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Forbidden Bliss

Page 6

by Ramona Gray

  “I won’t,” she said. “I just want to try it.”

  I bit back my urge to beg her to just come home with us. I couldn’t do that to her. “Okay, well, have fun and be safe. If you want to come home, just call us and we’ll come and get you. It doesn’t matter what time.”

  I winced. Fuck, now I sounded like a goddamn parent, but I couldn’t seem to stop. “Do you have my cell number?”

  “No, but I have Dane’s,” she said.

  “I’ll text you mine. Make sure you add it to your contacts.”

  “Okay,” she said. “I’d better go. Jemma and I are going out for dinner and we’re almost at the restaurant.”

  “Sure,” I said. “Have fun, sweetheart. I mean that.”

  “Thanks,” she said. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  I wondered if it was disappointment I heard in her voice. I ended the call and set Dane’s phone on the desk as he stalked back into his office.

  “I can’t find the fucking file,” he said. “I’m going to have to call Naomi.”

  “It’s under ‘new proposals’,” I said. “That was Naomi calling.”

  “What?” Dane’s gaze flickered to his cell phone. “Why didn’t you let me talk to her?”

  He grabbed his phone and stared at it like he thought Naomi might still be on the line. I arched my eyebrows at him, and he actually blushed. “Don’t say it, Mason. I know I sound like an idiot.”

  “No, you sound like a man in love,” I said.

  He didn’t reply and I said, “Holy fuck, you are in love with her.”

  “Maybe I am,” he said. “I can’t stop thinking about her, worrying about her, wishing she was safe by my side every fucking minute of the day.”

  “Never took you for the insta-love type,” I said with a grin. “Always thought that would be me.”

  “You’re in love with her too,” Dane said. “You just haven’t figured it out yet.”

  I shrugged and Dane glanced at his phone again. “Is she on her way back to the office?”

  “No, she’s going to a party at Jemma’s house tonight.”

  “The fuck she is!” Dane said. “Why the fuck did you tell her she could go?”

  “Because she’s a grown woman and can make her own decisions,” I said.

  Dane slammed his office door shut. “I’m going to kill you, Mason. Do you know where Jemma lives?”


  “She lives in a fucking house full of goddamn college kids!”

  “How do you know that?”

  He stalked back and forth. “I overheard her talking in the staff room one day. We can’t let Naomi be at a party with a bunch of drunk frat guys. I’m not going to let some hotheaded, stupid college kid take what’s mine!”

  “It’s not our decision,” I said patiently even though my insides were churning. If Dane even suspected that I wanted to bring Naomi back to our home and never let her leave, he’d be doing everything in his power to convince me it was a damn fine idea. “Dane, just listen to me for a minute. Naomi is twenty-three years old. Both of us are almost a decade older than her. We’ve spent the last eight years building this company from the ground up, making a shit load of money and fucking any woman who was into us. We’ve been,” I paused, “living our lives exactly the way we want to. Naomi has spent her entire life being told what to do and when to do it. For the first time in her life, she has freedom. If we try and take that away from her, she’s going to resent us or hate us.”

  “I just want to keep her safe,” Dane said.

  “I know, I do too. But we can’t do that by telling her how to live her life. Naomi’s a smart woman. She won’t do anything reckless or crazy.”

  “You don’t know that,” Dane said morosely. “She might.”

  “She won’t.” I hesitated and then said, “I thought about what you said this morning and I think you’re right, we should talk to her. We’ll tell her what we’re like in bed and let her decide if that’s too…controlling for her. But if she says no -”

  “We’ll just have vanilla sex with her,” Dane said.

  “Eventually that won’t be enough for me,” I said, “and if you’re honest with yourself, it won’t be enough for you either. If she’s hesitant about us dominating her, then yes, we can suggest vanilla to begin with. But she needs to know that we’ll want it to evolve into more than just that. And you need to be prepared that she may just say no to all of it.”

  “She wants both of us,” Dane said stubbornly.

  “She does, but she was in a religious cult for most of her life that would have convinced her fucking two guys at once is a sin,” I said. “Hell, you saw how she was after we made her cum. She was freaked out.”

  Dane dropped into his office chair before rubbing at his forehead. “If she says no, I’ll lose my goddamn mind, Mason.”

  “Just stay calm when we talk to her,” I said. “Give her plenty of space and don’t expect her to answer right away. She’s going to need some time to think about it.”

  “Yeah, I know,” Dane grunted.

  I clapped him on the back before heading for the door. “I’ve got some errands to run after work. I’ll see you at home.”

  Chapter Six


  I had made a mistake. I should never have come to the party. Should never have tried to be normal. I wasn’t normal and I was a fool to think that I ever could be. My father had done too much damage.

  I took a deep breath and tried to calm my racing heart. It was hot in the house, but I didn’t think that was why I was so sweaty, and the one beer and one shot I had tried shouldn’t have made me this nauseous. I couldn’t catch my breath and my chest was too tight. There were so many people and after years of spending most of my time with just my parents and my sister, being around this many people made me anxious and unsettled.

  Jemma was standing next to me, and I tried to smile at her when she nudged me. “Isn’t this great?”

  “Yeah, it’s really great,” I said.

  She glanced at my half-full beer. “What do you think of the beer?”

  “Um, it’s good.”

  She laughed. “I doubt that. I think Rick is making Caesars over at the bar. Do you want me to grab one for you? You might like it.”

  “No, I don’t think so.” I leaned against the wall and tried not to notice the way everyone was standing too close. The house was packed full of drunk college students and try as I might, I didn’t fit in with them. I might have been around their age, but we had nothing else in common. My education was limited to graduating high school and even then, my mother had homeschooled me.

  Even though Jemma had made sure to stay with me the entire night and was sweet and kind in introducing me to everyone who came up to us, I was an outcast. Jemma flirted and giggled and acted normal with the guys who approached us, but I could barely work up the nerve to talk to them. They all seemed too young, too immature, and not…

  Not Dane or Mason.

  Just thinking their names eased some of the pressure in my chest. I wished to God I had told Jemma no and gone home to their house. If I had done that, then maybe I wouldn’t be struggling to breathe, wouldn’t have this sharp, stabbing pain in my chest. Fresh fear flooded through me. Was I having a heart attack?

  My stomach churned, my mouth watered, and I knew I was going to throw up. I grabbed Jemma’s arm. “Bathroom,” I croaked, “where is it?”

  “Honey, are you okay? You’re really pale,” Jemma said.

  “Bathroom,” I croaked again.

  “Down that hallway, second door on the left,” she said.

  I pushed through the crowd of people as the pain in my chest deepened and my urge to vomit grew stronger. I threw my hand over my mouth and bolted down the hallway. I grabbed the door handle and pushed. To my surprise and relief, the room was empty. I slipped into the room, slamming the door and locking it before dropping to my knees in front of the toilet and vomiting.

  Someone pounded on the door an
d then Jemma’s voice said, “Naomi? Honey, let me in.”

  I sat back, wiping my face with a shaking hand. I was still holding my beer in the other hand and I set it on the floor before flushing the toilet. My legs were shaking and weak, and I was so ashamed I couldn’t stop the tears. I was a freak and now Jemma and everyone at this stupid party knew it.

  Poor little freak girl who spent her life in a cult.

  I rubbed at my chest and ignored Jemma’s repeated knocking and pleading to unlock the door. I wanted Mason and Dane with a singlemindedness that scared me in its ferocity. I reached for my phone in my pocket before hesitating. I couldn’t call them. I couldn’t let them see how pathetic I was.

  As Jemma continued to knock, I buried my face in my hands and tried to ignore both Jemma and the pain in my chest. After only a few minutes, Jemma stopped knocking but I continued to sit on the floor. I couldn’t go back out there with all those people, I just couldn’t.

  It wasn’t sure how much time passed, but the pain in my chest was starting to ease a little and it seemed a bit easier to breathe. I took an experimental deep breath that turned into a squeak of surprise when there was a knock on the door.

  “Naomi? Sweetheart, let me in.”

  My heart kicked up a notch and I took a few shallow breaths. What was Mason doing here? I started to climb to my feet, tears already sliding down my face, before I slumped to the floor again. I couldn’t let him see me like this. I would die of shame.

  “Naomi. Open the door, please.”

  “Go away,” I said. “Leave me alone, Mason.”

  “Please open the door,” Mason said. “I just want to talk to you.”

  “No!” I screamed. I was starting to feel hysterical and my ability to breathe normally was all but lost. “Go away! I – I’m fine. Okay? I’m perfectly fine.”

  “Sweetheart -”

  “Go away!”

  “Naomi, unlock the door right now.”

  The demand in Dane’s deep voice had me on my feet and staggering to the door immediately. I hesitated and as if he sensed it, Dane said, “Now, Naomi. Or I’ll break it down.”

  I unlocked the door and backed away as it opened. Mason rushed in, followed closely by Dane and Jemma. I rubbed away the tears on my cheeks. “What are you doing here?”

  “I called Mr. Wilson,” Jemma said as Mason approached me like I was a timid deer. “I was worried about you, honey.”

  “I’m fine,” I lied. “Just a little overwhelmed and…”

  My voice died as I took a good look at Dane. Anger was stamped all over his face and my fragile control broke at the thought that he might be angry with me. I burst into tears and covered my face with my hands.

  “Shh, sweetheart. It’s okay.” Mason pulled me into his embrace and kissed my forehead. “Let’s get you home.”

  “D-d-do you even want me there?”

  “Of course, we do.” Mason put his arm around me and led me toward the door.

  Still crying, I said, “Jemma, I – I’m sorry.”

  “No, I’m sorry,” she said. “I think the party was a bit too much for you and I should have known that.”

  “It’s not your fault,” I said as Mason guided me out of the bathroom. There were too many people standing in the hallway, and I froze, my heart beating hard and fast. “Mason, too many – I can’t.”

  “Move!” Dane’s angry voice echoed down the hallway. “All of you assholes get the fuck out of here.”

  “Jesus, dude. Chill out,” one of the guys said. He rolled his eyes but followed the others as they filed out of the hallway.

  I didn’t object when Mason picked me up and carried me down the hallway toward the front door. Dane pushed in front of us and I stared at his broad back before burying my face in Mason’s neck. I didn’t want to see the looks on the party-goer’s faces as I was carried out like a wailing baby, but I didn’t want Mason to put me down either.

  “The new clothes she bought are still in the trunk of my car,” Jemma said.

  “Come outside with us and Dane will get them,” Mason said.

  I lifted my head when I felt the cold air. “I’m sorry, Mason.”

  “It’s fine,” he said soothingly as he carried me to the car. “It’s fine, sweetheart. Let’s go home.”

  * * *


  I stood timidly in the hallway outside of the living room of Dane’s home. Two hours and one hot shower later and I was feeling better.

  Embarrassed and ashamed, but better.

  I took a deep breath, cinched my robe a little tighter around my waist, and walked into the living room. It was only Mason sitting on the couch, staring blankly at the TV, and some of my tension eased a little. I didn’t want to face Dane yet. I knew he was angry with me and I wasn’t ready to see his anger or his disappointment.

  “Mason?” I almost whispered.

  He shut the TV off and stood up. “Sweetheart? How do you feel now?”

  “Better,” I said. “I had a shower and I… I’m really sorry.”

  “You don’t have to apologize,” he said. “Come sit on the couch with me.”

  I took his hand when he held it out to me, and we sat down on the couch. He cuddled me for a few minutes before stroking the braid that was wound around my head.

  “Where’s Dane?” I asked.

  “He’s around,” Mason said. “Do you want something to eat?”

  “No,” I said. “I ate dinner with Jemma. Are you – will you make me leave in the morning?”

  “What?” Mason turned my face toward his. “No, we’re not making you leave, Naomi. Not unless you want to.”

  “I don’t,” I said, “but I know Dane is angry with me and -”

  “He’s not angry,” Mason said. “He’s worried about you, just like I am. He just doesn’t control his emotions as well as I do.”

  I studied him, and he leaned forward and pressed a kiss against my mouth. “We want you to have fun and make friends and enjoy new experiences, Naomi. But we also want you to be safe.”

  “Kiss me again,” I whispered.

  He hesitated and I said, “Please kiss me, Mason. I need you.”

  He cupped my face and kissed me gently. I opened my mouth and moaned when he licked my upper lip before sliding his tongue into my mouth.

  When he pulled away, I protested loudly and he said, “Sweetheart, you’re upset and tired and -”

  “I’m not.” Feeling bold and needy, I cupped his face and kissed him hard. When his lips parted, I pushed my tongue into his mouth and moaned when he sucked on my tongue.

  I didn’t object when he pushed me onto my back on the couch and hovered over me. He cupped my breast through my robe and my nightgown and squeezed.

  “You taste so good,” he groaned against my mouth.

  “So do you,” I whispered.

  He teased my nipple through the silk fabric, and I cried out again before clutching at his waist and kissing him frantically. I had no idea how much time passed and didn’t care. I was addicted to Mason’s kisses and wanted more.

  I didn’t realize I was rubbing myself against his crotch until he cupped my hip and whispered, “Sweetheart, stop.”

  “I’m sorry.” I suddenly realized how slutty I looked. Mason’s hard body was pressing me deep into the couch, my new robe and nightgown had ridden up until they barely covered my crotch and the front of the robe gaped open, giving Mason ample access to my silk-covered breasts.

  “You don’t have to be sorry.” He sat up and I straightened my clothes and sat up beside him.

  He rubbed my bare knee. “I want you very much, Naomi.”

  “I – I want you too,” I said. “We don’t have to stop.”

  He smiled ruefully. “We do. I’ll end up taking your virginity right here on the couch if we don’t.”

  Heat flooded through me. “I’m good with that.”

  He gave me a look of fierce desire before shaking his head. “No, sweetheart. I can’t.”

p; “I want you to have it.”

  “Believe me, there is nothing I would love more but it isn’t my gift to take.”

  “What do you mean?” I said.

  “Dane, sweetheart. Dane wants to be your first and I’ve agreed to it.”

  “But what if I don’t want him to take it?”

  “Then he won’t,” Mason said.

  “So, you will?”


  “So, I’ll just be a virgin forever?” Frustration had replaced the heat.

  He smiled. “I doubt that. You have no idea how many men would kill to be between those smooth thighs of yours.”

  His smile faded and he pulled me into his embrace before kissing me. “You should give it to Dane, sweet one. He understands the importance of it.”

  “He frightens me,” I said.


  “Well, because he’s mean and -”

  “He isn’t mean. He’s strict but can you really say he’s mean?” Mason said. “Has he ever been cruel to you at work?”

  “Well, no,” I admitted. “But he’s not,” I grasped for the word, “gentle, like you are. He – he doesn’t ask me to do things like you do, he tells me to do them and I don’t like that.”

  “Don’t you?” Mason said.

  “No, I…”

  Mason waited patiently while I thought it over. Did I like it? I thought back to that moment in his office when Dane had ordered me to remove my bra, when he had kissed me like he owned my mouth, and a shudder of desire went through me.

  “I’m not sure,” I said.

  “Listen carefully to me, Naomi.” Mason cupped my face. “Dane would never hurt you. He would never do anything you didn’t want him to do. Do you understand?”

  I nodded, and he stroked the curve of my jaw with his thumb. “It’s fucking killing him that you’re afraid of him. I’m not asking you to pretend you’re not afraid – if you are, you are and that’s something Dane needs to fix – but I am asking you to give him a chance. Let him show you that he would die before he hurt you. Will you give him that chance?”


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