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South Coast Brothers: Part One

Page 17

by Hamford, Kacey

  “Drink?” Missy purred. I nodded my head, she turned around and bent to the bottom fridge, digging out my favourite beer. I openly admired her ass, I was the first one to introduce her to club life, shortly followed by Penny and then we all had a little fun together. That was one night I’d never forget.


  “You ok?” I asked Cammie as I sat on my bed facing her, she was laying on hers with her eyes closed.

  “Yes,” she whispered.

  Bang. Bang. Bang.

  “Open up.” I heard Daisy call out. Cammie yelped and sat up in bed, looking worried.

  “It’s just Daisy,” I told Cammie as I placed my hand on her shoulder in a soothing gesture. I walked to the door and swung it open.

  “Ohmygod, what are you doing here?” She squealed as she threw her arms around me. I held on tight to her as the tears began to flow down my cheeks. I sobbed and Daisy pulled away, looking at me. “What’s happened?” I shook my head as I cried in front of her. “Oh, come here.” She dragged me to my bed and we sat down, her arms still tight around me.

  “Blade left.” I heard Cammie tell her. “She woke up in the clubhouse, he had packed his stuff, told the Prez he was back to being an enforcer and left without saying anything.”

  “Oh, honey.” Daisy comforted me.

  “I thought he loved me,” I cried. “And Liam.”

  “Liam?” Daisy asked, pulling back from me. I nodded my head towards his moses basket and Daisy got to her feet. She walked over to him and the love she had for her nephew was all over her face. I felt bad that she would never get to experience that, having a baby growing inside of you. “He’s gorgeous, looks just like you.”

  “What happened to Ryan?” I asked.

  “Not really sure, they said he got shot when they were out on a mission. Club business and all that.” She waved her hand in the air like it didn’t mean anything.


  “A few weeks ago. I’m ok…” She paused. “You looking forward to the party tonight? It’s gonna be wild.” She smiled, brightly. Any trace of sadness erased from her face. I nodded, I didn’t want to tell her that we would probably be hiding, staying out of the way. The last thing we needed was to be mistaken for a club whore.


  The party was in full swing, we always opened our bar up to the locals in Portwrinkle so they had a place to drink and relax. Some of the locals weren’t brave enough as they thought we were a typical biker club. We weren’t. Yeah, we did get into some sticky situations, but we didn’t use women, disrespect them or keep them against their will. The club bunnies chose to be here and in exchange for pleasing some of the men, bikers or locals they had a place to stay and food to eat. We only had four bunnies, Missy, Penny, Shelley and Lottie. They were all longing for the life of an Old Lady, but our guys weren’t interested in settling down. Then there was Daisy, who was an Old Lady but her husband got killed. Carla, the Prez’s Old Lady, and Amy, who’s Bangers Old Lady; he is the oldest member of the club and an original Cornish Crusader.

  “Hey, Holes.” Missy winked at me as she passed me a beer. I nodded my head in thanks, keeping my eyes on the hallway entrance, I was waiting for a certain blonde. I was excited when Drake, the new prospect, called and said that Heather was here, I told him to let her straight in and I had convinced myself she had come back to me. That we were going to be together again after all these years, there was still something between us, I could feel it. Now I believe that something is a strong friendship, as soon as my eyes landed on Cammie, sensations flowed through my body so strong that I thought I was going to pass out. Was it love at first sight? Did I believe in that? I shook my head and chuckled to myself, I had seen this girl once over four hours ago and she had me all tied up in knots. I took my eyes away from the door and snapped them back quickly as if I was going to miss something. I was missing something, the kick ass party that was flowing all around me. There were girls, booze, music and poker, what more could a man want. ‘That little blonde’ the voice in my head said. I chuckled to myself once again, grabbed Penny on my way to the dance floor and started to enjoy my night.


  “Do you want to go and join the party?” Cammie asked me. I looked towards the door where I could hear the music pumping, I was glad that Mason had put us in a room at the back of the clubhouse so Liam wasn’t disturbed. He was fast asleep in his moses basket. “I don’t mind staying and looking after him, I’m probably gonna have an early night anyway.” She shrugged her shoulders.

  “No, I’m good. Don’t feel much like partying.” I laid back on my bed and looked at the ceiling. Where was he? Why had he left? Would I be able to move on? Was he coming back? My thoughts got interrupted when there was a small knock on the door. From the corner of my eye I saw Cammie’s posture stiffen, I needed to think of a way to calm her, to make her relax. I got up from the bed and opened the door, Daisy came bounding in.

  “Sshh, Liam’s asleep,” I told her quietly before she made too much noise.

  “What are you doing in here? Come and have a drink,” she slurred.

  “How much have you had to drink?” I asked, watching her sway on the spot.

  “Only a couple, it helps you know. To not remember him.” I assumed she was talking about her husband. Maybe she had a point, maybe I would be able to sleep better tonight if I was drunk.

  “We could lock the room and take the baby monitor with us,” I said to Cammie. She shook her head and I knew it was no use trying to convince her. “Shit, I don’t have anything to wear.”

  “Let’s go via my room and get you one of my dresses.” I nodded at her and turned back towards Cammie to make sure it was ok.

  “Don’t say anything, just go. I’m gonna lock the door behind you so you’ll have to knock when you come back.” I gave her a small smile, skipped towards her and gave her a big hug.

  “I just want to forget him, at least for a little while,” I whispered to her. She nodded her head as she knew that’s what I needed. I walked over to Liam, bent down, kissed his little head and told him I loved him. “If you need me, come and get me.” Cammie gave me a smile, and as Daisy and I left the room I heard the lock being turned. The music was a lot louder the closer we got to the bar. We stopped at a door and Daisy pushed it open. It was bare, it looked like no one lived in it. There was a double bed, a chest of drawers under the window and a small wardrobe along the same wall as the bathroom door.

  “Was this your room with Ryan?” I asked as she dug around in her wardrobe looking for something for me to wear.

  “No, the VP has a large room. Holes has that room now.”

  “He chucked you out? Where are all of your things?” I asked as I looked around.

  “Burnt it all. It just kept reminding me of him… Oh, here, this one is perfect for you.” She handed me a black, short strapless dress. I took it from her and changed quickly.

  “Is it too short?” I asked, trying to look behind me to see if my ass was falling out.

  “No, put these heels on.” She pushed some red, four inch heels towards me and for once I looked and felt sexy. I couldn’t wear a bra as I didn’t have a strapless one, luckily the dress had built in support. “You look hot! Fluff that hair up and I’ll grab you some mascara and lipstick.”

  Once I was ready, we headed out of Daisy’s room and into the bar, it was packed. A lot more people than the Devon MC ever had. We walked over to the long bar and there were three girls serving so it didn’t take long for us to get a drink. Daisy ordered a bottle of wine and two glasses.

  “I don’t have any money,” I told her.

  “It goes on the club tab. Only the locals pay for their drinks, and at dirt cheap prices too.” I looked around and there was some guys playing poker in the corner of the room. A lot of people were dancing on the dance floor as the DJ had some good tunes on. I could see a couple sitting together in a booth, they looked very much in love and it had me wondering who they were.

nbsp; “Who’s that?” I asked as I followed Daisy to a table so we could start drinking the wine she ordered.

  “That’s the Prez and his Old Lady, Carla… You know he is twenty years older than her.”

  “Really?” I asked, looking at her. That surprised me, you could see there was an age difference but I didn’t think it would be that much.

  “Hey, ladies.” I heard. I looked up and saw Mason had pulled a chair up and joined us, he was laid back and casual sitting in his chair. He smiled at me, I smiled back but I didn’t want to give him the wrong impression. I know Blade had left me, but that didn’t stop me still wanting him to walk in that door and claim me all over again. It didn’t stop my heart beating for only him. I didn’t want to be thinking about this. I grabbed my full glass of wine and downed the lot, holding it out for Daisy to fill it up.

  “Hey, sweetheart, slow down there. When was the last time you had a drink?” I shrugged my shoulders. It was definitely a while ago, way before I got pregnant with Liam. “Maybe you should slow down,” he said taking the glass away from me.

  “Leave her alone, if she wants to drink, let her.” Daisy snapped at him. She knew my pain, she knew how I felt. Though knowing your husband was dead has got to be ten times worse, even more than that. I couldn’t bear the thought that something like that had happened to Blade.

  “Hey, sexy, want to dance?” I looked up and the guy that I had met earlier was standing in front of me. What was his name?

  “Solar.” Mason said in a warning tone. That’s it, Solar. I looked at him, nodded and placed my hand in his.

  “I’m only dancing with her, man.” He led me to the middle of the dance floor and we danced close together, not really touching.

  “Solar? That’s a different name,” I said as we danced.

  “Yeah, I got named that when the guys realised that I always liked to fuck in the mornings.” He smirked at me and winked.

  “Oh, really?” I purred as I stepped in closer to him. “Mornings don’t really work for me.” I wound my arms around his neck. He pulled back, spun me around and pulled me flush against his body. I could feel his hardness through his jeans and rubbed my ass over him, I wanted to forget Blade and what better way than this.

  * * *


  Heather was at the party so that meant that Cammie must have been looking after the baby. I needed to see her so I headed to their bedroom. Once I was stood outside, I felt nervous, what was I going to say to her? Get a grip, you’re the VP of an MC. It’s only a chick. I raised my hand and knocked gently on the door. I heard some movements and some muttering, but with the background noise from the party I couldn’t hear anything.

  “That was quick, Heath…” Cammie started saying and she stopped talking when she saw that it was me. Her posture stiffened and she started backing away from me. I wasn’t sure if that was an invite in, I stepped over the threshold and looked around. The baby was asleep and I closed the door behind me so he wouldn’t be disturbed by the noise.

  “W…what do you want?” Cammie asked, her voice sounded unsure.

  “I needed to see you.” I stalked towards her and she fell onto her bed, backing herself up against the headboard.

  “Please, don’t,” she cried, “not with Liam in here.” She held her hands out in front of her, trying to keep me away. I took a step back and really looked at her. She was pale, shaking and tears were running down her face.

  “Babe, I’m not going to hurt you,” I told her gently as I sat opposite her on the other bed, resting my forearms on my knees with my head dipped.

  “What do you want then?” she asked again, pulling her knees up and wrapping her arms around them.

  “I just wanted to come and see you. Why aren’t you at the party?” She looked over towards Liam. “He’s Heather’s kid, why are you stuck looking after him?”

  “I’m not stuck looking after him,” she snapped. I cocked my head to the side, eyebrows raised and looked at her. “Sorry,” she whispered, resting her head on her knees. I moved closer towards her and sat on her bed beside her hip. I wanted to push her chin up so I could see those mesmerising blue eyes, but thought I shouldn’t. She was clearly scared and I wanted to know why.

  “Why are you scared?” I asked.

  “I’m not scared!” she bit out as she jumped up from the bed and put some distance between us.

  “I could see it, when you were eating with us earlier. You kept your head down, didn’t hardly touch your food and jumped when someone came too close to you.” She walked towards Liam and looked down at him, smiling. What I would give to have her smile at me like that.

  “What happened to you?” I asked, standing up and facing her. I wanted to pull her close to me and kiss those pink lips, I wanted to feel her curves under my hands and hear her moan my name.

  “Holes, I think you should leave,” she said.

  “Mason,” I told her. She looked at me confused. “It’s my name, call me Mason.”

  “Ok,” she whispered, looking down at Liam again. She had longing in her eyes and I wondered if that’s what she was looking for a family of her own. She didn’t look very old, no more than twenty I would have thought.

  “Talk to me, tell me about you. What happened to you?”

  “Get out,” she sneered.

  “Babe,” I said in a warning tone, no one spoke to the Prez, VP or a club brother like that.

  “I said get out. GET OUT! GET OUT! GET OUT!” she screamed at me, causing the baby to wake up screaming. She picked him up and held him close to her chest. She turned her back on me and I backed away to the door and left. She had got under my skin, I wanted to be near her, to touch her, to taste her. My cock was rock hard. I stood outside of her door, shaking my head when I felt a hand snake around my waist. I looked over my shoulder and was pleased to see that it was Penny. She was the only one out of the club bunnies that was blonde.

  “Fuck me,” she whispered. I smirked at her and winked, she took hold of my hand and began heading towards my bedroom. I didn’t want to take her in there, I wanted to save that room and my bed for only Cammie. I steered her in the direction of the gym, it would be empty this time of night. Once we walked in the door, I pulled her back up against my chest and growled in her ear;

  “Are you ready for me?”

  “Hmm mmm, I’m soaking wet for you, Holes,” she purred. I walked forward, moving her at the same time and pushed her down onto the training mats. She fell onto her hands and knees.

  “Stay there, in that position,” I demanded. She knew better than to disobey me. All I could see was a sexy body and a head full of blonde hair. I palmed my cock through my jeans, I needed a release and quick, it was starting to become painful. I pulled my jeans and boxers down my legs and knelt down behind her. I quickly slid a condom on and pushed her skirt up to her waist, I was impressed to see that she wasn’t wearing any underwear and she was bare for me. Her swollen pussy and clit were calling out to me. I didn’t hesitate, I grabbed her hips and slammed into her, causing her to scream out.

  “You ok?” I asked.

  “Mmm,” she moaned and nodded her head. I had been with Penny several times before, she was used to my size and piercings. I just hoped that Cammie would be able to take me just as well. When the time was right. “Holes,” she moaned, moving herself against me.

  “Quiet!” I snapped, thrusting into her. She dipped her head onto the mat below us and I grabbed her pretty blonde hair, wrapped it around my fist and pulled her head up. Slamming into her hard and fast. I didn’t want to hear her voice, I wanted to imagine I was fucking Cammie, fucking her tight warm hole as I pulled at her gorgeous blonde hair. Taking her pleasure to the maximum and forcing orgasm after orgasm out of her body.

  “Yes, yes, yes. Holes, fuck me, fuck me, fuck me,” she called out, over and over again. She was making it difficult to think of Cammie. I forced myself into her harder and harder until I heard her scream out in pleasure, I pulled out of her, my cock s
till hard, pulled up my jeans and walked away. My cock only wanted one blonde now and I couldn’t get her out of my head.


  “Where are we going?” I asked as I climbed into the back of my car with Liam. Mason said he was taking us out, along with Cammie and demanded to drive. I was getting used to all these guys having their own way.

  “I’ll sit in the back with him,” Cammie said as I pulled my seat belt on and was about to close the door.

  “It’s ok, I’m here now. You sit in the front with Mason.” I smiled and she quickly glanced at Mason and then back to me, she nodded her head and climbed into the car. I had noticed something brewing between them, a lot of side glances and Mason was always near her. I even heard Penny, one of the bunnies complaining to the other girls that a couple of nights ago Mason fucked her in the gym, made her come and then left without saying a word. Apparently he was known for sticking around for round two.

  “I’m taking you out to lunch, to properly welcome you girls here and the newest member of our club,” he chuckled, pointing towards Liam.

  “No way is my son ever going to be in a MC,” I told him, shaking my head. Mason chuckled again as we set off into town.

  “What’s wrong with being in a MC?” Mason asked. “You didn’t mind when it was your last two men.”

  “Mason!” Cammie hissed at him.

  “It’s ok, I’ll tell you why. The first one lied to me about being in the club and the second one left without saying goodbye. That shows you the kind of men that are in these clubs.”

  “Hey!” Mason objected. “I’m not like them.”


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