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Page 42

by Holly Jaymes

  We toured the rest of the vendors and eventually took a seat on a park bench to eat kielbasa sausage, waffle fries, and various fried treats.

  “Vendor food is the best,” I said.

  “Especially in the south. Do you suppose there’s anything a southerner wouldn’t batter and fry?” He studied the deep-fried peanut butter cup he’d bought out of curiosity.


  He popped the sweet treat into his mouth.

  “Well?” I asked.

  “I like fried batter and peanut butter cups, but I don’t know that I need them together.”

  I laughed.

  He nodded toward the horizon. “Storm is coming.”

  I looked to where he’d indicated. Black clouds made a stark line against the blue that was still above us. In the distance, a lightning bolt shot from the clouds to the ground. “Oh, it’s dark.”

  “We should head back.”

  The food hadn’t quite settled as we took the quick ride back up to Mitch’s place. My stomach wished he’d gone slower, but the wind was picking up and fat drops of rain were just starting to fall when we arrived back.

  I rushed inside while he put his bike away. He came back in with Duke at his feet, and I realized I didn’t know what he did with the dog when he was gone.

  “He has his own place off the garage,” Mitch said when I asked.

  “Mitch, thank you so much for this afternoon. I haven’t had that much fun in a long time.”

  He frowned. “That’s unfortunate.”

  “Yes, well, not all of us have a life of leisure. Speaking of which, I’d like to put in a little more work.”

  “Absolutely. Duke and I have some rough-housing to do.”

  I laughed and wished I could stay to watch. I went back to my room, and this time, pulled out my computer to work on my business plan.

  When the lightning started, I unplugged my computer just in case there was a surge. I had several hours of battery life, and I could recharge later. I was able to put in another hour of work but was constantly distracted by the howling wind and the way the trees bowed. The rain seemed to be falling sideways, and it sounded like the lighting was right on top of us.

  A huge boom shook the house, and all the lights went off. I waited for them to come back on, but when they didn’t, I powered off my computer.

  “Hey, Hope?” Mitch called as he made his way through the enclosed breezeway to my room.

  “Yeah?” I picked up my phone and turned on the flashlight app.

  “Listen, why don’t you come to the main house. This structure is good, but if a tree falls on the breezeway that could be a problem.”

  “Ah, okay.”

  “I don’t know if you noticed, but the storm is still picking up steam. It will be better to be away from the windows.”

  Summer storms usually blew through quickly, but this one appeared to want to hang around. I wondered if I should bring something with me, but in the end, I simply followed him back to the main house.

  “You don’t have a generator?” I asked.

  “I don’t.”

  “What about if the power goes out in the winter?”

  “I’ve got a fireplace.”

  Leave it to men to rough it. But as I looked to the living area, I noted he’d started a fire in the large fireplace.

  “I know it’s not cold now, but it lights up the room, and we can make s’mores.” He pointed to his coffee table where he had graham crackers, chocolate, and marshmallows. With it all, there was a mason jar with a clear liquid.

  Mitch grinned. “That’s happy sally.”

  “That’s moonshine, isn’t it?”

  “Yes. How about it? A picnic?”

  “There’s nothing else to do.” I caught his gaze and electricity raced between us, and my body responded with, there is one other thing you could do.

  I sat with Mitch in front of the fire. He roasted us some marshmallows and then poured small glasses of the moonshine.

  “You should probably eat something first. This stuff can be used as paint remover in a clinch.”

  “Did you always break the rules growing up?”

  He shrugged. “Some things are too fun to miss out on.”

  With my marshmallows sufficiently roasted, I put a chocolate slab on a graham cracker, put one marshmallow on it, and then squished it between another graham cracker.

  I took a bite and moaned. “Delicious.”

  “I told you I could cook.” Mitch made his own s’more.

  I sighed as I sat back against his couch and watched the fire dance in the large stone hearth, taking another bite of the s’more and chasing it with the moonshine. The burn as it went down made my eyes water.

  “That was a pretty big sigh. You okay over there?” Mitch asked. He had a smudge of chocolate at the corner of his mouth, and I had the urge to lick it off.

  “This is nice. I don’t think I’ve been this relaxed in a long time.” I stretched my legs out and crossed my ankles as I sipped the moonshine. This time, I coughed as the liquid burned down my throat.

  “You alight?”

  “Yeah. You’re right about the paint.”

  He laughed but cocked his head. “Are you alright, otherwise?”

  I looked into the fire again wondering if I should share about my family woes. “Has Parker told you anything about my dad?”

  “Nothing significant. Is he okay?” Worry tinged his voice.

  “He’s not sick if that’s what you’re asking.” I looked at Mitch. “His business is failing. Will probably fail.”

  “Jesus. Why? How?”

  “Bad choices. That’s what’s allowed me to finally do my own thing. He can’t really afford me.”

  “Can I help?”

  I was sure billionaire Mitch could help my father and barely make a dent in his coffers, but my father had his pride. I suspected Parker did too and was the reason why he hadn’t told Mitch anything.

  “They’re taking care of it. He’s going to retire, just with a lot less than they’d planned.” I drank the rest of the moonshine in a gulp.


  I didn’t know if he was impressed with my downing the hundred-proof drink or my parents’ situation. He poured me a little bit more.

  “It’s funny. Many of their friends don’t keep in touch anymore. I guess because they’re not rich anymore. It's true about hardship, letting you know who your friends really are.” I sipped again, beginning to feel the buzz of the booze in my head.

  Mitch laughed. “Your family was the only one that didn’t care about that stuff. If they did, I wouldn’t be friends with Parker.”

  “True. Still, it’s sad. I feel bad for them.”

  Mitch scooted next to me and used his finger to wipe the corner of my mouth. “You’ve got chocolate.”

  “So, do you.” I looked at him. He was close enough to feel the heat of his body.

  He wiped his mouth with his thumb. “S’mores are messy but worth it.”

  “I thought about licking it off you.” The minute it was out of my mouth, I froze, not having wanted to be so obvious.

  His eyes flashed with heat. “I thought the same thing with you.”

  I swallowed. We sat, our gazes holding like two deer with our eyes caught in the headlights.

  I don’t know how long we were there, but finally, I asked. “Do you really think of us on the river when you…you know?”

  “Sometimes.” His gaze moved to my mouth and lingered.

  “Sometimes you think of someone else?” I hated her whoever she was.

  His gaze returned to my eyes. “No. It’s usually you, just not always at the river.” He licked his lips. “I have a great memory and a vivid imagination.”

  My insides were on fire. “Oh?”

  He nodded. “How about you, Hope? Do you think of me when you touch yourself?”

  “I don’t really do that.”

  His head tilted. “Why? You don’t like orgasms?”

  I was going to have one just from the way he was looking at me. “I do like them.”

  “Did you like it when I gave you one?”

  I nodded. “Yes.”

  He pushed my hair back from my face. “Was it your first time when we were at the river?”

  I inhaled a breath, wondering about the wisdom of sharing so much. “Yes.”

  His breath hitched, and some sort of emotion swam in his eyes. “I wish I knew.”

  “Why? You probably would have stopped and then felt worse than you already did.”

  He smiled. “I would have felt worse, but honey, I couldn’t have stopped unless you told me to.”

  “What about now?” I was done bantering and dancing around this insane desire.

  “I just need a sign, Hope, and then I won’t stop unless you want me too.”

  “Well, then.” I gripped the front of his t-shirt and pulled him to me, plastering my lips to his.

  He groaned, wrapping his arms around me and maneuvering me under him. “Tell me you’re sure, Hope.”

  “You’re the one that needs to be sure, Mitch.”

  “I’m fucking sure.”

  Book 3: Chapter 6—The Calm After the Storm

  The Calm After the Storm


  Nothing had changed. Hope was still Parker’s sister. I was still going to feel like an asshole for betraying him by sleeping with her. But at this moment, I didn’t give a fuck. The sweetest, most beautiful woman I knew was in my arms, wanting me to touch her. It would be the perfect end to a perfect day.

  She was under me, and I could feel every delectable curve of her body pressed against mine. The only problem was all these clothes. I kissed her, slipping my tongue inside her mouth to fully taste her sweetness, while my fingers undid the buttons of her blouse.

  I dragged my hand down her chest and over her belly to feel her soft skin, as my lips trailed down her neck and along her collarbone.

  Her hands slipped under my shirt, drawing it up my back. In a quick move, I yanked it over my head and off. Her hands were on me, and it was like heaven. They woke more than my libido. I felt alive for the first time in longer than I could remember.

  “This is new,” she said, tracing a hand over the dove tattoo imprinted on my chest. “Is this for your dad?”

  “Yes.” To be honest, my dick was too hard and needy to chitchat during sex. “All my brothers have one. To keep my dad close, you know?”

  “I’m so sorry, Mitch.” Her eyes were soft. “I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you.”

  “You wouldn’t have liked me then,” I said and then kissed her again. I didn’t want to go back to that time when my world imploded. Losing my father had been the final blow that ripped my faith in love from underneath me. Had he lived, he’d have been there to help me through the other betrayals. Not that my mother and brothers hadn’t helped. But the lies and deceit, and then losing my father, I hadn’t been able to cope.

  “Yes, I would,” she said, reaching between us to undo my jeans. “I like you now too.”

  “I have to see you.” I didn’t want to rush her, but I was feeling desperate. “I have to touch you.” Our hands were a flurry of activity as one by one our clothes were shed and finally…finally, she was laid out under me in all her natural beauty.

  I drew my hand down her chest, cupping one tit, marveling at its plump beauty. I leaned over, drawing her sweet, hard nipple into my mouth. Her body arched like she was offering herself to me.

  Her fingers thread through my hair. “Mitch.”

  I loved hearing my name from her lips. “Tell me what you like, Hope.”

  “Just touch me.”

  I could do that. I used my hands and lips to rediscover every inch of her body. I’d regretted betraying my friend nine years ago, but I’d also regretted not tasting every inch of her when I’d had the chance. This time, I wouldn’t squander the opportunity. I kissed my way down over her belly, and to the blonde nest of curls between her thighs. Not all women liked a man going down on them. I hoped to hell Hope wasn’t one of those women because I had to taste her.

  I pushed her thighs open, settling my shoulders between them.


  “I’ve got to taste you.” I kissed her thigh and then looked up at her. I told her I wouldn’t touch her if she didn’t want me to. Oh God, I hoped she wanted me to.

  Her expression was uncertain, which made me wonder if a man hadn’t ever kissed her there. “It will be good, I promise.”

  She nodded.

  Thank fuck. I dipped my head, inhaling her sweet scent and marveling at her glistening wet pussy. I snaked my tongue out, sliding it through her folds. Sweet nectar coated my tongue, and I moaned at its delicious sweetness.

  Using my fingers to spread her pussy folds open, I feasted. I consumed every sweet inch of her, using tongue and lips to suck and lick until she was writhing under me.

  “I’m close, Mitch…oh, God.” Her hands reached for me like she wanted me to stop.

  “There’ll be more for you,” I said, hoping she’d let me make her come with my mouth, and hoping I’d be able to make her come again later, hopefully around my dick.

  I thrust my tongue inside her sweet pussy while my thumb rubbed her hard clit. Her entire body went taut, her hips lifting to meet the thrust of my tongue.

  “Oh God Mitch!”

  I continued to work her, drawing out her orgasm as her hips moved with my mouth, and then bringing her down.

  I rose up, sitting back on my heels and rubbing her thighs as I watched her beautiful face recover from her orgasm.

  When her eyes opened, she had a sweet smile. “You’re not done.”

  “Neither are you,” I said, reaching for my jeans. I pulled out my wallet and grabbed a condom. I hoped to hell it was still good. It had been a long time since I’d been with a woman. Who knew how long it had been in my wallet?

  I sheathed my aching dick and then returned my attention to her.

  “What do you think of when you imagine about us?” she asked as I looked down on her body and tried to decide what I wanted to do next; suck her tits or just dive in?

  “I think of how tight you were. Sometimes I think about eating you, which I didn’t do last time.” I settled my dick at her entrance and then leaned forward, drawing her nipple into my mouth, sucking on it and swirling my tongue around it.

  She sighed and held my head. “Do you think about my mouth on you?”

  I groaned. “Sometimes,” I admitted.

  “Can I do that? Suck your dick?”

  Good Christ, I nearly came at the idea of it. “Maybe next time. I won’t last this time.” I pressed the head of my dick inside her, and Jesus, she was still tight. Pleasure radiated from my dick outward at the feel of her pussy walls squeezing and pulling me inside her.

  She let out a long shuddering breath. Her hands gripped my ass and pulled, sliding me in further. Holy hell, her body felt perfect around mine. I tilted my hips and thrust all the way in. She gasped and arched.

  “You okay?” I wasn’t a small man, and some women needed time to adjust. She was so tight, I worried I might have hurt her.

  “So good, Mitch.” Her hips rocked against me.

  Taking that as my cue, I slowly pumped in and out, gritting my teeth to control my urge to plunge hard and fast. I needed to get her hot again. I needed to feel her come around my cock.

  I levered up on my hands as my need built, and I had to move faster, harder, as the tether on my control loosened.

  “Oh, yes,” she gasped. “More…yes…”

  She moved with me like we’d been fucking together for years. In sync, our bodies came together and pulled apart in a dance.

  “Honey, I’m going to come,” I said as I teetered on the edge. The need to come lapped at the edges of my control. “Tell me you’re there.”

  “Yes…don't stop…” Her body went tight and bowed up, and she cried out my name. Tiny rockets blasted in my brain as s
he shot me over the edge into intense pleasure.

  “Oh fuck, Hope…so good…” I pumped and pumped until my arms gave out and I collapsed on her. Even as I lay there, catching my breath, her body massaged my dick, and it felt so fucking good.

  As the storm cleared, I lifted my head to look down on her, wanting to make sure she was okay. She quirked a brow at me, and I knew she was wondering what I was going to do next. I’d handled it all wrong the last time. But the last time I’d been surprised and overwhelmed by what had happened. This time I knew exactly what I’d done. Did I still feel bad for betraying my friend? A little. Mostly I was so fucking content and wondering when I’d be able to have her again.

  “When I recover, I’m going to want to do that again,” I said.

  Her smile was so beautiful, my heart rolled in my chest at the sight of it.

  “No regrets?” She asked.

  Yes, I had regrets. I was fucking my friend’s sister. But Parker wasn’t here, and I was selfish enough to not care.

  “I’ll only regret it if I don’t have you again.” I wanted her in every possible position. I wanted her in every room of my house. Christ, the things I wanted to do to her, and the things I wanted to ask her to do to me would likely make her blush.

  She pushed at me, rolling us until she was on top. “This time, I want a turn.”

  My tired dick twitched back to life at those words. “You can have all the turns you want, honey.”

  She looked down at my cock. “How long does he need.”

  “Why don’t you touch him and find out?”

  As it turned out, he didn’t need that much time once she got ahold of him.

  We woke the next morning in front of the fire. The storm had blown through most of the night, shaking the house and rattling the windows, so we stayed in the living area. I’d gotten some blankets and pillows for us. A few times, I’d gotten up to stoke the fire so it wouldn’t go out. A couple of those times, I’d fucked Hope again. Okay, every one of those times. I wasn’t sure how long she’d be here or if she’d continue to let me touch her once we reached the morning after, so I wanted to have my fill of her. And thank fuck, she was open to it each time I pulled her to me.

  My eyes opened as the sun’s first rays crept across the living area. I looked down at Hope, who was nestled against me, her leg over my thighs. After the fiasco with Gwen, I’d decided love ever after was a gimmick to sell romcom movie tickets and fairy tales. However, I couldn’t deny that waking with Hope in my arms was one of the best ways to greet the day.


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