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Arrogant Puck: A Friends to Lovers Sports Romance (Hockey Heartthrobs Book 2)

Page 14

by Vanessa Winters

  “You deserve it, especially because you’re about to hear a saga.”

  Toby orders more fries, refills our drinks, and settles in for my long story. I tell him everything, from the weird feelings I’ve been having since Damien got to Connecticut, to him helping me find dates and saving me from David, to us sleeping together three times. Toby listens patiently and doesn’t interrupt until I finish.

  “So, yeah. It’s never going to happen with Damien. He doesn’t want a relationship, and I don’t think I’m the casual type.”

  “You don’t seem like the casual type, but he doesn’t seem to be as resolved against a relationship as you think.”

  I laugh. “That’s what I thought, and I made a fool of myself. I’m not making that mistake again.”

  “I don’t know Damien at all, but from what you’ve told me, it seems like he cares about you. Why doesn’t he want a relationship? Is it more than just his liking freedom? Is there some underlying psychological damage I don’t know about?”

  “No. He really just likes being able to screw a different girl every night.”

  “But not when it comes to you. He usually only sleeps with the same girl once, right? But he slept with you a few times?”

  “Toby, I appreciate this, but I don’t want to get my hopes up again. The fall was way too hard last time I had hope.”

  Toby nods. “I get that. I’m not trying to give you false hope. I’m trying to help you put it all into perspective.”

  “Okay. Then yes, it was different with me. I don’t know if that was convenience or what. It obviously wasn’t that he has feelings for me.”

  “I disagree.”

  “Were you not listening to anything I said?”

  “I was, and that’s why I disagree. Plus, that one time I met him, it was clear he feels protective of you. I hoped it was a brotherly thing, but it seems like more than that. I think he likes you.”

  “You have no evidence of that.”

  “It’s all anecdotal, but it’s there. Can I suggest something?”


  “Try again. But this time, maybe don’t come on too strong and definitely don’t rely on assumptions. Go to Damien, say you want to try a relationship, and that you understand he’s hesitant, but that you should try it anyway. Tell him you can just try it out for a month, and if he doesn’t like it, you go back to being friends.”

  I roll my eyes. “You make it sound so easy.”

  “That’s because it is. What’s the worst he can do? Say no?”

  “Yes! I’ve already been rejected by him like seven times. I don’t think I can handle an eighth.”

  “Well, then, I guess you need to get over him and move on.”

  The words strike me hard. I don’t want to move on. I want Damien to give me a shot. If we work so well as best friends, then maybe we can work well as a couple.

  Toby’s suggestion is sounding better with every passing minute. I want to give Damien an ultimatum without it feeling like an ultimatum.

  I look up and find Toby grinning at me.

  “What? Do I have barbeque sauce on my face?”

  “Nope. You’re coming around to my idea. I can see it all over your face.”

  “Yeah, but there’s one problem. I told him to give me space. Wouldn’t it be hypocritical of me to show up at his apartment?”

  “I don’t think so. I mean, you’re the one controlling the space, right? Just say you decided you don’t need space anymore.”

  “He has been calling me all week.”

  “See! It’s perfect. I say you should go over there tomorrow morning and say exactly what I said earlier. Also add that if he doesn’t want to try it, you can just be friends.”

  I frown. “Why would I do that? Wouldn’t that give him an excuse to say no?”

  “Maybe, but at least you’d still have him in your life. You obviously care about him a lot. You don’t want to lose him for good. Plus, you can keep working at him from the inside. Eventually, he might be the one to ask you out instead of the other way around.”

  “You’re optimistic.”

  “I am. To a fault. But, I really do think this is a good idea. What do you say?”

  I think about it for a minute. It’ll hurt if Damien turns me down again, but I want to try. I’m not ready to give up yet.

  “Okay,” I say. “I’m in.”

  Toby smiles. “I knew you would be.”

  We finish our fries and Toby takes me home. He doesn’t try to kiss me this time. I guess we really are going to be friends.

  I’m okay with that. I don’t want to hurt Toby, so I’m glad he understands.

  He’s great, but he’s not the one I really want.

  Damien is.


  I pace around my apartment. It’s only eight in the morning, but I want to get to Jenna’s before I have to get to the arena for tonight’s game.

  She’s not really a morning person and I hate to wake her up. This is important, though. I’m ready to try for real this time. I just hope she hasn’t given up on me completely.

  I can’t get the image of her being with that guy out of my head. It hurt way more than I care to admit. Jealousy was never a word in my vocabulary until I started having feelings for Jenna. Now, I can’t stop wondering where she is or who she is with.

  I can’t believe I fucked this up so badly. If I had just given in to my feelings a month ago, Jenna wouldn’t be ignoring my calls.

  Showing up at her apartment will probably be a mistake. She asked for space. She went on a date last night. Every sign is pointing towards Don’t Do It.

  I’m going to do it anyway.

  But I need to wait an hour before I go. That gives me four hours to win her over before I have to be at the arena. That should be plenty of time.

  Unless Jenna slams the door in my face. Then it might take me a bit longer to convince her I’m worth her time.

  No one has ever believed in me the way Jenna does. A few girls have tried to stick around, but none cared as much as Jenna. She refused to give up on me. She likes me enough to want to be my first relationship.

  That seems crazy to me. Jenna deserves so much better. That’s why I kept pushing her away. I’m still not sure I’ll even be good at a relationship. I was always the guy laughing at my friends for settling down, and now I’m trying to do the same.

  It’ll be worth it if Jenna agrees.

  But, that’s a big if. I screwed up when I turned her down last weekend. I was harsh. I was mean. I should’ve taken the blame, but instead I told Jenna she was the one at fault. That’s cruel behavior. I don’t want to be that guy.

  That’s the thing. After last weekend, I’m not sure if Jenna will even want to be someone like me. How can she trust that I’ll never blow up on her again?

  I have my work cut out for me. Thirty more minutes until I can go to her apartment. Nine seems like a good time to grovel.

  To pass the time, I make breakfast. It’s not nearly as delicious as what Jenna made. I can’t believe I was such an ass that morning. She went through all the effort to make me breakfast, and all I wanted was for her to leave. I knew the conversation was going to be hard. I try to avoid conversations like that.

  It’s quarter to nine when I finish cooking and eating. Fuck it, I’m going to go to Jenna’s apartment now. She might be mad at me for waking her, but I don’t care. I need to do this.

  I grab a coat and head towards the door. I open it and nearly jump out of my skin.

  Jenna is standing on the other side.

  “Oh. You’re on your way out. I’m sorry, I’ll come back another time…”

  I grab her shoulder to stop her. “No. Don’t go. I was coming to see you.”

  She smiles tentatively. “You were? Why?”

  “Come in. I think we should talk.”

  “Yeah, I agree.”

  I step back so Jenna can enter my apartment. My world feels lighter now that she’s back in it.

“The last week was terrible, Jenna. I missed you so much. I can’t go that long without my best friend.”

  Her face drops, but she covers it quickly. Did I already say something wrong? It’s been less than five minutes. There’s no way I’ve already screwed up my chances.

  “I agree. I don’t like not talking to you every day. I’m sorry that I ever asked for space. I was wrong about that. I don’t need space. I need you.”

  My heart swells. Is she saying what I think she’s saying? God, I hope so.

  “I need you, too, Jenna.”

  “I don’t think we’re saying the same thing.”

  I take a step closer to her. “Don’t be so sure about that.”

  “Wait, what do you mean? Why were you coming to my apartment so early on a Saturday morning?”

  “Well, I have a game tonight and I have to be there by one so I wanted to make sure I’d have enough time to beg you to let me back in your life.”

  “Right. As your best friend.”

  “No,” I say quietly. “As more.”

  Jenna’s jaw drops. I wait for her to say something, but she just stares at me.

  “Have I broken you?”

  “No. I just… that’s why I came here. I didn’t expect… I mean, I thought for sure Toby was wrong.”

  “Toby? Is that the guy you were with last night?”

  Jenna’s eyes widen. “How do you know I was with someone last night?”

  “I went to the smokehouse for dinner. I saw you come in. I left before you saw me.”

  “Why? You could’ve said hello.”

  “You asked for space and you were with another guy. What’s going on there? I’m not going to start anything with you if you’re with someone else. That’s not who I am.”

  “No, it’s not like that. I mean, I did go on a date with him. Our date ended with him helping me with a plan to win you over.”

  I laugh. “Are you serious? You concocted a plan while on a date with another guy?”

  “Yep. He was really nice about it. You’d like him. In fact, he’s a huge hockey fan. He would love to meet you officially.”

  “As long as he’s not trying to date you, I’d love to meet him, too.”

  “Great. I’ll invite him to tonight’s game.”

  “You’re coming?”

  Jenna smiles. “Well, I hope so. It depends on how the next few minutes go.”

  “I’d like to know what you and Toby planned.”

  “I was going to say we should do a one-month trial run as a couple and if you don’t like it, you can call it off.”

  I consider this. It would actually be a good idea. But, it’s not what I want anymore.

  “That’s not going to happen.”

  Jenna frowns. “Wow, you really got my hopes up to turn me down again?”

  “Nope. I don’t want a trial run. I want the real thing, Jenna.”

  She gapes at me. “Are you being serious right now?”

  “One hundred percent.”

  “And this isn’t just because you saw me on a date with another guy, right? Because possessiveness is gross.”

  I shake my head. “No, it’s not. I really like you, Jenna. I think we could be good together. I don’t know how good I’ll be at the whole relationship thing, but I’m willing to learn as long as it’s with you.”

  “You’re actually saying this. I never thought… I mean, I hoped, but…”

  I pull her towards me and kiss her gently. “I’m sorry that it took me so long, Jenna. I thought that being single was what I wanted. It was, until I realized how much better it would be to have someone like you in my life. This is what I want. I’m scared and I know I’ll make mistakes, but I’m ready to try. Will you be my girlfriend?”

  “Of course, I will! I’ve been waiting for you to ask!”

  Jenna jumps into my arms and kisses me with passion. Her legs wrap around my hips. I smile against her lips and return her kiss.

  When I pull away, we’re both grinning like fools. Jenna sets her feet back down on the floor.

  “There are some things we should go over before we get carried away.”

  “Okay. Like what?”

  “We’re exclusive. No other girls while we’re together.”

  “Don’t worry. I’m yours, and you’re mine. The same goes for you. No other guys.”

  “Good. I’ll come to more of your hockey games, but not every single one.”

  “How about one per week?”

  “That I can handle.”

  “And you wear a jersey with my name on it.”

  Jenna laughs. “Fine, but I’m not sitting with the other hockey girlfriends.”

  “That’s fair. They might try to teach you hockey, and we both know you’d hate that.”

  “You get me,” she says. “I think those are my only rules.”

  “I have another. Phone call every night when I’m on the road. Either before or after the game. Your choice.”

  “I like that idea.”

  “Me, too. Now, can we get carried away?”

  Jenna grins at me. “Yes, now we can get carried away.”

  I grab her hand and pull her into my bedroom. We’re both still wearing our coats, but all of our clothes quickly fall to the ground.

  I lay Jenna down on the bed and crawl on top of her.

  Before I kiss her, I stare into her eyes.

  “What?” she asks, blushing. “Is something wrong?”

  “No,” I say. “For the first time in my life, everything feels exactly right.”

  Jenna wraps her arms around my neck and pulls me down to kiss her. I’m tempted to go fast, like the last few times we’ve been together, but this is different. We’ll have plenty of time for that. Today, I want to go slow.

  For the first time in my life, I make love with a woman I can proudly call my girlfriend.

  I never thought I’d be in this position. I was ready to be single for my entire life. It’s what I always thought I wanted.

  Jenna has showed me that there’s more to life than sleeping around. Having the same person to wake up to every morning is an incredible feeling that I wouldn’t change for the world.

  Now that I have Jenna, I understand the appeal of a relationship. I never understood it before. I have to apologize to a lot of my friends.

  When we’re finished, Jenna and I lay in my bed, talking and laughing.

  I check the time. It’s a little after eleven.

  “I really need to get up. We should have lunch before I have to go to the arena.”

  Jenna rolls over on top of me. “Lunch would be good, but do you know what would be even better?”

  Before I can respond, Jenna kisses me. I pull away, laughing.

  “We have our whole lives for that,” I say. “Let’s go get lunch.”

  Reluctantly, Jenna gets up and puts her clothes back on. I change into my workout gear for hockey. Once we’re ready, we go to the restaurant near the arena where our first date was supposed to be.

  “I figured we could have a do-over,” I say. “Since I was such an idiot last time.”

  Jenna laughs. “You can be an idiot forever, I don’t care. I love you no matter what.”

  Warmth spreads through my body. “I love you, too.”

  Holding hands, we enter the restaurant. This is our first official date of many. I meant it when I said we have our whole lives.

  Now that I have Jenna, I’m never letting her go.



  One Year Later

  I look down at the precious baby in my arms.

  “She’s beautiful,” I tell Sophie. “Congratulations.”

  Baby Louise was born a month ago, and she’s absolutely perfect.

  Matt and Sophie didn’t waste any time after their wedding to have a baby. They both wanted to start a family and figured there was no time like the present.

  I don’t blame them. I’ve been feeling the urge to have a baby lately. I should probably wait un
til Damien and I are married, though.

  “Thanks,” Sophie says. “She’s a handful. It’ll be easier when the off-season starts. Matt does his best, but he’s busy. Though, I have to give him credit. He has gone to plenty of games on no sleep after staying up all night with Louise.”

  “Wow, that’s impressive. Is she sleeping through the night at all?”

  Sophie sighs. “Not even close. She gets up a million times wanting to eat or just be held. I knew having a baby would be hard, but I really miss sleep.”

  “If you ever need a break, I’d be more than happy to babysit.”

  “You better be careful, I might take you up on that.”

  I hope she does. I love this baby, even though I only just met her today. I wanted to come earlier, but I’ve been busy with school and going to Damien’s hockey games.

  I’m glad that Sophie and I have become really close over the last year. She loves hockey but she never tries to get me to learn the game. Damien doesn’t pressure me, either, which is nice. I do go to a game a week during the season, just like I promised.

  I still spend time with Melonie, but it’s hard with the distance. At the end of last season, both Matt and Damien were pulled up to the Rangers. We moved to New York over the summer. I transferred to a school in New York City so I wouldn’t be commuting to Connecticut every day during the week.

  Leaving my job was hard, but I found another dentist in my neighborhood that hired me as an assistant. There’s no guarantee they’ll hire me when I get my degree, but I’m not super worried about it. I’ll find a job. Dentists are in high demand.

  Matt and Damien walk into the living room. Matt had been in the garage showing Damien his new car. It’s a hybrid SUV that is perfect for the baby.

  Damien kisses my cheek. “You look good holding a baby.”

  “I know. It helps that the baby is perfect.”

  “Yes, she is,” Matt says, taking little Louise from my arms. “How could she not be with parents like us?”

  I laugh. “You are already wrapped around her finger. I can’t wait until she’s older and has you buying her a pony.”

  “If she wants a pony, she’ll get a pony. Don’t you worry about that.”


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