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Twisted: A Paranormal Urban Fantasy Romance (Goddess Kissed Novel Book 2)

Page 12

by Ivy Carter

  While I was lost in my inner musing…Tristan moves forward gliding effortlessly, in that masculine way of his, toward the bed. He has that look in his eye. The black flames that burn there when he is emotional are stoked bright.

  Tristan and I cuddle staying in each other’s arms. Kissing and cuddling for what seems like hours. With him idly stroking his fingers across my back while I listen to his heartbeat. Trying not to fall asleep. I want to stay awake and enjoy this moment. Remember it, burn it into my memory for all time. This moment is bliss. But in reality my bliss lasts no more than a half an hour. He breaks the silence first.

  “When you were meditating. Did you the information you were searching inwardly for come to you?” Tristan asks me with a thoughtful tone to his voice.

  “Yes.” I answer simply. Slightly miffed that the mood has been broken.

  “Are you going to share the knowledge you attained with me? Or are you going to pout?” He pulls on my bottom lip that just happens to be popping outward. Then he starts to tickle my ribs causing me to buck off of him. I try to roll away, laughing loudly. But he rolls with me as he keeps up his assault.

  “Crystals!” I laughingly tell him loudly. “I need crystals.” He stops tickling me as soon as I give him what he wants.

  “Well it’s good to know that I can get anything I want out of you just by simply tickling you.” He grins. His grin is so carefree that it transforms his usually gruffly handsome face to a more boyishly kind of handsome. In that moment I would have given anything just to keep that look on his face. He pushes his finger into my side one last time causing me to let out a loud yelp.

  Then the banging on the door starts. What in the hell could they want now?

  “Who is it?” Tristan calls out in a jovial voice.

  “It’s Jessa. So put whatever that is exposed away. Not that I would mind.” Jess yells through the closed door with a laugh.

  Before I can will the lock to slam home the knob begins to turn. I shake my head as I look at Tristan. He just smiles and leans back on the pillow with his arms crossed behind his head. A smile of leisure lighting up his face. What an asshat! There is no shame in this man whatsoever. I quickly yank my sheet up over both of us. Even though we are both certainly not in the buff. I don’t want Jessa seeing any part of Tristan. Possessive much, yes that is me! She jumps through the door.

  “PEEK A BOO!” Then she pouts because we are covered. “I don’t see you.”

  “Jack ass! Why are busting into my room?” I ask her with mock fury in my voice.

  Jessa just laughs. The she starts to walk around the room perusing things, like little knick knacks and keepsakes that I keep on my dresser. She finally stops and stares as something that catches her fancy. I watch her quizzically while snuggling back into Tristan’s bare chest. The she surprises me when she spins around with a confused look on her face. In her hand is my talisman. I haven’t thought about that necklace in forever. I wasn’t even aware that I had moved it from my old bedroom. Gavin must have placed it on my dresser for me.

  There is something different about it though. The moonstone in the middle of the locket that used to glisten with at pearlescent sheen are now blackened. They look to be changed to a smoky charcoal coloring. It is not unattractive, just so very different than it was when I last saw.

  “This is pretty.” Jessa says as she holds it up to herself posing with it against her chest. Admiring her beauty in the mirror attached to my dresser.

  “It’s my talisman. Each True Witch is given one at birth by the person that brought them into the world. They are meant to guide you. Some even protect the person that wears it.” I explain to her.

  “But where did you get yours? And how am I just now hearing about it?” Jessa demands in a miffed voice.

  “I haven’t worn it in a while. Hell Jess, I haven’t even thought about the damn thing.” I laugh “Gavin must have found it and brought it in here for me. Thinking that I would want it.”

  Jessa gingerly sits the necklace back onto the dresser then turns around with a determined look on her face. She is planning something. And when Jess plans something it usually leads to trouble.

  “So, I have a plan!!” She announces in a very proud voice.

  “I knew it!” I shout out with laughter turning to hide my head in Tristan’s bare chest. He chuckles in return.

  “How could you have known?” Jess demands. Then she stops and gives me a weird considering look. “Can you read minds now? It wouldn’t freaking surprise me if you could. I mean you can do everything else. I don’t think there is anything that you can’t do. I don’t know why those freaks downstairs are still bitching about you being childish and headstrong. Rushing into your own death without a care for anyone it might effect.” She finishes her little speech without realizing that she just sliced straight through me. I hide it with a very fake smile. Sliding it into place with ease. Just like I used to do when my adoptive parents would hurt me.

  But Tristan notices and his eyes are now burning brightly with anger.

  Jessa is oblivious as usual to everything going on around her.

  “Do have a plan to kill the Demon and get Devon back or not?” She asks in an innocent tone as if it’s the most normal thing in the word to ask someone.

  I pull away from Tristan, making sure the sheet is still covering him, sitting up in the bed. Hugging part of the sheet to my chest. Conversing with people right after I have sex, stark naked is beginning to become an annoying habit.

  “Yes, I have a plan. I know exactly what I need. I know exactly what we need to do.”

  “You do?” Both Tristan and Jessa speak at once.

  “Yes.” I answer simply…Tapping my finger to my temple.

  “Well share the damn thing!” Jess demands while vaulting onto the edge of the bed. “Damn the sheet stayed in place.” She laughs.

  “First of all, how are you going to get away from Sebastian long enough to help us with anything?” I raise an eyebrow at her. Thinking I finally have her cornered.

  Yeah, no!

  “I told him that you and I are going shopping tomorrow so we can get new wardrobes for that Wandering witchy speed dating thingy.” She blathers out without even blinking an eye.

  “I told him we are not going to that damn thing.” I grouse. “I do NOT have to present myself to anyone.” There is a finality in my words.

  “Smart.” Tristan comments with admiration lacing his voice.

  “Hey just because this…” She waves her hand up and down her petite but curvy body. “Is hot! Doesn’t mean I’m not wickedly clever. I know we aren’t going to that thingy. But you know how Sebastian is. He is always right.” She winks at Tristan then falls back into a fit of giggles when he blushes slightly.

  Jessa turns to me with a smile on her face. I don’t know whether to hide or laugh right along with her.

  “So, detail it. Tell me the skinny. I promise not to scream it out when I am doing Sebastian into exhaustion tonight.”

  “You have no filter!” I scold her when Tristan starts to make a choking sound. Yes, my best friend. My sister in all but blood can be a bitter pill to swallow. But I would kill for her. She’s the closest thing to family I have on this earth. Well this plane of earth.

  “Okay. This is what we are going to have to do.” I look at Tristan in question. Seeing if he has joined onto our little group of two. He nods simply.

  “We need to find a place with great residual power. Then we are going to summon and trap the son of a bitch.” I finish with bitterness lacing its way into my voice. I feel Tristan reach up and rub my back when I start to hunch over.

  “But how do we capture him, keep the fuck nut in place once we have him there?” Jess asks all wide eyed. Like she is getting excited to be doing something. Here evident excitement starts to rub off on my own morose mood.

  “Blooded crystals.” I state simply…While more information starts rolling into my head. The Blood Scribe’s knowledge is vast and infin
ite. It makes me wonder if I will ever become aware of just how much knowledge I sucked into my brain.

  At the mention of blooded crystals Jessa gets a hungry gleam in her eye.

  “Whose blood are we talking about here?” Jessa asks through now protruding fangs. Her words come how with a faint hiss attached.

  “My blood. The crystals must be Goddess Blessed. What better way to bless them than by soaking them in the very life’s blood my mother gifted me?” I ask them both.

  Tristan has a stunned look on his face. While Jessa is eyeing me like I am a damn steaming hot cheeseburger.

  “Tristan do you know of a place that has a lot of residual power that we could use for the ritual?” I ask him in a hopeful tone. The man has been around for basically eons. He should know of some…

  There is a slight rapping on the door. Before I can stop her Jessa yells for the person knocking on the door to come in. The door slowly creaks open and Selene pokes her head in. Then does a stutter step when she witnesses all three of us on the bed. Two of us covered with a sheet from head to toe.

  “Oh, I am so very sorry. I have interrupted something.” She squeaks out meekly. Wait? What?!? Is she thinking we are having some ménage thing going on here? Oh holy hell!

  “You aren’t interrupting anything!” Jessa pipes in with a wicked smile and a wink. “Come right on in here.” She is getting some wicked pleasure out of this situation. She knows exactly what Selene is most likely thinking.

  Selene slowly scoots her way into the door then starts to close it. But thinks better of it and leaves the door cracked so that it is still slight ajar.

  “I was just wondering if I could talk to you about some things, my lady?” Selene asks me while looking at her feet. Never looking up at the three of us lounging on the bed as if it’s the most natural thing in the world to do.

  Before I can answer Jessa starts bouncing up and down on the bed. Her movements are threatening to drag the sheet from Tristan and I both.

  “OOOh! Girl time! Let’s go hit that little coffee bistro thing in town. I want to get the hell out of this house. We all have been cramped up way to long.” Jessa trills ignoring my warning glance. I so do not want to have coffee and a pastry with this wench. She stole everything from me. Now I am supposed to be sit in a bistro and act all sunshine and rainbows toward her?

  “I am being summoned.” Tristan interrupts in inner tirade. Then shadows fully engulf his magnificent body before he fades from the room.

  “Such a pity.” Jessa pouts. “I was hoping to get more than a glimpse of those wonderfully yummy tattoos.” I just burst out laughing. What can I say? His tattooed body is damned yummy!

  “Okay so we meet downstairs in thirty minutes?” Jessa turns to a wide eyed Selene.

  “Yes, sure.” Selene whispers out before scurrying from the room as fast as her little legs will carry her.

  “What a mouse.” Jessa snipes wearing a grimace of distaste.

  Chapter 24.

  “If you don’t like her, then why did you invite her out? Or just onto the suggestion inviting yourself?” I ask Jessa as I pull myself off the bed trying not to lose the sheet in the process.

  “Because there is something off about that bitch. You and I both know that.” I turn my head over my shoulder and raise a brow at Jess. She is still sitting pretty on the side of the bed in her little red sundress.

  “Do we?” I ask absently. Of course, there is something wrong with her. She took my place beside the love of my life… No strike that. The former love of my life. It was done quickly and cleanly. There was even a very sudden pregnancy added to the prettily wrapped package. I might be naive about a lot of things. But the whole situation seems off. All of it.

  “Of course, we do. We need to keep that shady wench close, Ells. She could turn around and stab you when you aren’t likely expecting it!” Jessa says in outrage.

  “I know all of this Jess. I know that everything you are saying is true. I know that… I also know that it still hurts. Goddess, it hurts. I have lied to myself. But lately so many feelings have broken through the binding I performed. Every time I see him, I want to retch from the pain assailing me.

  “No one can expect you to get over something like this. It takes time. It doesn’t help that they just won’t take their happy couple vibes away from here!” Jess walks up behind me and wraps me in a friendly hug.

  I shake her off and then wipe away the tears that I hadn’t noticed had fallen. I look in the mirror at the two of us. So much has changed in the last weeks. There was once three, now there are two. Relationships…Vampires…Witches…Demons… Yet we are still standing side by side.

  “You will always be my sister, Jess. No matter what.” I tell her in a choked voice.

  “Aww hunny, what is wrong?” She asks in a serious voice for once. No playing this time.

  “It’s just that everything has changed. Some of the things I could have handled if I hadn’t lost him also.” I shake my head at the stupid childish wishing that my heart and head can’t help but do.

  “Nothing is gone forever. He is right down the hall. You can still be his friend. It might not be what you had. But it could be something. But if you want him back. I can drain the sketchy wench that has her claws sunk into him.” She gives me a saucy smile that is pure Jessa. Making me laugh and lifting me out of my self-pitying mood.

  “Now let’s get you hot. Wear something sleeveless to show off those scrolling tats. You got to sport tattoos; they are gorgeous!” I just shake my head at the rollercoaster ride that is my Jess.

  I walk to the bathroom and dropping the sheet on the way. I shower quickly. Not wanting to waste any more time. I don’t want to be late meeting the timid bunny. She might bolt. Then I will never know what in the world she could want.

  After my shower I towel off and close my eyes. Most people would just go to their closet and find something that they already own to wear. But I want something that says. This is what you lost, gave up, and threw away. You may regret it now, but you will never have it back!

  I think about what I want to wear. Sleek skintight leather leggings, a read off the shoulder top with strategic rips throughout with letters printed on that front that read ‘crazy wench’, and four in stiletto biker books. When I open my eyes and look my reflection in the foggy bathroom mirror. I can’t help the shit eating grin lighting up my face. My ass is fucking HOT!

  I step out of the bathroom to get away from the steam. My hair is already trying to dry all weird so I once again close my eyes and will it dry and stick straight. I ignore Jess and her smile as I walk to my dresser and slap on my face spackle. Not too much. Just some eyeliner, some shimmer powder, and mascara. Lots of mascara. When I look at my eyes, I can’t help but love the way they pop even more now. They were always unique but now that they slightly glow all the time…Well let’s just say that they are showstoppers.

  I am in no way a vain person. But when dealing with the wench that stole your life-mate, you don’t skimp on the perpetrations.

  “Damn.” Jessa mutters when I am finished.

  “Exactly.” I mutter to the mirror with a wicked smile.

  “I do have one question. If you miss Jaxx so much, what are your feelings for Tristan? Because I have to tell you. I personally think you traded up.” She smiles her Jessa smile at me.

  “I might always miss Jaxx. But I am with Tristan. He is amazing. There are so many layers and I could see myself spending years just trying to peel them away to see what I can find out about him next.”

  “I wouldn’t mind that at all.” I hear Tristan’s voice before I feel the cool embrace of his shadows engulf me.

  “How much did you hear?” I ask him. Worrying that he might be mad that I still miss the Jaxx that I knew and once loved with my whole heart.

  “Enough to know, that I am not alone in my feelings for you.” He whispers for my ears alone. I look back up into the mirror and smile at the twin black flames I see reflected there.
/>   “Hey no secrets! I didn’t hear what he said!” Jessa chimes in and breaks our moment causing both of us to laugh.

  I pull out of Tristan’s embrace and turn to give him long, lingering sweet kiss. He grunts and tries to pull me back when I step away. But I just smile and shake my head.

  “Come on Jess, let’s book it before we are late.” We both stop in our tracks…Remembering that Devon used to use that exact phrase in between classes.

  I shake my head to clear the saddening thoughts. Grabbing Jessa’s hand, I pull her out the door leaving the lingering memories behind floating about the room like lingering shadows, painful shadows.

  I grab Jessa around the wrist and pull her out the door. When we reach the hallway, I can hear a thumping sound followed by various grunts and groans in differing octaves. Someone is getting busy in a very good way. I am wearing a smirk until I realize that it’s coming from my old room where Jaxx and Selene are staying. I don’t know why I would think any different. They are the only other couple besides Jessa and Sebastian separate from me and Tristan staying in the house.

  My smirk disappears completely as we move down the hallway getting closer to the room that Jaxx and I used to share. I planned on moving quickly past it. But for some reason that is totally beyond my comprehension I stop and start to listen. Deepening the gash that is ripping its way across my soul.

  Jessa stops behind me shaking her head. She tries to shove me forward. No doubt trying to stop me from self-inflicting this pointless pain. But I won’t budge. I just stand there with my head cocked resting against the wall as I stand beside the closed door. I feel a stray tear streak down my flushed cheek. I reach up to wipe it away as I hear Selene start to speak.

  “Jaxx not so hard. I told you that I wanted to make love.” She actually whines during sex?

  “No, you said you wanted to fuck. So, shut up and lay there like you always do.” Jaxx grunts out.

  “Holy hell!” Jessa whispers and buries her face into the middle of my back to muffle her giggles. “She is cold as a corpse in the sack, that’s perfection!” Jessa muffles out against my blouse.


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