Watercolors: Ellison Brothers

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Watercolors: Ellison Brothers Page 2

by Vera Roberts

  “No woman takes over an hour to shower,” Ocean’s face revealed nothing.

  “This woman does.” Aaliyah softly replied. She thought she was being facetious in her reply but a sexy curve of Ocean’s lips revealed he loved the challenge. “Why are you here?”

  “I’m here to see if you were okay, that’s why.” He replied, keeping his distance at the door. “And if you needed anything.”

  “No,” she held up a hand, “why are you here? Like here in Atlanta, here. What’s your purpose of being here?”

  “I thought I explained that back at the shop?” Ocean’s eyes revealed a smidgen of annoyance. “Was I not clear enough?”

  Ocean’s lips were perfectly clear. As they took control of Aaliyah’s, his tongue played with hers with expert precision. Only a whiteboard with black lettering would be clearer. “What are you going to tell your father about us?”

  “His opinion has never mattered,” Ocean replied.

  “But it does, Ocean. It does.” She replied. Aaliyah’s heart burned with anger as she remembered how smug Thomas looked as he informed her she was no longer needed in Ocean’s life. If he got up and sucker punched her, the impact might have been less than the verbal blow he’d delivered. “Your father won’t hesitate to destroy me so he can get what he wants and if he wants you in the White House, I’m a distant memory.”

  “I don’t want to run for the White House.” His blue eyes turned dark. “I have no desire to ever run for the presidency. I’m not even sure I want to go beyond a first term here.”

  “Bullshit,” Aaliyah snapped, “you’re likable and quiet. You’ll get re-elected based on that alone.”

  “I thought you didn’t care what I was up to?” His blue eyes crinkled.

  Aaliyah bit her lip and looked away. “My point is, no one is going to elect you with me on your arm.”

  “Contrary to your popular belief, no one cares about senator’s wives.” He walked closer to her. “And you’re giving yourself way too much credit for something that may not even happen.”

  Aaliyah felt the smoldering heat between them as Ocean closed the distance. He smelled wonderful and his newfound swagger made him even more delicious. Her heart rate shot up and was deafening in her ears. A part of her wanted to cave in and begin a new relationship with him. A part of her wanted him to suffer for all of the hurt and anguish he and his family did to her.

  The Petty Pendergrass in Aaliyah was about to come all the way through. “You don’t even want me any more. I’m not your type.”

  “My type?” His cocked his head to the side. “My type is what?”

  “Blonde, leggy, and curvy.” She noted. “I’m none of those.”

  “I thought you didn’t care what I did?” His eyebrows rose.

  “When the gossip pages talk about your dates,” Aaliyah stood against Ocean’s raw masculinity that encapsulated his over six foot frame, “I can’t help it.”

  The longer Ocean was in Aaliyah’s presence, the more she revealed about what she knew of him. She claimed to not have cared about anything he did for the past several years since their breakup, but she knew a whole lot about the women he was seen with. It briefly made him wonder what else did she know she currently hid. “How about you’re everything to me? Is that better?”

  Aaliyah swallowed and looked away before Ocean tilted her head towards his. He took her mouth again, drinking from her as his hands cradled her hips. She felt so warm and soft within his touch and he felt his cock harden at the thought of being inside her again.

  His tongue tangled with hers and Ocean almost lost control when he heard her sweet moans. His hands crawled up to her towel and undid it, revealing a nude, decorated body. She had a few more tattoos added, but the rest of Aaliyah was astounding.

  Her legs were muscular. Her torso was tiny with a small piercing. Her small breasts were perky and mouth-watering.

  She was perfect for him in every way. “Let me show you something.” He grabbed her hand and pulled her in front of the wall mirror. He stood behind her as Aaliyah tried to cover herself up with her arms. “No,” he set her arms down, “I want you to see what I see.”

  Aaliyah held Ocean’s gaze. His eyes were intense and full of heat. “What do you see?”

  “I see love. I see beauty.” He kissed her neck. “I see power. I see us.” He locked eyes with her. “What do you see?”

  Aaliyah shivered at the passion of Ocean’s words combined with his smoldering look. He was dark and dangerous; a deadly combination for her heart. The earth stood still for them and the only thing that mattered was whatever was happening in that very room.

  “Well?” He asked again. He held her waist and nuzzled his lips against her neck. She smelled delightful and addicting. His blue eyes darkened to an almost black color as he reached up and caressed her breasts. “What do you see?”

  Aaliyah swallowed and blew out a breath. Her sex became slick with desire and tightly clenched in response of him. Her heart raced uncontrollably fast and her palms became sweaty. The only man that could knock the wind out of her without saying much.

  Ocean had a quiet sensuality to him that was irresistible. He never flashed his wealth or dropped names to impress anyone. Either someone liked him or they didn’t. Take him or leave him.

  She hadn’t physically seen the man in years and there was an intimacy and closeness between them like if they had never separated at all. Ocean promised everything but guaranteed absolutely nothing.

  Aaliyah felt her lungs suffocate her and the words became lodged in her throat. She swallowed once, then twice before she finally spoke. “I see uncertainty. I see scrutiny. I see a horrible crash that would leave me gutted yet again.”

  “You really see all of that?” He kissed her neck and felt her shiver underneath. “I see protection. I see a guaranteed bet.” He turned her towards him and looked into her deep, brown eyes. “I see me loving you with everything I have until I can’t possibly love you any harder than this.”

  Ocean had always made Aaliyah feel like she was the only woman in the world. It was no different. “Ocean, I…”

  “We’re going to be late for our dinner.” He backed away and turned Aaliyah to face him. “You have ten minutes. If you’re not dressed by then, you’re going to the restaurant in an outfit I picked out or you’re going naked. I’ll be waiting.” He left.


  She hoped her outfit screamed dirty hoodrat.

  Aaliyah chose low-slung jeans and a yellow halter-top that showcased her sleeve. She put her long hair up into a messy bun and painted her face so unrecognizable, she was honestly wondered if she was looking at the same person in the mirror.

  She paired her look with Gucci flats. Her first choice was the standard and typical high heels but she wasn’t entirely sure where Ocean was taking her and how far she had to walk. It was better to be practical and comfortable.

  She spritzed some perfume and gave a sweep glance at herself over. Her tattoos were tasteful, but her right arm was covered in them with some on her left. There were more tattoos that were hidden.

  Her light skin shined with jojoba and almond oil and chose daring mauves, purples, and pinks for her makeup. She did not look like a senator’s girlfriend. Hell, she didn’t even look like a senator’s wife for that matter.

  Aaliyah did, however, looked like the last girlfriend a senator dated before he moved onto his political career and cleaned up his act. She looked like a college frat boy mistake. The type of a girl a guy would reminisce with his buddies over a few beers about that black chick he banged but that was the extent of it.

  Ocean was wasting her time and his. At least she would get a good meal out of it.

  The feelings of longing and want didn’t dissipate over the years. Dared Aaliyah thought, they’d grown stronger. When Ocean finally did make his appearance, the emotions were at the tipping point and ready to boil over.

  When he pulled off the towel and studied her naked body, Aaliyah didn’t
fight back. She should’ve. He was a stranger to her. He hurt her very much and she let him in her home, and worst yet, in her heart again.

  As he loved on her naked body, the sexual tension between them crackled at a fever pitch. He kept his arms to the side and stood behind her as he focused on her eyes. She knew Ocean too well. She felt his rapid heartbeat pounding against his chest, yet his outward appearance was calm and collected.

  She remembered how he took ownership of her lips back at the shop. He demanded her attention and love again, whether she liked it.

  It was either going to be a happy ending or a disastrous one. “Here goes nothing.” Aaliyah grabbed her Chanel clutch and walked downstairs to an awaiting Ocean, who simply smiled back at her.

  “Stunning.” His voice was low. His blue eyes smiled along with his mouth. “I waiting for my princess to come to the ball and she did not disappoint.”

  Ocean had a way of words that borderlined on corny and heartwarming. It’s what made him popular with female voters. It’s also what made him get inside Aaliyah’s panties. “Where are we going, Doctor Facillier?”

  Ocean’s blue eyes crinkled as Aaliyah referred to him as the villain from The Princess and the Frog. It was her favorite Disney movie only second to The Lion King. His heart stumbled as he thought about why he remembered something so trivial about her. “Something you might like, Princess Tiana.” He held out his arm. “Shall we?”


  “This…” Aaliyah walked over to the balcony and stared out the Atlanta skyline. “…this is spectacular.”

  Ocean appeared behind Aaliyah’s with his hands inside his pockets. He rented out a restaurant in nearby Buckhead and had it closed specifically so he and Aaliyah would have privacy without the prying eyes of other elite diners.

  Ocean always had exquisite taste in everything – food, clothing, and music. It only made sense Ocean took Aaliyah to one of the finest restaurants Atlanta had to offer. The restaurant was so exclusive, Aaliyah was determined to go there when her finances were just right and it was a special occasion.

  Ocean granted her wish before she even vocalized it. “Just beautiful.”

  “You like?” He asked.

  “I love.” Aaliyah had made a nice chunk of change but she didn’t consider herself rich. She was middle-class comfortable she liked to tell herself.

  “I’m glad you love it,” he leaned against her, “only the best for you.”

  There went those nervous butterfly feelings coupled with uncertainty. The last time Aaliyah felt that way about Ocean, she went wedding gown hunting with Brittany. It took her a solid two years to step back into another one and that was only because Brittany was about to get married soon.

  She wondered if Ocean was simply humoring her. “I see.”

  “Do you want to eat inside or out here? The view is magnificent either way.” He kissed her earlobe. “I’ll have the best view all night.”

  “Okay,” Aaliyah moved aside and held her hands up. “Enough of this.”

  Just when Ocean felt they were making strides in getting everything settled, the finished line was moved farther. Ocean simply blinked. “Okay.”

  Aaliyah stepped a small distance and blew out a harsh breath. She’d dated forgettable men within the last couple of years and only a few of them she humored to take the edge off.

  None of them compared to Ocean. His swag, his charm, and how he loved her. The tremendous yearning Ocean had brought within her made her breathless. His sharp blue eyes bore into her, reading her soul, and leaving her speechless.

  The only man who dared her to throw her ass back to him in bed and he ended her with just a few thrusts. Aaliyah felt her knees buckle as she thought about how Ocean loved to bend her over and lick her wet slit from behind. “Listen, O, you can’t just come back into my life, sweet talk me, see me naked, and think all is forgiven and the last two, almost three years never happened. It doesn’t work that way.”

  “I told you I wanted us to talk and work on everything,” he kept his distance, “I also told you I would be as patient as you let me.”

  “A lot has changed within the last few years, O.” Aaliyah began. “I have my successful studio. I’m in talks of getting a reality show out of the deal. Two of the D’Amato Brothers is producing it.” She referred to the eponymous family. “I have my own life here. You’re a freakin’ senator, for crying out loud! The public wants to see you with Suzy Homemaker not Aaliyah the Tattooed-Up Reality Star.”

  “You put a lot of energy of what people will think of you and we’re not even back together.” The smile on Ocean’s lips matched his eyes. “It’s like you’re pushing me away, citing my reputation and yet, it bothers you it doesn’t concern me.”

  “It should concern you,” Aaliyah moved closer to him and covered her chest in the chilly Buckhead weather. “Politicians are all about the public image. Even if we’re rarely seen together, people will nitpick everything I do. I can handle that but can you? Can you handle going online and seeing someone degrade me because they think I’m not good enough for you?”

  You will not destroy the Ellison name over a piece of forgettable pussy. Thomas’s biting words rung in Ocean’s ears and he blinked to shake the thought out of his head. “I don’t go online that much at all. I have assistants who handle all of my social media.” He took off his jacket and covered Aaliyah’s shoulders. “I only go on it unless I absolutely have to.”

  “I’m on social media all of the time. I get a lot of business from there. Yelp, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram…Snapchat!” Aaliyah gestured. “I’m going to be stalked relentlessly, O. You need to understand what you’re asking me to go through. You say people won’t care and they probably wouldn’t have if I wasn’t getting a reality show. They probably wouldn’t care if you weren’t an Ellison. But they’re going to care, O. And I need you to be prepa—”

  Aaliyah’s speech was silenced when Ocean took over her mouth. He swept his lips along hers before he pushed his tongue inside. He made love to her mouth and drank from her, keeping his hands at bay.

  Ocean almost lost it when he heard Aaliyah’s soft moan vibrate in his ears. He was going to be a gentleman for as long as he could but even he started to wonder how much longer was that going to be. He pulled away. “Hungry?”

  Aaliyah’s body softly swayed and she blinked a few times to get her bearings together. “Yes.”

  “Good. Let’s eat.” He kissed her forehead. “Inside or out?”

  “Inside, please.”

  Ocean opened the door and let Aaliyah walk before him. He pulled out her chair and waited for her to sit down. Aaliyah blushed when she realized how much she missed his chivalry. He was always a gentleman.

  She took a brief glance around the restaurant. Decorated in deep colors of brown and burgundy, the off-white colors added a softness and exquisiteness to the décor. Clear floor-to-ceiling windows showcased a different part of Buckhead. Wall sconces gave the restaurant a romantic feel. She picked up the ecru paper and glanced over the menu. There were no prices and Aaliyah immediately knew she was in a different world. “What do you recommend?”

  “The halibut or the duck with maple glaze.” Ocean glanced over his menu. “Everything on this menu is excellent.”

  Aaliyah was confused on what she wanted. Everything looked delicious. “I don’t know what I want.”

  “Do you want me to order for you?” He asked.

  Ocean always ordered for Aaliyah when they dated. It was treatment that was weird and unusual at first to her but she’d grown to accept it and love it. It’s also what ruined her for any future relationships. “Yes, please.”

  Moments later, a server appeared at their table. “The lady will have the roasted duck. I’ll have the filet mignon. Two glasses of water and a bottle of your finest pinot noir, please. Thank you.” Ocean ordered. The server disappeared and returned a short time later with appetizers, only to disappear again.

  It was a weird, still silence betwee
n them. Ocean calmly enjoyed his wine and bread while Aaliyah looked everywhere but the man in front of her. A surge of emotions went through her body, with the prominent one was an emotion of infatuation.

  Did she really still have feelings for a man who didn’t even acknowledge her presence during his campaign?

  “I see your business has done well,” Ocean’s voice was deep and husky. “A lot of celebrities have been sporting your work.”

  “Um, yes.” Aaliyah cleared her throat. She was a favorite amongst rappers, athletes, and actors. Even the A-list white actors have taken pictures with Aaliyah and recommended their friends. “It’s nice to have recognition but I do it for the love. Even if one celebrity didn’t shout me out, I wouldn’t be offended. It’s the Plain Janes and the Joe Schmoes that concern me the most.”

  “I like that,” Ocean replied. “You’ve always cared more about the unpopular and unfamous than anything else.”

  “Celebrity and fame is fleeting. You can be hot one minute and the next no one cares about you.” Aaliyah’s voice was soft as a feather. “When people love you no matter what, you can’t beat that. The diehards will always support you no matter what the naysayers think and believe.”

  “The same says for politics.” Ocean replied. “You can apply the exact scenario to politics.”

  “And I still don’t understand why you entered that game?” Aaliyah met eyes with her ex and felt her breath stolen. With his chiseled cheekbones, sultry blue eyes, and kissable lips, Ocean was truly a beautiful man. “You hated politics and everything that it entailed. Now you’re on your second year of your first term with talks of a re-election in a few years.”

  “It’s too soon to talk about re-election when I’m still getting my feet wet,” Ocean replied, “some people see the name and don’t think about anything else other than favors. They couldn’t care less about why I’m voting for a certain bill or why I rather not accept expensive dinner invites.”

  “So why did you become a senator, then?” Aaliyah softened her voice when she realized it sounded accusatory. “Why did you give up your life to become the one thing you hate?”


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