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South Coast Brothers: Part One

Page 54

by Hamford, Kacey

  Knock. Knock. Knock.

  I threw the last of my clothes into my bag and strolled over to the bedroom door to open it.

  “Hi.” I smiled as Amber stood there in my blue skinny jeans, black t-shirt and blue cardigan.

  “I’m leaving. I just wanted to thank you for all of your help and lending me your clothes.”

  “You are very welcome.” I pulled her close for a hug. “I’m just sorry we can’t keep in touch but once everything has settled down, I’ll be in contact, ok?” She nodded into my neck and I felt a tear drop onto my shoulder. I pulled back to see that Amber had tears in her eyes.

  “I’m going to miss you. I know we haven’t known each other long but…”

  “I’ll be in contact, I promise.” She wiped at her face with the back of her hand.

  “Stay safe,” she whispered in my ear as she engulfed me in a hug once more.

  “You too.”

  “Darlin’?” I pulled back to see Drake standing behind Amber. “We gotta get going.” I nodded my head and pointed to my bag on the bed to show that I had everything packed, it just wasn’t closed. Drake stepped in, zipped up my bag and picked it up. Amber and I walked down the hallway holding hands and out into the bright car park. Monkey and Henry were waiting by a black transit van to take Amber home and Drake put my bags into the boot of a red BMW one series.

  Amber gave Denise a hug goodbye and climbed into the van, her confidence had grown in the week she had been here. She didn’t look phased to be squished in the middle of two biker men. I did notice her give Henry a shy smile, was something happening between those two? I was hoping that once we were able to see each other again that she would be happy and settled back into her life.

  My chest hurt a little as I watched the black van drive out of the compound, I was going to miss her.

  “You ready, darlin’?” Drake asked as he wound his arm around my waist and pecked me on the side of my head.

  “Yeah.” I smiled, looking up at him. I pulled out of his embrace and stepped closer to Denise. “Thank you for letting us stay. I hope you don’t get any more trouble here.” The clubhouse had been quiet, no more women had been dumped outside their gate. Denise said the last time it was a woman every two nights for a week. None of them survived and never had any ID on them. Wiz, their computer guy would always search missing persons to see if they had been reported with the hopes of being able to contact their family. Apparently they never had any success, so they buried the bodies along with a prayer.

  We hadn’t been travelling for more than twenty minutes when Drake slammed his hand down on the steering swearing.

  “What’s wrong?” I asked, sitting up straighter and placing my hand on his jean covered thigh.

  “You think they could have at least put petrol in this fucking car.” Drake was not happy that he was being made to drive me in a car rather than on his bike. He hated that we had to sit in traffic and couldn’t just escape down a tiny back lane.

  “There’s a petrol station just up there,” I told him as I rubbed his leg.

  “Darlin’, unless you want me to take you in the back of this car, you’d better stop rubbing me.”

  “Oh, sorry.” I chuckled. I gazed at his lap to see that he had a bulge forming and I found myself wanting to touch him, lick him, taste him.

  “I can see the hunger on your face, darlin’. What do you want?” he asked as he glanced at me briefly.

  “I want to taste you,” I told him as I bit into my bottom lip.

  “Shit, how can I say no to that?” The car swerved to the side and I looked around to see that we had pulled into a layby. Drake had a shit eating grin on his face as he pulled me closer to him by the back of my head and claimed my lips, thrusting his tongue into my mouth. I tried to focus on pulling his belt free and undoing his jeans. Once I had him in my hand his lips fell from mine and his head hit the seats head rest and a low grumbling moan escaped from his throat.

  I lowered my head into his lap and yelped as his hips jutted forwards causing him to hit the back of my throat. I pulled back and pumped his length a couple of times before running my tongue up the underside of his impressive cock. Pre-cum leaked out of his tip and I lapped it up, moaning as it hit my tongue. I wasted no time in starting a punishing rhythm and I loved it when he threaded his fingers into my hair. I let my hand drift down to his balls, stroking them gently until I could hear his breath shortening. Once I could tell that he was close to releasing, I gently squeezed his balls and he shot off in my mouth, holding my head still as he pumped his cock slowly. I kept my lips wrapped around him until he started to soften.

  “Fuck, darlin’, no one and I mean no one has ever given me head like that before. You are just perfect for me.” He grinned at me as he tucked himself away. Before I could sit back in my seat properly he framed my face in his hands and placed his lips on mine. We broke apart as my stomach growled.

  “Hungry?” He laughed out loud.

  “Starving.” I smiled at him.

  “Let’s go and get some petrol and food.” He kissed me once more before I sat back in my seat and pulled my seat belt around me.

  * * *


  I watched Ashlyn like a hawk as she climbed out of the car and headed into the petrol station. I gave her sixty quid cash. Fifty for petrol and a tenner to buy us some food. As I was standing by the car filling it with diesel, I kept looking around to see if anyone was watching us. It all looked clear so I relaxed. Once the car was full, I leant on the side of it, pulled my sun glasses over my eyes and crossed my arms over my chest and waited for Ashlyn to come back. Once the door to the petrol station opened I stood up straighter noticing a guy exiting wearing a leather jacket, he was holding the hand of a small boy who couldn’t have been much older than four. As he passed I checked him out to see if he was wearing a cut but it was blank. I relaxed a little as he was just a guy in a leather jacket. My eyes swung back to the doors as they opened again and out strolled Ashlyn, she had her arms full of food and drink. I hurried over to her to help. She unloaded the bottles of water onto me.

  “How did you manage to buy all of this?” I asked her as we walked back towards the car.

  “With money.” She rolled her eyes at me as if I was stupid.

  “I didn’t give you enough for all of this.”

  “I used my card. Here.” She shoved all of the cash back at me.

  “Fuck, darlin’, that’s traceable.” I growled as I threw the bottles of water on the back seat through the open window. “Get in.”

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t know.” She climbed into the car and I hurried around to the other side, started up the car and pressed my foot on the accelerator.

  “Don’t you ever watch police shows?” I asked as I merged back into the traffic.

  “No, I don’t like the violence.”

  “What? And yet you live with bikers?” I chuckled.

  “Yes, I feel safe with them, with you. Anyway, who is going to think to trace my card?”

  “Oh, I don’t know, how about the guys that are probably on our trail? What about your family? If you’re down as a missing person then the police will be all over it.”

  “Oh god.” She sobbed. “Go, Dray, get us out of here.”

  “I’m trying, darlin’.” I pointed ahead of us and I saw the moment, her face paled as she saw the queues of traffic in front of us. She never talked about her family and I wondered if she was more worried about them finding her or the Satan MC.

  I dug my phone out of my pocket and called Holes.

  “Hey, VP.”

  “Drake, everything ok?” he answered.

  “Yeah, everything is fine, kinda. Can you get Ashlyn’s bank account closed? She used her card in the petrol station.”

  “What the hell did she do that for?” he yelled.

  “I don’t know, she said she didn’t know it could be traced.” I glanced at Ashlyn and she had her eyes closed and her head was resting on the car window.

  “Are you away from that petrol station?”

  “Yeah, I was going to stop at Staffordshire as I’m driving this heap of junk…”

  “They gave you a clapped out motor?” he interrupted me.

  “Na, I’m driving a BMW one series. It’s not the same as my bike,” I grumbled.

  “So, where you heading?”

  “I’m gonna stop at the Cheshire Crusaders. We should be there in just over an hour.”

  “Make sure you check in, prospect.”

  “Will do, VP.” I hung up the phone and tossed it into the drinks holder that was in between me and Ashlyn. She was very quiet and I didn’t like that. The way she got worried earlier tells me that she has a family and that they could potentially be looking for her; why had she never mentioned them before?


  “Mmm?” She didn’t look at me or lift her head off the glass window.

  “Are your family looking for you?” She shrugged her shoulders. “Have you been in contact with them?”


  “If you…”

  “Drake, please, I have a headache. I just need to sleep.” She unclipped her seat belt and climbed from her seat into the back. She laid down and I kept quiet, concentrating on the roads.


  We pulled up to the gates of the Cheshire Crusaders and a small, young looking kid stopped at my window. I rolled it down.

  “Hey, I’m Drake and that’s Ashlyn.” I pointed over my shoulder. I wasn’t sure if she was still sleeping or not. “I’m a prospect from the Cornish Crusaders, my Prez sent me here. Your Prez should be aware of it.”

  “Hold on.” He walked away from my car, dialling his phone. Once he started talking he looked back at me.

  “Darlin’, are you awake?” She didn’t answer, it started to get dark about fifteen minutes ago as it took us an additional forty minutes to get here due to bloody road works and speed limits were twenty miles an hour under the national speed limit. I couldn’t afford to speed and get pulled over.

  “You can go on in.” The prospect slammed his hand down on the roof of the car as the gate started to open. “By the way I’m Aiden.”

  “Nice to meet you.” I pulled in through the gate and parked my car by the clubhouse doors. As I got out to stretch my legs two guys ambled towards me.

  “Drake?” the older one of the two asked, he looked like he could have been in his sixties with grey hair and wrinkles covering his face and neck.

  “Yeah.” I outstretched my hand and he shook it.

  “I’m Priest. I’m the Prez.”

  “Nice to meet you.”

  “Who’s this pretty young thing?” the other guy asked as he opened the door and pulled Ashlyn out. He was standing too close to her for my liking.

  “Come here, darlin’.” I held my hand out for her and she pushed away from the other guy and gripped my hand.

  “Don’t worry about leech over there. He’s harmless really,” Priest explained.

  “Prez, this is Ashlyn.”

  “Ah yes, I’ve heard all about her. Come on in. How long you staying?” We followed behind the Prez as he walked through the clubhouse door. We were met with complete silence and as we ventured in further I noticed that there were several religious crosses covering the walls. Above the bar there was a wooden carving of Jesus hanging on the cross and the main window in this room was in fact stained glass.

  “Um… A couple of days, if that’s ok?”

  “No worries, let me show you to your rooms.”

  “Rooms?” Ashlyn asked. “As in more than one?”

  “Of course my dear, you’ll have one each.” We followed him down a long hallway that was lit up brightly and on the walls were pictures of nuns, priests and choirs. What the hell kind of place were we staying in? Our Prez never mentioned this.

  “I’d prefer it if we could stay together.” I told him.

  “Sorry, son. No unmarried couples in a room.”

  “I need to keep an eye on her at all times. My Prez said…”

  “Fine, fine, fine. You can share this room.” He stopped outside of door thirty one. “Prayer time is in one hour, followed by dinner.”

  I widened my eyes as I looked at Ashlyn and she had to bite her lip to stop herself from laughing.

  “Thank you,” I said as I pushed the door open and walked inside, Ashlyn crashed into my back as I looked around the room.

  “Drake,” she scolded me. “Oh my god.”

  “Ssshh, you’re probably not allowed to say that in here.” I chuckled as I moved her further into the room so I could close the door. We were put in a twin room. Single beds were placed on either side of the room, with a bedside table beside each one. There was no TV and no en-suite. Crosses were decorated around the room with religious figurines.

  “Where’s the toilet?” Ashlyn asked.

  “I’m guessing there is a communal bathroom.” I walked over to the bed, I had every intention of rearranging this room so I could sleep next to my girl. “Shit, the fucking beds are screwed to the floor.”

  “Good job, I’d feel like I’d be on a pathway to hell if we did those sorts of things in front of these.” She laughed as she pointed at a row of nun figurines on a shelf by the door.

  “That’s it. We’re not staying here. We’ll carry on to the next club.” I marched towards the door and was about to pull it open.

  “Dray.” She sighed in that way that made my cock twitch. “You’ve been driving. You got stressed with the roadworks. We’ll be fine here.”

  “Fine,” I said turning around. “But we’re sharing a bed.”

  “We’ll never fit in one of those together.”

  “Why did the Prez have to send us to a bloody nunnery?” I complained.

  “I think this is far from a nunnery. They just seem quite religious. We don’t have to pray do we?”

  “Fuck no. I’m gonna grab our shit from the car and then we’ll lock ourselves in here.” I laughed.

  “Sounds like a good plan to me.” She strutted towards me, rose up on her tiptoes and kissed me gently on the lips.

  “I won’t be long.” I left the room and strolled down the long hallway. I stopped in my tracks when I heard groaning and moaning. I had to walk past where the noise was coming from to get to the car. As I passed I saw a guy with the Cheshire Crusaders cut on and he was pounding into a woman that was dressed like a nun. She was bent over a table and by the looks of her bright pink thong that was thrown on the floor and her garter and stockings I’d say she wasn’t a real nun.

  “Harder, fuck me harder!” she screamed.

  “Sssshhh!” He reprimanded her by slapping her on the arse. “Do you want to get caught? We’ll be made to pray for an entire month.” He kept his hand over her mouth as he pounded in to her. I kept my head down and snuck past them, that was how they obviously snuck their ladies in. It was all a bit of a strange set up if you asked me.


  Once Drake had left the room, I started trying to transform it. I pulled the mattresses off both beds and pushed them together in the middle of the room, we’d have to use separate duvet covers but that would be ok. I moved all of the scary looking figurines and placed them in the top drawer of the bedside table. I turned off the main light and clicked on the bedside table lamps. I needed to have a talk with Drake, I was pretty sure I was falling in love with him and I needed to know where we were headed and if it was in the right direction then I needed to let him in on some of my demons.

  “Wow, look at this room.” Drake said as he sauntered in through the door. I had found a box of matches in the bedside table alongside the bible, so I had lit some tea light candles that were scattered around the room.

  “Do you like it?” I sat down on the right side of the mattresses, I had learnt that Drake liked to sleep on the left side or whichever side was closest to the door.

  “You are so beautiful,” he whispered as he dropped the bags onto the floor and
headed towards me. His knee went in between my legs and his hands landed on my waist; underneath my t-shirt. My body tensed and he pulled back to look at me.

  “You gone all shy on me?”

  I shook my head. “No, we need to talk.” He pulled back and frowned. “I really like you, Drake.”

  “That’s good, darlin’, because I love you.”

  “What? No, you can’t.” I pushed at his chest until I could look at him properly. “You don’t know everything about me.”

  “Doesn’t matter, you can tell me anything and I’d still love you. I’ve been fighting these feelings for a while now.”

  “Really? So I could tell you that I use to be a man and you’d still love me?”

  “You certainly aren’t a man now.” He winked at me. “Darlin’, you can’t scare me away. I want you to be my Old Lady.”

  “Drake, I can’t be your Old Lady, you’re not a patched member yet. We shouldn’t even be doing this.” I waved my hand back and forth in between us. “What if I cost you your patch, or worse? I can’t bear to lose you, Dray.”

  “Darlin’, relax, it will all work itself out. I promise.”

  “No, you can’t promise that. There are so many things against us.” I climbed to my feet and started pacing. “We’re breaking one of the main club rules. We’re on the run, Switch still might find us yet and there are things I haven’t told you.”

  “Darlin’, breathe, calm down,” he said as he stopped my pacing and placed his hands on my face. “What haven’t you told me?”

  I shook my head out of his hold and stepped back. It was now or never. I gripped the bottom of the jumper and t-shirt and pulled them off over my head. I heard his gasp and closed my eyes as I reached behind and unhooked my bra. I couldn’t look at his face, not yet. I jumped when his hands touched my bare skin and my eyes flew open.


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