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The Beast Within

Page 8

by Rachel M Raithby

  “Chop Suey, Chow Mein, Cashew Chicken, and some egg rolls.”

  “There is way too much food here,” Becca commented as she helped herself.

  “Eat up. You’ll need the energy for later.”

  “Planning to keep me up all night, Aster?”

  “Something like that.”

  Becca made her way through more food than she expected. Eating in a companionable silence, the moment was peaceful, and the setting straight out of a movie. Woodland Creek wasn’t like anywhere she’d been before, having only lived in big cities, but she liked it. Its rustic charm and rural setting relaxed Becca. She’d always felt exposed in cities, judged without anyone ever knowing her, and even though she’d been surround by people, she’d been utterly alone. Yet in this tiny community where she’d found herself stranded, Becca had the feeling everyone knew everyone, and although some might find it intruding, she was sure if someone needed something, there’d be a line of people ready to help.

  “So you draw?” Aster said when she’d not put another bite of food in her mouth for a while.

  “I used to draw. You helped me remember that.”

  “Why used to?”

  “I guess…” Becca took a breath, deliberating whether to answer with the truth. “I guess when you’ve been trapped in a life where dreams are impossible, a person forgets they ever had them to begin with.”

  Aster had helped Becca realize she was someone. Aster made her feel like someone, and although she knew her past hadn’t disappeared, Becca had come to the decision to not let Alex Scar take this as well. It might only last a few days, but in those few days, Becca planned to live the life she wanted: a life full of dreams.

  “To survive,” Aster said.

  “Yes, yet the problem with surviving is eventually you forget to live.”

  “Yeah, I guess you are right.”

  “You answered that like you’ve experienced the feeling,” Becca stated. She watched him with interest, eager to catch a glimpse at the inner core of the man who’d reminded her to live.

  “There are other reasons that can cause a person to forget to live. Hide long enough, and one can forget there’s a world out there.”

  “Who are you hiding from?”

  Aster looked into Becca’s deep blue eyes, very aware this would be a turning point toward a future with, or without Becca. How he answered this question would either cause Becca to drop her walls a little more, or board them up so he could never get through.

  He was afraid to tell her the truth. How could he say he was hiding from himself, from what was inside him, without revealing who he really was? Yet if he lied, she’d know. Becca was watching him, analyzing him, and his pause was causing a small frown to appear between her eyes. Deciding on the truth, but not all of it, Aster took a breath.

  “Before I came here, I lived in Cleveland. I was in a bar on a date when four armed men came in to rob the joint. They shot anyone who moved. I told her…Julia, not to move, that I’d protect her, but she freaked out… The gun men turned on us. I tried to protect her…but she was hysterical.”

  “She died?” Becca asked quietly.


  “How did you survive?”

  I’m not human. “Luck I guess. Got hit a few times, but nothing serious. When I recovered, I left, ended up here in the dead of winter, and rented a cabin. Never left.”

  “So that’s why you don’t date.”

  “Yeah, guess so.”

  “Did you love her?”

  “No, it was only our second date.”

  “It wasn’t your fault she died, Aster.”

  “I could have saved her.”

  “Yeah, and ended up dead yourself.”

  If only it were that simple.

  The wind chose that moment to gust through the park, swirling golden leaves into the air, and their almost empty food containers everywhere. Becca squealed as her hair whipped across her face. Her laughter carried on the air, making Aster’s chest constrict. Talking about Julia had only reminded Aster what happened when women saw who he really was, and like he’d told Becca, he’d hardly known Julia. If Becca ran, if something happened to her, no amount of hiding would ever take away that pain.

  Lunging for the containers before they littered the park, Aster stuffed them into the carrier bag as he watched Becca chase after the last one. Blowing into the pond, the container floated near the edge, Becca balanced on one leg, trying to reach it without getting wet. The wind blew again, causing her to wobble, and her hair to blind her vision.

  Smile huge, Aster jogged to rescue her, arriving a split second before she lost her footing. Catching her before she hit the water, Becca wrapped her arms around him, and looked up at his face.

  “I think there’s a storm coming,” she said, tipping her head to the sky.

  Aster soaked in the relaxed, carefree expression on her face. With no more shadows in her eyes, no frown lines creasing her forehead, she looked happy.

  Mine, his Minotaur whispered.

  Ours, he agreed.

  Copying her action, Aster spotted the angry gray clouds in the distance. “I think you’re right. Time to go home for dessert.”

  Dropping her arms, Becca smiled cheekily before heading toward the truck. “It’s my turn for dessert…remember.”

  Whipping out with his hand, Aster slapped Becca on the ass, giving chase when she yelled and ran. He allowed her to get within a few feet of the truck before sweeping her up into his arms. Correcting himself at the last minute when he remembered she was injured, he held her by her waist, then put her down with her back to the truck. Closing the distance between them, so that their bodies were flush against one another, Aster bent his head for a kiss before asking the question on his mind.

  “How are you feeling? I kinda forgot about your back and hip.”

  “Okay, little sore and stiff now it’s getting late.”

  “You should have reminded me, Bec. I’d have taken you back to the cabin.”

  Not liking the concerned look in his eyes, Becca reached up and cupped his cheeks. “Aster, you’ve got to realize, I hadn’t even thought about it before you asked me.” Letting out a breath, Becca made the choice to reveal more of her past, even though she knew Aster wouldn’t like it. “I’ve lived with pain for years now. I’m numb to it.”

  “He hit you?” Aster asked, his voice rough.

  “Sometimes, but it was his psychological torture that caused the most pain.”

  “I’m going to kill him,” he ground out, his jaw clenched tight.

  First, we’ll make him suffer, his Minotaur snarled.

  “No, you’re not, because you’ll never see him.”

  When he opened his mouth to protest, Becca claimed it with her lips. She didn’t want Alex to taint the evening. For once, she felt happy, and the last thing she wanted was to relive the past she was trying to forget. Her fingers dug into his shoulders. The fire inside her reawakened as pleasure sizzled through her veins.

  “Take me home, Aster,” she breathed into his mouth.

  She didn’t think about what she’d just said, about how the word home really, truly felt right. Becca could never forget she was living on borrowed time, but she chose to ignore it for now, and instead, reveled in finally feeling like she belonged.

  Becca hadn’t known it was possible for two people to have such intense sexual chemistry. The air in the car was charged. She could almost touch it, feel the weight of the tension branding her skin. Skin tight and flushed, it begged for his touch. Slipping off her jacket in an attempt to cool her heated skin, Aster glanced across at her from the driver’s seat. His eyes seemed on fire, the inner most ring burning copper.

  The truck jerked off the road as they turned off the street and onto the rural stretch that led to the cabin. Skidding to a stop, Aster had his seatbelt unfastened and the truck in park before Becca had a chance to question his actions. His body was crowding her seconds later, his lips taking her mouth in a seari
ng kiss.

  Moaning into his mouth, Becca gripped him, scratched her nails down his arms, desperate to get as close as possible. With each passing second, Aster possessed her a little more. Her blood sang with need and her heart pounded with excitement as her skin tingled with desire.

  The windows grew clouded from their mingled breaths when Becca’s body grew closer to exploding. His hand found its way inside her panties, his fingers thrusting into her in a single hard move.

  Capturing her cry with his mouth, Aster withdrew his fingers and trust into her again. She was hot and tight around him, her muscles slick with her sexual hunger. Her head tipped back as she tilted her hips toward him, Becca’s eyes were closed tightly. Soft moans escaped her parted lips, making his own body respond in hunger. Cock throbbing painfully inside his jeans, desperate for attention, his own moan held the rough edge of his beast.

  He should have waited until they were back at the cabin, but it had been an impossible task. Becca hadn’t been able to sit still inside the closed confines of his truck. The scent of her arousal had surrounded him, drugging him to madness. It was a miracle they’d reached the quieter forests.

  “Oh, God… Aster!”

  She clenched around his fingers, her juices coating his hand. Gripping at him, her fingers like tiny claws as he drove her to the edge with relentless, firm thrusts.

  With a soundless cry, her body went taut.

  “Open your eyes,” Aster demanded. He wanted her with him. He wanted to watch her fall over the edge.

  She opened her eyes as her body jerked, her scream filling the car.

  Rasping in a breath as her body went suddenly slack, Becca collapsed against Aster, feeling spent. Trembling from the continued ripples of pleasure running through her, his fingers still caressed her softly.

  When she finally had enough brain power to form words, Becca lifted her head. “I was supposed to be having dessert…remember?”

  “I’m greedy.” He grinned, reminding her just how greedy when his fingers spread inside her once again.

  “Oh!” She gasped, burying her head into his chest. “How is it possible to want more?” Aster repeated the action. Moaning, Becca clung to him as her body shuddered. “Enough. It’s too much.”

  “Really?” he whispered against her ear, sliding his fingers slowly from her core.

  Dear God, she was sensitive, yet still she wanted more, wanted to lie further back and rid herself of her yoga pants completely, spread her legs and beg Aster to take all of her. She wanted, needed more.

  His fingers slid back inside her, slowly rubbing her aroused flesh. “Aster,” she moaned breathily. “We…really must get…back.”

  He stilled his movements, her needy protest causing him to laugh. “Don’t worry, Bec, by the time I’m finished with you, you’ll be a quivering mess, incapable of thought.”

  In one swift movement, he removed his hand and slid into the driver’s seat. She groaned at the distance between them.

  Still feeling sensitive and hungry for his touch, the drive to the cabin felt longer than it actually took. He shut off the engine and put the truck into park, flashing her a sinful grin before getting out and coming to her side. Jumping into his arms when he opened her door, Aster’s answering chuckle vibrated through his chest. Becca’s body responded to the sensation. Her nipples tightened, pushing against the bra she was beginning to wish she’d not worn. Her mind was on removing her clothes as Aster unlocked his front door and carried her inside.

  The heavens opened as Aster kicked the door shut. Rain pounded on the roof, lashing horizontally against the windows. Aster placed her on her feet, his eyes never leaving her. Slowly, he hooked his fingers into her jacket and pushed it from her shoulders. Goose bumps broke out over her skin at the contact of cold air. Bringing her arms around herself, Becca rubbed up and down, fighting the sudden drop in temperature.

  “I’ll light the fire, shall I?” Aster asked, sounding reluctant to move.

  “Please,” Becca whispered, not really wanting him to go either.

  Heading into the kitchen, she poured herself a glass of wine to distract herself from the building sexual need inside. Wandering back into the main room, Becca sat back on the sofa and sipped her wine, enjoying her view of Aster’s back, his muscles bunching and flexing as he worked.

  Turning to face her when he’d finished with the fire, Aster’s eyes glanced down her body. His gaze was more erotic than a soft caress of his fingers. It held everything she craved. A promise of the pleasure to come. Her breathing quickened, the energy in the air sparking to life.

  Placing her wine on the small lamp table, Becca slid from the sofa and to the floor, kneeling in front of Aster.

  “Time to make me a quivering mess.”

  “Doesn’t look like it will take much doing,” he answered, his smile confident.

  “So cocky,” she mused with a shake of her head.

  Aster had her on her back in a swiftness which took her breath away. His hands skimmed lightly from her shoulders to her hips. Looking up with a coy smile, his copper eyes aglow, Aster hooked his fingers under the waist of her pants.

  “Time for these to go.”

  Gently skimming them past her bruises, Aster pulled them from her feet, chucking them to one side. Crawling up her body, running a single finger over her lace-clad vagina, Aster hovered above her, the look in his eyes hungry yet tender.

  The cabin was cast in the fire’s warm light, its flickering flame producing moving shadows on the wooden walls. The rain drummed a steady beat, adding to the frantic rhythm of her heart.

  The moment was surreal, the setting too idyllic, and the man too sexy to be real. He was more than just sexy though. He was generous and kind, yet demanding all at the same time. Aster was a dream, an escape from reality, one she’d never regret however fleeting her time may be with him. Because Becca would rather live for each moment, than spend a lifetime only ever existing.

  Gazing at her, the woman he knew was meant for him, Aster couldn’t believe he’d ever thought of not keeping her. He’d been afraid to acknowledge the connection between them when they’d first met, but his Minotaur hadn’t and for once, his two halves were in complete agreement.

  Becca was his, and he intended to remove anyone who thought different.

  Sitting back on his heels and pulling Becca with him, Aster lifted her hands skywards. “Stay,” he murmured, before skimming his hands back down over her bare arms to the bottom of her top. She shivered as his fingers grazed her skin, her eyes never leaving his as he lifted the material up and over her head.

  Rewarding her with a smile when she kept her arms held up, Aster ran his finger around the edge of her nipple, before taking hold of her hands and bringing them back to her lap.

  “You are so beautiful,” he whispered, leaning in for a kiss. She gasped for breath when he released her lips. “Will your back be okay against the floor?”

  Nodding her answer, Aster laid her gently onto the rug in front of the fire.

  “Tell me if it gets sore and we’ll swap.”


  Kissing his way across her skin, from throat to collarbone, and collarbone to breasts, Aster slipped one strap from her shoulder, then the other. She arched up to give him room to unhook the back and then her breasts were free, heavy and aroused, begging for his mouth.

  He took his time with them, listening to Becca’s moans, taking note of the little shifts of movements that indicated what she liked the most. By the time he slipped two fingers inside her, she was slick with arousal and restless beneath him.

  “No more playing, Aster. I need you inside me.”

  She sounded sure, her movements restless, but Aster wanted to make sure she was truly ready. He didn’t think he had it in him to walk away a second time.

  Aster caught her cry in his mouth as he rubbed his thumb over the tight bud of nerves nestled between pleasure-swollen flesh, applying a little more pressure as he circled again. Trapping her
with his body, Aster allowed more of his weight to pin her as he teased her clit and massaged his fingers inside her.

  “Oh, God…Aster, I’m going—” The scream that tore from her rang through his ears. Her body thrashed between them even with his weight pinning her. Muscles clenching around his fingers, Aster thrust into her, drawing out her orgasm until she went slack beneath him.

  Removing his fingers, Aster sat up, and stood. Pulling his T-shirt off, he then retrieved the condom from his jeans before sliding them down, too. Becca watched him with pleasure-drugged eyes, her smile dreamy and her body limp.

  “Are you still with me, Bec?” he asked, fingers on the waistband of his boxers.


  Dropping his boxers, Aster tore open the packet and rolled the condom over his throbbing cock. She shifted as he came down on top of her, making room for him between her legs. Their eyes locked as he pushed inside her. She was hot and tight around him, welcoming him to the hilt.

  Sensations bombarded him. It felt so good being inside her, and so right. Pleasure rippled up his shaft, each tingle making him want to sigh with contentment. It had been so long, yet this time was different. Becca wasn’t just a nameless female. She meant something, and it only added to his arousal. Beginning slowly until she relaxed around him, Aster gritted his teeth and concentrated on not losing all control. His beast pushed at the surface, driving him to move faster, to claim her as his. Through his sheer will, he managed to keep hold of his mind, though his movements were far from gentle.

  Not that Becca seemed to mind. She met him thrust for thrust, nails scratching across his back, with her legs wrapped tightly around his waist.

  Becca had never experienced pleasure like it. Each thrust rocked her body, drowning her in sensation. Aster reached more than just her body. He reached the furthest depths of her heart. This was more than just sex. It meant something. He meant something.

  Refusing to give the knowledge more thought because he couldn’t mean something, she was sure it would only make leaving all the more difficult. She banished it to the back of her mind, allowing Aster to take over her body and mind.


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