Watercolors: Ellison Brothers

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Watercolors: Ellison Brothers Page 3

by Vera Roberts

  Aaliyah may have said life but Ocean knew she meant her. It would forever haunt him for his decision. “It was a for a cause I believed in and I still do,” Ocean knew Aaliyah didn’t know the true story about his sudden senatorial run and it wasn’t the time nor the place to let her know why. “I believe I can make a change in the world, specifically California and my constituents. The politicians of yesteryear no longer exist and cater to the changing demographic. No one wants to hear about the good ol’ days because some of those days weren’t that great for the minorities and disenfranchised. Everyone deserves to have their voice heard and it’s my job as a senator to ensure that happens.”

  Aaliyah grew a soft smile as she listened to her ex. If she didn’t know better, she thought he was running for his next campaign. His eyes brightened and his white teeth were perfectly straight and smiled at the end of each sentence.

  Ocean was either a natural or he was trained very well. She was quite impressed at how he stealthily avoided a direct question. She didn’t know if she wanted to slap him or fuck him.

  Maybe both. “You see yourself as a politician for the rest of your life?”

  “I don’t know yet,” he honestly answered, “it’s too early to tell. If it were up to me, I’ll be a one-term senator.”

  “If it were up to you,” she repeated.

  “It’s up to the voters.” Ocean added, knowing that wasn’t the entire truth. “They get to decide when I jump and how high.”

  “Not Daddy Ellison?” Aaliyah’s voice had a sharp bite to it.

  Ocean stiffened as he thought about his father. He still pulled the strings and they became longer and thicker as he aged. “My father has nothing to do with any of this.”

  “Bullshit,” Aaliyah snapped. “He has everything to do with this.”

  “You honestly think my father knows about us meeting right here, right now?” Ocean met her challenge. “You think he set all of this up?”

  “If he wants to pay me off again, I don’t put anything past Sugar Daddy.” Aaliyah folded her arms. “Was the money not enough?”

  “My father has no idea I’m meeting with you, Liyah, and I’m pretty sure he’ll be upset that I am.” Ocean thought about his father’s reaction to the upcoming news story. He barely contained his smile thinking about how upset Thomas would be. “I’m here to get you back, familial relations be damned.”

  Ocean said it with such authority, it caused a visible shiver within her. “I’m not going to get back with you because you’re eager to say fuck you to Daddy. I won’t be manipulated in whatever sick game you two are playing.”

  “The only games I play are the ones in bed and I’m pretty sure you liked those games, didn’t you?” Ocean leaned back into his chair. “In fact, you loved the way I made your body sing with my tongue.”

  Aaliyah felt a jolt of electricity rush to her sex and she immediately crossed her legs. Ocean’s tongue just loved her pussy. He licked her clit like it was the only meal he’ll ever eat. She was normally quiet and reserved in bed, but Ocean had her screaming.

  One time they’d sixty-nined, and Aaliyah lost her everloving mind. Ocean’s hands wandered all over her body; playing with her holes, flicking her clit, and sucking hard on it as she deep throated him.

  They fucked and sucked for hours that night until neither of them could move their legs. Aaliyah especially hated how that particular memory spurned her masturbation fantasies. “Fuck you, Ocean.” She huffed.

  “I certainly hope you will,” his blue eyes danced as their food arrived, “I certainly hope you will.”

  Aaliyah watched the servers present the dishes and pour two glasses of wine. They left a short time later. “Eat.” Ocean ordered. “You’ll need your strength later.”

  Aaliyah’s eyes briefly widened before they settled back down. If that man was implying she was going to open her legs and welcome him like the long, big dick she’d missed, he had another thing coming. “I’m not fucking you tonight.”

  “That’s fine.” Ocean expected her answer. “I don’t expect you to.”

  Aaliyah was always taught it wasn’t what people said but rather, what they didn’t say. “But you want me to?” Her eyes became inquisitive.

  “I would be lying if I said I didn’t.” He replied.

  “The answer is no.” She firmly stated. “Not tonight.”

  Ocean just smiled. Not tonight was just as good as a yes in the near future.

  After dinner, Ocean dropped off Aaliyah back at the condo. He walked her up to the front door and held her waist as they stood underneath the stars. “Thank you for a lovely night, Liyah. I really appreciate it.”

  “It was a lovely night,” she had to admit. After the shadiness and snarky feelings dissipated, Aaliyah truly enjoyed Ocean’s company again. He raved about Mtume’s “Blackman” album, while she waxed poetic on why Guns N’ Roses is the ultimate rock band for any person, regardless of race or gender.

  They found common ground in their respective Netflix addictions and Ocean promised to check out a documentary Aaliyah raved about. Aaliyah told him she would finally check out Blazing Saddles to see what all the hype was about.

  “So, this is me.” She offered. “But you already knew that.”

  “You gave me directions on how to get to your home, Liyah.” Ocean’s eyes sparkled in the moonlight. “That’s not my fault.”

  “You already memorized my address, didn’t you?” She asked.

  “Yes.” Ocean smiled. “Of course I did.”

  Aaliyah briefly looked away and hope the embarrassment in her heart didn’t reflect on her cheeks. She’d almost forgotten how persuasive he could be if it was something he really wanted. There was no question he wanted her, though the thought of them forming a lasting relationship seemed impossible.

  He turned her chin towards his and swept his lips over hers. His tongue tangled with hers and he licked inside of her warm mouth. “Don’t think about it.”

  Aaliyah’s heart still swayed from the kiss’s lingering effects. Ocean successfully made her want him again, not that she ever stopped longing after him. “It’s impossible not to when you have security detail surrounding us.” She looked around. She silently counted four and those were the ones visibly seen. Who knew how many were hidden?

  “I won’t force you to do something you don’t want to do, but I want you to think about everything. If you don’t want this, it’ll end tomorrow. Your call.”

  The way Ocean said indicated something else and Aaliyah wondered why he’d suggested the next day. Maybe he wanted her to sleep on it. “Fair enough.”

  He kissed her again. “Call me tomorrow, baby.” He caressed her cheek. “I’m on a flight back to D.C. tomorrow, but I can fly you up there if need be.”

  Aaliyah had never been to D.C. before. She briefly wondered if she would like it. “I don’t have your number, Ocean.”

  He presented a card and quickly wrote on it. “That’s my personal number. Very few people have it.” He handed it over to her. “I’m looking forward to your call.”

  “What are we going to talk about?’ She asked. “We hashed out everything tonight.”

  Ocean briefly looked up at the sky and back down at his ex. “Not quite.” He kissed her again before he went back into his awaiting SUV and took off.

  Aaliyah sighed and kept the card close to her heart. Could it really work between them? How? She was firmly based in Atlanta. He divided his time between L.A. and D.C. It couldn’t work. There was no way it would work.

  But what if it did?


  Crisp sunlight awoken Aaliyah from her dream-filled sleep. All she saw was Ocean’s blue eyes and infectious smile. She saw a scandal-free future between them. Afternoons spent baking cookies while Ocean played with their children in the front yard.

  Evenings were spent hosting numerous other political friends and family and talking about everything but politics. She would’ve been considered an unconventional wife but eve
ryone accepted her the same.

  Aaliyah quickly realized those were just fantasies. They would never come true no matter how much she hoped they would. Still, a girl could dream about a world where her relationship with Ocean wouldn’t matter to anyone but them.

  She sat up in bed and stretched. She had a busy day with several pieces to do and time waited for no one. She got up and headed downstairs. Before she entertained calling Ocean again, she needed to gather her senses.

  A nice cup of English breakfast tea would do just the trick.

  As she prepared her tea, she heard her cell phone ring off in the distance. One call, then another, followed by another. Considering it was her personal cell phone that sometimes acted as her business phone, Aaliyah ignored the calls. She would get back to whoever wanted another tattoo later.

  When her house phone rang, that’s when Aaliyah knew something was amiss. She hurried over to her house phone and answered it. “Hello?”

  “I have a bone to pick with you, missy!” Brittany admonished over the phone. “I thought you just said you had dinner with Ocean and that’s it.”

  “That was it.” Aaliyah yawned. “What’s going on?”

  “What?” Brittany asked. “Are you serious?”

  “Bitch, I just woke up.” Aaliyah yawned again. “And no, Ocean didn’t spend the night with me nor did any hanky-panky went on. We just kissed and that’s it.”

  “I bet it was some kiss!” Brittany prodded.

  It was. The kiss reminded Aaliyah why she fell in love with Ocean to begin with. “Is there a reason why you’re busting my balls right now?”

  “You seriously have no clue right now?” Brittany asked.

  “Britt, either spill the tea or let me go back to sleep.” Aaliyah warned. “I don’t have time for any of—”

  “Bitch!” Brittany laughed. “You’re all over the internet!”

  Aaliyah went from sleepy to alert and about to die of embarrassment in zero to sixty seconds. “I beg your pardon?”

  “You and Ocean! K-I-S-S-I-N-G!”


  Aaliyah shook her head as she saw her name as a nationwide trending topic. No matter what social media pages she went to, it was all anyone talked about – Senator Ellison’s hot new black girlfriend.

  She noticed the urban blogs made sure to mention her race. They spoke about the ubiquitous tattoo Ocean had and made the connection it was her. The brothas high-fived him while the sistas swooned.

  The conservative blogs didn’t even bother mentioning her race. They did, however, made sure to mention she was a sleeved-up tattoo artist. In fact, that was the only thing they spoke of with the thinly-veiled racist insult – “He couldn’t find anyone better?”

  Aaliyah knew the comments were referring to her appearance in every respect. Everyone expected Ocean to find someone like his mother – blonde, blue eyes, and most importantly white. A sleeved-up black tattoo artist with a penchant for Glenlivet was just not going to do.

  Aaliyah’s social media following on Instagram jumped to a blistering high number and Aaliyah didn’t even want to read any of the comments. She thought about making her page private but it was no use. If they didn’t say something there, they would find her Facebook and her Yelp business page.

  Fuck my life.

  In clear HD form, Aaliyah looked at the picture of Ocean dipping her as he kissed her right outside of her tattoo studio. Anger burned within her once she realized Ocean had set the entire thing up.

  Her first thought was some random paparazzo but Aaliyah knew that wasn’t true. No one cared about politicians that much to follow them going to a random place like a tattoo studio. The general public may have kept up with their policies and some bored ones may have commented on the type of tan suit one decided to wear. But no one cared that much.

  Unless…said politician was an Ellison. Then everyone had time.

  Aaliyah clicked on the photos and gasped at the images. If she wanted to be honest with herself, she was pissed Ocean took advantage of such an intimate moment between them. The photos, however, told a different story.

  She smiled when she saw how passionate they both were, as if they never missed a step. She saw how Ocean looked at as if they were the only people on earth. She stared at the photo where he touched her cheek and promised he’d be on his best behavior. No one took photos of her and Ocean as they privately dined.

  The photographer got a clear picture of her tattoo shop and her sleeve. Her face was hidden, but anyone who knew her would point her out as several already confirmed. More pictures of Aaliyah popped up on social media and she didn’t even want to look at the comments about her appearance. She loved the way she looked and the detractors would have to deal.

  Ocean loved it, too.

  Aaliyah rolled her eyes as she thought about her ex.

  He was a true politician in every sense. He manipulated the situation to his liking, damn what she thought or felt. He embarrassed her on a nationwide level and she was left with a wet ass and an open mouth.

  It made sense why Ocean was rather insistent Aaliyah call him that next morning. He wanted to see if she would completely end things after what he pulled. He was fully expecting her to tell him to fuck off and they were going to go on their merry ways.

  Except she couldn’t. Not that easy. It would be a few days before the news would die down. She didn’t dare to make any comments about their relationship or lack thereof. In fact, she had to turn off her phone because the incessant ringing drove her nuts.

  Aaliyah glanced down at her almost empty cup. It was time to switch to chamomile and calm her nerves. Once she made her cup of tea, she was going to completely cut ties with Ocean. He’d played her for the very last time.


  He wanted to call her to see if she was handling the press okay. Every time he picked up the phone, he decided against it. He told her to call him. She would have to be the one to break off everything. He passed the ball to her and it was now Aaliyah’s game.

  Patience was never Ocean’s strong point.

  As he read an eye rolling article about Aaliyah from that weasel network, Ocean impatiently tapped the desk inside the hotel suite. It was already ten a.m., and he still hadn’t heard from Aaliyah. There was a chance she was still asleep and he respected that. There was also a chance he was avoiding her and that was a bitter pill to swallow.

  Aaliyah said she would’ve changed for him and did everything to be with him. Ocean didn’t want any of that, but if she was going to be with him, Aaliyah needed to be prepared for the scrutiny that came with being married to a member of a famous family.

  He didn’t have the swag like his middle brother, Soul, or the suaveness of the youngest Ellison, Savior, but what Ocean did have was heart and he was more than willing to give Aaliyah the world if she let him.

  First, she needed to rebuild her trust in him. Even Ocean could admit he had his work cut out for him.

  When the phone finally did ring, Ocean almost fell back in his chair. He stared at the phone for a long moment and wrung his hands together. She was calling. He blew out a few small breaths and was prepared for Aaliyah to curse him out and end it. And then he’d launch a romantic attack so strong, Aaliyah would have no choice but to forgive him.

  He was on his way to his Happily Ever After with Princess Tiana. He just had to be a bit more patient. “Ocean Ellison, speaking.”

  “You’ve always done some pretty insanely stupid things in your life time, Ocean, but this one…this one…I have to say tops everything thus far. I just have to know what the hell were you thinking?”

  Ocean’s heart dropped to the pit of his stomach as he listened to the other end of the conversation. “Good Morning, Father.”

  “Yeah, yeah.” Thomas Ellison dismissed his son. As the patriarch of the famed Ellison clan, Thomas built his career being a civil rights lawyer protesting when he was young back in the 70’s. During current times, he was every family’s go-to man when it came to
police shootings and police brutality cases.

  To say Thomas made a killing off black death was an understatement. “Where is she? Is she with you?”

  Thomas had such contempt for Aaliyah, he couldn’t even say her name. “She’s not with me.” Ocean replied, wondering why he even told his father that much.

  “Good.” Thomas added. “When is your flight?”

  “This afternoon.” Ocean glanced back at the clock on the wall. “Why?”

  “Tonight you have a date with Ximena Montez. She’s the daughter of Ricardo Montez, head of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute. I’ve already made the reservations and car service. You two are going to dine at the minibar restaurant and then go to the philharmonic where you’ll be seen by other social pages. By tomorrow, this will be all buried into the back pages and everyone will focus on you and Ximena.”

  Ocean sucked the inside of his cheek and briefly pressed the phone against his forehead. “I’m not going on a date with her.”

  “Ocean,” Thomas’s voice was like a father speaking to a child who’d behaved badly, “we’ve already discussed this. The arrangements have been made. You’re going out with her and that mess you’re in will be settled as if it never happened.”

  Mess. He and Aaliyah were in a serious relationship and they were almost engaged. Ocean wondered if Thomas would have the same feelings if Aaliyah was named Becky and had a lighter complexion. “Why do you hate Aaliyah?” Ocean dared to ask. He already knew the answer but he had to hear it from his father. “What did she ever do to you?”

  “I have ambitions regarding the future of this country that go beyond your feelings. If one person hates me in comparison to millions, that’s a risk I’m willing to take.” He hung up.

  Ocean almost ripped out the phone and threw it across the room. He decided he’ll go his Krav Maga classes instead that night. “Infuriating.” He shook his head. He heard a knock on his door and yelled for the party to come in.

  “Man, I don’t know how you do it.” Ocean’s chief of staff, Justin Campbell, walked in. He was a tall, muscular black man with a bald head and goatee. “You two are all over the internet. The biggest news story in politics that has nothing to do with a potential World War Three or pissing off every single one of our allies.”


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