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South Coast Brothers: Part One

Page 66

by Hamford, Kacey

  “Only with you.” I spoke quietly.

  “What?” He frowned. All of a sudden I felt insecure and exposed to him. I liked Riz, but he wasn’t good for me. If he had his way I’d be one of those sweet buns at his clubhouse. Then all the brothers would get to sleep with me and I definitely didn’t want that. He didn’t see me as anything more than how to get his dick wet.

  “I haven’t been to the back room with anyone else but you, ok?” I threw my arms up in the air exasperated.

  “Then come to the club and we can be together more.”

  “No, Riz. I’m sorry, I can’t.” I stepped out of his hold, spun on my heel and headed back into the changing rooms where the customers were not allowed to follow us.


  I couldn’t believe what I was seeing? My Beauty, bruised, battered and bloody.

  “What the hell?” I shouted as she stood in front of me, trembling.

  “What’s going on?” Blade, our Prez asked as he came flying around the corner. He looked from me to Beauty. “Beauty?” He asked.

  She nodded her head slowly as tears escaped and her chin trembled. She wound her arms around her middle for comfort. I wanted to be the one that did that, but my body was on fire with rage. I paced up and down in front of her, fists clenched.

  “Tell me what happened.” Prez demanded. Our Prez was a fierce man, no one dared cross him, but he was a gentle giant too. His Old Lady and three kids kept him that way.

  “Son, let’s get her inside.” Bear, Prez’s dad said as he slapped him on the shoulder. Prez nodded and we all filed into the clubhouse.

  Beauty sat down on the leather sofa and Anna, one of the club girls sat beside her, handing her a glass with brown liquid in it. Beauty tipped her head back with the glass and exposed the bruising around her throat.

  “What happened?” I growled as I slowed down my pacing.

  Prez stood in front of her with Bear by his side. Holes from the Cornish Crusaders was here too, though I had no idea why.

  Itch and Ice stumbled from their rooms into the clubhouse looking tired and hungover and Dan and Fred, the prospects were hanging around the bar.

  “A customer.” She glanced around the room and took a deep breath. “He wanted me to join him in the back room.” Her eyes shot to me. “You know I don’t do the back room, only dance and serve drinks.”

  “I know.” I nodded as I waited for her to carry on.

  “He wasn’t happy that I had refused. He said that girls like us were there to service him, make him happy. That we had to do whatever he wanted. He flashed a lot of cash at Anton, he stepped aside and let him drag me in there.” She sobbed and Anna comforted her the best way that she could.

  “Who’s Anton?” I heard Holes asking Bear.

  “Club security.” He answered and Holes shook his head in disappointment.

  “Do you know who it was?” Blade asked her as he crouched down in front of her, making sure not to touch her. I wanted to lift her up in my arms and run away with her, make her forget all about it.

  “Parker.” She cried, burying her face in her hands.

  “Fuck!” I roared. “I’m going to kill them both.” I stormed out of the clubhouse and headed for my bike. I could hear the Prez shouting at me to stop, but I was on a mission. That bastard hurt my girl and he was going to pay.

  “Let’s ride.” I heard Prez shout into the clubhouse and seconds later, my brothers were throwing their helmets on and mounting their bikes.

  We all followed Prez out of the compound and headed to ‘Skins’.

  ‘Skins’ was one of our strip clubs that was open early until late. As I parked my bike I could see Anton standing at the door, he was frowning down at his phone.

  “Hey, you, fucker!” I roared as I shot towards him a landed a blow right to his face.

  “What the fuck?” He growled. He lunged towards me but Ice and Itch grabbed his arms first.

  “Around the back, brothers.” Prez instructed.

  “What’s going on?” Anton asked with worry in his voice as he was being dragged down the side of the building until we reached the back.

  Itch and Ice let him go and I threw another punch at him, this time he was quick enough to dodge him.

  “Mr. King? What’s going on?” He asked Prez.

  Prez nodded to me and I swung for him again.

  “That.” Punch. “Is for letting that low life.” Punch. “Drag my girl to the back room.” Kick. “Do you know what he did to her?” I towered over him as he sat on the floor. I knew full well that this guy could fight back, he was a lot larger than me with muscles everywhere.

  “No. Fucked her?”

  “He raped her!” I shouted. “She has bruises everywhere, cuts and blood dripping from her hair.”

  “I… I didn’t know he was going to do that.” I flew into a range. Jumped on top of him and kept punching until I was being dragged away. Buzz and Itch had a firm grip on me as I struggled to get free.

  “You know the policies here.” Prez started. “Back rooms are only consensual, if the girls wanna make a bit of extra money then that’s up to them.”

  “He said…”

  “I don’t care what he said. Did she want to go back there with him?” Prez roared cutting him off.

  “No. She was asking for help.”

  “Then why didn’t you help her? The money was worth more to you that a woman being attacked.” I screamed, still struggling to get free.

  “I didn’t want the money.” Anton climbed to his feet. “I was going to put the money in Beauty’s tip jar. He threatened my family. He said if I tried to stop him then he would go after my wife and daughter.”

  “So you let him carry on, knowing what he was going to do?” Bear asked.

  “He said he would rape my daughter, she’s only twelve. I have to do what I can to protect them.”

  “Go and get your wife and daughter and head to the clubhouse. I’m calling a lockdown until we can sort this shit out.”

  “Prez, you can’t be serious. If Beauty sees him she’s going to breakdown.”

  “Ice, go with him. Make sure they get there safely and make sure Beauty knows what’s going on.”

  “Prez.” He nodded his head before pushing Anton to start walking.

  “Riz.” Prez stood in front of me. Itch and Buzz finally let me go and I crossed my arms over my chest. “We can’t have more people hurt. You’re going to have to find a way to be ok with him being at the clubhouse. At least until we can sort this out. Got it?”


  “Let’s ride.” Prez shouted. We all headed towards our bikes, climbed on and followed Prez to our next destination.


  I jumped when I heard a knock on the door that I was in. I glanced around the room to see that I was laying on a double bed, there was one bedside table, a set of drawers at the bottom of the bed and a matching wardrobe.

  “Sweetness?” Riz called out. “I’m coming in.”

  I pulled my legs up to my chest and wound my arms around them. I had a stabbing pain in my tummy and my head was throbbing.

  I looked up when the door opened. He was standing there in his worn out faded blue jeans, a black hoodie and his leather cut. His stubble was longer than I had ever seen it and I found myself wanting to feel it.

  “Hi.” I smiled. He came in and shut the door behind him. He leant back against it and took a deep breath.

  “Can I come and sit with you?” he nodded towards the bed.

  “Sure.” I moved over slightly, wincing as I moved.

  “What the hell?” he mumbled. I glanced back at him to see he was looking at something on the bed. A patch of blood. “Have you seen the doc?”

  I shook my head. Anna and Heather, the Prez’s Old Lady asked if I wanted to see their doctor but I said no. I couldn’t bare to have another man touching me.

  “I’ll be ok in a couple of days.”

  “You’re bleeding. This is not ok. I’m getting the d
oc.” He stormed over to the door.

  “Riz!” I shouted before he opened the door. “Please, I can’t bare the thought of having him touch me.”

  “Let me take you to the hospital then. We can request a female doctor.”

  “Anna said we’re on some sort of lockdown. Whatever that means.” I shrugged my shoulders. “Besides, they’ll ask too many questions. Get the police involved.”

  “Sweetness, he raped you.” I cringed when he said that word. “Beat you and assaulted you.”

  “I don’t want to think about it. I just want to forget that it happened.” I climbed off the bed and walked towards him. I grabbed his hand in both of mine. “Please, Riz. I’ll be ok.”

  “When we find him, I’m gonna kill him.” He said as he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me in close to his body. I cried out when his arms circled my waist.

  “Wait, you didn’t find him?” I asked, pulling back to look at him.

  “No, sweetness. But we will.” He kissed me on the temple. “Now, I need to see what he did to you.”

  “What?” I pulled out of his arms completely. “No, why do you need to see?”

  “Because I’m going to make sure he receives the same as punishment, if Prez won’t let me kill him.”

  “I don’t want to show you. I look awful.” I dipped my head as my tears began to fall again.

  “Come with me.” He grabbed my hand and pulled me into the bathroom. “Do you want me to help you remove your clothes?”

  I shook my head. I turned my back to him and made sure I could see him in the mirror. I carefully pulled the t-shirt over my head that Anna had leant me. My ribs protested at the movement and I had to hold onto the sink to stop myself from falling to the floor in agony.

  Riz growled behind me, I glanced in the mirror to see that his eyes were on the finger shaped bruises that covered my hips.

  “He held you down?” I nodded. “How many times did he…” He shook his head and closed his eyes.

  “Several.” I whispered, ashamed that I have to go through this. I turned around to face him and cried out in pain. I clutched hold of my tummy and cried.

  “Shit. You’re bleeding.” He muttered as I felt the blood seeping down my leg. He swung me up in his arms as I screamed out in pain and shot out of the room.

  “I need the doc!” He roared as he ran.

  “Get her to my room, now.” The doctor shouted. Riz took off running down the hallway as I cried into his shoulder.


  I was standing outside of the docs room, leaning against the wall by the door. He had ordered me out when I just kept shouting at him to help Beauty.

  “Any news?” Prez asked as he ambled down the hall with his daughter Teagan on his hip. Just as I was about to answer the door opened up and Heather, the Prez’s Old Lady came out crying.

  “What’s wrong? Is she ok?”

  “She…” Heather had to stop talking to compose herself. Prez pulled her into his side and kissed her on the cheek. “She’s had a miscarriage.”

  “She was pregnant?” Heather nodded. “Did she know?”

  “No. She’s very upset and lost lots of blood. Doc has her stable. She’s asking for you.” I nodded, stood up straight, took a deep breath before knocking on the door.

  “Come in.” Doc shouted. I pushed the door open and stepped inside. Beauty was laying in a bed with the sheet covering her. Her eyes were closed.

  “Is she awake?” As soon as she heard my voice, her eyes popped open and she burst into tears. I rushed over to her, climbed onto the bed and held her tight.

  “I’m so sorry.” She sobbed.

  “Sssshhhh, sweetness.” I rubbed her back gently. “It’s not your fault. You didn’t know you were pregnant.”

  “Maybe I should have tried fighting him off harder. He was so strong. I couldn’t get away and now he’s taken our baby from us.”

  “Our baby?” My voice wobbled as her words sunk in.

  She nodded as she looked up to me.

  “You’re the only person I’ve slept with in the last year. I’m so sorry, Riz.”


  “What?” She looked at me confused.

  “That’s my name, sweetness. When we’re alone you can call me Ryder.”

  “She really needs to rest now.” Doc said as he approached the bed with a needle. He started pushing something into the cannula on her hand and her eyes started to drift close. I rose my eyebrows at the doc. “Pain medication, It’ll help her sleep.”

  I kissed her gently on the lips before climbing off the bed and storming into the clubhouse bar. Once I spotted Prez I rushed over to him.

  “I’m going to find him. He’s going to pay for this, big time.”

  “Now, let’s just wait a couple of days, he’ll have come out of hiding by then.”

  “I can’t wait, Prez.”

  “But…” Prez started.

  “NO!” I knew I shouldn’t raise my voice to the Pez. “He killed my baby!”

  “Let’s ride.” Prez shouted, squeezing my shoulder. Showing me that he supported me.


  Ice had gotten information that Parker owned a club in Cornwall called ‘Nudes’. It was only an hour away. As soon as Prez shouted ‘let’s ride’ in the clubhouse all my brothers filed out after me. We all mounted our bikes and took off in formation after the Prez.

  My body was shaking with adrenaline and rage. In my head all I could see were the bruises he caused and the devastation on Beauty’s face as she told me she lost our baby. We weren’t in love, hell, we weren’t even a couple. I had asked her for months to come to the club with me. To be honest, all I was looking for was another club bunny. But something about Beauty was different. After that first time that we had slept together I needed more, I craved her but she always fought with me on the subject. Now I was glad, the thought of any of my brothers touching her made me see red. I wanted her for myself.

  Prez and Ice slowed down their bikes as we drove into a large car park. I was surprised at how many cars were about. We all parked our bikes by the side of the building. I threw my helmet off and was about to storm to the front door when Prez stopped me.

  “Now, you need to calm down.” He warned.

  “Like hell I do.” I shrugged past him and headed for the front door.

  “Devon Destroyers, what are you doing in these parts?” The large bouncer asked as he crossed his arms over his chest and blocked the entrance of the club with his bulking frame.

  “Where’s Parker?” I growled.

  “He’s not in today.” He stated.

  “I wanna see for myself.” I went to push past him and he fought back. He went to punch me, but I managed to dodge just in time, causing him to lose his balance. I punched him in the stomach and then kneed him in the face before Buzz grabbed him and yanked him out of the way.

  I glanced around the club to get my bearings. There was a bar at the back of the room, three stages for the girls to dance on that were surrounded by chairs. A long corridor was to the left of the main door and there wasn’t a bouncer in sight. I headed down that way and came to three doors.

  “I’ll take this one.” Itch nodded.

  “I’ve got this one.” Ice added and I stood in front of the last door. I hoped to god that I had Parker’s office and that he was inside.

  “Now.” Prez ordered and we all kicked in the doors at once.

  “Got him.” I shouted and Prez and Bear followed me in.

  I was standing in front of him as he folded his hands together and laid them on the desk in front of him. His office was large with a dark wooden desk, leather chairs and a leather sofa to the side with a coffee table in front of it.

  “What can I do for you, gentlemen?” He asked coolly.

  “Are you kidding me?” I roared. “You touched what wasn’t yours and now you’re going to pay.”

  I flew across the room and over his desk until my hands were gripped firmly around his neck.
  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” He croaked as I was cutting of his air supply.


  “Ah.” He smiled. “That one was good. Tight.”

  I released him from my grip, reared back and punched him in the face.

  “What makes you think you can do that?” I screamed. “You came onto our patch and raped my girl.”

  “Yours?” He looked at me confused.

  “Yes. Mine.” I’d had enough of talking to him. I punched him in the stomach and in the face once again until he was on the floor gagging for breath.

  “What are we going to do with him?” Buzz, the VP asked.

  “I’m going to kill him.” I gritted out as I pulled Parker back to his feet. I was about to drag him from the room when the door burst open and in flooded the police.

  “Everybody freeze!” One guy yelled as he held his gun pointed at me. “Let him go.”

  “No way.” I argued.

  “Riz.” Prez warned.

  “Fine.” I let Parker go and he fell into his office chair, clutching onto his stomach.

  “Arrest them all.” The guy in charge ordered.

  Shit, I knew that Prez, Bear and Itch all had previous arrests, this could land them in jail, not to mention we were all carrying guns.

  “I’m the one to blame here. I came to kill that scumbag.” I confessed.

  One of the policemen turned me around and cuffed me.

  “Sir, are you pressing charges on them all?” The guy in charge asked Parker.

  “No. Just this one.” He said pointing to me as he climbed to his feet. As my brothers were all cleared from the room Parker got closer to me. “Just so you know I have it all recorded.” He nodded to his security camera. “So if you make one little peep about Beauty, I’ll have everyone arrested and your precious Prez will go to jail leaving his little family all alone.” He smirked at me and I wanted to wipe that off his face.

  A strong hand grabbed my arm and I pulled back against it.


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