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South Coast Brothers: Part One

Page 47

by Hamford, Kacey

  “Yeah…” My phone began ringing and I pulled it out of my pocket to see it was my mum. “Mum, you ok?” I stepped away from the bar, leaving my whiskey sitting there. “What? Shit. I’m on my way.” I looked around until I saw Tat and Solar. “Tat, Solar, let’s ride.” I kissed Cammie briefly and rushed out of the door and jumped onto my bike, waiting for Tat and Solar. I started up my Softail and the next thing I knew Cammie was climbing on the back, wrapping her arms around me.

  “Cam, get off. I need to go.” I tried pulling her hands apart but she wouldn’t let go.

  “I’m coming too.”

  “You’re pregnant.” I didn’t want to risk hurting her but I needed to get to mums house, she said on the phone that Emily’s dad had turned up and is demanding to see her. “Hold on fucking tight.” I turned slightly and placed my helmet on her head, then we were heading down the road, faster than I would normally go with Cammie on the back but I couldn’t risk anyone hurting mum or taking Emily away.

  We pulled up on the driveway and I noticed a car sitting on the side of the road. Cammie quickly climbed off and I held her hand as we ran up the steps and in through the front door.

  “Oh, Mason. Thank God. These men are refusing to leave.” I looked over towards mum’s sofa and there were two men. One looked like he was in his early fifties, he was in a black suit and had short dark hair, blue eyes and a scar covering his right cheek. The other one was much younger, I’d say in his early thirties, he wore a dark blue suit, wasn’t as clean shaven and had black hair and the start of a tattoo was peeping out of his shirt collar.

  “What the fuck are you doing here?” I snarled, looking at the younger one.

  “Don’t look at me, I’m just the bodyguard.” He said holding his hands up in surrender.

  “Nanny?” Emily called from the top of the stairs. Cammie moved quickly, running up the stairs to stop Emily coming down. “Auntie Cammie, will you read me a story?”

  “Of course I will.”

  “Talk,” I growled looking at the older man. He stood up to face me and so did his bodyguard. Tat and Solar moved in closer behind me.

  “I’ve come for my daughter. Simple as that.” He crossed his arms over his chest.

  “And you just expect us to hand her over? Simple as that?” I asked using his own words.

  “She is mine!” he growled.

  “We want proof. I don’t for a second think my sister would have ever been with someone like you. What do you even do for a living? When and where did you meet her?”

  “We met just over four years ago in London. I’m a business man, I have my fingers in a lot of pots. Katie was at this bar one night and we just hit it off from there.” Shit, this couldn’t be happening.

  “What’s your name? Why now? Why not four years ago?” He reached into the pocket on the inside of his jacket and all three of us drew our guns out. Mum screamed and this guy laughed.

  “I’m getting my business card.” He passed it to me. Martin Clarke.

  “Mum has full custody, you’re not on the birth certificate. We will be fighting to keep that custody. You need to provide proof that she is yours. DNA test.” I passed the business card to Tat and gave him a look, we were all really good at having conversations without even speaking. He knew what I needed, I needed information on this guy and quick. Tat stepped outside to call Toes.

  Martin gave his bodyguard a look and he nodded his head.

  “We’ll be in contact when we have the relevant information that you need. But mark my words, I’ll be taking my daughter with me, soon.” Mum sobbed from across the room. I’d do anything in my power so it wouldn’t come to that.

  Solar walked them out and mum broke down in my arms, this was something that we always feared but we figured as no one had contacted us in four years that no one was interested in finding her.

  “VP?” Tat called from the front door, I looked over mum’s head at him and he nodded towards his phone.

  “Hey.” Cammie smiled as she walked down the stairs. “She’s asleep.” I moved from mum to Cammie and kissed her on the top of her head.

  “I’ll just be outside for a minute.” She nodded and joined mum on the sofa, I heard mums cries again as I closed the front door. “What you got?”

  “This guy is very dodgy, according to Toes and his connections. He has been known to dabble in prostitution, human trafficking, drug trade and child trafficking.”

  “Fuck!” I roared. “Let’s hope like hell that he isn’t her father. If he is then we’ll need a major plan. She will not be going to live with him, she will not be sold to the highest bidder.”

  “Mason.” I looked over my shoulder to see Cammie standing in the doorway, shit, how long had she been standing there.

  “We’re talking here, privately,” I snapped at her. She looked from me to Tat and Solar and knew that she couldn’t answer me back.

  “I was just telling you that your mum has gone to bed. I’ll call Ash to pick me up.” She turned away from me, digging her phone out of her jeans pocket.

  “Cam, I won’t be long. Just wait inside for me.” She didn’t turn around, didn’t nod she just carried on in through the door, closing it behind her. “Bring this to church, get everyone you know on it. I’m staying here tonight.”

  “Got it,” Solar said and Tat slapped me on the shoulder. I dug a cigarette out of my pocket and inhaled the nicotine as I watched them ride away. I just wanted a few calm months to marry my woman and wait for our baby to arrive, no such fucking luck. Mayhem as always.

  I walked back through mum’s front door and locked it behind me and turned off the outside light, I looked over to the sofa and Cammie was laying on it, fast asleep. I gathered her up in my arms and began walking up the stairs.

  “Mason?” Mum said, coming out of the bathroom.

  “We’re going to crash here tonight,” I said as I walked to the end of the hall where my bedroom was.

  “Thank you. Goodnight. I love you.”

  “Love you too. Mum?” She turned around and looked at me. “It will all be ok, I promise.” She nodded her head and pursed her lips. We both knew that we would have a fight on our hands in the future.


  Today was finally the day, the day that I got to make Cammie my wife. We were getting married in thirty minutes and I was fucking shitting it. We had the twenty week scan last week and everything was great, the doctor accidentally let slip that we were having a boy and Cammie cried her heart out. Later that night, she confessed to me that having another boy made her feel more worried and that she didn’t want to forget Noah. I assured her that he would never be forgotten. She was still not so patiently waiting for him to start kicking her and she worried nearly every day that something was wrong.

  We managed to find more information on Martin Clarke, incriminating evidence fell into our hands and we used it to our advantage. Blackmail wasn’t normally a road we went down, but if that’s what it took to save my niece from someone like him then so be it.

  I was currently standing in the large garden area we had at the back of the clubhouse, the guys had mowed it all down, set up a small archway that Ashlyn covered in flowers and set up a few chairs for family members to sit on. The bikers were all going to park their bikes front tyre to back tyre until a circle was formed. Apparently, Cammie called it the ‘Circle of Love’ and we would be standing inside that circle with Prez, who was performing the ceremony. There would be an entrance to the circle, where Cammie had a sign made up saying ‘Choose a seat not a side, we’re all family once the knot is tied’ and the bridesmaids would be brought in on bikes. We had a sound system in place for music and the bunnies would be serving drinks afterwards.

  “Look at you, my handsome boy,” Mum said as she walked over and placed her hands on my face. “Mason, you could have worn a tux and shaved.” Mum shook her head in annoyance.

  “Cammie wanted me to wear this and she doesn’t like me clean shaven.” I was wearing my smart dark bl
ue jeans that apparently made my ass look great – her words, not mine. A black shirt with a couple of buttons opened and my cut. I had no idea what she would be wearing, she didn’t let on about anything. If she would be in a traditional wedding dress, white, cream, red, black who the fuck knows. But one thing for sure, I bet she would look stunning.

  The sound of engines had me looking around, one after another in came all my brothers, prospects and brothers from other chapters and clubs. Heather was Cammie’s maid of honour, Ashlyn was a bridesmaid and Emily and Kelsey were flower girls.

  Blade came in next on his Softail, slowly, with Tegan perched in front of him, he had one hand controlling the bike and one keeping her in place. She squealed with happiness, clapping her hands. Tat rode in behind him in the same position with Liam and he was chilled out and relaxed, a great addition to the club he will be when he is older. Just like I hoped my son would be.

  The music started and Blade and Tat dropped Tegan and Liam off with my mum and went back towards the clubhouse. Blade came back with Heather perched on the bike sideways behind him, she was in a long, fitted ice blue dress, her hair was tied up with curls hanging down her face and bright red lips. Blade gave her a kiss as she hopped off and he drove back to the clubhouse, Tat headed over next with Ashlyn on the back of his bike, sitting the same way that Heather was and she wore exactly the same, her hair was done the same and she was also sporting the bright red lipstick. Next, Blade and Tat brought in Kelsey and Emily, they were sitting in front of them gripping hold of the handle bars and both of them were laughing. Once they were lifted off the bikes, they walked up the small aisle and sat in a seat. Blade and Tat circled around to fill the circle. It looked like everyone was here, if that was true, how was Cammie getting here? I looked around the formed circle again and no one was missing, my head shot up when I heard the roar of a bike and there she was my gorgeous Cammie riding in on a bike by herself, fuck me did she look hot doing that. I didn’t even know she could ride. Once she was at the start of the aisle, she climbed off, straightened out her dress, kicked off her bikers’ boots and proceeded to walk down the aisle to me in bare feet. The guys roared their bikes until she was standing in front of me and Prez made a cut off sign with his hands to quieten them down.

  “Well, here we are…” Prez started. I looked into the bright blue eyes that was standing opposite me, she was breath taking in her pure white wedding dress, it was much shorter in the front coming above her knees and flowed out behind her until it hit the floor. The top part was fitted, no sleeves or straps and her breasts that seemed to be getting bigger every day were begging to be released; they teased me, showing off far too much cleavage. Her small baby bump was just noticeable through the dress.

  “Mason…” Prez said my name and I looked at him, annoyed that he had interrupted my perusal of my future wife. “Your promises.”


  “Oh.” She cut me off placing her hand on her tummy.

  “What? What is it?” I asked panicked, looking at my mum for help when I noticed that Cammie had the biggest smile on her face.

  “He kicked me.” She laughed. “Here.” She grabbed my hand and placed it on her tummy, I couldn’t feel anything. “Go ahead, leave your hand there.”

  “Cammie… Oh, I felt it.” I smiled and she laughed. “As soon as I saw you, I knew you were the one for me. Your blonde hair and bright blue eyes drew me to you but when I spent time with you, I fell and I fell hard. I promise to love you and our children for ever, I promise to always make you smile, I promise to protect you and most importantly I promise to cherish you. I’m happy to be spending my life with you.” I reached over with my free hand and slipped the ring on her hand and wiped away her tears.

  “Cammie, your promises,” Prez said.

  “Mason, I love you more than words can express, you’re my whole entire life, and this one. I promise to love you and all of our children, I promise to take care of you, I promise to respect you and your brothers and most of all I promise to cherish you. I love you.” She pushed the ring on my finger and I couldn’t be happier.

  “VP.” Prez nodded at me to add my final bit.

  “I promise to treat you as good as my leather, and ride you as much as my Harley.” I winked at her and all the guys revved their engines. Cammie laughed, her head tipping back and Prez announced us husband and wife. I hooked my arm around her waist and pulled her close to me, placing my other hand on her face to tilt her head so I could take advantage of her lips. Heather and Ashlyn stayed with Cammie last night, claiming tradition that we couldn’t see each other before the wedding. I missed having her next to me and I missed kissing her goodnight and good morning. Cammie decided that she didn’t want her mum or dad at the wedding, she felt like as they had ignored her for a large part of her life that they didn’t get to participate in her happy day. She struggled with the decision on whether to invite just her mum as she was there for her when she needed her the most, when Noah was born, but shortly after things went back to normal and she felt like a ghost living in their house and that was why she left. So she made the decision to keep them out of it.

  We stayed around in the clubhouse for a little while, eating, drinking and dancing and every time I looked at Cammie she had this most amazing smile on her face, which caused my heart rate to pick up.

  “You’re pussy-whipped, man.” Toes laughed as he stood beside me, sipping on his drink.

  “When it’s fine pussy like that I am no way going to complain.” I chuckled. Cammie’s head shot up from her drink and her eyes darted around the room looking for me, once her gaze settled on mine she placed her hand on her tummy and smiled. I think that was her way of telling me that our son was moving.

  “Now, I’m going to steal her away for a couple of days. See you later, brother.” I slapped him on the back and made a bee line for Cammie. She was sitting on the stool at the bar talking to Ashlyn and Heather. I walked up behind her and placed my hands on her hips, squeezing gently. “Wanna get out of here?” I whispered in her ear and her skin pebbled under my lips. She turned her head and smiled at me, nodding gently. I claimed her lips in a quick kiss and helped her off of her stool. Before we left, I turned towards the crowd of people that had made our day a special one.

  “Listen up!” I shouted, waiting for everyone to give us their full attention. “I’m going to whisk my bride away but we just wanted to thank each and every one of you. Without you, this day wouldn’t have been what it was. Stay, eat, drink and have fun. See you in a few days.”

  “Let’s have a toast, once more to VP and Cammie!” Solar called out raising his glass in the air, everyone followed suit and it made my chest swell with pride that I could call all these people our family.


  I had whisked Cammie away for a three day break to St. Ives. It was peaceful and romantic, our view the whole time was the sea and she loved it. We spent hours making love, walking along the beach and eating out at restaurants, I was gutted when we had to come home early. Prez had called and told me we had a lead on finding Switch and I wanted to be very involved in that man hunt. Cammie didn’t mind and she said she was keen to get home too as she missed her babies – the dogs.

  We arrived back home about seven in the evening and I dropped Cammie off at home and headed straight for the clubhouse.

  “It was a dead end, man,” Toes told me as I took my seat to the left of Prez.

  “You already went?” I asked, looking at him and then around to Prez.

  “Yeah, we didn’t want the trail to run cold but he always seems to be one step ahead of us. We can’t seem to pin him down. Fucker,” Prez explained, banging his fist down onto the table in frustration.

  “What’s the plan now?” Tat asked.

  Everyone carried on talking and my mind drifted to Cammie and our wedding night.

  “Mason, are we staying here?” Cammie asked in awe, staring up at the lavish hotel.

  “Only the best for my wife.�
� I leant towards her and kissed her on the side of her neck as she gazed at the tall, white hotel that sat in front of us. It had a large front door, a couple of benches outside that looked out to the sea. A large garden sat at the side of the building, the grass was bright green and colourful flowers were dotted around.

  “Say that again.” She smiled.

  “Wife,” I whispered as I trailed my lips ever so gently across her skin at her neck.

  “Mmmm, Mason?” I pulled back and looked at her. “Get me upstairs, now.” The desire in her eyes was clear and I promised to always give my wife what she needed. I climbed out of the car and jogged around to her side of the car to help her out. We held hands as I pulled our one suitcase out of the boot and we walked up the few steps and pushed the front door open.

  “Wow,” Cammie gasped, we were met with a large marbled floor entrance with a sleek black desk to the right hand side and chrome lifts to the left. I tugged on Cammie’s hand and led her to the reception desk.

  “Hi, can I help you?” The young blonde woman smiled at me, showing off all of her white teeth.

  “Yeah, we have a reservation for Mr and Mrs Cole.” She smiled and tapped away on her computer, I didn’t miss the way she was looking at me, undressing me with her eyes, I was sure it was the leather jacket that attracted so many people to me.

  “Oh, yes, here it is. The honeymoon suite.” She sounded disappointed. What did she think? She would smile her pearly whites at me and I was going to leave my wife standing there, in her wedding dress while I bent her over the desk and fucked her.

  “The honeymoon suite?” Cammie gasped.

  “Yes, sweetheart.” I pulled her to my side as close as possible and kissed her lips. “After all, it is our honeymoon.” I turned back to the receptionist. “We’d also like to not be disturbed.”

  “Of course, Mr. Cole.” She placed our key card on the desk in front of me. “It’s on the top floor, take the left hand lift, scan this card and it will open up into your room.”


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