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South Coast Brothers: Part One

Page 11

by Hamford, Kacey

  “What’s your name?” I asked her, looking around corners and making sure no one was about.

  “Libby.” She whispered. I nodded and came to a halt when the main club room came into view, it was crowded and I didn’t want to be spotted.

  “Where’s the Prez’s office?” I asked.

  “At the back, down that hall.” She pointed. I nodded and walked towards it, being careful not to be spotted. When we reached the door I listened to see if I could hear anyone, a couple of voices were inside but I didn’t know who it was.

  “Knock on the door. I’m going to stand here, don’t try and warn them.” She nodded, tears running down her face. She wiped her face and raised her hand to the door, knocking loudly.

  “COME IN!” Someone shouted. That had to be the Prez. She looked at me and I grabbed her again, from behind and held the knife to her throat.

  “Open the door.” I told her. I watched as her shaking hand reached out for the door handle. She pushed it open and I stormed in holding her. There were only two guys in the room. “Nobody move!” I shouted as I pushed Libby further into the room.

  “I’m sorry, Prez, VP. I was out shopping when…”

  “Enough!” Bellowed Prez. “Nice to see you, Blade.” He smirked at me. I pushed Libby into a chair and stood beside her the knife still threatening her. “What can we do for you?”

  “I want to know why you did it? She was innocent in all of this, why kill my wife and baby?”

  He laughed out loud throwing his head back, he walked around his wooden desk and leant on it so he was closer to me, I kept my eye on the VP too. He was looking at Libby, but he didn’t look concerned for her.

  “Why are you wearing that?” He asked her. She stayed quiet and looked at the ground.

  “It was a good message we sent, wasn’t it?” He smirked.

  “Fuck this, I’m outta here.” The VP said as he walked towards the door.

  “No one leaves, else I’ll kill her.” I really hoped they didn’t think I was bluffing, I didn’t want to have to kill her but I could stab her so she looked injured but wouldn’t be critical, unless they let her bleed to death. The VP wouldn’t let his Old Lady bleed to death, would he?

  The VP and Prez both laughed at the same time and before I knew what had happened the VP had drawn his gun and shot her, she slumped over in the chair and I threw my knife that lodged in his throat. I pulled my gun out of the back of my jeans and pointed it at the Prez.

  “Don’t even think about moving.” He held his hands up in surrender. “Why would he shoot his Old Lady?”

  “Libby is a club whore. I don’t know where she got that jacket.” He shrugged his shoulders.

  “Now tell me, why did you do it? Why her?” I yelled as I stormed towards him and held the gun against his temple.

  “She was an easy target.” He smirked. “We had been watching your house, you never kept a prospect with her. She didn’t fight when we grabbed her, when we forced her to the floor and injected her with heroin, over and over again.” He laughed.

  Bang. Bang.

  I didn’t hesitate, I pulled the trigger and he fell to the floor. I thought I would have felt a sense of relief knowing that I had got my revenge, but I still felt as empty and hollow inside. I didn’t know how I was going to go on without my girls.

  “How did you get out of there?” Riz asked.

  “I pulled on the VP’s jacket, grabbed a bike and rode out of there. Left the bike and jacket on the side of the road, when I picked up my bike.” I shrugged my shoulders.

  “And no one knew you were there?” Prez asked.

  “I didn’t see anyone, unless there were cameras in his office.”

  “I can hack into the system and check that.” CG said as he began typing away.

  “So, we assume that the only reason they may be out for us is because of the guy they killed, that Blade here used as a shield.”

  “It’s gotta be, Prez.” I said.

  “Hold up.” CG said not taking his eyes off the computer. “No cameras in the Prez’s office, though I’ve checked through the other cameras and the club house looks deserted.” We all looked at each other; that was strange. It’s not like a club to just up and leave.

  Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.

  “Fuck, that’s the front gate alarm. A prospect is down. Everyone get out, Riz secure the girls.” Prez shouted and my first thought was Heather.

  * * *


  Cammie and I were having lunch with Michelle and Tiffany. I thought it was strange how the other ‘skins’ girls went home but Tiffany didn’t.

  “So, Tiff. How come you’re still here?” I asked as I took a sip of orange juice.

  “Um… CG asked me to stay?” She said it like she was asking a question. We all stopped eating and looked at her.

  “You his Old Lady?” Michelle asked. Tiffany shook her head. I was about to question her more when all of a sudden the guys came rushing out of the meeting room, guns drawn and looking around. I searched for Blade and once our eyes met I calmed slightly. Until I heard the sound of Bikes and guns going off.

  “Ladies, move, now. Chelle, take them to the secured room.” Riz said, she nodded and we all stood up.

  “Everybody down!” Ripped yelled as bullets came firing into the club house. Cammie pushed me behind the bar and I fell down so hard I cried out, clutching onto my stomach.

  “You ok?” She asked. I nodded. We were under attack for some reason and I didn’t want to complain about the pain I had in my tummy. All I was concerned about was not getting shot and hoping that Blade was ok. The sound of guns firing felt like it went on for ages. I felt a large pain shoot through my tummy and I cried out.


  “You ok?” She asked, crawling towards me on the floor. “What’s all this water back here? Fuck, has your water broke?” I nodded as tears streamed down my face. “It’s ok, you’ll be ok. I just need to find Blade.” She went to move and I grabbed hold of her hand.

  “Please, don’t leave me.” I begged.

  “What’s going on?” Michelle asked.

  “Heather’s in labour. We need Blade.” Cammie told her. She nodded her head.

  “I’ll go find him.” She said. It had gone quiet and I didn’t want to cry out in pain. Just as Michelle had stepped out from behind the bar, we heard Ripped shout;

  “Michelle, get down.” Another round of gun firing started and Michelle was hit, she fell to the floor where we could see her. All three of us screamed and Tiffany crawled towards her to see if she was alive. She looked back at us and shook her head. A sob rose from my throat and I felt scared. I hadn’t felt this scared when I was told I would be living with a group of MC guys. I was scared that Blade would be taken from me and scared that I might have to deliver my baby behind the bar in a MC clubhouse.

  “Cammie?” I whispered. It had gone quiet and the pain was increasing. I hadn’t heard the guys in a while, so I didn’t have a clue what was going on.

  “You ok?” I shook my head.

  “I need to push.”

  “Oh no.” Tiffany squeaked.

  “It’s ok, we can do this.” Cammie said to me. She reached up to the bar and pulled down a pile of clean bar towels and laid them on the floor. “I need to remove your underwear so I can have a look.” I nodded. “Yep, I think I can see the head. When you get the urge to push, just go with it.” I nodded.

  “How do you know about this?” I asked, panting through the pain.

  “I had a baby.”

  “I need to push.” I told her and I used all of my strength to push until I couldn’t anymore.

  “Tiffany, come and hold her hand, Heather breathe. Then push again, he’s not moving.”

  “What. Happened. To. Your. Baby?” I asked fighting through the pain. “I need to push again.”

  I pushed with all of my strength, squeezing Tiffany’s hand so hard that I thought it was going to break.

  “He’s coming, ke
ep going. Yes, that’s his head out. One more big push. Come on, Heather.” I was exhausted but found the strength from somewhere. As soon as I heard him cry I sagged in relief. I looked up and Cammie had him wrapped in a bar towel and she passed him to me. Tears streaming down her face too.

  “I need something to secure the cord with.”

  “Here, use this.” Tiffany said as she pulled a couple of hair grips out of her hair. Cammie secured and cut the umbilical cord.

  “Thank you. Thank you so much.” I appreciated Cammie so much, but now she meant even more to me. “What happened to your baby?”

  “He was still born.”

  “Oh God.” I sobbed covering my mouth with my hand. She waved her hand in the air as if to dismiss the conversation.

  “We need to get you to the hospital.” Cammie said as she looked up and over the bar.

  “No!” I called out. “You can’t go out there, look what happened to Michelle.”

  “It’s all quiet now. I’ll be fine.” She said crawling to the end of the bar. “I can see Riz.” She waved her hand. A few seconds later she crawled back to us. “He waved me back and told me to be quiet.” She whispered.

  * * *


  Thirty minutes later and Heather was looking really tired, her eyes were heavy, she was pale and she looked like she was finding it difficult to hold her baby boy as he fed.

  “Heather.” I said shaking her. “Wake up.”

  “No, tired. Can you take him?” She asked quietly. Once the baby pulled away from Heather I held him in my arms and tried to wind him. I looked down at the floor and then up at Tiffany.

  “Is that all her blood?” She asked.

  “Yes, she really needs to get to a hospital. That can’t be good.” I looked at Heather again and she had fallen asleep. “Heather.” I shook her and she wouldn’t wake up. “Shit. Here, take the baby. I have to get help.” Tiffany nodded. I crawled to the end of the bar again and saw that Riz was sitting in the same place. I crawled quietly over to him, avoiding all the broken glass and debris that had been damaged. He was gesturing for me to go back and I shook my head. Once I reached him, I whispered; “Heather had the baby, she’s bleeding, a lot. She needs to get to the hospital, now!”

  “Fuck!” He swore.

  “Where’s Blade?” He shrugged his shoulders and told me to get back to safety. I crawled back to behind the bar, Heather looked awfully white. I checked her arm for a pulse, it was there but very faint. She had lost too much blood. I tried several times to wake her but it was no good. I heard doors opening and footsteps running, I was praying it was someone coming to help.

  “Sugar?” I looked up and saw Blade looking down at us. “Fuck!” He roared, causing the baby to cry. His eyes snapped to the bundle in Tiffany’s arms and he softened.

  “Blade, she needs to get to the hospital, now. Her pulse is very faint. She’s lost lots of blood.”

  “Fuck, the nearest hospital is an hour away.” He said as he bent down and picked her up.

  “Drive fast, brother.” CG said as he slapped Blade on the back. I ran to get the baby’s car seat. We were soon settled in the car and speeding away to the hospital. Blade broke every speed limit and we made it to Knightsbridge hospital in under forty minutes.


  Cammie ran into the hospital and got help and soon enough a couple of doctors were pulling a trolley out to get Heather on.

  “What happened?” One of the doctors asked.

  “She went into early labour, delivered the baby at home. We couldn’t stop the bleeding.” Cammie informed them as I pulled Heather out of the car and laid her on the trolley. They pushed her inside as another doctor came and took the baby, to get him checked out.

  “Does he have a name?” The female doctor asked as we followed them through the crowds of people waiting to be seen.

  “No.” I said, regretting not asking Heather what she wanted to call him, in case she didn’t make it through. We followed all of the doctors until we came to a door. One of the nurses stopped and turned towards us.

  “You need to wait here, while the doctors work on her.”

  “Where has she gone?” Cammie asked.

  “Straight to surgery, to try and stop the bleeding. There is a family room over there if you want to wait in the quiet.”

  “Thank you.” Cammie said.

  “What about my son?” I asked. My son? Shit, where had that come from?

  “He’s just being checked over. As long as he’s ok; you’ll have him back before you know it.” I nodded at her and Cammie dragged me to the waiting room.

  We walked in and it was empty, there was a coffee machine by the window and I needed something to calm me down. Cammie sat in one of the chairs staring at the door.

  “Coffee?” I asked. She shook her head, she was twisting her hands constantly together in her lap and she wouldn’t take her eyes off the door. I stood and looked out of the window, praying that they would both be ok. Cammie had said that Heather had fed the baby and that he seemed healthy. Which made me feel slightly better. The door opened and a nurse walked in with a clipboard.

  “Mr. King?”

  “Yes.” I said as I stepped towards her.

  “Your wife is bleeding very heavily still, as she is unconscious we need your consent to do an emergency hysterectomy.”

  “Oh no.” Cammie sobbed.

  “What’s that?” I asked. The nurse explained everything and I signed the forms and sent her on her way. “She won’t be able to have any more children?” I asked Cammie.

  “No, she’ll have her womb removed.” I gave the consent they needed to be able to save her life, I just didn’t know how she was going to react to it after having it done.

  We had been sitting in the family room for over an hour when the door opened again and a nurse walked in carrying Heather’s son.

  “Mr. King?” I nodded and she walked towards me. She was carrying him in her arm and had the car seat in the other one. “I understand your wife is still in surgery?” I nodded. “I brought this so you can feed him.” She handed me the baby and the bottle. “Do you need help?”

  “No, my sister has a child. I’ve had plenty of practice.” I sat down in the chair, cradled the boy in my arm and began feeding him his bottle as the nurse told us all of the tests that he’d had done. He was fit and healthy and could go home with me. “Thank you.” The nurse smiled at both of us and left the room. Cammie looked at him as I fed him.

  “He’s so handsome.” She smiled.

  “Thank you for delivering him.” She smiled again and squeezed my leg with her hand.

  After another three hours the door to the room opened and a doctor walked in. Cammie had the baby in her arms, trying to get him to sleep. I stood up and walked towards the doctor, Cammie followed me.

  “Mr. King?” I nodded. “We have finally managed to stop the bleeding, I’m not going to lie, it was tough. She lost a lot of blood and now she’s in recovery…”

  “Is she going to be ok?” I asked, cutting him off. “The boy needs his Mum.”

  “We’re just waiting for her to wake up, she’s in intensive care on a ventilator…”

  “What’s the recovery time? How long will she have to stay in here?” I asked.

  “We’ll have to wait until she wakes up. She’ll be in a lot of pain, she won’t be able to drive, do any housework or anything strenuous for about eight weeks, minimum. She should be ok to leave the hospital after about four or five days.”

  “Can we see her?” Cammie asked.

  “One at a time and the baby can’t go in there. Once she is conscious, she’ll be moved to another room.”

  “Thank you.” I said, grabbing the doctor’s hand and shaking it. “Thank you for saving her.” He nodded his head, smiled and left the room. I was relieved that she was going to be ok.

  “Knock, knock.” Said a female voice, I looked around and saw Tiffany and CG standing in the doorway.

t are you doing here?” I asked.

  “We thought you might need this.” CG said holding up a baby changing bag.

  “Oh, yes. We do, thank you.” Cammie said, grabbing the bag and walking through the door that was connected to the room. It was a toilet, but it also had a baby changing table in it.

  “How is she?” Tiffany asked. I explained to them everything the doctor had said, running my hands over my short hair several times. I felt relieved that she was going to be ok, but I wouldn’t relax until I saw her brown eyes and heard her sexy voice.


  The doctor had been in and told us that they had removed the tube from Heather’s throat as she was waking up. I was sitting in the chair beside her bed, clutching hold of her hand tightly, willing her to open her eyes. A few minutes later she started moving and her eyes fluttered open and then closed again. I stood up, leaning over her and placing my hand on her cheek.

  “Sugar? You awake?” I whispered. She was still in the recovery room and there was also a couple of other people in here too. I didn’t want to disturb anyone. Her eyes fluttered again and I stroked my fingers over her cheek. I finally saw what I had wished for, her gorgeous brown eyes staring at me. I smiled at her and she placed her hand on her throat and grimaced. “You’ve had a tube down your throat so it’s probably sore.”

  “Liam?” She croaked.

  “Is that his name? What you’re calling your son?” I asked. She nodded.

  “Our son.” She whispered and my heart banged against my chest and a warmth spread through me. I never thought I’d want another family, I never thought I would love another woman. But here I was, with a woman that I had fallen in love with and a son that I wanted to be my own.


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