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The Beast Within

Page 6

by Rachel M Raithby

  Aster could so easily make her want to stay. He could also easily convince her he could deal with Alex and she could have a fresh start. It was one of the reasons she’d not told him about Alex and her past. She knew he was the kind of man who would want to help. He was also clearly an alpha male, and wouldn’t listen if she warned him off confronting Alex. Sure, Aster looked like he could take care of himself. There was no denying he was a well-muscled man. But not even all the muscle in the world could stop a bullet, and Becca couldn’t imagine Aster owning a gun. He was the type of guy who preferred to solve matters with his fists. Whereas, Alex Scar would use any means necessary to get what he wanted. He’d lie, cheat and shoot whoever blocked his way.

  “One Mocha latte,” Aster said, putting her drink on the table.


  “No probs, sooo you ready to talk?”

  Becca laughed. “Do you ever give up?”

  “Not really. Not in my nature.”

  “Well, I’m afraid you’ve met your match. I’m as stubborn as they come.”

  “I have my ways,” he said with a sly smile.

  Becca dropped her eyes, choosing instead to focus on her drink rather than the wicked intent in Aster’s eyes. Not that it stopped her body from reacting. Even without looking at him, Becca could feel the raw, sexual heat between them.

  “So…do you have any family nearby?” Becca asked, in hopes of steering the mood to a more civilized topic.

  “Father’s dead. My mom lives in Ohio, but we’re not close. You?”

  “My mother was a low life. State took me off her before I was old enough to know her. Lived in the foster system since.”

  “No family ever take you in?”

  “Nope. Finally had enough and ran off just after I finished high school.”

  “That must have been tough.”

  “Yeah, but I survived.”

  They drank in silence for a while, watching the world go by. Aster’s legs were so long his knees reached Becca’s and when he shifted to take her hand, she didn’t stop him. She should have. She knew that. Allowing him to continue pushing for more was just asking for trouble, because he’d reach a point where he was asking her to not just stay, but to never leave.

  Their food arrived just as Aster headed to use the restroom. Becca caught the waitress staring at her, and returned her gaze, narrowing her eyes.

  “Sorry…I don’t mean to pry.”

  I’ve got a feeling you do!

  “It’s just, well, I’ve never seen Aster with anyone. I was just curious, what you have that the rest of the female population don’t.”

  “Surely he’s dated?” Becca asked.

  “Not that I’m aware of, and I see and hear most of the things that go on in this town. Consider yourself lucky.” The waitress winked. “He even smiled. Not seen him do that either, and boy, that smile. Phew.” The waitress fanned herself dramatically before giggling and moving off to another table.

  Becca was still feeling a little stunned when Aster returned and dug into his fries. He eyed her warily. “What’s up?”

  “Hmm?” She focused on his face. “Oh, nothing, just not used to small towns I guess.”

  “What makes you say that?”

  “Oh, just the waitress informing me you’ve never dated or smiled your entire time here.”

  “I smile. I’m smiling right now,” he muttered.

  “Apparently, that’s because of me. Not that I know why… Do you enjoy running people over?” Becca asked seriously, using most of her effort to keep a straight face.

  “I didn’t actually run over you, and the waitress knows nothing.”

  “So you’ve dated women in this town?”

  “Not exactly.”

  “Ah, I get it, you’ve fucked women in this town.” It hurt. Was that what this was? Was Aster just hoping to put another notch on his belt?

  “Not women.”

  “Just one then? Did she know that was all she was, a fuck?”

  “Becca,” Aster growled. “You’re making me sound like a sleaze and, for your information, we parted as friends.”

  “It doesn’t matter. I’m not interested.”

  “You sound interested.”

  Becca paused. Maybe she was, just a little, but it mattered none. She could be interested all she wanted; she’d still have to leave Woodland Creek.

  “Even if I was…I’ll be gone by the end of the week. What’s the point?”

  “Let me take you home and I’ll show you,” he said, his tone low, husky and making places inside her fizzle with anticipation.

  “Shops first.” Her voice was quiet and breathy, her body flushed from the memories of their kiss.

  “I’ve got a few things to do, too. Why don’t I drop you at the shopping center and you can ring me when you’re done?”

  “I…I don’t have a phone.”

  He frowned. “You don’t have a phone?”

  “I did. But not anymore.”

  “Well, buy one. I’ll come back after thirty minutes. That enough time to get all you’ll need?”

  “Yep.” Becca drank the last of her mocha and prepared to stand. “Ready?”

  His grin turned wicked. “You’ve no idea.”

  Heading for the exit before she did something stupid and kissed him, Becca took a few deep breaths in an attempt to ease her uncontrollable desire for Aster.

  She’d hoped the time apart would have helped, but when Becca climbed into the passenger seat after collecting all she needed from the store, the chemistry between them was palpable. Sitting still became impossible as Becca’s skin grew tight, her breasts ached, desperate for his touch, and the apex between her thighs turned slick with want.

  Having never reacted this way to a man before, Becca felt unsettled. Her stomach was in knots and a part of her wanted to run, but that reaction was becoming increasingly smaller as the truck drove them further toward Aster’s cabin. She wondered if he could feel it too—the energy that seemed to spark against her skin, sending little jolts of desire to her core. She’d reached the point where she just wanted to strip naked and tell him to do as he pleased. Alex Scar was a distant memory. The reasons why she’d not wanted to do this were blown into the wind. It worried her how strongly she felt. Yet Becca was over always questioning herself. She wanted to live in the here and now.

  “All right there, Bec?”

  “Hmm,” was all she could reply.

  “Did you want to drive about a bit, see some of Running Deer National Park?”

  “What? No,” she gasped.

  His laughter filled the space around her; husky with an edge of wicked.

  Becca’s face flushed red. She glanced across at him, seeing a smile on his lips. Her eyes tracked down his body, gazing over his impossibly large biceps, to his flat stomach and finally to the evidence that said he had no intention of driving around the national park.

  “You think you’re real funny, hey?”

  “I can practically taste your desire, Bec. If I slipped my hand beneath your panties, would I find you wet?”

  Her eyes widened in disapproval, even as the very place he was talking about grew slicker. “Aster!”

  “What? I’m turning you on. Don’t deny it.”

  “Are not.” Becca huffed, crossing her arms.

  His smile grew as he glanced at her, his eyes landing on her now hard nipples pushing through the thin lace material of her bra.

  “I see I made the right choice when I chose that.”

  “How so?” Becca asked, trying hard to sound normal.

  “Because it cups your breasts beautifully, but doesn’t hide my view.” He held her captured in his gaze for a few more seconds before returning his attention to the road. “Touch yourself, Bec. Show me how much you want me.”

  Her breath hitched. His words shouldn’t have turned her on. She should have demanded he stop the car long ago and raced away, but she wanted to obey, and if she did, he’d find her fingers dripping with
the evidence of how much she wanted him.

  Gripping the seat, Becca gulped as Aster brought the truck to a stop. The engine cut off and only their heavy breaths could be heard. She made no move, and neither did he.

  “I’m waiting, Becca,” he said softly, his words a caress.

  Gritting her teeth, Becca turned her head to glare at him. “I am not touching myself.”

  His smile was an invitation, and a promise of danger. He unbuckled his belt and shifted toward her. His strong hands grasped her knees and tugged her closer.

  “You will be,” he whispered, closing the distance between their lips. “Before this day is through.”

  His kiss was explosive, and Becca felt it in places he shouldn’t have been able to reach. Places she’d not known existed. By the time he pulled away, she was gasping for breath and making needy little sounds at the back of her throat.

  “Come on, beautiful, time to go inside.”

  She watched him jump out and come around to her door. Opening it, he reached for her hand and helped her down. The second her feet hit the ground, her knees buckled, her muscles like jelly.

  “Whoa, easy,” Aster soothed, keeping her upright. Tipping her chin up, he brushed her hair from her face and looked down into her eyes. They were bright, the deep brown taking on an almost copper-like glow. “Becca, are you with me?”

  Swallowing and sucking in a breath, she nodded her reply.

  “Say it, Bec, say you’re with me.”

  “Y-yes, I’m with you.”

  Happiness filled his eyes and then he was lifting her into his arms. A startled squeal escaped her lips. Once inside, Aster walked through the main room and into his bedroom, placing her on the bed. Becca wiggled back until she leaned up against the headboard, and watched as Aster pulled his T-shirt over his head. Biting her lip, she traced every one of the hard lines defining his muscles with her eyes, and waited until he’d kicked his shoes and socks off. His erection strained against his jeans. She stared wide-eyed as he flicked the top button free and then he climbed onto the bed, crawling toward her. Chest bare, with the tip of his erection just visible through his opened jeans, Becca wondered if she’d found herself in a situation she wasn’t equipped to handle. By the looks of the bulge in his pants, she wasn’t even sure he’d fit in her.

  “Still with me?” Aster murmured, inches from her mouth.


  His lips skimmed her, sending a shiver down her spine, before his tongue dipped into her mouth, tasting, teasing. The sharp nip to her lower lip sent an unexpected pool of heat to her core. Alex had always been rough when they’d had sex, but never had she reacted to it. Yet this was different. Yes, Aster was dominating, demanding things from her body she’d never given before, but he was also playful, and caring. Every few minutes, he’d lift his head and gaze into her eyes to make sure she was still okay, that he hadn’t pushed her too far. Never had she experienced such intimacy, and never had she wanted to give a man his every wish.

  Slowly, he stripped her of her clothes, always careful of her bruises and grazes. She ended up wearing only the lace bra he’d bought her and black panties.

  Rising to his knees, Aster took a moment to take in the wonder that was Becca. Her skin was flushed, her breasts straining against the thin lace cups of her bra, her movements, restless, needy. She was the most beautiful sight he’d ever seen and he planned to make the most of having this sexy woman in his bed, but first he needed to banish the small thread of fear in her eyes.

  He didn’t like to think about why she was afraid. Whenever he asked her if she was with him, her answer came quick and sure: ‘Yes.’ Yet it was there, and he had a feeling the man she was running from had put it there.

  Slowly, paying close attention to every sensitive spot on her body, Aster kissed and nipped his way down from her mouth to her breasts. Her breaths were ragged, her chest heaving up and down. His fingers skimmed over her ribs and caressed the underside of her right breast before he tucked his finger under the lace cup ready to pull down. Pausing to make sure it was okay, Aster met Becca’s gaze to find her watching him with hooded eyes.

  “Touch me…please,” she begged.

  Not needing any more invitation, his cock pulsed as her flesh sprang free of her bra, and closed his mouth around the hard little nipple.

  “Oh, God,” she gasped, arching her back, pushing more flesh into his mouth.

  He sucked and swirled his tongue around the hard pebble a moment longer, before releasing it from between his teeth, earning a sharp gasp from Becca. He rewarded her other breast with some attention. This one he cupped with his hand, squeezing the flesh just enough to drive her mad, but not to hurt. She squirmed beneath him, making his cock even harder, and causing the beast within him to roar awake.

  Aster closed his eyes as he breathed deeply, trying to regain some semblance of control.

  “Aster?” Becca whispered.

  “Shush,” he answered, placing a kiss to the underside of her breast. “I just want you so much.”

  Her hands brushed his shoulders, and into his hair. “Then…then take me.”

  The vulnerability in her tone helped Aster rein in his beast. Lifting his head, he opened his eyes to gaze into hers. “Not yet, first I want to taste you.”

  Her face flooded red, the flush spreading down her chest. “Aster.”

  His hand traveled down, past her belly button and even further until his fingers skimmed her panties and he cupped her boldly. “Don’t you want to feel my tongue here?”


  “You’re so wet, Becca. Your panties are soaked. Don’t you want release? Don’t you want me to lick you into oblivion?”

  Her breathing increased as she clenched her thighs.

  “Tell me, Bec, tell me what you want.”

  “I…I want.” She sucked in a breath. “I want your tongue on me.”

  He licked his lips, his gaze never leaving hers. “Where?” He kissed her lips. “Here?” Then her neck. “How about here?”

  “No,” she gasped, arching her back.

  “Here?” His lips skimmed one breast, then the next.

  “Aster, please.”

  “Tell me, Bec.”

  “Please touch me.”


  “Between my legs. Please kiss me between my legs.” She whimpered.

  Aster moved down her body, kissing each rib, and the center of her stomach.

  “I will, but first you’re going to touch yourself.”

  Her eyes widened. “What?”

  He gripped her a little tighter, careful to make sure he only touched the skin that wasn’t bruised. “I want you to slide your hand beneath your panties.”

  Her breath hitched as she obeyed.

  “Now slide a finger in, and show me how wet you are.”

  Squeezing her eyes shut, Becca’s head fell back as her hand went lower. “Oh, God,” she groaned.

  Aster pushed up a little, pleased she’d obeyed, pleased she’d let go. Her hand pulled out, the evidence of her juices glistening on the two fingers she’d slid inside herself.

  “Good girl,” he whispered before ripping her panties off and dipping his head.

  Gripping her thighs, he pushed her a little wider, giving his tongue more room. His blood raced through his veins, his cock throbbing with each boom of his heart. Her taste, her scent, it consumed him, drugging his senses until he was nothing but a mindless man with the only thought of feeling Becca come beneath his mouth.

  Holding her tighter, Aster forced back a primal growl from the Minotaur within. Becca cried out, tilting her hips towards his mouth.

  Shit! Aster forced his fingers to relax, and his mouth to pause. “Am I hurting you?” he rasped.

  Her clouded eyes met his, her smile almost sleepy. “What?”

  “Your back, hip…am I hurting you?”

  “God, no. All I feel is bliss. Don’t stop.”

  It was all the reassurance he needed. Mouth back o
n her slick folds, his tongue lapped her clit, drinking up her juices. Slipping a finger into her tight entrance, Aster began to slide his finger slowly in and out, in a hypnotic rhythm. Becca moaned and gasped, her hips rocking up to his mouth urging him on.

  When he slid a second finger into her, and carried on at the same slow torturous pace, Becca moaned his name. She couldn’t believe it was her voice. Never had she sounded so needy, so desperate.

  “More,” she cried as his mouth sucked hard on her clit.

  “More what?” he asked against her desire-swollen flesh.

  She’d given up feeling embarrassed by his wish to have her speak exactly what she wanted. This was the most erotic experience of her life and she knew from this point on, she’d be hooked. His every word ramped up the heat, his every touch drove her to madness. Never had she felt so completely owned, and she loved it. Fear was a long forgotten emotion. All she felt was pure, unadulterated passion.

  “Harder, Aster. Touch me hard. Make me come. I need…to come.” Her words finished on a breathless cry as he thrust his fingers into her, hard.

  A shock of pleasure rippled through her, her blood turning molten.

  “Yes…please,” she begged.

  His mouth closed around her clit as his fingers carried on with their relentless thrusts, each one drove her nearer to the edge. His tongue teased, circled, then he bit. Back arching off the bed, a wordless cry on her lips, Becca crashed over the edge, her body consumed with the most desire she’d ever felt. Ripple after ripple passed through her as Aster continued to gently stroke her, wringing every last ounce of pleasure from her.

  When she could finally breathe again, Aster lay beside her, one leg casually thrown over her body, pinning her. His hand drew lazy circles over the ridges of her ribs, while the other propped up his head.

  Cracking open an eye, Becca gazed at the smug, purely masculine smile on his lips, then closed it again. “Oh, God.”


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