The Fairy Tale
Page 24
“But you are giving up on me,” he said in a voice almost inaudible. I hung my head. That wasn’t true, I’d be back. The elder elf said so. Even if we were successful, we would have to return by this path.
“I’m not, Lindius,” I searched for words. “Why don’t…why don’t you just come with us?”
Now, he looked at me in a panic. “You were not allowed to leave before, but it’s different now. At my command, you once said. But what if I ask?”
“Come on, Lindius!” I said. “You can do it!”
Lindius went silent and looked around at the trees and the faces of the other elves. “I cannot,” he answered. “I am not as bold as you. I just…I cannot leave my home.”
I nodded. “And I cannot stay here.” I leaned into his chest, wrapping my arms around his waist. He just rested his chin on my head, but I could feel the drops falling from his eyes. “I will see you when I return,” I added. “And it will be soon. I’ll miss you.”
“I will miss you too, Gabriella,” he answered before I turned to follow the others. In a few paces, the beautiful city disappeared behind the trees.
“We will take another break in a few minutes,” Angel was back in control. “But for now, we have a lot of lost time to make up for.”
The path through the forest was much faster than going around. In only five hours’ time, we made it to the edge of the wood and soon walked across a sandy lake shore. The lake was beautiful; large with crystal blue waters that reflected the sun’s beams. The waves gently lapped the shore, adding to the peaceful ambience. Angel had hoped to cross the expanse and get into the trees again before nightfall, so we would have protection in the brush, but I hoped to sleep where we were, so we could watch the stars with ease.
“There are so many things we must talk about,” Connie said excitedly as she walked next to me.
I nodded. “That’s true. I didn’t see you as much as usual while we were in Lavenora.”
“Off gallivanting with that ridiculous elf,” Ryan groaned under his breath. I spun to him, shaken.
“What’s wrong with Lindius?” I asked. I scanned my memory. Lindius only met Ryan once at the fires. It wasn’t nearly enough time to develop an enemy. Was it? “Why would you say something like that?”
Ryan didn’t answer and hastened his pace. My hurt was quickly replaced with anger. “Ryan, what’s your issue?”
“The issue is, I don’t trust him none.” Ryan’s voice was deep and guttural. Angel looked over her shoulder but didn’t stop. I hadn’t seen Ryan so angry in a long time.
“Why? What could he have possibly done to make you…?”
“He’s using you, Gabby,” Ryan responded, shaking his arm free. “I pray you’re not falling for him and can see that as well as the rest of us can.”
“See what?” I stopped him again. “Ryan, you weren’t even around to see anything…!”
“I’ve seen enough. I told you; I don’t trust him none.” He shook free again, but I couldn’t let it go. I felt so hurt that Ryan would say anything like that, especially since I thought he would be excited for me. I had found a friend in a kingdom I would later be a part of…perhaps I had found a love. And he would be so mean?
Ryan avoided my eyes as I complained. He was frustrated too. He tried again to walk away, but when I didn’t let him, he finally broke, grabbing the sides of my arms hard.
“He is just trying to keep that giant brother of his off his back! He doesn’t like you! He doesn’t even know you! Can’t you see? He’s just being friendly…why? To show he is favored by the Moura! It’s all about status with him!”
I felt so upset that tears came into my eyes. Ryan scanned my face. “You have fallen for him. Dumplings, Gabby, don’t be angry with me! Don’t you know that I am always looking out for you?”
“It sure doesn’t seem like it.”
“Okay, you two, stop,” Sean ordered, finally breaking in. “Gabby let him go; Ryan just keep your thoughts to yourself. Fighting will not help us any.”
I finally released him, and he stalked ahead to walk with Angel. I growled and rubbed my arms. I had felt so confident and so enchanted…now I just felt so hurt and uncertain.
What if he was right? I had been so anxious to make friends…did that blind me to Lindius’ treachery?
How could I even say that? Because Angel had? Didn’t Lindius feel the same way about me? Why then would he kiss me? I knew the moment he fell for me, at the lake. When he finally called me by my name.
But what if Ryan was right? What if that was the reason Lindius didn’t want to come with us? No. He didn’t want to come with us because he was afraid. I could see it in his eyes; that’s why I didn’t press him. But wouldn’t I be enough to make him want to at least try to conquer his fear? Or was that too arrogant to believe?
I didn’t know what to believe, but I felt terrible.
Chapter Nine
Ryan’s Sudden Wisdom
“Here is fine.”
We dropped our bags as Angel climbed a tree to scan the perimeter. Ryan and I had avoided each other the rest of the day. Everyone could sense the tension and silently did their tasks. Sean looked desolate; he wanted to fix it, but he had no idea how.
We set camp up quietly and prepared dinner quickly. Because the elves’ hunters and scouts would travel far and for long periods of time, they had quite mastered the art of creating travel-ready foods. That night, we had wonderful game, rice and vegetables…a small, packable meal that came back to full flavor and size once boiling water was added.
Connie sat close to me as I ate, a broad smile on her face. She beamed so widely that I couldn’t help but smile myself. “What is it, Connie?”
“I am so thrilled that you have become a princess,” she answered. “We now can properly remain friends! My father has a tight control on who I see and do not see. Most of my friends are my ladies-in-waiting. No one who actually understands the stresses of being a young princess.”
I smiled and nodded. I hadn’t fully understood it yet either. “I am glad it’s allowed to be friends with the girls,” I said. Connie nodded excitedly. “We were up so late last night just giggling about nothing in particular.”
“And your customs? Have you learned much yet?”
“Not much,” I admitted. “But just the important things. This, for instance,” I leaned forward and gently patted her cheek, “this is how you approve of someone. This is how you show disapproval,” I brushed my nose with my thumb twice, “and this is how you acknowledge a command, or bid farewell to one of higher rank.” I tapped two fingers to my head. “There are many more, I’m sure.”
“That is wonderful, Gabriella! And your manner; how are you to behave?”
“Shy. Quiet. Obedient.” I brushed the hair from my eyes. “How I typically behave. Not at all as forward as I have been the past week.”
Connie sat on her feet and scooted close to me. I had never seen her so giddy before, and couldn’t stop smiling. After a quick look around, she leaned closer to me.
“Speaking of forward, tell me about this boy? Tell me about Lindius!”
I fell back with a blushing laugh before looking to the others. Saramine and Angel sat between Sean and Ryan, laughing as the boys scolded them for talking to each other in Inzi. They weren’t paying any attention to us, so I turned back to Connie and smiled.
“He is…he is wonderful! He has huge orange eyes and perfect lips and he’s tall…”
“All the elves were so tall…!”
“He’s so wonderfully tall! He’s kind and sweet and…” I paused, replaying our short time at the edge of the lake. “He kissed me, Connie.”
Connie gasped loudly and got so close that she nearly sat in my lap. “Gabriella!” Her tone was excited and reproachful all at once. I just closed my eyes.
“He did! At the edge of the lake. In the fall leaves. Cool breeze, warm air.” I trailed off and Connie looked to me dr
eamily. “Time stood still and yet went so fast.”
After a pause, I looked to her anxiously. “But what of customs? He has no rank; he’s only a scout…”
Connie smiled and shook her head. “It just depends on your Arohna. He seems to personally know most his subjects; that is a trait of a sovereign who cares. Everyone I saw him speak to…even runners or passerby…he addressed by name. I so admire that about Lenaguru. All that to say, I do not believe he would forbid such a marriage. Also, from what little I have learned about the elvish courts, I know they do value equality. While there is obviously a clear separation of class, those boundaries are crossed more freely than in Tempton.”
“Than in Tempton. Then, Connie what about you? Has a striking commoner or handsome young prince yet stolen your heart?”
Connie’s face went white and she quickly looked at her lap.
“Beg pardon.” Drops fell in spots onto her dress. “Yes. A handsome young prince has indeed stolen my heart.”
I gently took her hand. “So, what’s wrong?”
“My king refused his proposal.”
“Oh Connie!”
“It is worse. I am still to live in his court…as his brother’s wife.”
Tears poured down her face and I wrapped my arms around her. “Connie! I’m so sorry! That is terrible! Why would your father do such a thing?”
“Because the one Father wants me to marry is crowned. Oh, it is so awful, Gabriella! The crowned prince is so old; he is nearly as old as my father! For two years, I managed to put off our wedding. I hoped that during the time, the crowned prince would give me up, or die of old age and my father would just let me marry the younger, Prince Raymond. But instead, Father told me at my birthday celebrations that I was to marry the old prince the next week. It is all about policy.”
I shrank back. It all made so much sense…why we found her crying, why she was so willing to run away with strangers. What a terrible thing to require! How horrible to live in the home of the one she loves while married to the one she didn’t!
Connie misinterpreted my expression and added, “Your Arohna is not like my king, Gabriella. Lenaguru would not use you to advance his affairs.”
“It’s not that, Connie, it’s just…it’s just I really pity you. And we were so unkind to you…!”
“Never mind that, Gabriella, I was not kind either.” She wiped her eyes and sat up straight. “Let us put it behind us; we are now good friends! Our friendship will unite two kingdoms across several lands! Already, part of the Elder Elf’s prophecy has been fulfilled!”
I smiled and leaned against her, and she wrapped her arms around me. We were good friends. And I was glad I had someone to consult with my many questions. Connie was Saramine’s best friend, but I felt that our bond as young princesses could become just as strong.
The next morning held excitement. The through the woods ended only a few minutes outside of a town. We had traveled through such strange and desolate places that I had forgotten that other humans even existed. It was nice to see some familiarity.
Save the first inn we stayed at those many weeks before, we hadn’t any occasion to use the money the chancellor had given us. We had occasion now. We split up as we ran about the town, purchasing sweets, cheese puffs or other treats we hadn’t tasted in so long.
I bought a sweet raisin bread and ate it as I walked. Perhaps not the most appropriate behavior for a lady, let alone a princess, but I didn’t care. I missed the flavor of the bread. The elves had a sweet bread too, but their chewy dough was made from the flour of some kind of forest root. Though delicious, it just wasn’t the same.
We had agreed to meet at the broken wall in the center of the small town, near the well, once we had finished our shopping. I had the bread and a few sweets hidden inside my bag, so I made my way to the meeting point.
I rounded the bend to find Ryan leaning alone on the wall. I paused. We hadn’t spoken to each other since we fought outside of Lavenora. He had seen me though, so I couldn’t change my path. I sighed and climbed up on the wall to sit. He didn’t look at me, so I pretended to be very interested in my bread. I wanted to say something, but I wasn’t sure what. All my feelings of anger and hurt and disappointment returned, and I squeezed the bread, pressing it against my lips to give the appearance of eating. I was so upset I couldn’t even take a bite.
“I’m sorry, Gabby,” he finally said in a low voice. I thought the words would make me feel better, but they didn’t. Ryan stared at the ground, away from me. “I just…I just can’t trust any of these lads! I can’t trust that they are genuine! We brought you out here to protect you; not just from Harrison, but from them too.”
I turned to him. Ryan still didn’t look at me and rubbed his hands over the back of his head. “So many things go through my head with him, Gabby! Does he want status? Riches? The lad is a clearly coward; so afraid of that giant brother of his. Being near you, if nothing else, keeps his brother at bay. Angel chose a coward and see what he put her through…”
“Lindius isn’t Depash, Ryan,” I finally said. “He’s not. He wouldn’t trade me or anything like that…”
“And he also wouldn’t leave his home for you,” Ryan answered softly. I went silent and stared at my bread. I knew that. It bothered me, although I tried to not let it. I tried to understand, I did. I didn’t want to leave my home with an abusive uncle and demanding aunt. How could I expect him with two loving parents to want to leave his?
“You two deserve the best,” Ryan continued. I nodded, trying to blink the tears from my eyes. “Angel deserves far better than that Depash. And you…you’re going to be queen! Don’t waste your time on someone who isn’t fit to rule beside you.”
I nodded again and Ryan smiled lightly, throwing his arm around me. “I am looking out for you, Gabby. I always have, I always will. I didn’t mean to be such a brute towards you; my anger should have been directed towards Lindius. I just want to make sure you have the best.”
“I know, Ryan,” I said, fighting back sobs. I knew he had my best interest in mind, and that was what made it so difficult. I never felt that way about anyone like I did Lindius. The mere thought of marriage used to alarm me. Now, it had crossed my mind more than once. I just wanted Ryan to be excited with me instead of so dismissive. But he was right. What if I made the same mistake as my sister? I wasn’t nearly as strong as she was. What would I do? What could I do?
“I really like him, Ryan,” I finally said. Ryan’s grip around me tightened. “But I’m so afraid I’m blinded just like Angel was.”
“Think of it like this, then,” Ryan pushed me back to look at my face. “If he’s not willing do for you what Sean or I would, dismiss the lad.” He pulled me back under his arm. “That’s it. He may say he would die for you, but that’s simple. Living for you is love. And that’s not easy.”
Ryan’s sudden wisdom was too much. I finally burst into tears, and he just held me as I cried. What a standard to measure by! But what better standard could I use?
“The next one your sister chooses is certainly right,” Ryan continued softly. “But I want the first one you choose to also be right.”
The others soon arrived, keeping their distance. Angel stared at Ryan hard, but after reading his eyes, she nodded. “Ma-hali,” she ordered gently. The others followed her, and Ryan helped me down from the wall.
“I love you, Gabby,” he said, shaking my hands. “Know that. As mean as I get sometimes, know that I love you. And I’ll be damned if I let a ridiculous suitor hurt you.”
We traveled well into the day, almost past twilight before Angel announced we could stop and make camp. As we ate, Angel looked over the map.
“Perhaps we should have stayed in that last village we passed,” Ryan said, sitting. “The elves have spoiled me; I miss a bed.”
Angel didn’t look at him. “I am reluctant to trust anyone else out here. Lenaguru’s warning has been
proved by that man who killed Nee Gus and Depash…he is clearly set to pursue us, and until we know why, we must assume others will follow suit.”
Ryan traced his hand on the map. “We passed the forest, the first lake, these villages…so we have to go past the city of Hue and then on to Thenowe? So, what? What is your plan when we get to Hue?”
“We will go around,” Angel said with a nod, not looking up from her hair that tangled around her knees. “I wish to avoid that large city completely. We will break down into pairs as not to draw attention when we pass the outskirts. We will walk several paces apart, only just within view of each other. I will memorize this map, and Sean and I will lead. If Sean and I are captured, turn back and meet with each other at one of these villages. If we are killed…”
“Peace, Angel!” Sean rubbed his hands together and trembled. “You must remember that not all of us are as fearless you.”
“Apologies, Sean,” Angel answered, smiling lightly. “I must plan for any situation…especially since that man is set to pursue us. Our capture is unlikely unless several were to catch us off guard. Or, perhaps you change back and simply scare them to their knees.”
“Not so,” laughed Sean. “Remember that I’m not that large. A bite-sized dragon like me wouldn’t even scare a child.”
“A bite–sized, fifteen–foot tall dragon!” I protested. The flames danced into the sky as we laughed.
Chapter Ten
No one was awake. Yet, I could hear someone talking and moving about the camp. Because of the moonlight and the embers of the dying fire, I could see someone glancing at faces. I closed my eyes as they walked over me. Once the shadow passed, I casually stirred, rolling over to face my sister. Angel was awake. Her eyes were closed, but her hands slowly crossed her body towards her daggers.
“I suppose we take them as prisoners, then?” a quiet voice from far off was talking to the someone.