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South Coast Brothers: Part One

Page 14

by Hamford, Kacey

  “Ok. Stay safe and come home to us.” She whispered so Wayne couldn’t hear us.

  “Always.” I kissed her once more before I walked out the front door, jumped on my bike and sped off down the road. I loved riding on the Devon roads towards the club house, some were small narrow lanes and I could open up my bike and let go.

  “I sent an invite to the Old Ladies for a new club that is opening up in town.” CG said as he watched his laptop. “Looks like they’re leaving now.” He had hacked into their security cameras, they had cameras everywhere apart from the Prez’s office. He had found where they were keeping Cammie, he had seen some of the guys dragging her from a room and taking her back to the same one.

  “Let’s ride.” Prez called out as he threw the gavel down and stood up. We all hurried out of the room and headed towards our bikes. Once we were ready, Prez led the way followed by Ripped, the VP and we all followed in line. There were seven of us in total; Prez, VP, Riz, CG, Bump, Itch and myself.

  We pulled right up to the gate at the Satan MC compound, Prez pulled off his helmet and looked at the scared prospect who couldn’t have been more than seventeen. He went to push the emergency intruder button.

  “I wouldn’t do that if I was you, kid.” The kid hesitated. “Shit is going down here tonight, the best thing you can do is get rid of that jacket and join a respectable MC club.” He nodded and ran away after opening the gates for us. No one seemed to be around and we rolled our bikes into the compound and I motioned to stow them away by the back exit. We all climbed off our bikes, the brothers grabbed their guns ready for any action that was about to go down and I had my trusty knife and gun. I wouldn’t be leaving this compound without Cammie.

  “Blade, you know this compound. Tell us where you want us.” Prez said.

  “I reckon, Ripped and Riz on the back door.” I pointed behind us. “Me and Prez head for the front door and Bump and Itch, you keep an eye on outside and CG head in that side door while Bump covers you and go and find our girl.” Everyone nodded in agreement and we made our way into the clubhouse. We all entered our designated doors at the same time so the MC would be distracted and not focused on just two of us. I breathed a sigh of relief when I only saw two club whores in the bar area. We sneaked up and covered their mouths before they could speak. They tried to scream and I placed the point of my blade against her neck.

  “Don’t scream or I’ll kill you both, got it?” I looked at them both and they nodded frantically.

  “I’m gonna let you go, you’re gonna walk out of here and never come back. If you tell anyone we were here, we’ll know and come after you.” Prez growled at them. They just kept nodding and we released them and they held hands and ran for the door.

  “Who are you?” Someone shouted, we turned around and saw a Satan brother, Prez didn’t hesitate he raised his gun and shot him.

  “Fuck, the rest of them would have heard that.” I swore.

  “Better him than us, come on.” Prez said as he made his way towards the hall as a couple of guys came running down it, as soon as they saw us they started firing and we jumped behind a table and used it as cover. Taking in turns to peer around it and taking a shot. Prez hit one guy with one shot and I threw my knife and got the other guy in the throat. “Why don’t you use a gun?” Prez complained.

  “I remember you was the one that gave me Blade as my name.” I chuckled as I pulled my knife out of his throat and wiped his blood off on my jeans. “Besides, now he gets to suffer a little bit.”

  We heard some other shots ring off in the distance and we hurried to where they came from in case any of our brothers were hurt or in trouble. We saw a couple of Satan brothers heading towards Ripped and Riz; Prez and I both grabbed our guns and shot them in the head before they got too close. Ripped and Riz spun around, nodded their thanks and carried on down the hall. That was four we had killed already. I looked across the clubhouse and saw CG headed down a corridor and I followed him. Prez following me and Itch following him, we walked into a room at the end of the hall and I saw Cammie laying on the floor, her back to us.

  “Shit.” I swore as I walked over to her and crouched down. “Cammie?” I touched her shoulder and she flinched away from me. “It’s me, Blade.” She looked over her shoulder and saw that it was me. She flew into me and wrapped her arms tight around my neck. She cried and trembled and I rose to my full height carrying her in my arms. “It’s ok, sweetheart, I got you. Let’s go home.”

  “No, I can’t.” She said pulling away from me until I put her on the floor. I looked at her, eyebrows raised until she explained. “They’ll come after me, I’ll put everyone in danger…”

  “There will be no one left to come after you.” I told her. “Come on.” I wrapped my arms over her shoulders and held her close to me.

  “Give me a gun.” She said. The guys in front stopped and looked around at us.

  “No way, she’ll end up shooting one of us.” Itch said.

  “Can you shoot a gun?” I asked.

  “Of course I can. I can help, please.” She begged.

  “Here, we stole this one from one of them.” CG said as he pointed over his shoulder at the dead bodies. He handed it to Cammie and she took it releasing the safety switch.

  “Watch where you’re pointing that, sweetheart.” Itch growled as he walked further down the hall.

  “Get down!” We heard Ripped shout, Cammie and I fell to the floor as we heard a shot ring out in the air and a grunt. I looked up and it happened in slow motion, Itch was hit, his body fell slowly to the floor and I turned around, my back laying against the dirty wooden floorboards and shot three times at someone who was heading towards us.

  “Itch.” Cammie called out as she crawled towards him to check if he was dead. “He has a pulse.” We sighed in relief.

  “Get a prospect here with a car to get him back to the club house, and call the doc.” CG grabbed his phone and we stepped over Itch and carried on, trying to find our way out of the club.

  “In there, that’s where a lot of them hang out. I was taken in there several times.” Cammie said as she pulled on my arm to stop me walking any further. I nodded and told her to stay still, I walked up to the room and pressed my ear against the door, she was right, there was loud music and men talking.

  “Were there other girls being kept here?” I asked her. She nodded. I signaled for Ripped and Riz when I saw them to come over.

  “What’s up, brother?” Riz asked.

  “More of the Satans in here… I want them all dead.” I told them. They nodded in agreement. Cammie stepped closer as we headed towards the door. “You shoot if anyone gets out alive.” I told her and she nodded her head in understanding.

  “One, two…” I kicked the door open and stood back while Riz and Ripped sent bullets flying into the room. I heard a female scream, I looked around the room and there was a small, blonde girl tied to a wall. She had mascara running down her face and she had lashes covering her naked body, she trembled as she looked at me. I saw her eyes widening and knew someone was coming at me, I turned around in time to shove my knife through the guys stomach. He gasped for breath and I pulled my knife out and drove it into him again harder. He slumped to the floor and once I was satisfied that he wasn’t getting up I headed towards the girl.

  “No, please, don’t hurt me.” She begged.

  “I’m not gonna hurt you, sweetheart.” I cut through the ropes that had her hands tied together and were suspended from the ceiling, her feet touched the floor but only just. As she was released she fell and I had to grab her from smacking her head on the floor. “Here…” I pulled off my leather cut and took my shirt off that I had on over my t-shirt and wrapped it around her, she was so small that it hit her knees.

  “Thank you… Who are you?”

  “We’re the Devon Destroyers MC.” I told her.

  “What are you doing here?” She asked.

  “They had my Old Ladies best friend, we came to get her. How long h
ave you been here?”

  “A while.” She whispered.

  “Come on.” I held her hand and we left the room. “What’s your name?”

  “Ashlyn.” I nodded and we re-joined the others out in the hall way.

  “Let’s get out of here.” Prez said. “Itch has been collected and Bump and Ripped are spreading the fuel.” We left through the back exit towards our bikes.

  “You both ok to be on the back of a bike?” I asked Cammie and Ashlyn. They both nodded and Cammie climbed on with me and Ashlyn went with Riz. Once the fuel was spread Bump and Ripped set fire to the building, we watched it go up in flames, satisfied with what we had accomplished.

  “Let’s ride.” Prez called out and we followed him out of the Satan compound and back towards home.


  I didn’t know where Blade was tonight, I found myself tossing and turning in bed without him being there. It made me think something was up when the prospects had come and stayed with me. I ended up watching TV with Wayne, though I felt bad that Dwayne was outside. I tried to convince him to come in but he said he had his orders and he was sticking to them. I thought they would both do well in the club. Wayne said they had been prospecting for nearly a year, so they should get to patch in soon. It would be put to a vote in church. When I started to yawn Wayne offered to carry Liam in his moses basket upstairs for me. He said he would be staying until Blade got back. I thanked him for his company and told him to help himself to anything.

  A couple of hours later I heard voices, one sounded like a female which made me sit up in bed to try and listen more. I couldn’t hear anything, I slipped out of bed, grabbed the baby monitor as Liam was still fast asleep and tip toed down the stairs. I walked into the open plan living room and saw Blade had his arms around a blonde woman, she had her arms under his arms and her hands were fisted in his t-shirt. His leather cut laid on the sofa. I covered my mouth as a sob rose, I couldn’t believe what I was seeing, how could he do this and right under my nose?

  “Kade? What the fuck is going on?” I screamed. He turned around, blocking the girl and he smiled at me, taking a step towards me.


  “No, don’t you sugar me.” I said shaking my head and taking a step away from him. “What have you been doing? Cheating on me this whole time? Was I not enough for you? You said you loved me.” I was rambling and only stopped when she said my name.

  “Heather.” I looked up and Cammie stepped around Blade and walked towards me, tears running down her face.

  “Ohmygod, Cammie.” I cried as I pulled her close to me and held her tight. We both cried as we embraced. I didn’t know how long we were standing there until Blade’s voice pulled us apart.

  “Sugar, let Cammie clean up and get some rest.” I nodded and I showed Cammie to her room.

  “You stay with us as long as you want. You don’t have to go back to the club house, stay and help me with Liam.” I told her.

  “Thank you.” She whispered, sitting on the the bed.

  “I missed you.” I told her, sitting next to her and wrapping my arms around her again.

  “I missed you too.”

  “Goodnight.” I told her as I stood up and left her in peace and quiet. I closed the door behind me and as I looked up I saw Blade standing by our bedroom door, arms crossed across his broad chest, not looking happy.

  “I think we need to talk, don’t you?” He stated as he held our bedroom door open. I walked inside and before I got too far away from him he had me pinned up against the wall, his hands on either side of my head, caging me in. “Now, tell me. Why don’t you trust me? What have I done for you not to trust me?”

  “It’s not that, it’s just…” I hesitated. He was so close to me, I could feel his breath on my neck which was sending shivers all over my body. We hadn’t been intimate for over three weeks and my body always responded to him when he was close. I shook my head to try and concentrate on what I was saying. “It’s only because I didn’t know where you were tonight and then I heard a female voice and came downstairs to see your arms around another woman.”

  “It was club business, sugar.” He whispered, his lips touching the shell of my ear. I reached up and fisted my hands in the front of his t-shirt, keeping him close to me. My body was heating up and I found myself stepping on my tip toes to get closer to him. “I won’t ever hurt you, sugar.” He placed a kiss under my ear and his lips grazed me lightly as he spoke. “I’m in love with you.” My eyes shot to his and he was smiling at me. I let go of his t-shirt and ran my hands up his chest and around his neck, pulling his lips down onto mine. I was hungry for his attention and my body was calling out to be touched, we couldn’t fuck yet as I was still recovering but I was up for other things. I claimed his mouth, licking and biting his bottom lip until he opened his mouth and slid his tongue against mine. I moaned in the back of my throat as I practically tried to climb up his body. He knew what I wanted and placed his hands on my bum and I jumped into his arms. I felt a twinge of pain but it wasn’t enough to put out the fire in my body that he had caused. I hooked my feet together behind his back and his hands slid under my bed t-shirt and palmed my breasts. I moaned and rocked my body into his, feeling the friction from his hard on through his jeans.

  “More.” I panted. He pulled and tugged at my nipples sending waves of pleasure through my body and straight to my clit. “Kade.” I moaned.

  “Love it when you moan my name, sugar.” He said as he thrust his hips into mine, sending me further up the wall.

  “Yes.” I cried out. “I’m close, baby, so close.” I opened my eyes as I felt him move away from me. “Wait, what you doing?” He carried me over to the bed and laid me down.

  “Pleasuring you.” He winked. I almost came just from the thought of what he was going to do to my body. He pulled my t-shirt off over my head and ran his tongue from my neck over my collar bone, down my breast around my nipple, missing the stiff peak. Down over my tummy until he came to my bed shorts. He hooked his fingers in either side and pulled them down my legs. He stood up and looked down at me.

  “What’s wrong? I know I’m still fat but I’ll be back to yoga and running soon.” I told him, feeling self-conscious of my body. I looked around to try and find something to cover it up with, there was nothing in my reach so I placed my hands on my tummy.

  “Don’t do that.” He growled. “You’re beautiful. I was just admiring your body and telling my cock that he’s not allowed inside you yet.”

  “Kade.” I moaned as I arched my back. When he said things like that all I wanted was for his cock to be pounding into me.

  “Just relax.” He knelt on the floor at the bottom of the bed and pulled me so my bum was hanging off the end. “You’re soaking wet.” He told me, staring at me. He raised my left leg and draped it over his shoulder as he pushed my right one open so I was on view for him. He licked and nibbled the inside of my thighs, brushing his whiskers along them too. Every time he got near to where I wanted him he pulled away.

  “Kade, if you keep teasing me I’m gonna come in like two seconds when you start.”

  “That’s ok, I’ll just take more than one.” He chuckled.

  “Please, baby.” I pleaded, trying to move him with my leg that was hooked over his shoulder. He grazed his tongue over my lips, parting them with his tongue. I jumped as soon as his tongue touched my clit, it was so sensitive. He licked, nibbled and sucked. I moved my hips in time with him and I could feel the build-up coming. I wrapped my legs around his head and squeezed my thighs together, the feel of his day old stubble was a sensation I loved to feel. I dug my heels into his back and I arched off the bed as the most amazing and well overdue orgasm coursed through my body. I laid there still for a few minutes, until I felt Blade lightly tapping my thighs, telling me to release my hold on him. “Wow.” I said, breathless, smiling down at him. I sat up and slid down the bed onto the floor in front of him. I grabbed his cock in my hand, it was standing proudly. I ran
my fingertips over him and he groaned as he got to his feet. He pulled my hair out of the messy bun I had put it in earlier when I didn’t want to get my hair wet in the shower. He grabbed a fistful and tipped my head back, placing his cock on my lips, pre cum leaked out and I lapped it up.

  “Good girl.” He praised. “Stick out your tongue.” I done as he demanded and he slapped his hardness on my tongue a couple of times before he pushed it past my lips, sliding to the back of my throat. I placed my hands on the back of his thighs, pulling myself closer towards him. I sucked and tortured him as much as I could manage, I ran my tongue over the large vein in his cock which had him moaning. His thrusts were getting rougher and I could feel myself getting turned on by it, he had hit the back of my throat a couple of times which made me gag, not being able to take his full length.

  “Touch yourself. Play with that clit and come with me.” I slipped my hand in between my leg and played with his balls with my other hand. “Shit, sugar. I’m gonna come.” I nodded my head and answered him the best I could with my mouth full. I released his balls and wrapped my hand around his shaft and squeezed and pumped him. He held my head still as he exploded in my mouth, there was too much to swallow back and some seeped from the corner of my mouth as I cried out my own release. Blade looked down at me and wiped the bit that had escaped on his finger and offered it to me to lick clean. “You’re amazing.” He smiled. He helped me off the floor and we climbed into bed. He pulled me close and I lay my head on his chest, my hand was resting on his stomach and he stroked the side of my hand. “Why the butterflies?” He asked, I looked up to him, frowning. “The tattoos.”

  “Oh, I just liked them.” I shrugged my shoulders as my eyes started to get heavy.

  I woke with a fright when I heard screaming and crying coming from the spare bedroom. I looked over and Liam was still fast asleep, Blade was looking at me.


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