Secrets Die With the Young

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Secrets Die With the Young Page 3

by Tyler Clifford

  "Ow that hurt Taylor", he said with a smile on his face.

  "Throw some dirt on it", I said smiling back at him.

  He just gave me a evil playful glare. Meeting the Bennett's wasn't as bad as I thought. As we laid there on the bed talking and playing we both fell asleep.

  There was a loud knock on his door. His mom peeked around the door, "Hey Taylor do you want to stay and eat with us? You can even stay the night with us."

  I smiled and before I could say anything Michael interrupted," Taylor would love to stay and eat, but his mom is coming back tonight."

  "I understand. Consuela said dinner would be done in ten minutes so wash up."

  Michael and I both nodded in agreement. I looked at the clock before we both went to the bathroom. I couldn’t believe that it was six P.M. and we slept half the day away.

  Luckily Michael had a double sink. Yet we were washing our hands I felt the urge to splash Michael with water. He looked at me in shock.

  "oops", I apologized.

  Before I knew it he was throwing water on me and well that just meant that there was a water fight to be won. After ten long minutes of battle we were both drenched in water. Michael went to his closet to fetch himself some new cloths. He also brought out a tee shirt and baseball pants that had a baseball logo and the number 24 which was Michael's baseball number. We went downstairs only to be glared at by his parents sitting at the dining room table. We sat down by each other.

  I could tell from Consuela’s worried facial expression from when she walked in that she too was Hetero. I glanced at her and gave her a big welcoming smile so she knew that no matter what I approved of her decisions. I knew that Michaels parents and Consuela were not born the way I was and no matter how bad being Hetero was I accepted them for who they were no from how they were born.

  Consuela swept the table very fast making sure that everyone had a full glass of whatever they were drinking and to make sure they didn’t need anything else. After an hour and a half of talking and laughing (with Michaels parents, Michael, and Consuela) I had to go.

  I went upstairs to grab my still wet shirt and pants. When I came back down I was greeted with hugs from Consuela, Mr. Bennett, and Mrs. Bennett. Before we left I handed Mrs. Bennett a piece paper towel I had wrote on saying:

  Dear Mr. and Mrs. Bennett,

  Your secret is safe with me. I find both of you to be a great couple. I hope and can’t wait to hopefully see you guys again. Thank you so much for dinner too. Also tell Consuela that what she made was fantastic.

  Before they could read it Michael and I were already in his truck zooming off back to my house.

  “How did you enjoy dinner with my parents Taylor?”

  “It was fun I hope we can do it again”, I couldn’t get the words out without smiling and that made Michael smile.

  “We most defiantly can”, Michael announced with great enthusiasm.

  We pulled up to my drive way and my mom were not home yet. Michael got out walked over to the passenger door, opened it and stuck out his hand to help me get out of his truck. He walked me to my door and we both stopped.

  “I will see you tomorrow Mister Michael.”

  “I will see you tomorrow Sir Taylor”, He leaned in and kissed my lips with his elegant, now busted up lip.

  Every time we kiss it makes me shiver with happiness. Now knowing that Michael had nothing to do with the message, I felt I could trust him again. Also knowing I would see him tomorrow at school I knew that I must let him go.

  Chapter Eight: “With Time anything is possible”

  I startled myself out of my bed and started crying. I had the same nightmare I had what just seemed like one night ago. Michael was standing in the forest and I was walking up to him. There was a gunshot that rang throughout the forest. Michael grabbed his stomach and lipped to me the words “I love you”. Then Michael fell to the ground. I swiftly turned around to see who had shot Michael. To my surprise I had shot Michael. I climbed back into bed and shut my eyes, unwilling, to fall back to sleep.

  After a couple hours of sleeping my mother came into my room to wake me up.

  “Sweet heart your boyfriend is here.”

  “Sorry but the number you tried has been disconnected please hang up and redial.”

  My mother laughed, “Okay I will give you a couple of minutes to sleep and I guess I could feed Michael so that he won’t starve.”

  I opened my eyes rolled over to face my mom, “I will be out there in a couple of minutes I just need time to get ready.”

  I knew my mother could see the look on my face that screamed out HEY LOOK AT ME THERES SOMETHING WRONG BUT I DON’T WANT TO TALK ABOUT IT. My mother looked at me and nodded. Before she shut the door she poked her head in and said, “Sometimes our greatest fears have to be faced. You can’t always expect to be strong sweetheart. Sometimes you just need to break down and talk to someone.”

  I smiled at her, “I love you mom”, I told her with great sincere. I even did our little heart thing that we do and she returned the heart back to me. I jumped out of bed and started to get ready for the day. After I finished I walked out of the door and saw Michael sitting at the island eating cereal and drinking coffee talking to my mom.

  “He’s a great person and I am just so happy he is in my life. What happed to his mom”, I heard Michael ask my mom before I reached the kitchen.

  “She left Taylor and I after Taylor was born. I rarely speak of her in front of Taylor. He just rather believe that she doesn’t exist so I do the same.”

  “But Miss. Conway how can you be happy?”

  “I have Taylor. That’s all I need to be happy. Yeah it would be nice to have someone around, but I don’t need that.”

  I was mad at Michael for bringing up the subject so I walked out of the hall and stumped my way to his truck. I threw the door open and threw myself in. I saw Michael come out of the house and wave goodbye to my mother. He walked slumped to the driver side door knowing that I had overheard. I wasn’t mad that Michael had asked I was just mad that I had overheard.

  “Why are you mad Taylor?”

  “I am not mad Michael.”

  “Then why did you stump out?”

  “Just drive Michael. I don’t want to talk.”

  He nodded his head and started driving to school. As he drove, I just looked out the window. I felt him grab my hand and kissed it. He placed both our hands in his lap. We finally arrived to school and opened the door, grabbed my stuff, and started walking to school. Michael did the same and ran to catch up to me. He grabbed my hand and walked with me before we reached the walk way to the school he stopped me, leaned in and kissed me. Then he grabbed me by the waist and we continued into the school. It made me much happier and made me forget about the conversation my mom and Michael had. As we walked into the school we saw Aaron. Aaron was much more beat up than Michael. Aaron had two cuts on his lips, a bruise under his eye and a cut on his forehead. As we passed Aaron I looked up at Michael and smiled just thinking that Michael wasn’t just my boyfriend, but also my protector. He smiled back at me knowing what I was thinking. I looked back at Aaron and he was raging with anger. He looked as if he wanted to kill Michael.

  Michael walked me to my first class of the day.

  “Taylor I’ll be waiting for you here after class”, He said giving me my smirk that I always enjoyed.

  I just nodded my head and gave him a big hug before going into the class room. I was waiting impatiently as the time drug by slowly. I was starting to think that I couldn’t live without him and it was true. I was with him twenty four hours a day and seven days a week. I kept working on my work and finally after about two billion years the bell rang and like Michael had said he was waiting for me, but he had a blue rose. He got down on one knee and held up the blue rose for me to take.

  “Taylor Ryan Conway.”

  “Yes Michael Christian Bennett?”

  “Taylor, will you go to homecoming with me?”

  At this point everyone even teachers were standing around awing and hoping I would say yes.

  “Michael I have spent half of last summer and the past two days with you. If I say no I would be the most upright stupidest person on earth, but when if I do say yes you have to promise me one thing.”

  Everyone and Michael was now interested in what I was going to say.

  “What do I need to promise”, Michael asked with great curiosity.

  “Promise me that as long as I go to homecoming with you then you will go to prom with me.”

  “I promise”, He said grinning ear to ear.

  I didn’t realize how many people were looking at us until I saw that the hallways were filled with people even after the tardy bell had rung. People were wooing and awing throughout the hall except for Aaron who was red as a lobster from being angry that he hadn’t been the one to ask me to homecoming. Finally the School Police Officer came through to clear the hallway. Everyone was luckily excused for being late to second block. I couldn’t help but to smile at what had happened and everyone was talking about how romantic Michael and I were together. Michael and I kept texting after the whole hall ordeal.

  Do you want to skip school. He asked me.

  I don’t know. How about we meet at the bathroom and talk about it.

  Okay meet in five?


  I stopped my work in history and went up to Mr. Haven’s desk.

  “Mr. Haven is it alright if I go use the restroom.”

  “Of course Taylor. Just take the Hall Pass.”

  “Thank you.”

  I grabbed the hall pass and walked out of the room. I was almost to the bathroom when the automated intercom came to life.


  I thought that this was a drill and so I kept on going into the bathroom. After a while I heard gunshots and knew instantly that it wasn’t a drill. I ran to the door and locked the deadbolt and turned off the light. I went into the stall and locked myself in. I heard two familiar voices. One was for sure Michael’s voice and the other one I could barely make out. I knew Michael was in trouble so I ran out of the stall and went to the door and opened it. Lying in front of the door was Michael and walking away from Michael and who had the gun was a very familiar figure. I panicked and grabbed Michael and pulled him into the bathroom and relocked the deadbolt.

  Lying on the ground was Michael. He had been shot in the leg and in the arm above the heart. Michael grabbed my hand with his unhurt hand and brought it to his lips and kissed it. After kissing it I grabbed my cell phone with my bloody hands and dialed 9-1-1.

  “9-1-1 what is your emergency?”

  “There is a shooter in J.W. High School and my boyfriend was shot in the arm and leg.”

  “We are aware of the shooting and police are on the way. Where are you located?”

  “In the boys bathroom of J.W. High School. How do I stop his bleeding?”

  “Apply pressure to his wounds. If necessary place paper towels on his wound but do not remove them just apply more.”

  I put the phone on speaker and put it down and ran to the paper towel dispenser ripped it open and grabbed all the paper towels. I ran back to Michael and kneeled down next to him. I looked at him in his eyes.

  “Michael I am sorry”, I apologized to him with fear.

  “Don’t be sorry. This isn’t your fault.”

  “Michael I am not apologizing because of that I am apologizing because I know this is your favorite shirt and I am about to rip it.”

  I heard a little snicker come from the phone and from Michael. I surprisingly was able to rip Michael’s favorite shirt without hesitation and I ended up ripping it in two so that I could place paper towels on the wound and tie a tight knot around his leg and arm. I picked up the phone.

  “What else can I do to help him”, I asked the lady wanting to help Michael in any way I possibly could.

  “Sir you just have to wait now. The police are there they are searching for the shooter.”

  “Wait the shooter?”

  “Yes did you see the shooter?”

  “I know the shooter.”

  “Can you provide a name sir?”

  I calmly told her the person who was shooting up the school and the lady thanked me and told me that she would stay on the phone until the police got there. I couldn’t help but to continue to stare at Michael.

  “Stop staring at me Taylor”, Michael finally said after having enough of me staring at his crippled body.

  “Michael I am scared.”

  “Come lay next to me.”

  I went to Michael’s unhurt side and laid on his bare chest. I could hear his heart pounding. While waiting there for help to arrive Michael was slowly loosing blood and his heart was slowly pounding away.

  Chapter Nine: “Gone”

  Before everyone knew it all the news stations in the town was announcing the school shooting. Miss. Conway was at work in her private office when a co-worker busted through the door and had tears running down her face.

  “Whats wrong Alex”, Miss. Conway asked with curiosity in her eyes.

  “The school it…. The school has a shooter in it”, Alex was crying even more knowing that his sweet boy Aaron Fountaine was in the school somewhere with the shooter.

  He was upset because he and Aaron had a fight that very morning. Aaron wanted to move and couldn’t give a reason why. All Aaron had said was that he made a terrible mistake and he was about to make another. Meanwhile Miss. Conway was rummaging through her desk drawer trying to find her cell phone and TV remote. She found both next to each other. She turned on the TV and put it on mute and dialed Taylor’s number. Each time she did she failed receiving only Taylor’s voice mail. She finally had enough and dialed Michaels phone. After hearing the sound of Taylors voice she was floored. Was there something wrong? Why was Taylor answering and not Michael?

  Before I knew it Michael had passed out yet his heart was still pounding and giving it the best it could. My phone had died and Michael was right along with it. I heard Michael’s phone vibrate and I grabbed it from his pocket. I looked down to see who it was and it was my mom.

  “Mom”, I shouted with great pleasure knowing she was there with Michael and I in a virtual sense.

  “Taylor”, asked the sweet voice over the phone.

  “Yes mom it’s me”, my voice had trembled with fear and she had caught on.

  “Baby please tell me everything is okay.”

  “Mom I love you so much, but everything isn’t okay there’s a shooter in the school and Michael was shot twice.”

  “Baby whatever you do don’t leave where you are at okay. I love you so much”, I could hear my mother cry and hear a co-worker telling my mom that everything was going to be alright.

  “Mom Aaron is the one shooting.”

  I could tell that my mom was flabbergasted even over the phone. There were more gunshots getting closer and closer to our hiding spot. Finally there was banging at the door. I started hyperventilating in fear. I disconnected my mom off the phone so she didn’t have to hear what was about to happen. Finally the door gave way and in through it was Aaron. His white polo and khakis were covered in blood. He walked over to where I was with Michael and held his gun up to my head.

  “Go ahead Aaron just do it. Michael is already dead so why not kill me?”

  He pulled his gun down and looked at me he stared into my eyes with his pale grey eyes.

  “I’m not going to give you the pleasure of living an eternal life with him. I guess you will just have to suffer without him.”

  “Just fucking kill me Aaron.”

  Aaron walked over to me and bashed my head into the sink. Then he shot me in the leg.

  “I tried being the best person I could, but you didn’t see that all you saw was Michael and it was all about you guys. I could have been better than Michael, but no you thought that we
wouldn’t work.”

  Aaron was all blurry and before I knew it I passed out.

  Captain Police Chief Antonio Jackson was ready to get off work and go home to spend valuable time with his husband before their daughter got home from school. It seemed like a normal slow day until the call came in saying that there were shots fired at J.W. High School. Chief Antonio’s daughter went to J.W. He threw the lights and sirens on and rushed to the school. After getting on the scene there were calls coming in from all over the school saying there was a shooter. Antonio knew the rules nobody goes in until the Swat team arrives, but time was being wasted since that the nearest swat team was twenty minutes away in the neighboring town. Antonio had to decide whether to wait and have more people killed or go in. In an instant Antonio decided to go in with a team. His team included two other guys. They swept through each wing and each class room without trying to vomit after seeing students, teachers, and faculty lying in their own pool of blood dead. After a hard thirty minutes and releasing the couple of classes that had survived the tragic accident he made it upon the final hall. He heard gun shots and what seemed to be screaming coming from the boy’s bathroom. He and his team surrounded the bathroom.


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