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Aliens on Earth: The day they arrived

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by Nelson Angel


  Nelson Angel

  Table of Contents


  Chapter 1: Meet Jack

  Chapter 2: Meet Sophia

  Chapter 3: Problems on the horizon

  Chapter 4: At the airport

  Chapter 5: Arriving in Italy

  Chapter 6: From Venice to Montebelluna

  Chapter 7: Meet Leonardo

  Chapter 8: Leonardo explains

  Chapter 9: The long journey

  Chapter 10: The long journey continues

  Chapter 11: Crossing the mountains

  Chapter 12: Meet Nate in Bramans

  Chapter 13: Jack loses it all

  Chapter 14: What now?

  Chapter 15: Studying Nate

  Chapter 16: Nate revealed

  Chapter 17: Jack’s regrets


  This book was written after a long research on documentaries looking for an idea of what could happen if Earth would be invaded by an alien civilization.

  This book is a result of what scientists and researchers around the World think that it is more probable to happen following science and logic, based on knowledge and civilization advanced technologies.

  It also was considered how this more advanced civilization would look at us from their point of view.

  I want to remember that this is one of the options available. Feel free to consider any other probabilities that involve these subjects.

  I hope you enjoy reading this book as I enjoyed writing it to you.

  Chapter 1: Meet Jack

  Jack is a 5’9” tall white man, short light brown hair always well combed, medium build guy living one day at a time.

  One thing to be said about him is that he always tries to find a shortcut to every problem that comes into his life. He does not like to spend much time doing the same thing. For that reason, every time that he’s got a problem or some difficult thing happening in his life, he finds an easy way out of it.

  He is driving his BMW that he just bought leaving his house. Also leaving his girlfriend alone and talking to herself. What happened, you ask? Let’s just say that she tried to get a little more serious in the relationship between them. Is that bad? It is for him. He doesn't feel ready for the next step yet, but instead of talking to her and explaining what he feels, he decided to turn around and drive to the airport. He needs to go to Italy, for a job.

  He’s a business consultant and he’s been hired to help a pizzeria improve their services.

  In his mind, the easiest way to end that conversation was simply… walking away.

  If you ask him why he behaves like that, his answer is simple; that’s the way people behave in Los Angeles, the place where he lives. He answers that because that’s the way he always saw happening in his life by the time he lived with his parents.

  Do you want to know what’s crossing his mind right now? Regrets maybe? Nope. He’s trying to find a way to beat the traffic and arrive as early as possible to LAX (Los Angeles International Airport) to prepare everything for this trip.

  This is another peculiarity of our friend Jack. He is very punctual and responsible at his job. And the traffic is killing him. He didn’t expect to get in an accident on 405 that could make him late for his flight.

  It’s not hot in Los Angeles, although it is summer. Temperature is 75º F but a light breeze makes the feeling a little better. He’s driving his BMW with windows down to feel that breeze. He’s listening to classical music on the radio, his favorite type of music. The traffic is bumper-to-bumper. In other words, not driving at all. When it moves a little, it’s for the space of a car. He is still three hours away from his flight but he is getting concerned about this situation.

  The last thing crossing his mind right now is his girlfriend if she still is.

  Chapter 2: Meet Sophia

  Far from Los Angeles, in a small town in Italy called Montebelluna, we are going to find a beautiful, black haired, white skinned, skinny, blue eyed tall girl called Sophia. I know what you’re thinking right now. This woman is pure perfection. I would agree if not for a small detail; Sophia is that type of girl who believes everything has to be her own way.

  She doesn’t accept another opinion if it differs from hers. She really believes that she knows everything and everything is going to be the way she thinks is correct.

  She owns a bakery located on Corso Giuseppe Mazzini, near Parco Manin, not far from the train station. She inherited it from her father after he passed away the year before. How experienced is she? Let’s say… not much. Lack of experience, plus her behavior didn’t help much for the success of the business.

  Another peculiarity to her is being a huge fan of the United States of America. For that reason, guess whom she hired to help her with her business… if you answered Jack, you are correct.

  That’s why Jack is on his way to LAX. flying to Italy to work on Sophia’s business and make it a success. Or try to. Why? Jack always takes shortcuts and Sophia wants everything her way.

  I don’t know about you but I can’t see how this duo is going to coexist in life. Maybe we have to wait and check later…

  Chapter 3: Problems on the horizon

  Jack is on 405, inside his car, listening to his favorite music and a little concerned because the clock is ticking and the traffic is not moving. He checks his watch and car’s clock to be sure that he will be at the airport on time for the flight.

  He’s also trying to remember some words in Italian that he memorized to impress his new client and show a token of consideration for her business. “Buon giorno”, “Molto piacere” and “Ma che bello affare” are some of the words he’d memorized. Then he was trying to remember what they meant. Let’s see, “buon giorno” means good morning, “molto piacere” means pleased to meet you and “ma che bello affare” means… what does it mean? He stops for a while to think and a car behind him honks, making Jack to come back to Earth. He notices that the car in front had moved but he had not.

  Cars stopped moving again so he took this gap to check the meaning of the last sentence what a beautiful business.

  At this moment, one thing crosses his mind. How can he say that if her business is not successful? Better to not mention that last sentence.

  Beethoven number 5 starts on the radio. Iconic for classical music lovers. He smiles with pure pleasure but that doesn’t last long.

  Radio service is interrupted to inform listeners that something in space was discovered. Scientists are still trying to find out what it is. Some say it is a meteor that is coming to Earth to destroy everything. End of time and humanity on the planet. Others say that it is a spaceship proving that humanity is not alone in the universe.

  But the object is so far from Earth that nobody can say precisely what it is for sure. Speculation is all they have so far.

  Beethoven starts again and everything comes back to normal in Jack’s head.

  Not quite. He’s feeling a little guilty for leaving his girlfriend the way he did. He should have said bye and that famous “I love you” at least, before leaving.

  Now that the heat of the moment had grown a little colder, he realizes that it wasn't fair what he did.

  He picks up the phone and presses speed dial. The phone rings and rings, but she doesn’t pick up. He knows that she takes a little longer to “cool down,” so he decides to call her by the time he arrives in Italy. He believes that three hours to board the plane plus sixteen hours of flight will be more than enough time before they talk about it.

  She takes a long time to cool down…

  Chapter 4: At the airport

  Jack finally arrives at the a
irport with more than enough time to get onboard. He parks his car in the parking lot, takes his luggage from the trunk, goes to the parking machine, and worries for a moment when he needs to choose how long he is going to stay out of the country. Finally, he pays for three weeks believing that this will be enough time to start the process and make that bakery a success again.

  By the time he is taking a cart to carry his luggage inside the airport, he finds a friend that he and his girlfriend have in common. Her name is Jessica.

  Jessica is an extremely attractive and smart girl. She is an astronomer and she is travelling to Mauna Kea, an island to the site of the two largest telescopes in the United States.

  “I can’t believe you’re here. I assume you’re traveling somewhere since we are in an airport, but the million dollar question is; where to?” Jessica asks, opening her arms and preparing a huge hug.

  “Oh my God. How long has it been since we’ve seen each other?” Asks Jack with surprise.

  “I believe that last time was two years ago at your birthday party, right?” Jessica always smiles when she talks. “Where’s Jennifer? Don’t tell me you are leaving her alone in Los Angeles right now.”

  “Why? What’s so important happening right now?” Jack asks.

  “You are kidding me, right? We found something in space and we don’t know if it is artificial or natural and if it’s coming to Earth or not.” Jessica stopped smiling.

  Jack looks at his friend with scepticism in his eyes.

  “That probably is a bug splashed in the lens of the telescope, and you guys are making a big deal of it.”

  Jessica sounds replies sounding serious and a bit angry,

  “You know that I never make jokes about anything related to my job. So listen to me carefully this is not a joke, and everybody in my area of expertise is concerned about it. Unfortunately, this thing is too far to be identified, but we are monitoring it twenty-four seven. It’s real and maybe dangerous.”

  Jack changes his attitude and shows a little concerned now. The information coming from Jessica makes him stop and think about what’s happening.

  “When do you think that this thing will be identified?”

  Jessica still serious, replies

  “Within a few days. As soon as it’s closer to Mars.”

  “Call Jenn to let her know about all this,” Jack asks Jessica.

  She stops walking and looks at him.

  “Don’t tell me that you guys fought again, and you are not talking.”

  “Oh no! I tried talking to her, but she’s not picking.”

  Jessica knows how stubborn they both are.

  “Let me guess; she started a serious conversation that you didn’t want to have, you turned on her and walked away. Am I right?”

  Jack lowered his head, trying to avoid this conversation too.

  Jessica grabbed his arm and looked at him.

  “You know that I love you guys. I know that Jenn is difficult sometimes, but I also know that you love one another. I also know that you are a nice guy but have a small problem. Every time you have something happening in your life that makes you uncomfortable, you always find a quick fix, a shortcut to end the problem. I seriously believe that this works in your job, but it doesn’t work with people. We have emotions, ideologies, and we want to be heard and sometimes shown that we are wrong, but we need to talk and listen. Don't throw away a beautiful relationship just because you don’t want to change. Promise me that you will talk to her?”

  Jack nods because he’s not comfortable with the situation. Another way to fix a problem, getting a shortcut.

  They both walk to the airport in silence.

  By the time they get inside, Jessica returns to her familiar smile and gives a Jack hug.

  “Don’t forget to call her, okay?”

  Jack agrees and walks to his gate. He picks up the phone and calls Jenn again. No answer. Then he texts her the most cliche sentence that came to his mind. “I love you. Jack”

  He goes to the plane.

  Chapter 5: Arriving in Italy

  Jack hears the Captain’s announcement on the speakers saying that they were about to land. Finally arriving in Italy. Sure it’s for work, but it was kind of a dream that Jack had for a long time.

  As his senses come back in place, he notices that something is different. This wasn’t his first trip in an airplane, so he can feel tension in the air. People are getting ready to get off the airplane as it comes to a stop. The person across the aisle is apprehensive and anxious to get off.

  Jack stops for a moment and asks the guy what’s going on. He has no answer because the guy is Italian and doesn’t speak English. So, he decides to ask one of the flight attendants why everyone’s in a hurry to get off the plane.

  “Because the spaceship. We lost communications some hours ago, and nobody knows what’s going on outside.”

  Jack is in shock.

  “What are you saying? How did that happen? When? Why didn’t anybody wake me up to let me know?”

  “You were sleeping, and everybody was trying to get in touch with their family members.”

  Jack immediately got his phone to call Jenn, but he has no signal.

  “I told you that we haven’t have a signal for hours,” replied the flight attendant.

  He leaves the plane and walks as fast as he can to the terminal, hoping to find a phone to call Jenn. He finds the phones, but none of them are working.

  He stops in front of a TV and sees the spaceship and a rerun of the spaceship firing a glowing laser that puts the communications out of order.

  He wants to know how the TVs were still working and asks an employee who tells him that the TVs are connected via fiber optics to a central station in the airport.

  He then changes his attention to find Sophia. He has a picture of her in his cell phone and tries to find the person who looks like the picture. He finally sees someone and calls her name. Luckily, it’s Sophia. And she speaks English very well.

  “Hi. I’m Jack!”

  “Hi. I’m Sophia! Sorry for not having you here in better circumstances. Who expected that to happen?”

  “Being honest with you, I still don’t understand what’s going on. I woke up in the plane, noticed everybody agitated, and when I got to the terminal, I watched a spaceship with lasers firing on Earth, and couldn't call anybody. It feels like I’m in a nightmare, and I can’t wake up.”

  Sophia looked at him.

  “Unfortunately, this is the real world. That spaceship arrived fast, and then we had no communications.”

  “I remember now that I met a friend in Los Angeles who is an astronomer. She told me about something in space, but she also said that it would take days to arrive here.” Jack is in shock, remembering what Jessica told him in LAX.

  “I know. Everybody thought that it would take days. But whoever is in that spaceship is in a hurry. They arrived here way before the predictions.” Sophia is looking at the TVs in the airport.

  “Let’s go to my place. You can rest, and then we’ll talk,” says Sophia, helping Jack with his luggage.

  “I don’t really think I can rest with all this happening around me. I just want to talk to Jenn.”

  Chapter 6: From Venice to Montebelluna

  Sophia and Jack are inside Sophia’s car in silence. He can hear all the noise from the streets where they are driving. A few people are outside and they walk fast showing that they want to be home as fast as they can.

  They can feel the hot air as they drive from Venice to Montebelluna because Montebelluna doesn’t have an airport so Jack had to fly to Venice, the nearest town served by an airport.

  Jack is looking out the car window and notices that the birds are flying like crazy. Maybe they are imitating the people on the streets. The trip takes about fifty minutes. It would’ve been much faster if they had traveled by train, but Sophia didn’t know how much luggage Jack had brought, so she hadn’t wanted to take a chance.

�s on your mind now, Jack?”

  “To be honest, I don’t even know what to think. I don’t know if I’m too tired from the trip, or just confused with this situation and all that’s happening. I’m always able to figure out a fast solution for my problems, but this one is really tricky. Everything that comes to mind doesn’t feel like a solution. It feels like I’m making another problem. This feeling is really weird.”

  Sophia looks at him and nods in understanding.

  “I know exactly what you’re feeling because I share the same feeling right now. All this can’t be happening. It’s not normal. It’s not real. I’ve watched a bunch of films showing all this, but I always knew it was fake, fabricated by someone. This isn't Hollywood. We don’t have actors, directors, or special effects. That spaceship is in orbit and somehow cuts our communications out.”

  Jack, all of sudden, moves on the seat.

  “Did you guys try everything to communicate with somebody else? I mean landlines, radio…”

  “I don’t know about others, but I tried cell phones only. By the way, who still has a landline at home? And I believe radios aren’t a good option. They don’t go far, right?”

  Jack turns his head in Sophia's direction.

  “Let’s see if I can answer all your questions. My future mother-in-law still has a landline at home still. And radios are for short distances for sure, but it’s good if we try everything we can. I believe they all will be necessary in the future.”

  Jack remembered to check his watch because he has to adjust his watch nine hours forward to be in local time.

  “How long is it going to take for us to arrive at your bakery?”

  Sophia checks the surroundings to be sure where they are. She points to a small river and tells him it’s called Fiume Sile in Treviso and shows that it shows they’re close.

  “Thirty to thirty-five minutes if we don’t find any problems.”


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