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Forever With His Boss

Page 13

by Rheland Richmond

  Even though his tone was matter of fact, inside, he was worried. But the part of him that got his way in business was already drawing up a game plan.

  “Wow… uhmm.” Ford’s eyes showed all the concern he was doing his best to hide. He looked at Sawyer. “Do you think she can afford to pay for a flight? It’s not exactly cheap.”

  Sawyer’s lips curved at Ford. His man was always the pragmatist, always thinking ahead.

  “That’s true, but she could always borrow money… or whatever it is she does to get it.” Sawyer knew what she did. He’d gotten access to her rap sheet. “Still, we can’t let our guard down.”

  “Do you really think she’ll come after the kids?” Ford looked apprehensive. “It didn’t seem like she stuck around much before.”

  “My gut says she will. If for no other reasons than to find some kind of financial gain from having possession of them and maybe as a final “fuck you” to their dad’s wishes.” Sawyer hated the flash of fear on Ford’s face at his answer. He walked over to Ford and pulled him into his arms. “We will live our lives, and if she shows up, we’ll deal with it.”

  Sawyer brushed a kiss over Ford’s lips, toothpaste and all. “We’ll be fine as long as we stick together. We can do this.”

  Even though his brain tried to tell him that this was a lot for anyone to deal with, Sawyer squashed the voice. Ford wasn’t going anywhere, and he’d handled worse back in New York.

  “I’m so sorry,” Sawyer whispered into Ford’s hair.

  Ford pulled back. “Don’t say that. It’s not your fault, and you’re right. We can handle anything as long as we’re together.”

  “I know, but that’s not what I mean.” Sawyer lowered his head and kissed Ford softly. He kept his lips pressed against his boyfriend’s and drowned in the warmth and comfort that surrounded them.

  When Sawyer pulled back, he said, “This is not how I imagined us moving in together.” Sawyer laughed, but it lacked humor. “I know I said I wanted us to follow all the steps, take it slow.”

  Ford kissed him deeply. His tongue pushed between Sawyer’s lips, shutting him up, and when he pulled back, he cupped Sawyer’s cheek.

  “We have our whole lives to get to know each other and a lot more steps in front of us. I’m with you.” Ford’s eyes were bright. “That’s all that matters.”



  Ford’s fingers cramped. He flexed them several times and listened to a few of them pop. Lovely. His eyes flickered to the time on his laptop. The kids would be home soon. He ran a hand over his face and stifled a yawn that threatened to escape. He needed to get a move on. Ford glanced at his boyfriend who was still staring at his screen and smiled.

  “We need a break.” Ford pushed his chair back and walked over to Sawyer’s side of the desk where he began to comb his fingers through Sawyer’s hair. “I’m pretty sure those lists of errands haven’t run themselves.”

  Sawyer glanced up, and their lips met briefly. “All right, let me just send off this email.” A few taps on the keyboard and Sawyer was done. He stood up and wrapped Ford in his arms. “What do we need to do?”

  “I’m gonna run to town and pick up breakfast stuff for tomorrow, pull ups for Callum’s potty training, maybe some pasta, and salad.” Ford mentally went through the grocery list to make sure it was everything they would need. He reluctantly pulled away from Sawyer. “I think Gavin has a school project. They sent an email.” Ford left the office and Sawyer followed, walking with him down the stairs. “Oh, and I’ll stop by the site and check-in to make sure everything is on track.”

  “You worry too much,” Sawyer teased. “I think Drake has everything in hand.”

  “I know, I know, but just because I get to see the boss naked doesn’t mean I can slack off.” Ford teased back.

  Sawyer backed Ford against the front door and used his arms to box him in. “Isn’t the boss always right?”

  “I think you mean the customer,” Ford teased.

  Sawyer leaned down and nipped his neck before drawing back, only to bring his lips down on Ford’s, parting them, tangling his tongue with his. Sawyer broke the kiss and whispered, “I have a better idea. How about we go back upstairs and have some naked time before the bus gets here.”

  He dove back in, and Ford opened for him while their tongues tangled together.

  Ford was tempted to stay but pulled back with a groan. “Stop tempting me. I wish I could stay, but I have to grab groceries before the kids come back. Plus don’t forget we ordered the cake for Callum’s second birthday tonight. I won’t be long. Maybe we can pick up where we started when I get back."

  “I'm holding you to that.” Sawyer pecked him on the lips. “Does it make me a bad brother to have completely forgotten we planned a little party for him?”

  “I think that just says you have been caught up in work for the day,” Ford teased. “Besides, it’s the first of many birthdays with the little guy.”

  You’re right. And thank you for making me feel better about it. Love you.”

  “Love you too and—”

  The knock on the door vibrated against his back, startling him.

  With furrowed brows, he turned and peeked through the peephole. A rush of air left his lungs as he processed what he was seeing.

  “What's wrong? Who is it?” Sawyer asked.

  Ford took a long, hard look at the woman who stood on the other side of the door. With striking features that matched Savanna's but were weathered from drug abuse, he surmised that it could only be… “Cynthia.”

  Sawyer pulled him back by the shoulders before taking his place, and a low growl rumbled through his chest as he took in the woman. “I knew it. I fucking knew it.”

  He stepped back, forcing Ford to move away, and ripped open the door, staring the woman down. “What are you doing here?”

  “Look, I’m not here to start any problems. I just want to see my babies. Your father would have wanted me to see them. I’m clean. I swear.”

  Ford stood beside Sawyer as his gaze flicked between the two of them.

  Sawyer's features were thunderous, echoing the brewing storm in Ford's gut. “It’s not gonna happen.” Sawyer’s voice was firm. “When you complete your rehab program, then we can revisit this conversation, and from what I have heard, you already violated the court order.”

  “I just want to see them, please. I swear I’ll go back to rehab.”

  “Look, I know how hard everything must be for you, but this was ordered by the court and not something you just decided to do on your own. Until you’ve completed the time required and you’re well, you’re not gonna see them. Now I’d appreciate if you would remove yourself from our property.”

  Fuck, why did Ford’s limbs suddenly feel heavy?

  “I have to see them, please. Let me see my babies.” Her voice grew louder with every word, and Ford heard the desperation in her voice, which got to him. Did she truly miss her children, or was this all an act?

  Ford opened his mouth to speak. Maybe they should just let her see the kids with them in the room. It wasn’t like she hadn’t had visitation previously, and it might make her leave faster without making a scene, but before he could get a word out, Sawyer stopped him with a shake of his head and looked down at her hands. Ford followed his gaze and saw the way she held herself, her hands clenching and unclenching at her sides.

  Ford’s body felt like it was nailed to the spot, watching and waiting for something. He saw what Sawyer meant. The woman was wound tight.

  “I have rights. I have the right to see them.” She tried to push past Sawyer, but he was an immovable wall.

  “I’m not letting you in, Cynthia.” Sawyer’s voice didn’t rise, but Ford knew she wasn’t getting through. “You lost those rights when the court sentenced you to rehab. I don’t want to have to do this to you, but if you don’t leave, I will call the police.”

  Ford moved closer to Sawyer, placing a calming hand on his back. He needed to be
ready to help Sawyer if need be. He knew addiction was a disease, but Ford was also aware that it could make her dangerous, and he was taking no chances.

  “Savanna!” The petite woman screeched as she attempted to peer around Sawyer, who had widened his stance. Her features twisted in anger and her voice rose. “Savanna, Gavin, Callum, Mommy's here!”

  “Mom?” Savanna's voice coming from the driveway cut through the tension, her tone was laced with disbelief.

  Sawyer and Ford jerked their gazes behind Cynthia and found Savanna frozen on the top step, mouth parted and eyes wide as her hand squeezed the railing so hard her fingers blanched of color.


  Cynthia slowly turned, and a smile stretched across her face as she took in her daughter.

  Having been so focused on the unwanted guest, neither Sawyer nor Ford had heard the bus rumble past the corner or the kids approaching.

  Ford parted his lips to explain, but before a word escaped, Gavin barreled up the steps into his mother's waiting arms.

  “I knew you'd come back.” Gavin wrapped his arms around his mom as he buried his face against her navel.

  Ford’s eyes met Sawyer’s, and they knew things had just gotten complicated.



  Sawyer crossed his arms and stood in the living room. He should have made her leave sooner because now he was in a no-win situation. If he got the cops involved, the kids would end up hating him, and if she stayed and then he made her leave afterward, he was risking the kids getting hurt once again and still hating him. Dammit for forgetting what time it was and that the kids would have been coming home.

  She sat in the middle of the couch, Gavin on one side and Callum in her arms. Only Savanna sat across from her, refusing to join her on the large sofa. From the outside looking in, they looked like the perfect family.

  Fuck, he felt like a monster for wishing she would just fucking disappear and stop putting his siblings through this time and time again.

  “We’ve got to do something.” Ford’s voice was low, but Sawyer heard the worry in it. Sawyer had been so focused on watching them he hadn’t hear Ford come out of the kitchen.

  Sawyer glanced at him. “Do what? Interfere and have the kids hate us?” He shook his head. “We’re doing something. We’re watching her like a hawk and praying she doesn’t try anything.”

  Ford’s shoulders slumped. Sawyer saw the resignation on his face, he felt the same as Ford… neither one of them liked it.

  “I’m so happy you’re here,” Gavin said. “I missed you, Mom.” The kid looked like he’d woken up to Santa on his doorstep with everything on his Christmas list.

  Sawyer hoped he wasn’t the Grinch when he told them she could stay for dinner but had to leave afterward.

  “Your mom can stay for dinner.” Sawyer stepped into the room and met Savanna’s eyes. “But then she needs to get back to New York to take care of some things”—He turned to look at the kids’ mom and directed that at her “because she’s doing this for you. Isn’t that right?”

  Sawyer watched Savanna’s body react to his comment. Of course she knew what he meant. But the look in her eyes shut down even more than before, and she pulled her phone out, ignoring all of them.

  Cynthia looked up and then nodded before turning to the kids. “Sawyer is right. I’ll be here just to eat with you guys, then I need to get back. I didn’t want to miss my baby’s birthday again.” Cynthia hugged Gavin tighter to her side while bouncing her knee for Callum. “Your dad would be so thrilled that we’re back together.”

  “Oh, please,” Sawyer muttered just loud enough for Ford to hear him.

  He called bullshit on that if only because his father had left the kids in his care, someone the man had abandoned and never met. Or even tried to meet.

  “She’s going to leave right after we eat,” Ford whispered, his hand on Sawyer’s back. “Until then… let’s try and play nice.”

  Sawyer didn’t trust Cynthia as far as he could throw her, but he was hoping for the best, and everything in him screamed that would be when she left. He’d left a message for Madison letting her know Cynthia had showed up, but he wasn’t sure what the next step was.

  “Dinner is ready.” Ford spoke up, breaking the fraught silence that had ensued.

  Thankfully, Ford’s mom had stopped by earlier with dinner while he was out. They’d told her she didn’t have to keep cooking for them, but she insisted. Tonight’s fair was baked chicken thighs with mashed potatoes and green beans. Callum’s favorite. At least they thought it was.

  Sawyer was happy she came when she did and that Ford had remembered to send a message for them not to return for Callum’s birthday party since it was now on hold or things would have been even more awkward.

  They filed out of the kitchen to the formal dining table. Sawyer knew Ford had picked that one for a reason. The small one was just for them. The five of them.

  Everyone took their seat, with him at the head of the table, Ford next to him on the right, and Savie to the left. Gavin sat beside Ford, and Callum was in a high chair separating Cynthia from Savanna.

  The dinner couldn’t have been any more awkward. Savanna spoke only when spoken to, but she’d reverted back to her quiet self even though the past few weeks had seen her become more open.

  Sawyer tried not to scream, “Shut up,” as Cynthia spoke.

  “When I’m out of the hospital.” She looked at Savanna, but his sister didn’t look up. “…I’m going to take you all to Disneyland. Wouldn’t you like that?”

  “That will be amazing!” Gavin cheered. “Can Sawyer and Ford come?”.

  She looked at them and smiled, but there was something in her eyes that Sawyer didn’t trust.

  He just stared at her. It was a weird “who blinks first” game, but he had a more intimidating gaze and he held firm until she finally backed down, looking away and nodding.

  “Of course! It wouldn’t be any fun if they weren’t there.”

  Sawyer had to bite back the words, namely where she planned on getting the money for that. He’d gotten a file on her, and he knew she was broke. To stop any drama happening, he stayed quiet. He met Ford’s gaze, and Ford’s hand lowered and went to his thigh, squeezing. Ford’s smile was forced, but he kept quiet as well.

  When dinner was over, Sawyer felt a relief wash over him. It was time for her to leave, and they could get on with their life.

  “Sawyer…” Gavin came up to him as he helped Ford put the leftovers away.

  “Yes, honey?” Sawyer turned around.

  “Can, Mommy pleeeeease stay the night? It’s so late, and she will definitely leave tomorrow. It’s super late, and Daddy used to say it’s not safe to be out late.”

  Sawyer froze. Fuck, he would bet Cynthia had put Gavin up to it.

  Savanna was standing behind Gavin with an unreadable expression and didn’t say a word. Sawyer didn’t want to put her on the spot to counter Gavin’s pleas and use her as an excuse to kick her mother out.

  When he looked at Ford, his eyes were wide, and Sawyer didn’t need him to speak to know he was screaming “no!”

  When he turned back to Savanna and Gavin, he saw they were holding hands.

  Fuck, well, now he couldn’t exactly say no. He was treading a fine line at the moment of continuing to build the relationship he had been building with his siblings or destroying all by one action. Damn he resented the hell out of Cynthia for putting him in this position.

  “Please, Sawyer. She has nowhere to go tonight!” Gavin shot him puppy-dog eyes.

  He looked over at Ford, whose lips were pressed down in a thin line. Sawyer wasn’t even sure his boyfriend was breathing.

  Callum’s baby yammering let Sawyer know when Cynthia entered the kitchen.

  Sawyer wanted to wipe that triumphant look in her eyes and slight smirk on her lips right off. He should have never let her in. Sawyer knew she couldn’t be trusted.

  From the corner of his eyes, t
hough, Sawyer could see Gavin and Savanna frozen in place. Even Savanna, who’d barely spoken to the woman, looked like she was pleading with her eyes.

  “She can spend the night, but first thing tomorrow morning… she has got to go back to New York and get back to rehab.” He didn’t bother sugar coating it that time. “I have already called the social worker and informed her your mom is here.” He held her gaze as he dropped that piece of news. “I am sure she will let the necessary people know since they were already called about your absence.”

  Sawyer swore her lips tightened at his words, but she smiled wider as Gavin ran back and wrapped his arms around her waist.

  He looked over to Ford, who just shook his head but still plastered a smile on his face. “Since Ford is going to take Callum up to bed, how about I show you to the guest house.” There was no way in hell that this woman would be sleeping in his home.

  Cynthia looked between them, and Sawyer swore she would hold on to the baby, but then Callum began squirming and letting out little whimpers, trying to get down.

  “Ford.” The toddler looked to be five seconds from jumping out of his mother’s arms.

  Cynthia’s face took on a moment of irritation when Callum spoke that one word, but she quickly hid it and said, “Ohh, yes. You should definitely put my son to bed. It’s getting late, and I don’t want him to get overtired.” The tone she used was more commanding than agreeable, as if she were speaking to the hired help.

  He watched Ford grit his teeth and couldn’t just stand there while she gave instructions as if this was her home.

  “Cynthia, we have their schedules well coordinated and don’t need any advice or input. You are here staying the night by the minimal good grace that I had and at the request of the children. Please be so kind as to keep that in mind.”

  Savanna took Callum from her mother and walked him over to Ford. The baby had chosen Ford as his person, and Sawyer knew it thrilled his man to no end.


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