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Toxic (Book Three of the Twisted Series 3)

Page 32

by Emily Rose

  Miles stepped forward until he stood directly in front of me. Our eyes locked and he spoke in a voice that told me that he was done being the nice guy.

  “I told you, because he is your brother,” he said and then lifted a hand. He grabbed the back of my neck gently and stared straight into my eyes, “Owen planned all of it. He found out the connection between Jared and Jaxson. He’s been out of prison for a while now and he wanted me to pay for the woman I stole from him. Jared was his way of doing it. He used him and Jaxson to get close to me, but he will never stop trying to find me. Do you understand? He will never stop,” he said.

  I blinked and that was when I felt the tear that slipped from my eye. As I stared into Miles’ intense gaze, I realized exactly what he was trying to say before he ever said it.

  “I have to end it. I have to end him,” he said in a calm and dangerous voice.

  “You can’t,” I said and then hurried to explain, “I mean, you will lose everything Miles. You can’t just go murder someone, even if Owen doesn’t deserve to live. You will lose everything.” I stood up, forcing him to release my neck and take a step back. My head tilted back, so that I could look in his eyes and hopefully make him understand how crazy this sounded. “What if Ray’s baby is yours? If you do this, he won’t have a father around,” I said.

  Miles’ gaze was bright with rage. He took a deep breath and spoke in an eerily calm voice. “He will have Jaxson.”

  I blinked in disbelief. “You need to stop. You aren’t thinking straight. You’re acting on pure anger, and I get it. I feel it too. I wish I could kill Owen myself, but he’s not worth my freedom. He’s not worth your life. I won’t let you do this,” I said.

  He laughed once. “Do you honestly think you can stop me?”

  I thought about that as my heart raced inside my chest. My mind tried to come up with a quick response, but it failed, and I was left speechless staring into his eyes.

  “Exactly. I only told you, because he’s your brother, but that doesn’t mean I won’t finish this. I will end it. I will end him and there’s not a single person on this fucking planet that can stop me,” he said angrily and then he went around me to head toward his car.

  I spun on my heel and followed him. As he pulled his driver’s door open, my hand shot out and I grabbed the top of the door, causing his gaze to meet mine. “How will you even find him?” I asked.

  “I have my ways,” he responded.

  This wasn’t right. Kevin wouldn’t want this. I came here tonight for the truth, but this was so much more than that. Miles was willing to commit murder. He was willing to throw his life away in his quest for vengeance. I couldn’t let him do that, no matter what. I had to stop him.

  I took a deep breath as I spoke, “I might not be able to stop you, but there are people who can and you’re giving me no choice,” I said.

  Miles blinked slowly, “Do what you have to, Danny,” he said and then jerked the door out of my grip as he got in the car and closed it.

  My head felt like it was about to explode as I stepped back from his car. The engine revved to life and the lights cut through the velvety night as he backed out, spinning dirt and rocks in the process. I stood frozen in place as everything came weighing down on me. I knew he wasn’t going to listen to me, and it might not be tonight or tomorrow or even next week, but eventually, Miles would catch my brother and I had no idea if he would survive the anger I saw burning in Miles’ eyes.

  I took off toward my car. I had no idea what I was going to do, but there was only one person I could think of right now. Once I was back on the main road, I drove toward the last place I wanted to be, but the only place I could think to go at this point. My mind felt foggy as I turned down the road that would take me to his house. When I got closer, the first thing I noticed was the car that sat parked against the curb. I shouldn’t have felt anything from seeing it, but I did. A spark of pain coursed through me at the sight of Ray’s car, but I did my best to ignore it and focus on the real problem.

  I wasn’t with Jaxson anymore and it wasn’t like their relationship was a secret now. I had no business thinking about what they might be doing together, even if seeing her car parked outside his house brought so many emotions to mind. Anger, pain, jealousy. I pushed all of this aside and pulled in the driveway behind Jax’s car. I didn’t bother shutting off my engine as I stepped out and headed to the front door. Taking a deep breath, I knocked a couple times and then stepped back to wait. It was late, so I wasn’t even sure if he would answer or not, but as I stood there with my arms crossed over my chest, the door came open.

  Jax stood in the doorway. At first, I noticed his bare torso and then my eyes traveled up to his eyes.


  God. That voice. It lit up every nerve in my body. Like a fuse, igniting the dynamite that was hidden deep inside my heart. I swallowed back everything I was feeling and tried to make my voice come out as steady as I possibly could.

  “Jax…. “ I said and then paused a moment before I continued, “I need your help. It’s important. I know… I know the truth about the night Kevin died. I know everything.”

  He was silent, but I could see the look in his eyes change to something I couldn’t pinpoint.

  “It’s Miles. He is planning something, something that could ruin his life. I tried to talk him out of it, but he isn’t listening to me and I don’t know what else to do,” I said and then took a deep breath before I spoke again, “I know you two aren’t on the same page, but you were that night. You were both there and you both saw what happened to Kevin. He needs your help…. I need your help.”

  I waited, but he didn’t respond right away, and I realized that they were already so far apart and I had no idea if they would ever be able to come back from that.

  Then he spoke.

  “Wait here,” he said and then walked back toward the bedroom door without closing the front door.

  I tried not to let the worst things come to mind, but they did anyway. I looked away and swallowed back the tightness that I felt inside my chest. I wasn’t inside the house, but I could see inside, and Ray wasn’t on the couch, which only meant she was in his bed. My stomach twisted into knots at that thought. I had no idea why I thought Jax could help. It was clear he had other things going on, but I had showed up here anyway.

  “Come on,” his voice startled me, and I looked up to see him fully dressed in a black hoodie, dark jeans, and boots.

  I watched as he grabbed his keys, wallet, and phone off the counter before he made his way out the door, forcing me to step out of the way. I stood in silence, watching him as he locked the door and then turned around to face me. He stared at me a minute and it felt like there was something he wanted to say, but then he started toward my car without another word. I sighed heavily and followed behind him, getting back into the driver’s seat with him riding shotgun.

  After I pulled out of the driveway, I glanced sideways for a second to see him relaxed in the seat. He was watching the road as if he were lost in thought. I couldn’t stop wondering what he was thinking, but I didn’t ask about it either. I looked back at the road and eased to a stop at the stop sign. That was when he spoke.

  “Go toward Twisted,” he said.

  I blinked and then looked over at him. “Why there?”

  Jax met my gaze, “Me and Miles might not be brothers anymore, but that doesn’t mean I stopped knowing him. Just trust me.”

  “Just trust me.”

  His words echoed inside my head. I wanted to say something regarding trust and him, but I decided now wasn’t the time to bring up old wounds, even if that was all I felt being around him. So, I kept my mouth shut and drove us toward Twisted or what was left of it. Silence invaded the space between us, making the air seem thick in the car. I took a deep breath and tried to ignore it.

  “What are you going to do?” I whispered as we neared Twisted.

  Jax sighed heavily, “I don’t know. I’m assuming he told you e
verything, am I right?”

  I nodded without looking away from the road.

  “Did he tell you what he was planning on doing?” he asked.

  At first, I didn’t want to repeat it, because that made it seem real. But then I remembered the look I saw in Miles’ eyes and I realized that it was real. “He… he acted like he was going to do something to Owen.”

  “I can’t say that I blame him,” Jax said.

  I looked between him and the road. “You can’t be serious?”

  He shrugged. “I don’t know.”

  “Jax, the whole point of me asking for your help is to talk him out of doing it. Not to support it. Do you even realize what that could do to his life?” I asked as I continued to glance between him and the road.

  “I realize that. I’m not saying that I won’t try to help. I’m just saying that I don’t blame him for thinking that way. I’ve thought about it. You weren’t there, Danny. You have no idea what it was like,” he said.

  He was right. I wasn’t there. I didn’t have to watch my friend die, but I still lost a friend. I was still part of this and after finding out my own brother was the one responsible for all of this, I felt like I shouldn’t even be here. I felt like this was all my fault. My heart fell at that thought. I wasn’t even sure if I was the right person to try and help Miles. I wasn’t sure if Jax was the right person. And I knew Ray wasn’t. Neither was Rachel, because she would probably support the idea even more than Jax did. The only other people that could help keep Miles from doing something so out of the ordinary was his brother and sister, but they were in Vegas, so it wasn’t like they could be here tonight.

  I knew I could always call Mia, but I couldn’t stop myself from blaming her for everything. Maybe I was wrong for doing so, but Miles hadn’t been this way before. It wasn’t until she came into his life that the switch seemed to flip and the darkness invaded the deepest recesses of his mind, turning him into the person I saw now. Someone lost in the black hole of rage, not feeling anything but feeling everything at the same time. It was a scary and deadly combination.

  And on top of that, the only people who even knew the truth were just me, Jax, Miles, Owen, and Jared. It was obvious that Jax and Miles didn’t want Ray or Rachel or even Mia knowing. I was only told, because I had a connection with Owen. Miles had said that himself tonight. So, I had no choice. Jax was the last person Miles wanted to see, but he might be the only person that could help me help him.

  Secrets piled on top of more secrets. And lies built upon lies. It was like this family, if that was even what it was called, had no idea how to even live by truth anymore. And the more secrets that were told, the more space it put between everyone until eventually, there would be nothing left. There was barely anything now, but what was left meant something to me, and I wouldn’t stop until I saved it.

  “I’m sorry you had to see that,” Jax said, pulling me from my thoughts.

  I didn’t have to ask him what he was talking about. I knew he meant Ray. “You don’t have to explain anything to me,” I said, even as the words felt forced and sent an ache straight to my heart.

  “She was only there, because she didn’t want to be alone. I slept on the couch and gave her my bed,” he said, ignoring my confession.

  The relief that crossed my mind at that thought surprised me, but I pretended like it didn’t matter. It shouldn’t have mattered. “Jax, don’t worry about it. There’s more important things going on right now,” I said.

  He didn’t respond, but the conversation was over anyway as the driveway into Twisted neared. I slowed my speed and pulled into the parking lot, almost instantly noticing the pile of rumble that had once been the bar we all called home. The ache that had settled over my heart grew at the sight of it. There were a few walls still standing, but the fire had destroyed everything.

  Just like our family. The building itself was gone.

  That was when I saw him. Miles’s car was parked facing the pile of rubble. He stood in front of his car with the lights still on, glaring at the damage. I pulled up to park beside his car and looked over at Jax. He met my gaze and there was something in his eyes that told me that I should stay in the car. He looked away and then stepped out, closing the door behind him.

  I watched through the windshield as panic started to sit in. Jax walked over to Miles. His hand barely touched his shoulder and that was all it took. Miles moved away from him, holding his hand up as if to tell Jax to not touch him again. My heart flipped as I tried to read his lips when he said something to Jax, who had both his hands up in a defensive gesture now.

  There was no way I could see what Jax said in return since his back was towards me, but I could tell it was not going as planned. Then again, I never expected this to be easy. Miles looked so out of control that I feared what he might do next. The look in his eyes was feral, and it was escalating quickly. His hair looked like he had ran his fingers through it one too many times and every muscle in his body was tense.

  But before I could think about it too long, Miles did something I never thought I would see. He pulled a gun out of his jeans, aiming it directly at Jaxson. Fear shot through me and I froze as my mind tried to think of what to do. Miles was out of control and he had to be stopped. There was only one choice I could come up with at that point, and even though it would forever change everything, I had to do it. I had to stop him. I had to save him from himself.

  My hands raced for my phone in the center console as my heart hammered inside my chest like it could escape at any moment. As they shook, I pulled up my dial pad and typed in three little numbers.


  And then I pressed call.

  The dispatcher answered almost instantly, “911, what’s your emergency?”

  “My friend is holding my other friend at gunpoint. Please hurry,” I said quickly as I watched Miles hold the gun steadily toward Jaxson.

  I couldn’t hear them, but I could tell they were talking. It didn’t matter though. Doing this meant so many things, but it was what had to be done. There was no other option.

  “Where are you located? Are you in danger?” the dispatcher asked.

  “I’m at the bar called Twisted. I don’t know the address, but I’m sitting in my car. I can see it happening,” I said quickly.

  “Ok, stay on the line. Officers are already in route to your location,” she said.

  Tears filled my eyes at the realization of what I had done settled over me. “Ok,” I spoke in a low, broken voice.

  “Is your friend still holding the gun?” she asked.

  “Yes,” I said as tears fell down my cheeks.

  “Okay, don’t try to interfere. Officers should be there any moment,” she said.

  As if she knew the exact response time it took for the officers to arrive, I saw the blue flashing lights. My heart stopped as Miles and Jaxson took in what was happening. Still, Miles didn’t drop the gun. He held it firmly in his hand and stood rooted to the spot, even as the cops surrounded us.

  “Have the officers arrived?” the dispatcher asked.

  “Yes, thank you,” I responded and then hung up.

  I jumped out of the car and went around to stand by the front of it as the officers aimed their own guns directly at Miles. The lights flashed and then his eyes met mine.

  “Why?” He asked.

  Tears leaked from my eyes as I watched him. “I had no choice. You can’t do this,” I said.

  “Drop the gun and put your hands up!” A cop yelled from behind his patrol car’s door.

  “Just drop the gun, Miles. Don’t do this,” Jax said.

  Miles looked between us in disbelief.

  “Drop it! Now!” Another officer yelled.

  “Do what they say, please…. “ I cried.

  He held the gun steadily in his hand, but his eyes met mine and locked with them. “I can’t believe you.”

  “Drop the fucking gun Miles!” Jax yelled as he held his hands up in defense.

uilt crushed me as tears fell freely down my cheeks now. Fear ricocheted through every vein in my body and I couldn’t stop myself from trembling. The betrayal I saw in Miles’ gaze broke me, but this was the only way he was going to be stopped.

  “Last warning, sit the gun on the ground and put your hands up!” A cop said.

  Miles stared at me. The look in his eyes would forever be imprinted on my mind, but slowly, as if he were doing it in slow motion, the gun came down to his side. I watched in pain as he dropped to his knees and put the gun on the ground, never taking his eyes off me. I stood frozen to the spot, holding my trembling body, with tears running down my face. What came next broke my heart even more. The cops surrounded him, pushing him to the ground, and locking his hands behind his back with a pair of cuffs.

  Jax never moved from the spot he stood, but his arms dropped to their sides as he watched the cops pull Miles to his feet and direct him toward one of the patrol cars. Once he was put into the backseat, our eyes met again, and my stomach twisted. Anger and betrayal echoed back at me. He looked away and leaned his head back against the seat. I couldn’t stop the tears and Jax seemed to realize everything at once. He walked over and pulled me into his arms.

  I didn’t argue. I broke. My legs grew weak and I would have fell to the ground if he hadn’t been holding me up. I buried my face into his hoodie as I cried. Everything, every emotion, every thought, spilled from each tear I cried.

  Nothing would ever be the same.

  I had betrayed Miles. I had sent him to prison. And while I never thought he would have ever hurt any of us before, I wasn’t so sure now. I had no idea what was going through his head at this point. He was a stranger to all of us.

  Under the mask he had wore for so long, a killer had been lurking, sleeping and biding his time but he was awake now. He had been set free the moment Kevin was killed. The chains on Miles’ mind had finally broke, unleashing someone who could take another life without so much as an ounce of guilt on their shoulders.

  That was Miles Conrad.

  That had always been him.


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