking up at me through her lashes. I feel the car slow to a stop and pull over to the curb and I glance out the window over her shoulder to see that we’re at her house. My driver comes around and opens the door to help Maximus out and I watch as she slides out after him. I throw open my door and run to catch up with them. She unlocks and opens the door for us and I help my driver dump him on the couch in the front room. He turns and nods at my Angel before he walks back out to the car, giving us a minute alone.

  I meet her by the front door where she stands waiting to lock it after me but I can’t bring myself to leave just yet. I need to know more about her. I need a plan to see her again and to make her mine. She looks out to the car and then back towards me, making it obvious that she wants me to leave.

  “Thanks for helping me get him home.” She says quietly.

  “Anytime, Angel.”

  “Amelia. It’s Amelia.” She says.

  “I’m Asher.” I say as I walk past her and out onto the steps.

  “Goodbye, Asher.”

  “Goodnight, Amelia.”

  I watch as she closes the door and wait until I hear the lock click into place before I turn and head back to my car. As soon as the door closes behind me, I’m already on my phone out and asking my head of security to get me everything he can on my Angel.

  Chapter Two


  I blink my eyes open and try to rub the sleep from them as sunlight streams in through my open window. The man from last night flashes through my mind yet again as I replay all of the events that happened. He was so handsome and much kinder than I expected. I could tell that he was interested in me and having his eyes scan over me did something funny to my tummy. I’ve never felt this way about anyone. I thought maybe there was something wrong with me and that’s why I never had these thoughts about anyone.

  I sigh as I roll over knowing that he’ll never be mine. He’s from a completely different world and, while I once belonged in it, with my father’s financial troubles, I know I’ll soon be on the streets. I’ve been trying to save up money as best as I can so that I can maybe find a roommate and not be homeless. I’ve been applying to jobs like crazy but no one wants to hire the girl with absolutely no job experience.

  I drag my body from bed and start the process of getting ready for the day. The man, Asher, from last night flashes through my mind again as I pull on a plaid skirt and white button up shirt. I decide on flats, knowing that I’ll be doing a lot of walking today as I apply for more jobs. I grab the stack of resumes I printed off the night before as I was waiting for my father to come home.

  I had just laid down for bed when I got the call from the hotel asking me to come and collect him. I wish I could say this was the first time something like this has happened but my father has been gambling and drinking more and more as his troubles get bigger and bigger. He thinks that I don’t know how bad it is but even if I didn’t get the mail every day and see all of the final notice bills we’ve been getting, the letting go of the staff and all of the rumors that my classmates like to share would have tipped me off. Rumor has it that the company is all but under and judging by the pile of bills we don’t have that much more time left in this townhouse either.

  I spend all day walking around New York and applying to every help wanted sign I see. Judging by the managers looks when they see my lack of experience, I won’t be getting any call backs. I try not to let this depress me but I don’t know what I’m going to do when everything is gone and I have nothing.

  Like every other time that the stress from this situation has gotten to be too much, Asher’s face enters my mind. I’ve found myself wondering about him as I wandered around the city all day. I wonder what kind of man he is. My father and a lot of his friends seem to think that women are property and are good for only a few things. Is Asher like them too? He must be wealthy like they are since he was dressed so nice and had a private driver. My stomach sinks as I think about him being like them and treating woman as little more than bed warmers.

  I let myself into the townhouse and trudge up the stairs to my room collapsing onto the bed. My stomach growls, reminding me that I haven’t eaten yet today. I sit up on my bed just as the doorbell rings. Who that could be, I think as I head down the stairs to answer the door. The doorbell rings again as I reach the bottom step. Whoever is out there seems impatient, I think as I check the peephole. I gasp when I see Asher standing on the stoop tapping his foot impatiently.

  “I know you’re home, Angel.” He calls as I stand there staring at the door.

  Should I open it? I tentatively place my hand on the doorknob as I debate what to do. I wonder if we forgot something last night as I slowly turn t
he door knob and open the door a couple of inches.

  As soon as the door opens his blue eyes snap to mine and my breath catches in my throat as I wait to hear why he’s here.

  Chapter Three


  I stand impatiently on Amelia’s front step as I wait for her to come to the door. I showed up here early this morning, thinking that I could take her out to breakfast and spend the day with her but she was already gone. I’ve been waiting across the street for her to get home all day. I saw her walk in a couple of minutes ago so I know she’s there.

  I shift on my feet as I wait for her to open the door. My heart starts to race as I see a shadow pass across the frosted glass in the front door. When she doesn’t immediately open the door, I call out to her.

  “I know you’re home, Angel!”

  I don’t mean to sound pushy but I’ve been on edge all day waiting to see her again. Ever so slowly, the door opens and there she stands looking like every man’s school girl fantasy. I’m furious that I wasn’t there with her today. People need to know that she’s taken.

  “Hi.” She says uncertainly and I realize that I’ve been standing here staring at her for a solid minute.

  “Have dinner with me.” I demand.

  Dammit. I meant to be smoother than that. Gentler with her, but having her standing in front of me looking like perfection does something to my brain. I see desire flash in her eyes and I smile as she opens her mouth.


  “What?” I ask as my mouth drops open.

  “I can’t. I’m sorry.” She says as she closes the door in my face.

  I want to break it down and make her explain why she won’t give this a chance. Doesn’t she feel what I feel when we’re together?

  I turn slowly and walk back to my waiting car. I replay what she said as we drive back to my house. She said she can’t. Not that she didn’t want to. That has to mean something, right? I just need to figure out what. I need to prove to her that she’s it for me and that we could be something really special.

  I walk into my empty house and take a seat on the couch. I pull out my phone and start making calls as my plan to woo my Angel forms in my mind.

  Chapter Four


  Two Weeks Later….

  I smile to myself as the doorbell goes off. It’s been like this every day for the last two weeks. Asher comes every night and asks me out to dinner. I’ve wanted to say yes since the first time he showed up and asked but I keep saying no because I have more pressing things to worry about then starting a relationship right now. He brings me flowers and chocolates and even a stuffed bear once and then fifteen minutes after he leaves the doorbell rings again with the dinner that he sent for me.

  I smile as I eat it alone every night. My father has been going out more and more and I think the realization that we’re going to lose everything is becoming too much for him because he comes home drunk every night. I guess I should just be thankful that I haven’t had to go pick him up again.

  I open the door to reveal Asher standing there looking even more gorgeous than usual. I choke back the dreamy sigh that wants to skip out every time I see him.

  “Hi.” I say shyly.

  His smile almost blinds me and I feel my cheeks flush as he leans in and softly brushes

  his lips across my cheek.

  “Hi, Angel.” He whispers huskily in my ear.

  My cheeks heat even more as he pulls back an inch and looks into my eyes.

  “Have dinner with me, Amelia.”

  I want to cave so badly but I really need to stay home and apply for more jobs. I don’t think we have more than a week left before an eviction notice shows up.

  “I can’t. I’m sorry.” I say already starting to close the door. I hate to see the disappointed look on his face.

  “Ok, Angel. Until tomorrow. Have a good night.” He says as he leans in to brush another kiss across my cheek. “Sweet dreams.”

  I close the door and as lean back against it. I try to shake thoughts of Asher from my mind as I take a seat at the kitchen counter and open my laptop. I’ve applied to two jobs before the doorbell rings again. I wonder what it will be tonight. He’s already sent me Italian, Thai, Mexican, Chinese and Indian food in the last two weeks. It’s all been delicious but tonight I’m really just craving a burger. I laugh to myself when I pull the door open and see Asher holding a greasy paper bag from my favorite burger place.

  “You read my mind.” I say as he hands me the bag.

  “Enjoy your dinner, Angel.” He says before he turns and heads back to his car.

  I take my dinner back into the kitchen and devour it while I scour the job boards. I can’t wait until tomorrow to see Asher. He’s become the brightest part of my day over the last couple of weeks and I know that if I’m not careful I’ll fall head over heels for him. He’s so thoughtful and sweet.

  I’m just about to lay down and go to bed when my phone rings and a quick check of the caller id shows that it’s the same hotel that I picked my father up from two weeks ago. I tell them that I’ll be there in half an hour as I pull on clothes. I order an Uber as I walk down the stairs and I can’t help but wonder if Asher will be there again tonight.

  Chapter Five


  I promise that I was going to wait and give Amelia all of the time that she needed to come around to the idea of us. I think I might have even been wearing her down. She was starting to become more comfortable around me. Her smiles came easier and she let me kiss her cheek now.

  My plan was working and I was willing to be patient for her. That is, until I heard about her asshole father, Maximus, betting her in his last poker game. I don’t know what I would have done if he had lost but thank god that, for once, his luck seemed to have changed.

  He’s back to gambling again tonight and I can’t risk him losing her in a bet to some other man. She shouldn’t be used as a wager. I know that their financial situation is dire but I never imagined that he would do something like this. Maybe I should have. I’ve heard rumors that he thinks of woman as objects. That he just uses them how he wants and then discards them. I just didn’t think that he would treat his own daughter that way. Can’t he see that she’s the most precious thing in this whole world?

  I also found out that Maximus lost the company two weeks ago and that he was scheduled to be evicted from his house in three days. He has nothing and no way to take care of himself, let alone my Angel. I’ve had security following her and watching her house every day to make sure that she’s safe. Security has reported that every day she leaves and applies to jobs. My Angel is smart. She knew that she was going to be out on her own soon and she tried to support herself. I’m here now though and I’ll never let anything bad happen to her.

  As soon as I found out about the bet from last night I tracked down where he would be playing tonight. There are only a few games that will still let him in so it wasn’t that hard. I called the boss and told him I wanted in tonight. I arrived and shook hands with everyone playing tonight, grabbing a drink before I took a seat at the table. I took the seat the next to Maximus and the dealer started the game. It only took a few hours and then Maximus was out of chips. Just like last night he bet his daughter and I had to grip the table so hard that my knuckles whitened. I wanted to strangle this man.

  The hand played out and I beat him easily. My palms start to sweat as I realize that I now own her. I want her to be mine, but not like this. I want her to choose me too, but right now, I’ll take her any way I can get her.

  My breath catches in my lungs as the door opens and in walks my Angel. I’m not sure how she’s going to handle finding out that I won her in a bet. I will never treat her like an object or a possession, I just want her to be safe and taken care of, to feel loved. I know she’s not going to be happy finding out that her father bet and lost her but I hope that the fact that she was lost to me and not some stranger will be of some comfort. I just want to be part of he
r life and to make sure that she has everything she needs.

  I stand slowly from my chair as the door opens as my Angel rounds the table, headed right to me.

  Chapter Six


  When I walk into the room, I see the poker table just like last time. Asher is there again too and I smile shyly at him when our eyes meet. My eyes move around the table until I see my father sitting next to Asher. He looks away from me quickly when my eyes meet his. I can feel my stomach drop as I realize that he doesn’t seem that drunk tonight. Everyone else in the room is giving me weird looks. Most of the guys seem embarrassed or are giving me pitying looks and some are looking between me and Asher curiously.

  My eyes shoot back to Asher who is still standing and I see him make his way around the table and to my side as dread settles in my stomach and I stand there trying to figure out what’s going on.

  Asher touches my elbow and steers me out of the room and back into the hallway as I try to figure out what is going on. He steers me down the hallway and towards the elevator but stops a few paces away. He drops his hand from my arm and runs his hands through his hair a few times. He’s always so happy and carefree that this new nervous, stressed version of him makes my anxiety spike.

  “What’s going on, Asher?” I finally ask.

  “I thought I was here to pick up my father again but...” I trail off as I picture the people’s faces in that room.

  “I found out that your father has been putting you up as collateral in his poker games.”

  “What?” I ask so quietly that I’m not sure that he even heard me.


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