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Topsy Turvy Kinda Love

Page 22

by J Marie

  “There are what?” Brooks whispers to my side.

  “You’re having twins…”

  “Twins…” It’s all that slips out between his lips before he hits the ground, hard.

  “Brooks!” I yell, catching Dr. Morgan’s attention.

  “Nurse!” Dr. Morgan calls out to no one in particular before the door opens, and one of the nurses I’ve seen before pops in. “We’ve lost Mr. Jansen to some exciting news.” She points to Brooks on the floor.

  “Brooks!” I’m in a panic. He just passed out and I can’t move, I’m frozen in place as the nurse moves to help him.

  Dr. Morgan grabs a hold of my hands, making me look at her. “Mia, I’m going to need you to stay calm. He’s going to be just fine. Deep breath in, deep breath out.” She breathes along with me and it seems to be helping. “I need you to calm down for the babies.”

  “Babies…” My brain still hasn’t wrapped its head around the fact that not only am I having one, but I’m having two. Two tiny babies.

  “You and Brooks are going to be just fine.” I shake my head, trying to speak. “You will. Look, he’s waking up now. Just blacked out for a minute. Susan is going to help him into that chair.” I watch as the nurse pulls a chair up to the bed and helps him sit down.

  Looking up at me, his brow furrows. “What happened?”

  Susan leans over to speak with him face to face. “Brooks, you fainted. I’m going to need you to sit here for a couple minutes and just relax.”

  Eyes still on me, he continues, “Did she say twins?”

  “Yep, there’s two in there. Way to go, dude. You didn’t just knock me up, you pulled out all the stops.”

  He chuckles and I can’t help but laugh.

  “So… You want to know the sex today, right?” Dr. Morgan pulls our attention back to the screen.

  Brooks speaks up before my mouth even opens. “Yes!”

  “Well, if you look right here… baby number one is a little boy.” I look up at Brooks as he looks closer and squints. “Is that his…”

  “Yes,” she confirms. “That’s a penis.”

  “Look at that, Mia. Takes after his dad in the package department.” I throw him a scowl.

  “Brooks, behave,” I admonish. He wiggles his eyebrows at me and winks. This man. I look back at the screen and emotions overwhelm me. What about the other baby?

  She moves the wand around again, and baby number two appears. “Looks like baby number two is a little girl. A boy and a girl. How precious.”

  Not only am I having one baby, we’re having two. I’ve secretly been hoping for a little boy, and it’s the first time I admit it to myself, but I’m kind of excited for the possibility of a little girl too.

  She continues moving the wand over my belly to get a better view of them. Hitting the keys a couple of times as she snaps photos. “You have two perfectly healthy little ones on the way.”

  Tears invade my eyes. My blurry eyes find Brooks, and my heart can’t help but beat faster. He wipes under his eyes, the emotions getting to him too. Each time we have another appointment, it seems more real. His dark chocolate eyes burn bright with love as he looks at me. He leans down, kissing my forehead. “You’re doing so great, Mama Mia.”

  “I couldn’t have done it without you.” It’s the truth. Had I not decided to give this I try, I probably wouldn’t have Brooks by my side. The thought of that is just agonizingly painful. Our family just doubled in size with one tiny ultrasound. Isn’t it funny how life works?

  We’ve started setting up the nursery at this point. I gave up my room because I haven’t slept in it in months. Brooks’ room became our room. The nursery is being done in a theme of wood, black, blue, purple, and grey. I’m painting a mural on the wall across from where the cribs will sit.

  Looking over my shoulder from where I’m working on the mural, I spot Brooks leaning against the doorway watching me. He takes up most of the doorway, and I can’t but admire the man who’s captured this crazy heart of mine.

  “You get a camera yet?”

  “No need.”

  “Oh yeah? Why’s that?”

  “I’ve got you forever now, it’ll last longer than any photo I could take of you. Plus, there’s no way I could erase you from my mind. You’re perfect.”


  “Uh huh. Mind if I try?” He nods to the mural.

  “What? You want to paint?”

  “I’d love to try it.”

  “Okay, well, come on over.” I watch as he walks across the room in all his manly glory. How did I get stuck with such a hottie? “Take this…” He grabs the paintbrush from my hand. “Now, paint along this line here.” I point where I want him to start, and he pushes the brush to the wall leaving behind a streak of purple.

  “Like this?” He looks to me for approval, and I can’t help but smile. Leaning around him, I watch as he continues to paint strokes onto the wall.

  “It’s perfect.”

  “You know… you should probably be limited the amount of time you paint these days. I don’t want you or our babies inhaling too many fumes.”

  “That’s sweet, Brooks, but do I need to remind you of your stick figure drawing capabilities? Plus, it’s pretty much done anyhow.”

  He chuckles, shaking his head. “Oh yeah, wanna see about my painting abilities?”

  “Brooks…” I warn.

  “What? I just want to show you how good I really am…” Not paying enough attention, I miss all the signs of what he’s about to do until I feel the bristles of the brush glide over my left cheek, leaving behind cold, wet paint.

  “You did not…”

  “Oh, but I did.” He laughs at the look of shock on my face, and I take the minute to grab paint from the easel and smear it across his own face.

  His eyes widen as he realizes what I’ve just done. “Oh, now you’re going to get it.”

  I giggle and try to run away, but Brooks snatches me into him. Hands pressed softly to my bulging belly. “Got you,” he whispers into my ear as he smears the paint I spread on him just a few minutes ago onto me again. “I’m never letting you go.”

  “You better not.” I smile. Yes, I’ve become that hypocritical girl. The one who didn’t believe in love is now head over heels in it. I blame Brooks and his swoony ways. See, I told you… Brainwashing.

  We step back and look at what we’ve created. A teepee, grey with black, blue, and purple patterns. Blue for Brooks. Black for me. Purple for our newest additions.

  Right above where one baby will sleep, over the crib, hangs a wooden circle with the name Wesley Greyson in big, bold black and white letters. Above the other hangs a second wooden circle with the name Piper Brielle in big, bold black and purple letters.

  A knock on the front door stops us. “That must be the cribs.” The white and black Aztec patterned carpet showed up yesterday and goes perfectly with the hardwood floors. Everything’s coming together, and all we need are both cribs and dressers to complete the look.

  A child’s play teepee has been erected in the corner to go with the theme. Lantern lights hang proudly—one on each side of where the cribs will go. Willie and Charlie from the bar chipped in together and purchased me a rocker for the corner of the room. Black in color to go with the rest.

  Brooks opens the door, and the guy delivering both cribs is Wyatt, the guy that started this all. I smile at the funny memories surrounding this moment. He smiles a knowing smile after looking to my stomach. My bump is on full display these days. Maternity pants my new way of life.

  “Hey, man,” Brooks says, lending his hand out to shake with his old roomie.

  “Hey, stranger. I see things are going well for you these days.”

  Brooks looks back and smiles at me. “Sure are.”

  “Seems like some congrats are in order.”


  He looks down at the package he laid against the door. “Crib?”

  “Cribs. Twins.”

  “Wow, congrats you two.”

  “Thank you.” I can’t help but love the dimples that peek out with Brooks’ smile.

  Handing over the box, he nods. “Well, I’ll leave you to it. May the force be with you. I’ve heard those are beasts to put together.”

  Brooks chuckles. “See Mia, Star Wars. It’s a thing.” I wrinkle my nose. I still to this day, can’t get into Star Wars. Every other thing we watch together is something we both enjoy, but not that.

  Closing the door, he picks up the boxes and heads back to Wesley and Piper’s nursery. It’s weird calling them by their names even though they aren’t here yet, but not too much longer—several more weeks, hopefully.

  As soon as we open the box to the first crib, it becomes clear what Wyatt said. So many tiny intricate pieces. “Um…Mia. We have an issue. These instructions are all in Spanish.”

  I throw my hand to my chest and fake gasp. “You don’t know Spanish?! The audacity!” He looks at me, mouth agape like he isn’t even sure how to respond to me. That’s the case most days. Gotta keep him on his toes, right?

  “Flip it over, Brooks. Is there an English version on the other side?”

  “Yep, right. Got it.” He takes a few minutes before looking over again. “Hey, do you think it’d be sexy if I learned Spanish as a second language?”

  “Only if you learn the dirtiest words…”

  “My naughty little girl.”

  “Mmmhmm, and this naughty little pixie brain is thinking the dirtiest things about you right now and very well might need a shower.”

  “Shower is too dangerous to bang you like I want to, baby. I’m pro-bed these days.”

  I stick out my bottom lip in a pout. “No fair. I like naughty shower sex.”

  He groans, probably thinking about how hot it was the last time we’d had shower sex. So…hot. When I first started getting my baby bump, I’d protested that I was getting too fat for sex. I was only getting bigger. I wondered if at some point he was going to stop finding me attractive, but he was insatiable. He never wanted to stop. It was almost as if my being pregnant made him want it more.

  He picks me up and carries me to our room. Ripping my leggings from my body, he doesn’t even seem apologetic. Next comes my shirt. He can’t wait to get me naked. I’ve taken on a zero-tolerance policy on wearing underwear, and a bra these days seems to be taxing unless I’m going to work or out.

  “Mmhmm. I like it when you don’t wear underthings.”

  I shake my head at him. “Underthings, Brooks, really? I thought we were past this phase.”

  He shrugs, followed by a wink. “They will always be underthings, Mia. But they’re very sexy underthings.”

  The cribs forgotten, Brooks does what he does best. He makes me forget that a world exists outside of the two of us. We move as one as we make love that night. It’s poetic watching our shadows paint the walls, much like my brush painting a canvas. We’re still painting the canvas of our life, one stroke at a time.

  Zara and Macy talked me into letting them throw Mia a surprise baby shower. Knowing her answer would’ve been hell no had they asked, they decided to go ahead and do it, consequences be damned.

  Eddie shut down Topsy Turvy at three this afternoon and kicked everyone out. The guests for the baby shower will be arriving soon, and they need to get everything cleaned and set up beforehand.

  She may hate me for keeping this from her. Mia isn’t a fan of surprises or change—in fact, she loathes it, but if her best friends want to throw a party for her, far be it for me to get in the middle of it. I’ll deal with whatever comes my way. Hopefully, it’ll be Mia…

  I find her sitting in the rocking chair in the nursery rubbing her belly. She’s glowing, and I can’t help but appreciate it. She’s all baby and she’s gorgeous. Every time I see her these days, she just looks so perfect. To me, she’s always been perfect, perfectly imperfect to me. Looking up, she sees me and smiles. “Hey, Brooksy. I’m still finding it so hard to believe that our little ones will be here in less than a month’s time. Heck, I can’t believe it’s almost been a year since we moved in together. I’m so not ready.”

  “You’re going to do just fine, Mia. I believe in you, in us. It’s a great big world, and we have our whole lives ahead of us. I wouldn’t want to do this journey with anyone but you.”

  A tear slides down her cheek, and she swipes it away quickly.

  “Hey,” I say softly. “What are the tears for now?”

  “I guess I’m just emotional. When I was a kid, my mom was the best mom. She seemed like the perfect person. Like she had it all together because that’s what she let me see as a child. She had me fooled into thinking that the world was okay.”

  Another tear slips down her cheek. “She was strong, brave. I thought she was invincible, but she hid her true self. Inside she was breaking down. It started slowly, but bit by bit, her true colors started to show. She cracked a little every day and the only person that knew it was her. Until it was too much, and then little by little, it crept into her daily life. My heart aches knowing that she’ll never meet her grandchildren, but I also can’t allow myself to feel bad about it either because I won’t put anyone through what I went through. I hate that the person she became will never get to meet her grandchildren or have an impact on their lives.”

  I reach out, letting my fingers slip down her arm. “No child should have to see their mom turn into a drug addict, Mia. It’s not fair to you.”

  “I know. Just… so many emotions going on up here today.” She points to her head, and I understand that well. I often wonder the same thing. How would my parents feel about not knowing their grandchildren, but I’ve always come back to the same conclusion. They disowned me, so they don’t get a choice in the matter and I’d never raise a child how I grew up.

  “Well, then let me take you somewhere. Let me do something nice for you. Do you trust me?”

  She smiles the smile she only gives to me. A twinkle of light in her bright blue eyes. “You know I do.”

  “Okay, then.” I walk back into the living room, grabbing her purse. She meets me at the door to the nursery and quirks her eyebrows. “Where are we going?”

  “Me to know, Mia. You to find out. Now hurry. We don’t want to miss it.” Handing her her purse, I kiss the top of her head.

  I’m so deeply in love with this woman. I can’t believe that it’s summer already. I go to help her down the stairs, and she gives me the look. The I-can-do-it-myself look.

  “You know I don’t need help, right?” Sassy girl.

  “You also know I’m going to help you whether you complain or not, right? You’re eight months pregnant, Mia. Your safety is my main concern right now.” Down ten steps to the sidewalk, through the door, and we’re ready. I open the car door and help her in before jogging to my own side and jumping in. I’ve brought a tie with me to cover her eyes, and when I pull it out, a smirk runs across her face. Yep, she remembers this tie well. Or more like, how I blindfolded her and then loved her into submission a couple nights ago.

  “A blindfold, really?”

  “Yep, you said you trusted me. We’re doing this.” She holds still as I reach over from the driver’s seat and loosely tie it around her head, making sure random hairs don’t get caught in the knot. “Can you see anything?” I say, waving my hand in front of her face.

  “No, but I can feel things just fine.” She reaches over and runs her fingers along the outside of my pants right over where my dick rests.

  “Hey, play nice, or I’ll have to bend you over my knee later.”

  “Promise?” She smiles.

  “Naughty… always so very naughty.” I know the possibility of bending her over my knee these days is non-existent. Her belly is too big, and I miss making love to her and looking into those beautiful sapphire eyes.

  Pulling up to the bar a couple minutes later, she looks over at me. I can’t see her eyes, but I know she’s wondering why it’s only been a couple minute
s since we started driving. Grabbing my phone from my pocket, I text the group text Zara, that Macy added me to, letting them know we’re outside.

  Zara: About damn time, what were you doing? And if you tell me I was sitting around waiting for you two to finish going at it, I’m gonna smack you.

  Me: No, Mia was a little sad. I was trying to comfort her.

  Zara: So you comforted her with your dick. Real suave, Brooks. *winking emoji*

  Me: Be in soon, behave.

  Zara: Never.

  “You ready, Mia?” I ask softly, and she nods. “Stay here, I’ll come around and grab you.”

  “Good, I can’t see you so…”

  “Don’t be saucy…”

  She fake pouts for a second, but then a smile peeks through. “Okay.”

  I get out and run around the car, opening her door. Giving her my hands, I help her stand up from the car. “Can you take this blindfold off now?”

  “Nope, wait til we get inside.”


  I hear whispers and movements as soon as we walk through the door. The familiar smell of stale beer clues me in on where we are, and it makes me wonder why he’s chosen the bar. I can’t see anything because he hasn’t taken the damn blindfold off yet, and it’s driving me crazy, but the rest of my senses are working just fine. I hear the whispers. I feel his strong hand as it holds me.


  “Yes, Pixie?”

  “Why are we at Topsy Turvy?”

  The lights turn on, and suddenly I can see everything. Brooks removes his tie, and in front of me stands Zara and Macy smiling like Cheshire cats. “What’s going on, bishes?”

  “We’re throwing you a baby shower! SURPRISE!” Everyone joins in for the surprise part. I’m in shock. I’d wondered if they were planning something. Macy and Zara don’t normally talk, but she stopped into the bar a couple of times in the last month. Macy never comes to Topsy Turvy, not since Trevor.

  As my eyes roam over everyone here, I realize that every single one of these people has become our family over the last couple of years. Eddie, the bar owner, stands to the side with Willie and Charlie.


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