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That's Rock-N-Roll

Page 4

by Ginny Michaels

  Her attention shifted away from the mirror and slowly travelled across the room. Blue gingham curtains matched the comforter on the full size bed. A handwoven rug rested directly in front of an old pine dresser. The furnishings didn’t really match Christian’s personality. If she were to venture a guess, she supposed the duplex probably came furnished. Turning to go, she caught a glimpse of a small picture frame sitting on the bedside table. She crossed to the bed, eased down onto the mattress and picked up the frame.

  The photo inside was of her, Christian and Seth, with arms wrapped around each other’s shoulders while making funny faces at the camera. She remembered that night. Collin had taken the photo during Christian’s twenty-third birthday. The last one they’d celebrated before the band went big.

  Did it mean anything that she had the exact same picture sitting on her nightstand at home? Drawing in a deep breath, she returned the frame to the table and stood. There wasn’t any point in hiding in the bedroom. Christian was probably wondering what was taking her so long and she shouldn’t keep him waiting.

  Tamping down the butterflies flapping around in her stomach, Holly stepped into the hallway. At what point exactly did she make the decision to do this? She stopped at the entrance to the living room and her last thought fluttered away with the storm outside. There standing in front of the window, clad in only a pair of cotton shorts, his long hair still wet from the rain, laying loose along his back, was the one man she’d loved above all others.

  Because of his continued involvement in the band, she knew the possibility of any real relationship wouldn’t happen. Long distance relationships didn’t work, especially when one of the involved parties was a rock star. Still, she wasn’t going to deny herself whatever time she had with him before the band moved on again. There would be pain when he left. She’d already acknowledged and accepted that fact. When the time came to deal with it, she would. Until then, she would enjoy every minute they spent together.

  He turned, his gaze landing on her. “Hey you.”

  She smiled. “Hey yourself.” Forcing her feet to move, she closed the distance between them. He reached for her, his hand closing over hers and squeezing gently. The butterflies in her stomach increased their fluttering and she placed her other hand over her abdomen. Why was it that even the smallest gesture from him caused the weirdest things to happen to her insides?

  He tugged her to him and she went willingly, allowing him to wrap his arms around her waist as she rested her head on his shoulder.

  “It’s been such a long time,” he whispered.

  “I know.”

  He continued to gaze out the window at the continuing storm. “No matter what city we were in, a night never passed when I didn’t think about you.”

  Yeah, right! She barely held back a smirk. “Right…I’m sure you were thinking of me while you were having sex with all those willing groupies flinging themselves at your feet.” The second the words left her mouth she wanted to take them back. Not just because of her defensive tone, but more for the fact that it was unfair of her to throw his good fortune in his face. Christian hadn’t conjured the storm that washed out the gravel road causing her subsequent car accident. “I’m sorry. That wasn’t fair of me.”

  “No, it wasn’t,” he replied, shocking her. “But it was honest.” He turned away from the window and faced her. “I always had a feeling you were more hurt about our leaving than you’d admit.”

  Sudden tears blurred her vision and she blinked hard. This wasn’t the conversation she wanted to have. “You did what you had to do.”

  He lifted his hands to cup her face. Using his thumbs, he brushed away her tears. “You need to stop rationalising and start feeling, baby. I know we hurt you with the decision not to wait for your recovery.”

  She sniffled and fought to hold back the onslaught of feelings threatening to break through the carefully constructed wall she’d built. “My recovery was uncertain at best.”

  He swore and his grip tightened slightly. “Damn it, Holly. Admit it, already.”

  “Why?” she nearly spat as she tried and failed to pull away. “To assuage your guilt? You have nothing to feel guilty over.”

  “The hell I don’t,” he shouted and took a step back, breaking their contact and leaving Holly bereft of his touch. “I was there, damn it.” He raked a hand through his hair. “I was there by your side when the doctor’s weren’t sure you were going to make it.” He began to pace. “I was there when you were finally awake and facing the very real possibility that you might never walk again. I saw the heartbreak in your eyes, felt the fear you tried so hard to hide the day I told you we were leaving for California without you. Hell, you hadn’t even taken your first steps yet when we abandoned you.”

  Holly remembered that day too, all too well. How could anyone forget the moment her dream dies? She sucked in a ragged breath as the rushing river of feelings flooded her system. Love. Hate. Fear. Sorrow. Each emotion did its part to chip away at her resolve. “Y-you did what was right for the for the band.”

  Christian paused, and looked at her, his gaze filled with years of sorrow and regret. “I should have done what was right for you.”

  “And walk away from the one shot Sanctuary had of making it big?”

  “A shot you made happen,” he argued.

  “We made happen,” she corrected as she closed the distance between them. “How do you think I would have felt if you guys had passed up the opportunity and Sanctuary died? You kept my dream alive.” She jabbed a finger in his chest. “So what if watching you leave ripped my heart out?” She shoved at him. “I understood. Yes, it hurt like hell.” She pushed at him again. “Yes, I was bitter, angry and resentful, but not at you. Not at the band.” Tears streamed down her cheeks as she turned away from him sobbing. How dare he force her to dredge up old feelings when all she wanted to do was forget the past?

  “I’m sorry.” His words permeated her pain and she glanced over her should at him.

  “I desperately wanted to hate you for the decision you made.” She furiously swiped at the dampness on her cheeks as she regained some of her composure. “Truth was, I probably would have done the same thing if the tables were turned.”

  “Maybe you would have,” he offered, “but it was you this happened to and you have a right to your feelings.”

  “And you have a right to yours.”

  In all the years since her accident she’d refused to cry over what she’d lost. Now, with her defences down she couldn’t deny her emotions any longer. She went to him, crying for all the times when she didn’t.

  He held her, the warmth of his embrace offering her the comfort and strength she needed. Time passed and yet he didn’t make any move to pull away, instead he gave her his patience and love until she’d purged her long pent up emotions. In truth, she’d spent way too long running from the pain. Having Christian force her to face it was painful to say the least, but maybe dealing with the heartbreak and loss would help her to move on and finally put the past behind her. Slowly, her tears began to dry and her breathing returned to normal.

  “I know this was the last thing you wanted to discuss,” he whispered as he pushed her to arms length. “But it was a barrier between us that would never go away if we didn’t face it.”

  Damn it, she hated him for being insightful. “You’re right.” Using her knuckle, she wiped the dampness from her cheeks. “I want to be pissed at you for dredging up the subject, but you’re right.”

  His lips tipped into an ever so slight smile. “Don’t you feel better now?”

  Despite the red eyes and raging headache resulting from her crying fit, she realised that deep down she did feel better. Somehow with her admission, the years of bitterness and grief holding her down lifted from her shoulders, leaving her feeling better than she had in a long time. She wiped the residual wetness from her eyes and gave him a little grin. “I do, but I must look a mess.” She tugged at the tee shirt she wore.

; “Far from it.” He smiled and leaned into her. “I have a confession to make,” he whispered.

  “What would that be?”

  “I’ve always loved seeing you wear my shirts. I don’t know why, but I think it’s sexy as hell.”

  She chuckled. “Oh, please. You’re just trying to cheer me up. I know I look like a slob.”

  “I won’t deny trying to make you laugh, but I’m also telling you the truth, Holly. You’re one hot mama any man would be thrilled to be with.”

  Desperately wanting to believe him, but not quite getting her brain to commit, she cocked her head to the side. “Really?”

  “Oh, yeah.” His grin widened. “Those lean legs peaking out from beneath the hem. The way cotton clings to your breasts and reveals your puckered nipples. You’re a real live wet dream and if you don’t believe me, then believe this.”

  Taking her hand in his, he slipped it between the two of them, placing her palm directly over the massive erection encased behind his shorts. An electric jolt zinged through her arm at the contact. For as long as she could remember, she’d wanted to touch him in a way that was more than just friends.

  First the band, then her injuries had stood in the way. Now she was getting her chance. Her fingers curled into the fabric and wrapped around his shaft. Beneath the cotton barrier he pulsed in her grip, with promises of what was yet to come. White-hot need, long dormant and more powerful than any earthquake, flashed through her system.

  Whatever happened between them in the future she’d face, but for tonight she would have her man. Mimicking the empty clenching of her pussy, she gave is cock a slight squeeze. The action caused a low growl to reverberate from his chest.

  “Don’t tease,” he ground out.

  Her gaze locked with his as she stroked him through the fabric. “I’m not.”

  He appeared to study her for a moment, gauging her sincerity. “Honey, I want you more than I want my next breath, so you better be sure.”

  She lifted her other hand and cupped his cheek. “I’m sure.”

  “Then come with me.”

  Taking her hand, he led her down the hallway to his bedroom. Every step she took brought with it the reality that something wonderful was about to happen and a bad case of nerves. Would this night measure up to her dreams? Could she possibly be the woman he’d fantasised about? What would he think about the scars on her right leg, hip and back?

  She entered the room with him and nearly jumped when the door closed behind her, the creaking signifying her point of no return. While technically she knew she could back out at any moment, she wouldn’t. This meant too much for both of them for her to back out because of cold feet. Feeling the sudden need to be in control, she turned to Christian and gave him a shove, sending him sprawling onto the bed.

  He grinned. “So this is really going to happen?” The hopeful inflection in his tone nearly caused her to laugh. He’d been waiting for this moment for a long time.

  If she wanted to be completely truthful, so had she. “Yes, my friend. You’re about to get very lucky.”

  Chapter Six

  Being bolder than she’d ever been, Holly stripped out of the tee shirt and panties, leaving them in a pile on the floor.

  Seth’s eyes widened, his gaze boring heat directly through her. “You’re so fucking beautiful, baby.” He held out a hand. “Come here.”

  She took his hand and climbed onto the bed. Struggling to tamp down her nervous stomach, she leaned across him, her breasts brushing against his abdomen as she palmed the bulge in his shorts. “Is that for me?” she teased, then lifted the waistband to peek inside.

  He grabbed her hand and cupped it over his erection. “It’s always been for you, sweetheart.”

  Her fingers curled around his shaft and squeezed. His head fell back and bounced against the pillow. “Take my shorts off and really see me, Holly.”

  Her pussy clenched with his demand, sending a fresh shot of liquid surging into her channel. Never would she have pictured Christian being the type of man who liked to dominate during sex, but his not so subtle command led to that exact possibility.

  Hooking her fingers under his waistband, she gently pulled the fabric up and over his engorged shaft. Christian lifted his hips, giving her the help necessary to remove his shorts. She tossed them to the side and took a moment to admire his body. She’d always known he was sexy, but seeing him like this for the first time did funny things to her. It made her question why she’d waited so long to make love to him.

  He lifted a hand to her, caressing her cheek with the slightest contact. “Touch me.” While she was sure he’d meant the statement as a command, it sounded more akin to a plea.

  Her hair pooled on his belly as turned to face his shaft. She wrapped her fingers around him a second time and gave one long slow stroke upward, drawing a bead of precum into the slit. Tempting as a fresh drop of dew on a spring morning, it called to her, begging to be tasted. Not wanting to waste another minute, she flicked her tongue over the tip, lapping up his essence before grazing her teeth over the heart shaped heat.

  His body stiffened beneath her as a whispered curse flitted in her ears. Spurred forward by his reaction she placed her other hand on his abdomen, palm down. His skin was warm and the lower her hand slid, the more his body tightened against her touch. Her fingers tangled within the ring of curls encasing his shaft. Even as one hand continued to stroke him in a gentle steady rhythm, her other bypassed the base and skimmed over his sac. She fondled and rolled it in her hand until he arched his hips, straining for more.

  “Jesus, Holly.”

  She smiled and slid lower, giving her mouth better access. As if he anticipated her next move, Christian bowed upward, driving his member deeper into her mouth. Giving him the access he craved, she opened wider and shifted her breathing through her nose. Christian Scofield was about to find out that he wasn’t the only one skilled in the ways of sex.

  She shifted hands, taking the one now well lubricated with his juices and sliding between his legs. Using her mouth, she pushed deeper until the tip of his penis hit the back of her throat.

  “Fuck, baby.” He swore as his hips began to rock in rhythm that caused the bed to creak.

  Next, she slid her still lubed finger between his cheeks and rimmed his anus. He stiffened briefly before continuing to rock his hips. Since he hadn’t freaked out and stopped at the tease she took that as a good sign and slowly inserted one finger. His rhythm faltered and she caught the sharp intake in his breath, but still he didn’t ask her to stop.

  Careful not to hurt him, she worked her finger in and out, mimicking the movement of his hips, then gently added a second finger. His body went rigid, yet he remained silent. Holly waited until he relaxed once again and returned to working his hole. Two fingers knuckle deep in his ass, she struggled to find the elusive sweet spot. Then her fingers grazed over the almond shaped button of flesh and Christian’s hips jerked in response.

  “Holly,” he called out, his voice hoarse with need as she stroked over the spot a second time. “Oh fuck. Yeah, baby. Don’t—aghhh.” He jerked hard in her mouth and the first splashes of cum flooded her throat.

  She swallowed greedily all the while continuing to stroke his prostate until even the inevitable after orgasm softening of his shaft had passed.

  Hard again, he panted and gulped for air. “Enough, baby,” he managed to squeak.

  She pulled out and sat back wearing a satisfied grin.

  “Come here.” He reached for her.

  About to make love with the man she’d loved for years, Holly went willingly. She twined her arms around Christian’s neck and rested her head on his chest for the briefest of moments.

  He kissed the top of her head and ran his hands lovingly up and down her back, caressing her in only a way he could. “Believe it or not, but I’ve missed you so much, honey.”

  “I’ve missed you too,” she replied before planting a soft kiss directly over his heart.

  “I’ve waited so long for this moment,” he said, urging her upward with his hands. “I want you to ride me, just like you’ve done in my dreams.”

  Her heart clenched, squeezing his words tight as they settled into the niche they created. She waited while he quickly rolled on a condom, the anticipation building with each passing second.

  “Guide me,” he whispered. His words barely had time to register, before he was lowering her down.

  She reached between them, grasped his cock and guided it towards the one place he’d never been.

  Her folds parted and her channel stretched around his girth, the muscles contracting as he slid deeper. The fit was tight, gloriously so. Her mouth tipped open and her head fell back as Holly revelled in the feel of him sheathed inside her. He stopped, holding still for a moment, giving her time to adjust.

  Warm hands covered her breasts seconds before the sharp bite of pain caused her to gasp. “That’s it, sweetie. Go with it. Feel it,” he encouraged right before he pinched her nipples a second time.

  She’d never had someone play with her nipples like that before. It was a strange feeling, but one she was quickly discovering she enjoyed.

  He grinned. “You like that. I can feel you rippling around my cock every time I touch you.”

  He reached up, cupped her face and pulled her down to meet his kiss. “I have so much to share with you.”

  Her body responded to the heady desire in his voice, twitched around his invading shaft.

  He rolled his hips upward, thrusting into her with more force than she thought possible. Slick around him, she slid up and down, matching him thrust for thrust. She tasted him, enjoying the sweet texture of his tongue mixing with her own.

  He pulled back and laced his fingers through her hair, pushing it away from her face. “You feel so damn good, baby. You have no idea how long I’ve want to make love to you.”


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