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Ecstatic (Arcane Mage Series Book 5)

Page 16

by T. S. Snow

  After all, he was my brother-husband, and Char deserved to feel cherished, loved, and accepted by him. So did he.

  Char gulped, and turned her head so she could speak looking out of the window, rather than looking at me. “You helping me pick something to wear for a date with another guy?” She spoke so fast, her entire sentence came out almost like one single, long-ass word.

  I grinned, and put some pressure on my hand that was still cupping her chin so she would look at me. The minute she did, I smacked a loud kiss on her lips. “You think I’m doing this out of the goodness of my heart? Char, baby, I’ll be able to see you trying many outfits. Hopefully some incredibly sexy ones, too. The way I see it, I’m getting far more out of this than Blaze will.” I winked to let her know I was only half kidding.

  But honestly, the idea of watching a whole fashion show with Char as the main star… “You know, while we’re at it, you could pick some sexy underwear; maybe try them out, too?” I asked, hopeful.

  Char snorted, her forehead pressing against mine.

  “In your dreams,” she sassed.

  “Actually, in my dreams you’re never clothe—” I began, but she kissed me to shut me up.

  It worked, too.

  Before things could get heated, she pulled away and opened her door.

  I was whistling as I got out of the car.

  Char sent me an embarrassed look when my whistling didn’t let up, and I just waggled my eyebrows at her, making her blush and trip.

  I grabbed her arm to steady her before she fell, but she had already managed to do a quick triple-step thing and regain her balance on her own.

  It was adorable.

  Even more so was the fact she wouldn’t meet my eye afterwards, but I could see her ears were the same color as her hair.

  “Shut up,” she said, walking ahead of me as if that would make me forget what had just happened.

  “I wasn’t saying anything,” I pointed out helpfully, earning me a glare.

  I mimed zipping my lips and throwing away the key, and rushed to follow after her.

  Oh, this shopping trip was going to be even more fun than I had initially thought.

  “No, Andres.” Char put her hands on her hips, trying to stare me down, but rather than looking intimidating as I was sure had been her goal, she looked cute.

  “Oh, c’mon. We’ve only been through three stores. Just one more, and then I promise to treat you to some ice cream.”

  At the words ice cream, Char’s eyes glinted in interest.

  I knew I had her, but I tried not to let my smile show. Instead, I put my tongue in my cheek to keep from appearing overly cocky.

  Turned out, Char hated shopping more than she hated IT duty—her words, not mine.

  It explained why most of her wardrobe could be found online. However, I’d gotten to watch Char trying out a bunch of outfits that made her look positively edible. It had taken everything I had not to follow her back into one of the dressing rooms and have her right then and there.

  Probably why I’d ended up buying more dresses for her than she deemed she’d ever wear, but I was pretty sure with three boyfriends, and the possibility of Logan, she’d end up needing even more date clothes.

  I couldn’t imagine that Logan would ever take Char somewhere that wouldn’t require her to wear a dress and probably heels, too.

  Although, I was probably getting ahead of myself. Nothing was to say they would actually start dating too. Even if the sexual tension between the two of them had been so thick, I could’ve cut it with my MET.

  Char narrowed her eyes at me, crossing her arms in front of herself, and pouted. “Fine. What store are you dragging me to next? Don’t you think we’ve bought enough?” She pointedly looked at my hands, which were full of bags.

  I winked. “What, don’t tell me you’re not enjoying your Pretty Woman moment.”

  Char rolled her eyes. “If I remember correctly, in Pretty Woman, Julia Roberts’s clothes were all paid for by her man. I had to pay for most of the stuff you’re carrying.”

  “You had to pay because you vehemently refused to let me. I offered, multiple times. The only reason I got away with paying for the rest of the dresses was because you were busy trying out that black dress with pockets,” I pointed out.

  “It had pockets, Andres.”

  “So you said.” Her obsession with pockets was highly amusing.

  Although, I had to admit, as someone who had seen the ridiculous excuse for pockets that women had to deal with in most of their clothing—not to mention the blatantly fake pockets that had no reason whatsoever to exist—I kind of understood Char’s pleasure over seeing that the dress had some.

  “So. Where are you taking me now?”

  I grinned at her question, and she cast me a nervous glance.

  “No. Don’t tell me…” she trailed off, but I was already nodding.

  “Time to buy some lingerie, baby.”

  Char blushed almost on cue, but there was a glint in her eyes that promised she was about to be naughty.

  Oh, this was going to be fun.



  I had to admit, Andres made shopping an experience.

  Not that I’d ever admit it to him out loud, but the easy banter, the flirting, and teasing him with the most extravagant clothes I could find to see his reaction had been a hell lot of fun. It helped me relax, too. The kind of mindless errand I could do to keep my mind off everything that had happened to me.

  Our trip to the lingerie store, however, left me downright horny. I thought it would be amusing—if slightly embarrassing—to have him pick stuff he would want to see me in, but I hadn’t expected the heated looks to leave me feeling quite so…well.

  If it wasn’t completely gross, I would probably have shoved him in the dressing room to have my wicked, wicked way with him. But instead, Andres ended up insisting on paying for the underwear…in bulk.

  Even the black corset.

  Not that I’d ever worn a corset before in my life, but I’d always been curious, and now that I had not one, not two, but three boyfriends, I figured it was about time I upped my sexy lingerie game.

  I mean, I used to have a few lacy numbers, but most of them went poof along with my apartment. I’d since gone through the trouble of buying some more stuff online, but it didn’t beat buying them in person.

  Especially not when I had Andres beside me, giving me those bedroom eyes and smiling knowingly at me as he picked even more stuff.

  I did sneak some non-lacy undies too, for comfort and daily life, but yeah. Most of my purchases were not exactly practical, and I didn’t give a fuck.

  “Ready, sweetheart?” Andres asked me, his arms so full of bags, I could see the strain on his muscles.

  Arm porn.

  Serious arm porn happening right now. I was so here for it.

  Okay, so maybe I was feeling horny, but it was justified.

  Here's to hoping Andres and I could have a quickie when we got back to his place before I changed and went on a date with Blaze.

  Was that weird? To have sex with a guy before I went out with another? I mean, it was weird, right? But they said they were okay with it. In fact, while not exactly eager to share me, Blaze had even slept in the living room while Bast and Andres were in bed with me.

  Not that we did anything naughty, but we could’ve.

  I blinked back to earth when Andres gently bumped my shoulder, and smiled at him. “Yeah, now can we please go get ice cream so we can get out of here?”

  Andres laughed but agreed.

  One ice cream, and half an hour later, we were back at Andres’s.

  “So, remind me why I’m not getting ready at Bast’s so Blaze can pick me up like we agreed?” I asked Andres, while he shoved me into the bathroom with a pair of bags.

  “Because my house is closer to Blaze’s, and I wanted to help you get dressed for the big day. Besides, I can just as easily drive you there, which is what I’ll
be doing. I want Blaze to have the full effect at his front door.”

  I paused right inside the bathroom, and turned to look at him hopefully.

  “Does that mean what I think it means?” Yes. I was so ready for shower sex. Or counter sex. A quick glance at the white marble counter in Andres’s bathroom showed me it was probably sturdy enough to handle my weight for some pre shower sex.

  Andres chuckled, but shook his head. “As tempting as that is, sweetheart, I honestly did mostly have good intentions when I brought you back here.” He gave me a quick peck on the lips, a kiss so quick and light, it felt more like a butterfly had accidentally flapped its wings against my mouth.

  “Now be a good girl, and don’t test my control, or you’ll be very, very late for your date.”

  I pouted.

  Who knew Andres was a gentleman? I thought to myself.

  Andres laughed. “I’m hardly a gentleman, Char, and don’t you forget it.”

  Okay so, I may have said that out loud. Oops.

  Andres ran a hand through his hair, his eyes raking over my body, making me feel all hot and bothered. But rather than act on his desires like I so desperately wanted him to, Andres sighed and stepped back, crossing his arms in front of him.

  “Blaze has been looking forward to some alone time with you since yesterday, Char. I can’t steal that away from him.”

  It was my turn to sigh.

  “You’re right. Sorry. It’s just…I’m kinda super horny,” I admitted.

  His eyes glinted, but he didn’t move.

  I turned my back on him, undressed, and turned the shower on, heading under the stream when the water heated.

  The whole time, Andres’s eyes stayed on me.

  And boy, did he look.

  I bit my lip when I started to lather soap on my body. I respected that Andres said he wasn’t going to touch me so I could be ready for my date with Blaze. In fact, it was fucking commendable.

  However, I could feel his eyes on me, and I truly was feeling horny as hell.

  Had been during the shopping trip, and even more so now. I needed to take the edge off, at least, or else I’d be nothing but a bumbling mess during said date.

  Hell, I’d probably jump Blaze before I even made it through the front door, and while that would be awesome, I didn’t want to get there feeling completely desperate.

  If Andres wasn’t going to help a gal out, I’d just have to take matters into my own hands…

  I had barely even touched myself when, suddenly, there was a cool gust of wind, and Andres was backing me against the wall, his fully clad and now very wet body against mine, my hands pinned above my head.

  “Oh no you don’t.” His growl made me weak in the knees.

  “Please, Andres, I need something. Anything. I need to take the edge off.” I didn’t care that I was begging. I felt like everything inside of me just wanted. Mankind may have advanced enough that I should not be a slave to my hormones but there was an inferno blazing inside of me, and it needed an out.

  Andres’s wet hair was sticking to his face, water running down his body as he towered over me, his white shirt—why did it have to be a white shirt, dammit—clinging to him like a second skin and leaving nothing to the imagination.

  It was too much for my poor little brain to handle.

  So I did the only thing that I could. I got my hands free, pushed him away, and turned on the cold water, bracing myself for it.

  Andres’s shriek was music to my ears as he left me to finish my ice cold shower alone.

  By the time I left the bathroom in a towel, hair done and light makeup—I was pulling all the stops for this date—Andres had showered in the guest bathroom and dressed, and he was smirking. Arms crossed over his chest, blue shirt really bulging, showing off his muscles, and trying to test my damn control.

  Thank fuck the iced shower had managed to get me to cool off…for the most part. Now instead of female in heat, I could just appreciate the show and everything that was Andres…not that I’d tell him any of that. He deserved to suffer.

  I blew a raspberry at him. “You’re on my shit list right now, Illudere.”

  I gave him my back and finally took the time to check his bedroom. It was incredibly cozy, with the wall behind his bed a darker gray, and the others in off-white, a big king-sized bed, and big windows with the shades just slightly open to let a little bit of sunlight in. It looked like the perfect place to jump in bed and nap for eternity.

  Laughing, he closed the distance between us, wrapping his arms around me. “Oh, c’mon. It’s hard for me to show restraint, too. Don’t I get a prize for being the good guy?”

  “Good guys give orgasms,” I sassed back.

  I kind of wanted that printed on a t-shirt.

  “Oh, I’ll give you orgasms. I’ll give you all the orgasms….some other day. Tonight, you’re Blaze’s.”

  Though he went for a light tone, I could hear the heat and the promise in his voice, and it made me shiver.

  Okay, so I cooled off like thirty-five percent.

  That was progress though.

  “Promises, promises,” I teased, heading to the shopping bags on top of the bed, making sure to throw a little extra effort into my sashay to show Andres what he was missing out on.

  I’d never considered myself an overly sexy woman, but I had three guys who wanted me, who loved me, and I’d be damned if I wasn’t going to take advantage of that.

  Andres didn’t really say anything, he just stood back, arms crossed in front of him, and waited for me to get ready.

  I picked up the dress I was planning to wear, a dark, off the shoulder dress that hugged my arms, boobs, and showed off my waistline, but that flared right below my bellybutton, giving it a cute summer-dressy vibe that I loved.

  It also had pockets, which had been what convinced me I had to have it.

  And still, Andres didn’t leave the room.

  I turned to him, eyebrow raised. “Privacy?” I mean, c’mon. He didn’t even let me shower alone. I hadn’t realized I’d become a prisoner or something.

  Andres gave me one of his disarming grins, the one that showed off his dimples and made me want to lick them again.

  “Don’t tell me you’re feeling shy,” he teased, his eyes slowly perusing me from the towel wrapped around my hair all the way to my toes. “There’s nothing there I haven’t seen before, Char. Nothing I haven’t tasted.”

  I blushed.

  “Still. It’s…kind of weird? For you to just stand there watching me get dressed, don’t you think?” I clutched the dress and looked around the room for a place to dress that wouldn’t leave me quite so…vulnerable.

  There wasn’t one.

  I bit my bottom lip, then risked a glance at Andres again. Actually…maybe this wouldn’t be so bad. I mean, like he said, it wasn’t like he hadn’t already seen me naked before, a few times. And besides…maybe this would be what broke his restraint.

  An idea sparked, and I turned my back on him. Letting the towels drop to the floor, I put on the dress.

  Sans underwear.

  Then, still with my back to him, I bent forward to put on my heels, making sure my dress slid up enough that he could see quite clearly what he was missing out on.

  Andres groaned behind me. “Blaze owes me big time for this.”

  His suffering made me feel wanted, sexy, empowered.

  It was a heady feeling, and I smiled even as I spread my legs just a little wider, pretending that the act of strapping my heel required all my focus.

  My breath left my lungs when I felt a hand cupping my sex, long, strong fingers spreading my lower lips and pressing against my clit. Pressing, but not moving.

  “Sweetheart, if you keep teasing me like that, I’ll have you spread for me, hands against the wall, and I’ll eat you from behind until you’re hoarse from begging me to come. You’ll not make it to your date, and you won’t come, either. Not until you’re desperate to feel my cock filling you up. And then
, when I finally take you, you’ll be coming on my very first thrust. And then again and again until you can’t think, can’t see, can’t do anything but feel.”

  If I thought I’d been wet before, Andres’s filthy words left me drenched.

  Moaning, I tried to move so his fingers would touch me where I wanted, where I needed, but he held still, his breath on my ear making me shiver.

  And then he was gone.

  I wasn’t too proud to admit I whimpered at the loss.

  “Let’s go, Char. You don’t want to leave Blaze hanging, do you?” Andres called from his bedroom door.

  I bit my lip, torn.

  I didn’t want to leave Blaze hanging…but what about leaving me hanging?



  Charisma was wearing a dress. A black number that hugged her chest and arms, but left her shoulders bare. The tight material went to her waist, and from there, billowed out in a skirt that flowed when she walked. It made her legs look even longer, especially with the short black heels she was wearing.

  Her pink hair was braided to the side, over her left shoulder.

  She looked beautiful. Breathtaking. Hot.

  Mine. A voice inside of me claimed.

  As I stepped closer to her, she smiled nervously at me. “Hi,” I said, brushing my lips against hers.

  “Hi back,” Char murmured, chasing after me to kiss me again.

  Well, since that’s what she wants...

  I moved closer, putting my hand on the small of her back and gently pushing so she’d have no choice but to walk forward. Her body against mine, I deepened the kiss, coaxing her to open her mouth so my tongue could explore the inside of hers.

  Char clung to my dress shirt—she hadn’t been the only one who had dressed up for our first date— trying to get me even closer to her.

  I’d missed her like this. Clinging to me, kissing me, trying to jump all over me. I’d missed a hell of a lot more than just the physical side of things, but there was no denying that when my Little Spitfire and I got together, things turned explosive.


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