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South Coast Brothers: Part One

Page 62

by Hamford, Kacey

“My brother is going to come here too. Should be later on tonight,” I told Blade.

  “No problem.”

  “I’ll sort some rooms out for the girls,” Heather announced as she climbed to her feet. “I’m so glad that you are ok,” she pulled me in for another hug. “You are ok, right?” she asked quietly.

  “I will be.”

  “I need to call Mason, he’s at the hospital with Drake.” Cammie said.

  “Is Drake ok?” I asked, eager for information.

  “Yeah, he’s on his way home to Cornwall tomorrow.” She smiled before she walked off to somewhere quieter to talk to her husband.


  “Hey guys. One more round?” I asked as I sauntered towards the table with a tray full of shots. We were at one of the local strip clubs, this one was called ‘Destiny’. It was quite a big strip club with two stages a massive long bar that you never had to wait to be served at and the strippers came and offered lap dances for an additional price, along with going into the back room with them for an hour.

  I placed the tray on the table and Tool, Trade, Spike and Polar didn’t hesitate in downing their shots. I had used some special herbs in their drinks hoping that they would pass out soon so that I could complete the rest of the plan in making my sisters life peaceful, I never wanted her to keep looking over her shoulder, I wanted her to come home, fall in love and live happily.

  Spike started slurring his words a lot more so I knew that soon they would be passed out, I was glad that the club only had six members including me and Switch, else this plan would have been a lot more difficult.

  “Come on guys, let’s get back. I’ve got the van.” I swung the keys around on my finger and they all clambered to their feet, using each other to help them walk. I couldn’t believe that my plan was actually going to work. I should have felt bad that I was about to kill five men, but after hearing about the way they talked about Ashlyn and seeing the way they treated the other women, I genuinely thought I was doing the world a favour.

  I stood by the side of the van and opened the sliding door.

  “Why ain’t you pissed?” Polar asked as he missed his footing and landed on his face in the van, I helped him by kicking him inside.

  “I’m the prospect, the designated driver,” I reminded him.

  “Ah yeah. Your loss man,” Trade laughed, pressing his head against the window and closing his eyes.

  “Let’s get you back to the club.” I climbed in the driver’s seat and made the quick ten minute journey, I drove a lot faster than I normally would have. I wasn’t sure how strong this sedative was and couldn’t risk them waking up before I completed my plan.

  I pulled up to the door of the clubhouse and cut the engine. None of the guys woke up, I took that as a good sign. I hurried inside to make sure that Switch was still tied up, I knew that the girls had got away as the cars were missing.

  Shit, I didn’t expect to walk into the clubhouse to see Switch bleeding out with his cock laying on the floor beside him. The thought of it brought tears to my eyes as I rubbed over my attached cock, I was proud of Ashlyn too. I sauntered out of the clubhouse and started pulling the guys inside one by one. I sat them in seats around the bar and unchained Switch, securing the chains back behind the bar. Once I was happy with the placement of everyone I grabbed the canister of petrol that was stashed behind the bar and began soaking the whole room, including the guys. Once I was done there would be no identifying these bodies, except for their teeth. I made sure not to get any petrol on myself, I didn’t want to risk going up into flames too. Once I was happy, I dug in my pocket for the box of matches, pulled one out and struck it against the side of the box and let it drop to the floor. I watched for a couple of seconds as the fire rushed across the floor, as it was nearing the bar I ran out of there, I didn’t want to be caught in the explosion when the alcohol blew up.

  I jumped onto my Harley and sped out of the compound, heading towards the Devon Destroyers clubhouse to be re-united properly with my sister.


  I paced constantly across the floor in front of the bar at the Devon Destroyers clubhouse, it was well after midnight and I had expected Owen to be here by now.

  “Ash, do you want a drink?” Blade asked as he ambled behind the bar and poured himself a shot of whiskey.

  “No, thanks,” I shook my head. I looked across the room at all the girls huddled together around a small table. I had insisted they went to bed but they wanted to wait to see if my brother’s plan had worked. I guess they wanted peace of mind, closure.

  “I hear a bike,” one of the blonde girls said as she climbed to her feet and walked towards me, I think this was one May.

  It was silent in the clubhouse as we waited to see if anyone walked through the door. Once Owen’s handsome face appeared, I smiled and went to run towards him when the blonde next to me shot off first and threw herself at him.

  “Owen, are you ok?” she asked.

  “I’m fine, May.” He held onto her tight and I tipped my head to the side, watching their interaction. “Are you ok?” He held onto her face and looked her over. There was clearly something between this pair. I cleared my throat and his eyes popped up to look at me.

  “Is it done?” I asked.

  “Yep, it’s all done.” He wound his arm around May and they walked towards me. “No more worrying about him. You can finally come home now.”

  “Home?” May and I said at the same time.

  “Yes, I’m taking you both home,” he said, looking between me and May. “Mum and dad miss you.”

  “I miss them,” I sobbed as I wound my arms around myself.

  “She asks for you, a lot.” I closed my eyes and remembered what it was like to be at home, I had missed it so much.

  “What about Drake?” I asked.

  “Drake?” Owen asked, looking at me confused.

  “Um… My husband,” I whispered.

  “You and Drake are married?” Blade asked, walking towards me. I nodded my head. “Does the Prez know about this?”

  “Not unless he’s told them.”

  “Shit!” Blade swore as he ran his hand over his stubbled chin.

  “What’s wrong, man?” Owen asked.

  “A prospect and a woman that the club are protecting aren’t allowed to be together, it’s forbidden until that member is patched in.”

  “Well it’s happened, what are they gonna do about it?” Owen shrugged his shoulders like it was no big deal. Blade glanced at me and back to Owen.

  “I’m not really sure… Everyone get to bed. It’s been a long night for you all.”

  “Thanks again, Blade.” He nodded his head at me before he turned around and left.

  “Come on everyone,” I waved my hand at all of the girls.

  “What’s going to happen to us now, Ashlyn?” Naomi asked.

  “Well in the morning we will get started on getting you all home, safe and sound.”

  “What if we don’t have somewhere to go?” Tia asked.

  “It’ll all be ok, we will sort that out tomorrow. Just get some rest.” The girls all filed out of the room, leaving just me, Owen and May.

  “So, what’s this?” I asked, waving my hand between the two of them.

  “He saved me,” May said.

  “Oh? So it’s gratitude?”

  “No, I love him,” she pressed herself closer to Owen as he glared at me.

  “As a prospect I was made to go into that room and pick a girl I wanted to… be with. It was love at first sight. I picked May, took her to my room and we talked. I was furious when Switch made me take her back, I didn’t want any of the other guys hurting her, so I made sure every day that I went down there early and picked her.”

  “So, you had it the easiest out of everyone.”

  “Yeah, I guess so.” Her eyes dropped to the floor and I felt bad for the way I was acting towards her, it wasn’t her fault that my brother managed to protect her and only her.

I’m going to bed. See you two tomorrow.” I slowly walked out of the room and down the hall until I found the last door on the left, where I would be sleeping. Everything that had happened that day was slowly sinking in, I was exhausted, over emotional and more than anything I wanted Drake’s arms around me. I slid down behind the closed door, wrapped my arms around my legs and cried.


  I had finally come home to Cornwall two days ago, everyone was making me rest in bed, I was feeling fine and wanted to get back to normal jobs. More than anything I wanted to see Ashlyn, the only trouble was no one was letting on about where she was, or how she was. All I knew was that she was ok and safe. I needed to come clean to the Prez about our relationship, the guilt was eating me alive. I climbed out of bed and got dressed in my usual jeans, t-shirt and prospect cut. It took me a lot longer than I expected, it wasn’t easy working with a broken arm. Apparently it was a simple break, so I shouldn’t need the cast on for more than six weeks. It could be as little as four. I was hoping for four weeks, I couldn’t ride with my arm in a cast.

  I strolled down the hall until I was stood outside of the Prez’s office. I took a deep breath and knocked.

  “Yeah?” he shouted. I pushed the door open and stepped inside. “Drake, what are you doing up? Shouldn’t you be resting?” He folded his arms across his chest and leant back in his seat.

  “I’m feeling fine, I needed to talk to you.”

  “What about?” He pointed to the seat opposite him and I walked slowly towards it, wincing at the pain in my side from where I had my spleen removed.

  “Ashlyn.” Just saying her name caused an ache in my chest, I wanted to be with her and knowing that I didn’t save her from him made it worse.

  “She’s fine, she’s safe,” I exhaled in relief. I felt better hearing it straight from the Prez. “She’s with her brother.”

  “Her brother?” I asked in confusion. I didn’t think she had any contact with anyone from her family.

  “Yeah, it seems her family thought it was a bit suspect when she disappeared, so he started looking for her. He heard that some people in Devon were looking for a blonde woman with blue eyes called Ashlyn. It was the Satan’s, so he decided to prospect with them and see if they led him to her and bingo, it did.”

  “Where are the Satan’s now?”

  “Dead. Owen, her brother drugged them all and burnt down the clubhouse with them all in it. It’s over. She can go back to her life now.”

  “Oh.” I flexed my hand that was in the cast, I would get a pins and needle sensation through it every so often.

  “Was that all you wanted?”

  “No, actually there is something else,” I looked him in the eyes. “Ashlyn and I, well, we, um… I love her.” His nostrils flared and his chair creaked as he sat forward, leant his elbows on his desk and asked;

  “And does she love you?”

  “Yes sir.” I didn’t know whether it was best to tell him about us being married. It was better to get it all out in the open. “We got married when we were at the Cheshire Crusaders.”

  “Fuck!” he shook his head and pursed his lips together. “You went against your club? Prospect,” he sneered at me, clearly unhappy. “You prepared to hand over that cut? Or cut her out of your life? Which will it be?”

  I knew this was coming, I knew that it would have been wishful thinking to think I could keep my club, my family and the woman that I was madly in love with. A woman that hadn’t been in contact with me since she was rescued, now that she had her family did she not want me? Was I about to lose everything? Was she worth the risk?

  I stood up, pushing the chair back slightly and slipped my arms out of my cut, handing it over to my Prez.

  “I guess I had better go and pack.” I had no idea where I would stay, I would have to find a B&B, until I could find a way to get into contact with Ashlyn.

  “You know I have to bring this matter up at church. Stay until a decision has been made. Should be a couple of days.”

  “Thanks Prez,” I sauntered out of his office, I didn’t like the feeling of not wearing my cut, I almost felt naked without it. I aimed for the bar, the next couple of days would be torturous and I planned on spending them drunk. It was the only way that I could function without Ashlyn and my cut.


  I was nervous, my knee bounced up and down and my hands were clammy as Owen drove the three of us back home. We only lived thirty minutes away from the DD clubhouse, but I was unsure how my parents were going to react to seeing me again. It had been several months. I felt guilty for staying away for so long, but knew that I would have brought danger straight to their door and if anything had happened to any of them, I would never have been able to forgive myself. We rounded the corner and staring straight at us was the medium sized detached house that I grew up in. The front garden was neat and tidy, with finely cut grass and flowers lining the pathway that led up to the yellow front door.

  “Do they know we’re coming?” I asked Owen, not taking my eyes off the house.

  “Yeah.” Just as he said that the front door opened and my mum and dad stood there, holding hands. My dad was well over six foot tall, with thin grey hair and glasses, my mum looked a lot like me, blonde hair, but hers was in a short bob and her blue eyes were covered with a pair of thin rimmed glasses, she took them off to wipe away a tear and I only realised that I was crying too when I felt wetness drip onto my hands. I startled when my car door was opened and Owen stood there with May by his side.

  “Come on, you ready?” I nodded and he helped me out. As soon as I began walking up the path I heard my mum sob, which had my feet moving faster and faster until I was jogging towards them.

  “Oh, Ashlyn,” mum cried as her arms flew around me and pulled me closer to her. We both cried and dad joined us as he wrapped his strong arms around the both of us.

  “It’s good to have you home, sweetheart.” Dad exhaled as if he had been holding his breath.

  I didn’t know how long we stood there before mum pulled back and wiped away my tears.

  “She’s in there,” she pointed to the living room. I took a deep breath and walked slowly, trying to calm the rate my heart was beating at. As I rounded the corner there she was, sitting on the floor surrounded by toys. A sob broke out of my chest and her head whipped around.

  “Mummy!” she cried happily, pushing herself up to her feet and running towards me. I sunk to my knees and caught her as she launched herself into my arms. I burst into tears and held her as close to me as I could get her, rocking her back and forth. I was so scared that she wouldn’t remember me or that she wouldn’t want anything to do with me. She was the most precious thing in my life, that I never wanted to hurt her, if Switch had ever found out about her and hurt her I would have died.

  “Missed you, Mummy,” she smiled pulling back and looking at me.

  “I missed you too, baby.”

  “Look, I got baby,” she ran off until she picked up a small pink doll and brought it back to me.

  “Hey, kiddo,” Owen said.

  “Uncy O,” she called out and her little legs carried her over to him. He picked her and threw her in the air, she screamed with laughter and I thought my heart was going to burst from my chest. I don’t know how I ever managed to keep myself away from her. All I needed now was Drake and I’d be complete.

  “I need to see Drake,” I announced, climbing to my feet.

  “That’s not a good idea,” Owen said as he passed my daughter to me.

  “What? Why not? What’s going on?” I frowned, why was I not allowed to see him? Contact him?

  “He’s just come out of hospital…”

  “Exactly, he needs me,” I cut Owen off. “I need to see that he’s ok.”

  “Who are you talking about, honey?” Mum asked.

  “Drake, he’s my husband.” Mum gasped, covering her mouth with her hand. Owen led me off to the side of the room, so everyone couldn’t hear.

yn, I spoke to Holes. Drake handed over his prospect cut, he’s waiting to see if he’s going to be kicked out or not.”

  “No, why did he do that?”

  “Because he loves you, he told the Prez everything. I don’t think it will be a good idea you showing up there. Let the club sort it out first and once the decision has been made I’ll even take you to him. Just give it a couple of days, ok?”

  I nodded my head, it killed me that I couldn’t be there for him, but I knew that his club meant the world to him and I didn’t want to mess anything up by heading over there, I could survive a couple more days without him, especially if that meant we got the rest of our lives together.


  It had been a long two days, I was still short of a cut and I hated every moment of it. The thought of having to get used to it every day made me question the decision I made, especially when I still hadn’t had any contact with Ashlyn. If I didn’t have the club, my patch, I’d have no income, no place to live, what could I offer her? I hadn’t been able to get in contact with her as I didn’t know where she was and having this cast on my arm meant I couldn’t hop on my bike to try and find her.

  “Drake,” I looked up from where I was perched at the bar, alone, to see Prez standing by the door to church. He angled his head towards the door and then disappeared inside. I downed the rest of the whiskey I had poured myself and climbed to my feet. Here it was, the moment that would change the rest of my life.

  I pushed the door open and all my brothers eyes landed on me, they weren’t giving anything away, they had all plastered on blank expressions.

  “Drake.” Prez clamped his hand down onto my shoulder as I stood at the head of the table beside him. “We’ve made a decision,” he looked at Holes, the VP. “Cut.” Holes handed him my leather cut and the Prez laid it onto the table as he dug his pocket knife out of his jeans pocket. He flipped open the blade and sliced into my patch that read prospect. My head fell in defeat as I knew what that meant, I was out.


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