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Forever With His Boss

Page 26

by Rheland Richmond

  “What? What happened?” Gavin asked.

  “Why don’t we move this out of the foyer,” Barb suggested.

  They moved into the living room, and Ford ruffled Gavin’s hair

  “You’ll understand when you’re older.” Savanna looked up and met Ford’s gaze, then turned to her older brother. Her eyes twinkled as she asked. “Isn’t that right, Sawyer?”

  Ford could feel his cheeks warming up on Sawyer’s behalf, or maybe it was on his own. Sawyer was also doing his best imitation of a tomato, his eyes as wide as saucers. Ford quickly came to the rescue. “Why don’t you guys tell us what you got up to the past couple of days instead.”

  Savie actually burst out laughing, and they couldn’t help but join in.

  They all sat down in the living room. Callum cuddled into Ford, and joy bubbled up in him. His family was all back together again. He loved having time away, but he’d really missed the kids.

  Gavin talked excitedly about every minute they spent with Pop Pop and Grandma, with Savie chiming in here and there. When Ford looked over to Sawyer, he saw that, like himself, he was just relishing in every word.

  Once Gavin finally seemed to pause for breath, Ford grinned at him. “I’m glad you all had a good time.”

  Savanna turned to Ford. “This is no offense to Grandma and Grandpa…” She quickly shot them a look and they smiled, then looked back at Ford and Sawyer. “We had a really good time, but we don’t want you guys to leave again.” She shrugged. “Even if it’s only two days.”

  Ford couldn’t speak for Sawyer, but those words meant everything to him. He smiled. “I have a feeling in a few years, you’ll want us to leave so you can throw parties at the house.” Ford teased.

  Savanna shot them a wry smile. “Does that mean I won’t get in trouble if I do?”

  Sawyer snorted. “Nice try.”

  Ford grinned. He was looking forward to whatever life brought to them next.

  Ford turned his smile at Gavin. “And we want to hear all about the auditions for the play. When are your callbacks? What’s the part? Don’t spare any details.”

  His dad laughed. “You won’t have to worry about that. It’s all he can talk about.”

  Gavin beamed with pride and started telling them about the play. Ford listened with a smile and a full heart. He loved that the kids were settling in. For what felt like the first time, the older two were at ease, and they were happy. That was all he and Sawyer wanted for them.

  Ford walked into the construction site the next day. Now that Sawyer and he had a chance to unwind and focus on each other, it was time to get back to work on the project.

  Drake had gotten the piping fixed and was back on track. Ford walked down to the next building while he waited for Drake to finish up his conversation with one of his workers. When Drake was done and the worker had walked off, he walked over to Ford.

  “How’s it going?” Ford asked.

  “Everything is going well,” Drake said. “They are finishing the external wiring today, but as you can see… we’re making good progress on the superstructure.”

  Ford looked around and nodded. “It all looks good.” Ford couldn’t wait to see it done. “Any concerns? Problems?” he asked, meeting Drake’s gaze.

  Drake shook his head. “All is going according to plan, and don’t you worry… I have you on speed dial if anything else comes up.”

  Ford nodded.

  “Besides, since Larry is in custody, I don’t foresee any more issues coming up, but you never can tell.” Drake patted his shoulder. “Don’t worry, boss. Everything is good.”

  “Sounds good. Thanks, Drake.” Ford would never not be taken aback when someone called him boss.

  “Anytime.” Drake shot him a distracted smile before getting back to work, and Ford walked over to his car to leave the site. He was just getting to his car when he spotted Sawyer’s car pulling into the parking lot.

  Ford waited for him to park before walking over to him, Sawyer got out of the car and he placed a quick kiss on his lips, then stepped back. “Hey, babe, what are you doing here?”

  “You should have waited for the conference call to be done. I would have come out with you,” Sawyer answered.

  “Well, I didn’t know how long it would be,” Ford replied. “Everything is looking good in there.”

  “I promised Mark a video update, so I’ll just do a quick walk around.” Sawyer stepped back. “Which reminds me...” He reached into the car, and when he came back out, he held up his iPad. “Oh, but I was thinking when I’m done, we pick the kids up and go to Bel Air Diner in Denver. What do you think?”

  “Oh, the retro diner. That sounds amazing,” Ford smiled up at Sawyer. “I was only there once a long time ago. It’d be nice to spend the night out with the kiddos. Then when we get home and they’re tucked away in bed, you and I can play.” Ford winked at him.

  Sawyer laughed. “Sounds good to me, babe. If you wait around, we can just head to your parents and get Callum, then meet up with the others.”

  Ford nodded. “Sure.” He thought about going to his office, but decided against it. Instead, he waited at his car for Sawyer to do the walk through. He wasn’t more than ten minutes before he was back out and they were ready to leave. It was time for a family night out.



  As they walked from the parking lot toward the diner, Sawyer held Ford’s hand while carrying Callum in the other arm. Ford stopped them for cars pulling in and parking in the stalls down the side of the highly polished chrome and neon building, and Gavin and Savanna watched as the carhops roller skated around with trays of food they hung from the car windows.

  “Wow,” said Gavin in awe as they crossed and were almost to the front entrance. “Look at that car.”

  “That’s a nice one, isn’t it?” Sawyer asked.

  Gavin went running up to the candy apple red ‘57 Chevy parked in front of the building and was looking through the window.

  “Savie,” Ford began. “Why don’t you go stand by Gavin, and I’ll get a picture of you both, and we can send it to your pop pop and grandma?”

  Once she was standing next to her brother, Ford let go of Sawyer’s hand and pulled his phone out.

  “Babe, why don’t you go over there, too, so we can have a picture of the four of you together?” Ford tipped his head in the direction of kids, but Sawyer shook his head.

  “You won't be in it.” Looking around, Sawyer called out to an older couple just leaving the dinner and asked if they would mind taking their picture. They quickly agreed, and he smiled at Ford as he pulled him over and put an arm around his waist as their picture was taken.

  When the man handed the phone back to Ford, he had a grin on his face and told them, “You have a beautiful family.”

  Hearing that from a complete stranger tugged at Sawyer’s heart strings, and he was never more thankful to have had his life turned upside down to reach this point.

  “Thank you so much,” he replied as he turned toward the entrance where Savanna was holding the door open for them.

  “Thank you, kind lady,” Ford said as he passed her, and Savanna giggled, then followed them into the railroad car style front of the building.

  “Welcome to the Bel Air Diner,” a teenage girl greeted them. She looked like she had stepped right out of the 1950s with her blonde hair pulled back in a ponytail, a white blouse and bright pink poodle skirt, bobby sox, and completed with saddle shoes. “I have a great corner booth that can seat you all up here in the front, or through the door toward the back are more tables and booths.”

  Sawyer looked to Ford who shrugged, so he said, “We’ll take the booth up here so the kids can look out the window.”

  “Have you ever been to a place like this?” Sawyer asked while they followed their hostess while Connie Francis’ “I’m Gonna Be Warm This Winter” started to play over the speakers.

  Savanna and Gavin shook their heads.

  Sawyer look
ed around since he had never been to a place like this, either. Yeah, they existed in New York, but he had always gone to the higher end restaurants, especially when meeting with clients. This was going to be an experience for both him and his siblings, and he was feeling excited to share it with them.

  “This is going to be so much fun,” Gavin piped in.

  “It is, buddy,” Sawyer replied. “This is my first time too.”

  Ford started to chuckle as they slid into the booth, the kids bookended by himself and Sawyer.

  “What’s funny, babe?” Sawyer asked with a puzzled expression as he got Callum secured in the high chair.

  “Have you been listening to the song?” Ford asked and Sawyer shook his head. “The first words were, ‘We met at a ski lodge.’”

  He began to listen to the lyrics and had to laugh himself since sure enough, it was about falling in love at a lodge.

  A waitress walked up to their table and passed out laminated menus after introducing herself as Gina.

  “Can I start you with something to drink while you look at your menus?” she asked, pulling a pencil from behind her ear and lifting her pad.

  They quickly ordered their drinks, and Gina smiled before turning and walking away, skirt swooshing as she went.

  Not long after, she returned with their drinks, and they placed their orders.

  “Savanna.” Ford said, and Sawyer looked up between the two. “Do you know what you want?”

  “I do. I do,” Gavin burst out with enthusiasm.

  “Gavin,” Sawyer started, trying hard not to laugh at his brother’s antics, “it’s rude to interrupt like that. Please wait your turn.”

  Gavin looked back down at his menu, slightly deflated, and whispered, “Sorry.”

  “That’s okay, Gav.” Sawyer smiled at his brother, and Gavin perked back up.

  Savanna waited a moment and then placed her order. “Can I have a cheeseburger and fries, please?”

  “Of course, hun,” Gina said with another smile. She looked at Gavin next, and he asked for an order of chicken fingers.

  Ford ordered next. “I think I’ll have the same thing as Savie… a cheeseburger and fries.”

  “Well, that’s gonna make three of us. I’ll have the same, thank you. With all the trimmings. And for this little guy here”—he pointed at Callum—“let’s get an order of chicken fingers as well.” He leaned closer to Cal and asked, “Does that sound good? Chicken fingers?

  “Shi-ken,” he repeated and began to giggle. Everyone else at the table laughed, and Sawyer began to collect the menus and handed them to Gina, who took them and went back to get their dinner started.

  “So, Savie.” Sawyer began. “How is everything going at school.”

  She looked up from her phone and responded, “Good. I made another friend, Chloe? I actually was going to see if we could hang out soon, either have her over, or I could go over to her house.”

  Sawyer didn’t feel comfortable letting her go to someone’s home that he had never met, so he told her, “How about we all go to lunch together and then she can come over. I’d like to meet her and her parents before letting you go over there.”

  Savanna nodded, but then Ford spoke up, “Why don’t we plan on having them all over for dinner?”

  Sawyer looked back over to Savanna. “What do you think?”

  “Sure.” With that, she went back to looking at her phone.

  The food came only moments after that, and conversation was sporadic while they were eating. Once they were all finished and Sawyer had paid the bill, and they turned to leave with Ford carrying Callum this time. Savie asked if she could have a malted milk shake from the soda fountain. Ford shrugged when Sawyer looked at him.

  “Sure, let’s go grab you one. You want one, too, Gavin?” Sawyer looked at his brother who nodded eagerly.

  The three of them walked over to the counter, and Sawyer placed the order to go. While they were standing there, several waitresses and guys from the kitchen came out to the space in front of the counter and began dancing the jitterbug to “Rock Around the Clock.”

  Sawyer looked to Ford first, who had a big smile on his face as he watched them, then to Savie, who had her phone out recording, all the while bouncing to the music as she watched the show. He was impressed himself with the energy they put into the routine.

  Before the number was finished, his number was called by the man behind the counter letting him know his order was up. He grabbed one and handed it to Savanna, then asked for a tray for his and Ford’s. He looked around to give Gavin his, but couldn’t find him.

  “Where’s Gavin?” Savanna asked

  “He was standing right next to us,” Sawyer said as Ford came over, looking around, frantically.

  Savanna continued to call out his name again, and Ford chimed in this time. “Gavin? This isn’t funny. Where are you?”

  Sawyer could feel his heart pounding erratically in his chest. He hurried over to the hostess who had just finished dancing, and told her that their son was missing.

  “He can’t have gone far. This place isn’t that big,” Sawyer was almost in a state of panic.

  Ford went to the door and opened it up, then stepped outside. “Gavin!” he called out. He looked around, but still couldn’t see him. He went back inside. “Gavin!” he called out again.

  “Sawyer, can I buy this? I’ll pay you back.” Gavin came running up to him. In his hand, he had a miniature model 1957 Chevy Bel Air

  Instinctively, Sawyer was just so happy he was there. He pulled him into a hug. “Where were you?” he then scolded. Backing up from the hug.

  “I went over to the gift shop on the other side of the counter,” Gavin said. “Can I have this?” He had no idea of the worry he had put everyone through.

  Sawyer took the car from him. “No!” he snapped. He took Gavin’s hand and pulled him towards where Savanna and Ford were standing, watching them. “He was in the gift shop,” he told them when they got over there.

  “Oh, thank God,” Ford said. He reached out to Gavin to pull him into a hug. until Callum got restless and started to whine. “You had us worried sick,” Ford scolded.

  “I’m sorry. I just went over there for a few seconds,” Gavin pouted.

  Sawyer took Callum from Ford and asked if he could return the car to the gift shop while he got everyone out to the car. Ford nodded and went off, while he led a subdued group out to the car.

  A few minutes later, after everyone was buckled in, Sawyer saw Ford coming out of the diner with a small bag in hand. When he got into the car, Sawyer looked just looked at him, and Ford had a sheepish look on his face.

  “You didn’t,” Sawyer said flatly.

  “What? It was cute. For another time as a reward when he’s done something we’re proud of.

  Sawyer shook his head as he pulled out, but he couldn’t find it in himself to be mad at Ford. Deep down he was glad his man had done that, knowing Gavin liked it. So they would save it for the future, but first, he needed to figure out how to talk with Gavin about what he did wrong.

  It was hard for Sawyer to discipline Gavin because he hated being the bad guy. But Gavin needed to understand why what he had done was wrong. He’d scared them half to death. Sawyer wanted his brother to know it was because they were concerned for his safety, and he needed to make sure it never happened again.

  “Do you know why you’re in trouble tonight?” Sawyer started.

  Gavin nodded, the look on his face solemn. “I took off when I shouldn’t have.”

  “We’re only worried about your safety,” Sawyer wiped his face, “A lot has happened.” Fear twisted his gut. “We just don’t want anything to happen to you.”

  “I know, but I was only trying to look at the store,” Gavin spoke up.

  Sawyer looked over at his younger brother in the front seat. “Yeah, I get that, but you should have asked, and either Ford or myself would have taken you. If you would have done that, then one of us could have gone wi
th you. That’s the rules, bud. None of this running off so we have no clue where you are.”

  “I’m sorry,” Gavin’s shoulders slumped.

  Sawyer faltered at dishing out punishment when he saw Gavin’s tearing up.

  “I know you’re sorry, but all the books say to be firm, and consistent. A part of me really wants to take away you auditioning for the play,” Sawyer said.

  “What?” Gavin eyes widened. “I wasn’t even lost. I promise I wouldn’t do it again.”

  Sawyer held up his hand and raised a brow at Gavin. “And I know that, which is why I’m not going to take away the play. I know that you worked hard at the audition. But, I mean it… if you ever pull a stunt like this again, there will be serious consequences. Do you understand me?”

  Gavin nodded sadly. “I’m sorry.”

  “Come here!” Sawyer motioned for Gavin and opened his arms, then pulled the boy into his arms. “You know I love you, right?” Gavin nodded against his chest, “And I’m just trying to keep you safe.”

  “I know. I love you too!” Hearing those words from Gavin never stopped warming his heart. When they parted, Gavin wiped a tear from his eyes and it tugged at Sawyer’s heart.

  Sawyer walked into the bedroom. Ford was lying over the covers, wearing just his lounge pants. “Finally got Callum back to sleep.” He crawled into bed and kissed Ford. He groaned as they parted. “Waited all night for that,” he smirked as he lay back in bed.

  “So, how did the conversation with Gavin really go?” Ford asked.

  “Remarkably well,” Sawyer said. “He knows he was in the wrong, and I threatened to take the play from him.”

  “Not the play,” Ford quickly argued. “Did I tell you that I saw him practicing in his room earlier? It was the cutest thing ever.”

  Sawyer’s lips curved, “No, of course I didn’t take the play from him. It was only a threat.” Sawyer exhaled. “He knows why he shouldn’t have run off like that. I really think he does get it.” Sawyer hesitated and dropped his head before he whispered low, “It was scary though.”


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