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Twisted: A Paranormal Urban Fantasy Romance (Goddess Kissed Novel Book 2)

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by Ivy Carter

  I close my eyes and clear my mind. Tuning everyone and everything around me out. I start thinking about how nature sustains us all. How I wish I could use some of that natural energy to replenish my own. I will that wish to come true with everything in me. I can hear the whispered voice chanting the same spell that I had found in the book earlier. Clear as day in the back of my mind. A started gasp from Jessa breaks my concentration, so I open my eyes. They widen at what I see heading my way. Green tendrils of energy are floating slowing in my direction. They seem to be coming from everywhere. I spin around in a complete circle and sure enough each tendril is floating straight in my direction. There are so many of them that I can’t count them all. It almost looks like a greenish rolling mist. But if you look hard enough. You can see the individual lines floating above the leaf strewn ground.

  When the tendrils pass by my family, they deviate slightly off course to slide and slither around their immobile bodies. I think they are half in awe at what they are seeing and half in shock. When the misty tendrils hit my body, they do all at once with a jolt of pure energy. It doesn’t feel like you are being electrocuted. It’s more of an energizing warm hug. As suddenly as it hit me, the feeling dissipates, and I am once again surrounded by the people I love most in the world (minus one) staring at me in a mixture of awe and amazement.

  “Is there anything you can’t do?” I hear a revenant whisper from the newcomer to our group as he drops to one knee and bows his head. Wait! What??

  He looks up at me. Staring at me with almost black eyes. “Why didn’t anyone tell me that the Mother Goddess’s Blood runs through this girl’s veins?” He asks still in hushed whispers on bended knee.

  I just stand there looking at him like he has lost his mind. I am not used to someone showing me so much deference.

  “Ells, what is that you just did?” Jessa asks me with all sorts of confused pissed off lacing her voice. Our friendship is still solid but we both hold so many unknowns between us that weren’t there before. It has been causing some hiccups in our system. Especially with our communication. She lets her temper get the best of her when she is confused about something that pertains to me.

  “Jess.” I start talking to her in a calming voice. Infusing it with a calming spell. I had learn to do this to soother her temper tantrums toward me. “I had to find a way to draw energy enough to self-sustain myself. Without always having to drain my brother. I mean look at him. He looks as if he hasn’t slept in days and he has only been awake for less than an hour.” There is enough self-censure in my voice that ire is completely calm by my little speech is finished.

  “Where is your life-mate, my lady?” The Reaper asks me, not unkindly.

  “I don’t know!” I shout and start to stomp around. Now my temper getting the better of me. Leaves start to float upward from the ground. Sebastian is staring at me like he is fixing to try and calm my oncoming tantrum. I am tired of hiding my feelings on the subject and everyone else tiptoeing around about it. Whispering in corners with their questions instead of asking me straight out.

  “He hasn’t called me, nor has he bothered to see me in over a week. I have no clue where he is! My Fated life-mate isn’t supposed to just up and leave me…AGAIN! We sustain each other.” Sebastian starts to placate me on the subject again. I can tell that is what he is going to do by the look on his face. All pitying and stuff. Well screw that. Before he can even speak, I have flashed to him and get into his face. “I know he is at his clan, your clan. Laying the groundwork so they will accept me. As if I need their permission.” I scoff and flash away halfway across the clearing. “As if I need their approval.” I scoff. “I am the Celios. Born of your clan’s Goddess’s blood and light.”

  I raise my arms straight up into the air and black storm clouds start rolling in seemingly out of nowhere. Thunder and lightning clash together with the next words that I speak.

  “I was made in HER image. I have HER blood running through my veins. Your pitiful clan will be made to bow to me.” My voice sounds like crashing tidal waves. “I was made to lead the followers of the light. I was born to RULE.” I lower my arms sharply and bolts of lightning strike the pines surrounding us. There is smell of ozone and burnt wood mixing in the air.

  Next I focus my mind on every single weapon lying dormant on the ground. I lift them with my psyche without taking my eyes from Sebastian’s astonished face. Then I thrust them toward each of the targets. Every weapon hitting each dead in the center.

  “The next time any of you talk to my absentee life-mate. You pass along a message for me.” I look around the clearing at the people that I call my family. “I will bow and scrape to no one. I need no one’s approval.” I shake my head. Wet jet black strands sticking to my face. Rain is now falling so hard from the storm I pulled in that my clothes are soaked and clinging to my skin.

  “If he loved me as he says he does. He would know that.” I whisper the last words brokenly before flashing away.

  I land on top of the roof that sits directly above my bedroom. Our bedroom. From here I can still see the shocked and saddened faces of the members of my family. How can they not know that every moment he spends away begging for others to accept me that I am breaking? I lay back on the smooth green metal of the roof. It is cold as ice against my exposed skin. I shiver as the rain continues to pound me. But the drenching shower washes away the last tears that I will shed for this man.

  He having to seek approval of what we share is not something that I can accept.

  Chapter 3.

  Opening my eyes and finding myself inside the Veil for the second time is a totally mind-blowing experience. Everything around me is a hazy color of white as if it is covered by white gossamer. The trees surrounding the area I have woken in even seem to be spun from an intricate spider’s web. The stones I am laying upon are cool beneath my back and the air is warm, moist but not too hot.

  I feel the presence of immense power to my right and as I turn my head ready to greet my mother, I am surprised to see a woman almost identical to my mother and to me. But I have never met her before.

  I slowly stand, pushing myself up off the ground using my hands. I want to meet this new woman standing on two legs not laying prone upon the stones. She seems to be studying me as intently as I am studying her. I finally meet her eyes. They are starkly different from my own. They are the color of the blackest void. There are no whites in her eyes. Nothing but lost oblivion can be found within her gaze. So I wretch my gaze from hers.

  “Who are you?” I can barely get a whispered voice out. I feel like I am choking on the power flowing off her.

  “My name is Morgana.” Her crystal like voice chimes. “I am your aunt. I have been curious about you for a while actually.” I stand still as stone as she moves making a complete circle by walking completely around me.

  “I can feel your power. It is muted. You don’t flaunt your gifts. I can also feel the presence of your yearning for vengeance.” She stops as if contemplating something. Or what she is going to say next. “Your mother was actually right for once!” She lets out a brash chuckle. The sound of her laughter doesn’t bode well for me. I am getting a sick feeling in my stomach as if I am at the butt end of some joke that I want nothing to do with.

  “I don’t understand.” I tell her weakly. The inflowing stream of her constant power is making me sick. Leaving feeling weakened. As if she is sucking the energy right out of me.

  She stops her pacing and looks at me almost pityingly. “I was where you are once. Born into immense power. Games being played constantly with my life. Beings more powerful than I in my mortal form, moving me to and fro like some kind of twisted game of chess.” She shakes her head as if ridding herself of these memories. The constant waves of energy sucking finally stops. As if a switch has been thrown turning it off. I let out a huge sigh. But I still feel weakened from her… whatever she was doing to me.

  “What do you know of the Three Goddesses and the balance among the thre

  “Absolutely nothing.” I tell her honestly, still breathing shallowly trying to keep to my feet.

  “Sit child before you fall over.” She lets out a glib laugh. But I take her up on her suggestion. Dropping my ass onto the stone floor beneath me and then tucking my legs underneath me. This woman is absolutely confusing.

  “It is in my nature to be confusing, dearling. It is why I am in the Goddess of Chaos.”

  This title completely floors me. I have no idea how I am supposed to respond to that or the fact that she is reading my thoughts.

  “The reason I have transported you here without your very benevolent mother’s permission is because she says you are not ready to transcend as of yet. She tells me that you are yet too young, to attached to your mortal world family, and lastly but certainly not least…Your Fated-Mate.” She sneers the last part.

  When she mentions Jaxx I feel my temper get the best of me and the black void buried deep inside starts to rise.

  “Simmer child. We are all on the same side here.” She placates me. But I can still feel my palms begin to glow. Now Morgana is looking at me in some sort of admiration. “She was actually right. You are truly powerful enough.” Again with the weird admiration in her voice. “I wasn’t even as young as you are now when I ascended.” I just look at her start confusion that must be written on my face like a living mask. “You are truly a marvel young one. To have access to that much power after I was sure that I sucked you dry….” She continues with her outward musing. Clearly not needing me to respond in any way. So I sit and listen and try to make sense out of her cryptic musings.

  “I really have no clue what you are talking about, or even what you mean by the ascending thing.” I tell her plainly.

  “I truly thought she would have told you by now…Well it’s not my place to spoil all of the surprises she has in store for you. Goodbye for now, dearest!” She sneers the last word. Just as I feel a pain jolt of energy hit me. I scream out with pain for a brief moment. As fast as the pain was present. It was suddenly gone again. Everything around me starts to fade. I feel dizzy so I lay down onto the cold stone floor once again. My eyes slide close and I see no more.

  Chapter 4.

  The sound of thunder wakes me. My eyes pop open and what I see floating above me will be entrenched within my mind for the rest of my days. I startle for a moment and almost let out a piercing wail. But then… I just start laughing at the irony of a Reaper, floating in the air above me. He has tattoos and strange markings scrolling across his visible skin. He is very attractive and quite buff. Ripped is a better word. I feel my eyes widen when I take him in. I am not laughing because there is something wrong with him. It is just the craziness of this entire day.

  “How do you see me, lass?” Tristan demands in a disgruntled voice.

  “How do I get sucked into the Veil anytime someone benevolent wants to talk to me? How do I make it storm, when there wasn’t a cloud in the sky before I called them? How do I do anything that I do?” I shrug and answer his question with some of my own. This just seems to piss him off all the more. His face scrunches up in frustration.

  “Are you going to lose your shadow wings that helping you flutter and come down here to join me?” I sit up and pat the empty spot of metal roofing beside me. At that statement and my nonchalance about finding him floating above me must have been too much for him. He starts rolling with laughter. Doubled over, holding his stomach still floating in the air laughing uncontrollably. Shadows engulf him suddenly then he is just there sitting beside me.

  “So why don’t you tell me what troubles you?” He tries to be all sly about it. But I can tell he is intrigued. I just don’t know exactly why. Reapers are mysterious lot. I have no idea why this one is hanging around my brother’s home so much of the time.

  “You mean besides the obvious?” I fairly snark in response.

  “Have you tried to link with him mentally? I have heard from the Leech Lord that it was possible between the two of you.” I almost laugh at the nick name he has for Sebastian. Almost. But I am feeling too morose to really get the funny in the statement.

  “I have tried.” Shaking my head in obvious distress and frustration. “I tried the morning I woke up in a cold bed. I tried that first afternoon when no word came of his whereabouts. I had to find out from Sebastian that Jaxx was with his clan laying the ‘ground work’ for our bonding ceremony. But when I try to connect with him, it is like our link has been severed or being blocked by something.” I groan and drop my head into my hands. Drawing up my knees, wishing I could disappear into myself. I look at the man sitting next to me quizzically. “Why am I telling you all of this?”

  “No idea, lass. Maybe you just needed an impartial ear to listen.” He shrugs. “I can help you connect with his psyche if you would like. As a Reaper we contain many gifts. Being a Mentalist is one of mine.” He states nonchalantly but I can tell he is proud of his gifts. As he should be.

  “How?” I ask. Feeling hopeful for the first time in days. Jaxx could be in some sort of trouble. That is the only reason I can come up with as to why he hasn’t kept in contact. Even though Sebastian seems unworried. He is one that hides his feelings well. You never know what is going on inside Sebastian’s head unless he is staring at Jessa. Then you can read his emotions as if they are written plainly upon his face.

  Mother, Goddess… Please Let Jaxx Be Okay. I silently pray.

  “Before we do anything…” I close my eyes and picture Tristan wearing black leather pants, which seem to be his pants of choice, a red concert T-shirt, and biker boots. Then I concentrate on the rain. Tired of the downpour I decide will it away. I hear birds start to chirp so I know that the storm has finally passed. At least weather wise.

  “That is impressive.” He says looking down at himself and fingering his new T-shirt. I just shrug. Not feeling very proud at the moment.

  “SO... How do we do this?” He nods sagely and grasps my right hand with his left.

  “Think about the last thing that he said to you, the look upon his face. Remember the feelings that this one moment in time invoked.”

  I think of the moments after the last time we had professed our love. Him holding me in his arms stroking my hair. I remember that he had seemed to be distancing himself mentally from me. Jaxx has always been very tender during our cuddling time. Always wanting to be connected through our eyes when we reach for each other. He had looked away that last time. He didn’t respond to my whispered words of love while he held me. When I had looked up his eyes were so far away. As if he was already gone. Like he wanted to be anywhere but where he was.

  I can feel the tears gathering in my eyes, but I force them away. Force the feeling of emptiness that I have been carrying around with me for the last week down into the pit that is always within me. Tucked tightly away, until I unleash it.

  Suddenly I feel as if I am teleporting, but I can still feel Tristan’s tightly grasping mine. I open my eyes and I am flooded with emotions. Love, lust, and passion all mixed together. I am looking down into a beautiful blonde woman’s face. Her eyes are hazy with passion. The body I am in is thrusting in and out of her body. Moving faster and faster as her cries escalate.

  “Tell me you will never leave me again. Tell me you will not let me go.”

  This body is flooded by pride at her pleading. I can feel our sweat slicked skin rubbing together as their bodies move in an age old dance. “

  Where the hell am I? Why in the hell am I stuck inside some guy while he is making love to his woman?”

  “Say it Jaxx!” She screams out as I feel her tightly clenching channel squeezing this male’s manhood. “Say the words!” Her constant moans are growing into shrieks. As he starts to slam home harder and harder.

  Then it hits me. She just called this male that I am connected to, Jaxx. No this can’t be right!?!? No… JUST NO! I recoil mentally. I am about to break the connection when I hear his voice. My beloved’s voice. The one I have bee
n aching to hear for days on end.

  “You are my intended, Selene. I vow it. I will never leave you again.” He grunts out as we look directly into her striking blue eyes.

  I am flooded back into my own body. I jerk my hand away from the Reaper. Recoiling from any sort of physical contact. I feel empty, adrift. But mostly I feel a sharp stabbing pain within the center of my chest. I silently stare at Tristan as he sits perfectly still. I can see it in his eyes that has witnessed the same damned thing that I just did.

  My skin is crawling. My mind is wailing with denial. How? No this can’t be real! It must be some sort of trick or mistake. He wouldn’t do this to me. He loves ME. Not someone that I have never even heard of. Selene. That was her name. Suddenly everything is just too much to take. This is my nightmare. I am suddenly on my feet. Where I am supposed to go… I have no fucking clue where I am going. But my legs give out. I fall to my knees. They feel the impact of hitting the roof, but I ignore the slight twinge. Nothing can even dent what I am feeling inside of myself. Everything seems to be bubbling to the surface. No matter how much I try to push it back down it just keeps rising.

  Tristan is now on his feet backing steadily away from me. The Reaper can feel my powers uncontrollable rise. Then I let it go. Everything that I have tucked away. Everything that I have forced down and away just explodes out of me with the force of a tsunami.

  Distantly I hear a scream so soaked in anguish that it would break the most hardened hearts. My gift flows outward in a wave of ultimate destruction. I can see a vast green tinged force field of light sweeping throughout the forest of pines. Felling each and every living thing as it plows through and over it. Turning everything in its path to dust. Ash upon the ground of the once densely forested area.

  I feel a cool finger press upon my forehead. A calming feeling circulates through my body. Pushing the torturous pain back for the moment. But the Reaper’s touch doesn’t pull me under this time. I look up at Tristan. He is standing over me, looking at me in astonishment. I guess he is wondering why his touch didn’t knock me out.


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