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Beverly Hills Dragons- The Complete Collection

Page 18

by Meg Ripley

  Jackson stood there, his chest heaving and adrenaline surging, when he realized Cathy was staring up at him. Her lips were slightly parted, her eyes wide and full of tears. She reached out to him.

  Instinctively, Jackson bent down to her, pressed his forehead against hers and closed his eyes, feeling the soft touch of her fingers as she stroked the scales on his cheek. There were so many things he wanted to tell her, but none of them would come out. After a moment, he pulled back a little so that he could look at her. “We need to get out of here.”

  “What about that?” Cathy pointed at the clipboard that lay on the floor, the transfer papers on it now splattered with blood.

  “That’s easy enough to take care of. All of this is, actually.” Jackson stepped away from her and filled his chest with air, feeling it heat. He ejected it, sending the clipboard and all the documentation up in flames. Moving throughout the vast room, he gave the same treatment to the few random crates and boxes that were scattered near the walls. It would be just enough fuel to make the building catch fire itself, destroying all evidence of what had transpired that night. He didn’t like to think that a place where such horrible things had happened would remain standing.

  Cathy was on her feet now, and he moved up next to her. “Come on. Let’s go.”

  Chapter Ten

  Jackson’s scaled body was warm around her, something Cathy didn’t expect as they flew home with her in his arms. His metallic hide had looked so cold, but the flames that raged inside him warmed his flesh all the way to the surface. She pressed her cheek experimentally against the heat of his chest.

  The lights of L.A. passed swiftly underneath them, but Cathy’s mind was too busy to pay any attention to the dark, hulking buildings and gridded streets. She was reeling with the concept that Jackson had done such a thing for her. He had come to the warehouse to save his children, and once he had them in his arms, Cathy had been convinced that Jackson was truly going to leave her there. He was outnumbered, and she wasn’t nearly as important as Jonathan and Jessica. But when she’d seen that magnificent golden body breaking through the window, the glass shattering to the floor without putting a scratch on him, she had felt every molecule in her body surge toward the dragon whom she knew instinctively to be Jackson.

  He landed softly in the back yard and set her down. Dizzy from the flight, she spread her arms for balance, and a wingtip settled gently against her back, keeping her upright. Cathy looked over her shoulder just in time to see him finish his transformation back into a man, catching a quick glimpse of his impressive naked form before he got dressed. The suit jacket he had worn when he’d left the house had been lost somewhere, but as he slipped into his shirt, she’d noticed the sleeves had been ripped, revealing his muscled arms. Having seen just how powerful he truly was, Cathy was appreciative of his strength all over again.

  Inside, Damien greeted them in the doorway to the living room, relief evident on his face. “I can’t tell you how glad I am to see you guys! I know the kids will be, too.”

  “Are they all right?” Cathy felt her heart skip a beat at remembering the fear the children had felt.

  “Shaken, but they’re okay. What about you two? Did anyone follow you?”

  Jackson shook his head. “There’s no one left. I don’t think we have anything to worry about.”

  “Okay. In that case, I’m heading home. I have the distinct urge to hug my wife and daughter.”

  Cathy and Jackson found Jonathan and Jessica on the couch in the living room, but they shot to their feet at seeing the adults.

  “Daddy!” Jessica screamed as she tackled her father. “You got Cathy back!”

  “Of course I did, honey.” Jackson smiled as he scooped her up, nuzzling his nose against hers. “And now we’re all back home where we belong.”

  “I was going to kick their butts, Dad,” Jonathan promised.

  “I’m sure you were.” He pulled his son in, smiling proudly.

  Cathy stood a few feet away, watching the tableau with an odd feeling in her heart. She shoved it aside, deciding that this wasn’t the time to put labels on her emotions. The important thing was that the children were safe, and she had to admit she was grateful she hadn’t ended up as Alex’s slave.

  “You should have seen Cathy!” Jessica boasted excitedly. Her little face was still swollen from all the tears she’d shed, but she grinned in her father’s arms as she pointed at her nanny. “When we walked in the house and we saw those bad guys, she stepped right up to them and told them they couldn’t have us!”

  “Did she now?” Jackson gave Cathy a sideways glance. “And then what happened?”

  “They were really bad guys, Dad!” Jonathan was hopping on the balls of his feet. “But Cathy was kicking and punching at them, and she even kicked one of them in the nuts!”

  “Jonathan! Don’t say that! It’s gross!” Jessica protested.

  “But it’s true! I know she’s not a dragon, but she was fighting really hard!”

  Cathy felt her face flush. “All right, you two. It’s been a long night. How about we get cleaned up and get some dinner in you before you go to bed? I know I’m ready to turn in myself.”

  To her surprise, Jackson jumped right in to help. He took Jonathan upstairs to make sure he got a thorough shower while Cathy warmed up some leftovers for Jessica, and then they swapped. An hour later, each kid had been cleaned and fed, and they were back on the couch in the living room, the two of them cuddled up between Cathy and Jackson.

  “I was really scared, Daddy,” Jessica whispered, her eyelids getting droopy. “Those mean men put us in the back of a van, and Cathy told us we were going to be okay.”

  “I’m glad you were there with us,” Jonathan said to Cathy. “But I would have gotten them good if I had shifted.”

  Cathy smiled. “I know you would have.” When she looked up over the children, she found that Jackson was watching her. There was a different, softer look in his eyes that she hadn’t noticed before, and it made that same indescribable feeling bubble up in her chest again. She snuggled in a little tighter, glad to have the little warm bodies safe on the couch.

  Jessica’s voice was barely more than a whisper now. “You were so pretty as a dragon, Daddy. Like glitter.”

  He laughed. “Thank you, sweetheart.”

  They remained there in the living room until the children had fallen asleep. Cathy looked down at their angelic faces, never imagining that she would feel so strongly for children she had only known for a few weeks. “I’d hate to move them,” she whispered, “but they’re not going to be comfortable here all night.”

  “You take one and I’ll take the other,” Jackson offered.

  They carried them up the stairs and tucked them in their beds. Cathy kissed them each on the forehead, even though they wouldn’t know she had. The love she’d felt for them was unexpected, but very fulfilling. She was glad she hadn’t left.

  Jackson caught her in the hallway as she closed the door to Jonathan’s room. He stepped close, his body only inches away from hers as he spoke quietly so as not to wake the kids. He was giving her that velvety look again, and it sent a shock of electricity out from the center of her body. “I haven’t had a chance to thank you.”

  “I was just doing my job,” she demurred. “I only wish I’d been able to stop them and save the kids from ever having to go through all that.”

  “No,” Jackson argued. “You did much more than that. It’s clear that you’re the hero of the night, and I can’t even begin to tell you how much your actions mean to me.” He touched her arm, his fingers running slowly down her skin. “But there’s something that concerns me.”

  “What’s that?” The close proximity had made the sensations along her skin continue to surge, and one of them danced underneath her tongue.

  “You said that you didn’t mean anything to me; that I wouldn’t care what Alex did to you because you were just the hired help. I hope you know that’s not true. Not at all.”

  Cathy looked away, embarrassed. “Oh, well, um…”


  She looked back up then with parted lips, and Jackson pulled her close. His lips pressed against hers, warm and determined, and she felt herself melting into his embrace. That bubble in her chest exploded, and she could no longer ignore it. She knew what it was, and she had a feeling that Jackson did, too.

  He broke the kiss and pressed his forehead to hers, just as he had done earlier that night. It felt so intimate, and Cathy closed her eyes. “I was attracted to you from the very first moment I saw you,” he admitted. “I tried to tell myself that it was too soon and I was just being shallow, but I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you. And over the weeks, as I’ve seen how much you care for my children, it’s only gotten worse. I’m crazy about you, Cathy.”

  “That’s just because you’ve seen me naked,” she joked, pleased with the way his chest vibrated under her palm as he laughed.

  “Hey, you just saw me, too. It’s much more than that, though,” he promised, “but I certainly didn’t mind. You’re rather pleasing to the eye.” He kissed her again, pulling her close.

  Cathy felt her body come alive where he touched her, her skin tingling as their bodies pressed together. She couldn’t remember ever feeling so vibrant; so excited and full of life. She allowed her arms to slip around him. “I could say the same thing about you, Jackson.” It felt thrilling and strange to call him by his first name as she realized that she had not only seen his human form, but his dragon form as well. Not everyone had that privilege.

  His hands were on her back, in her hair, tracing down her curves. “I need you, Cathy, like nothing I’ve ever needed in my life.”

  Jackson picked her up by the waist, settling her on his hips and continuing his kisses as he strode down the hall to the room at the end. He kept one strong arm around her as he opened the door and brought her inside, closing and locking it behind them.

  Cathy had never seen the inside of the master bedroom. The vaulted, exposed-timber ceiling was impressive, as was the pale gray area rug that spread out from underneath the colossal bed. The curtains were drawn on the numerous large windows that lined the room. She might have appreciated it all more if she hadn’t been so focused on the gorgeous man who carried her across the room and set her on her feet.

  “I want to worship every inch of you,” he murmured in her ear as his fingers made quick work of the buttons on her blouse. He pushed the garment gently off her shoulders, pressing his lips to her skin. “I haven’t been the easiest to deal with, and I’m going to make it up to you. Right now.”

  She couldn’t argue with that, given the way his hands felt against her as he touched her stomach and moved toward the waistband of her jeans. Jackson bent as he removed her pants, trailing kisses up her leg on his way back up.

  She let out a shaking breath as his lips graced her between her breasts, up to her collar bone, and to her neck. “I want you, Jackson,” she panted, finally realizing that she was practically naked while he was still clothed. She tore at the remains of his shirt, pulling it from his arms and running her fingers through his hair while he nibbled at her earlobe. Jackson undid the clasp of her bra with an expert swipe of his fingers, allowing her skin to fully touch his. She buried her nipples in the fine dusting of golden hair on his chest. But she wanted more, and she pulled away from him in order to strip off his trousers and reveal what she needed so badly. Jackson’s body was exquisitely sculpted, his wide chest and trim abs tapering into a V down to strong thighs. His member was hard and ready for her, and she couldn’t resist the temptation any longer.

  “Oh god,” he moaned as she dragged her tongue along his shaft. His hands were in her hair, twisting it up gently at the crown of her head to keep it out of the way. His fingers massaged her scalp, firmly, but never hurting her. Cathy knew that was always how it would be with Jackson.

  Cathy swirled her tongue around the tip of his cock and down the underside, sucking hard when she retreated. She wanted him inside her desperately, but first, she was going to show him just how badly. Opening her throat and allowing him in all the way, she felt her body thrum with excitement every time Jackson moved his hips against her. It only made her work harder, getting turned on by the fact that she was exciting him so much.

  Finally, she stood up, unable to wait any longer. “I need to feel you inside me. Now.”

  Jackson let her hair fall to one side and smiled. “I like a woman who knows what she wants, but you’re going to have to wait a little longer.” He lifted her up and sat her on the edge of the mattress, spreading her legs as he bent his head to kiss the sensitive area between her legs.

  “You don’t have to—” she began to protest, but she stopped when she felt his tongue slide across her center of pleasure. The sensation was intoxicating, and she lay back against the mattress, reveling in the feeling.

  Jackson’s hands stroked the insides of her thighs as he gently ran his tongue over every hill and valley. He teased and licked, slowly building his speed and intensity until Cathy didn’t think she could take it any longer. Her insides trembled, needing him desperately, but not wanting to stop him from what he was doing. She clutched at her breasts and arched her back, biting her lower lip to keep from screaming as she came.

  “You’ve convinced me,” he teased as he planted one final kiss and covered her body with his own. “I can’t wait any longer, Cathy. I feel like I’ve already waited forever.”

  They were a sensuous tangle of arms and legs as he pierced her, moving in unison as though they had been destined to do this. Cathy wrapped her legs around him as he settled into her, their bodies fitting together perfectly. He was gentle and steady, and she could tell that he was holding himself back. She bucked her hips against him, smiling at the growl she elicited from deep in his throat.

  “You keep doing that and I won’t be able to control myself,” he rumbled, his hardness pushing even deeper inside her.

  “Why would I want you to?” she challenged.

  “Because you feel too good.” Jackson kissed her soundly, plunging his tongue against hers in an intimate dance. “I want this to last all night.”

  Cathy pressed her walls around him, teasing him. “Sounds good to me.”

  But there was no way either one of them could make that happen. They were meant to be together, and they knew it. Jackson’s pace increased as his length became even more engorged. She gasped at the feeling, knowing she was getting there again. He roared into the pillow as he came, and his spasms were the final push she needed. Cathy dug her nails into his back and buried her face in his shoulder as she climaxed.

  Afterward, Jackson lay on his side and pulled her close, keeping his arm and his leg wrapped protectively around her. Cathy snuggled into the warmth of him, feeling satisfied and safe.

  Chapter Eleven

  Indulgence was packed, and it was only a weeknight. Jackson wanted to take the credit for it, but he knew there were other factors working in his favor. Club Aqua had shut down temporarily until new management was found after the mysterious disappearance of its previous owner. That meant there were even more people flowing through the downtown area, looking for a stiff drink and a good place to party. Many of them ended up at Bliss, but those who felt they could get in had formed a line a quarter mile long at Indulgence. Jackson knew he would end up getting complaints from other businesses when they learned where the queue was headed, but he’d deal with that later.

  The other thing that was helping him along in his business was the fact that the Villainous Ravens were a massive hit. Their songs were already being played on local radio stations, and when Jackson had talked to Damien a few days earlier, he’d mentioned that stations in other large cities were beginning to pick them up as well. They’d even started shooting a video for MTV. With Jane Vinson at the helm and able to hobnob with other celebrities without gushing and freaking out, Jackson had booked them at Indulgence as well as Bliss.
The rich and famous liked good music just as much as anyone else did, and while they didn’t form a throbbing mass in front of the stage, they still clapped and screamed with a deafening roar after each song.

  Jackson headed downstairs to check in with Mac. The man looked more relaxed than he had in a long time, and Jackson was sure it was at least due in part to the fact that a new head of security had been hired for Bliss. Mac was free to dedicate himself to Indulgence without having to constantly run back and forth between the two clubs. “Everything going all right?” Jackson asked.

  Mac smiled at him. “It is for me, but what about you? You look nervous, like you’re expecting Babcock to come walking in that door again.” He knew all about the incident, and the only thing the bouncer had to say about it was that he wished he could have gotten a piece of the dragon himself.

  “No, but I’ve got some other things I have to take care of tonight. Actually, that’s what I came to tell you. I’m leaving early, unless there’s anything you need from me.”

  “Everything is fine here.” Mac surveyed the room.

  Jackson did the same. He had never seen so many celebrities in one place. It looked like every movie poster in the theater had come to life. He thought he might have seen Michael J. Fox over in one corner, but his other business couldn’t wait any longer.

  Half an hour later, Jackson pulled into his driveway. The lights were on in the house, casting a welcome glow through the windows. The sun had just gone down, and a cool breeze followed him into the garage.

  Cathy was on the couch in the living room, with Jonathan and Jessica on either side of her. Who’s the Boss played on the television, and Jessica’s cute little laugh pealed through the room. Cathy sat up in surprise when she saw him. “I didn’t know you were coming home so early! We could have waited to have dinner. We just finished up about twenty minutes ago.”

  “Don’t worry about it.” Jackson held out a hand to keep her from getting up off the couch. She was just lounging there between the children in a t-shirt and jeans, but she looked perfect. In fact, the whole scene was perfect, and that was exactly why he had wanted to come home. His work was important, since it provided for them all, but it wasn’t nearly as important as the things he was missing out on. Jackson settled in on the sofa on the other side of Jessica, noting the way his body completely relaxed in that moment. He had no worries, no threats, and he didn’t think he could shift, even if he tried.


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