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Page 3

by BE Kelly

  “You don’t want to share me with Texas,” she said.

  “What the fuck,” Texas growled. Remi turned and put one palm flat against Texas’ chest and giggled.

  “You feel the same way,” she said. “You can’t tell me that jealousy hasn’t played into your feelings before. You share women, so you must have gotten jealous, watching each other before.”

  “No,” Jag breathed. “Never.”

  “Me either,” Texas admitted. “Why now, Jag?” he asked. That was the million-dollar question here. Why was he suddenly getting all worked up about having to share a woman with his best friend? Tex was his wingman, the one person he could turn to for anything and he knew Texas would be there for him, no matter what it cost him personally. Jag knew that Texas had given up things he wanted in his own life, to stay in New Orleans to be a part of Jag’s life and their club, Reckoning. He had overheard his friend’s conversations with his foster parents, back home in Arizona, begging him to just come home. Tex always came up with some excuse as to why he couldn’t make the trip home but Jag wondered if it wasn’t because of him. Tex could move back to Arizona and make a fresh start but he chose to stay with Jag. Texas stuck around and Jag often worried that he was holding his friend back by not insisting that he move back home.

  Jag even thought of letting the guy off the hook and moving back to Michigan. He knew he’d have the love and support of his parents and his three older brothers. Jag sometimes envied Tex not having such a big family. Sure, he’d give his life for them but they stuck their noses in his business and Jag hated that. It was one of the reasons he hadn’t been home in a few years and why he only called his parents on holidays. He hoped that the distance would make them back off some, but he was wrong. It only made his parents more interested in what he had going on. How was he supposed to explain the fact that he and Tex shared women? His family would never understand and staying away was his best option.

  “I don’t know,” Jag admitted. “But, I think it’s something I can work through.” He wasn’t sure if that was the truth or a lie, at this point. He wanted to at least try because they might not get another chance at having Remi between them again.

  “Me too,” Texas admitted. “I’ve been feeling this way all night and I was beginning to worry that something was wrong with me. I’d like to try too,” Tex said.

  “You two have more drama than most women I know,” Remi teased. She was still standing between the two of them, her arms outstretched and her palms flat against each of their chests. Jag liked the way her fingers flexed in his shirt as if Remi was telling him that she needed more. Jag took that as his cue to give her what she seemed to need; show her what she’d be working with. He yanked his black t-shirt up over his head, leaving his chest bare and Texas did the same. Remi let her hands freely roam both of their bodies and he had to admit, it felt damn good having her touch him. Jag moaned and leaned into Remi’s soft touch.

  “That feels so good, Baby,” Jag praised.

  “He’s right,” Texas agreed. “You touching me feels like Heaven.” Jag watched as Texas pulled Remi into his arms and he couldn’t help himself, he stood behind her, framing her body with both of theirs. He wanted to mark her, make her his, but most of all, he wanted to possess Remi.

  Jag stood and watched as Tex kissed Remi and he felt a searing fire rip through his sole. He’d never felt so possessive or protective of a person as he did Remi. He needed to get his fucking head on straight if this was going to work between the three of them and right now, he wanted nothing more.

  Texas shot him a smug smile over Remi’s shoulder and Jag wanted to punch it off his fucking face. “She tastes so good,” he taunted. Jag growled and spun Remi around to face him, causing Texas to laugh.

  “My fucking turn,” Jag growled. He kissed his way into her mouth and damn if Tex wasn’t right. Remi did taste damn good and Jag wasn’t sure he’d ever get enough of her. One night wasn’t going to be enough for him and he was pretty fucking certain that it wouldn’t be enough for Texas, judging from the way he was watching Jag kiss Remi.

  He broke their kiss, leaving Remi panting for air. “Why do I get the feeling that you two are going to tear me apart before this is all over? You boys think you can behave or should we quit before we even get started?” She smiled up at him, but Jag could see the fear behind her teasing. Remi was afraid of something and Jag worried that it might involve the way the two of them were pawing at her, fighting over who was going to take her first.

  “Sorry, Honey,” he said. “How about if we promise to check our jealousy and you let us show you just how well we don’t behave?” He felt like he was holding his fucking breath, waiting for her to give him an answer. There was no way that he wanted her to call this thing quits. Jag wanted his chance with Remi and if he had to man up and push his jealousy down, he’d do just that.

  “I’m not sure this is a good idea,” Remi whispered. “But, I honestly don’t care. I’ve wanted you two for so long now, I think walking away would be a mistake. Besides, it’s not yet midnight and if you leave now, my vision might become a reality. I can’t let that happen, Jag,” she murmured. He nodded, but a part of him wanted answers. Namely, if she was just agreeing to their night together to save his life or if she honestly wanted them, like she just admitted.

  “Who’s taking lead?” Texas asked. When the two of them shared women, they would usually decide beforehand who was going to play alpha. Usually, that was Jag’s part but tonight was different. Their dark-haired raven had surprised them, walking into Reckoning from out of the blue and they hadn’t had the time to discuss their plan of action. Having one of them take lead helped with confusion and it usually led to them, and the woman they brought up to their room, having one hell of a good time together.

  Remi giggled, crossing the small room to sit down on the bed. She was still wearing only her bra and jeans and watching her walk around that way made Jag nearly want to swallow his damn tongue.

  “What’s so funny, Baby?” Texas drawled.

  Remi pointed to the pair of them, “You two,” she admitted. “Do you always plan who’s going to be in charge when it comes to sex?” She threw herself back onto the bed, letting her fits of giggles rack her body.

  “Fucking great,” Jag complained. “We finally get the woman we’ve been literally dreaming about, to agree to come up to our fucking room, and she’s laying on our bed laughing at us. This really isn’t how we planned it,” he grumbled. It wasn’t either. For months now, he had been dreaming of Remi giving them a night—just one night—to prove that the three of them could work and here he was fucking everything up. In his nightly fantasies, she would agree to everything they demanded of her, gifting them both with her complete submission. But, the woman who was currently rolling around on their bed showed no signs of being submissive. In fact, he was sure that Remi didn’t have a submissive bone in her sexy body.

  “Shit,” Texas swore. Remi sat up and tried, really tried, to sober. “He’s right,” Texas said. “We’ve both wanted this for so long and now, we’re fucking it all up.” Texas crossed the room and stood over Remi’s body. “You good with obeying both of us?” Texas questioned.

  Jag groaned and Remi looked about ready to bust out into fits of laughter again. “Obey?” she squeaked.

  “Yeah,” Tex barked as if he didn’t understand her questioning him. “Obey—as in taking orders. Which one of us do you want to give the orders, Honey?” Remi smiled up at him, biting back her giggle.

  “Um, I’m really not the kind of girl to take orders from anyone, Texas,” she sassed, resting her hands on her slender hips.

  “She’s not submissive,” Jag said. “Look at her man, Remi doesn’t take orders, she fucking gives them.” Texas looked her up and down and Jag felt about ready to join Remi and fall onto the bed laughing at his friend’s expression.

  “You’re not submissive?” Texas asked. Remi shook her head, not taking her eyes off the big guy, as if challeng
ing him to give her any argument.

  “Nope,” she breathed. “I didn’t know that was a prerequisite for following you guys up here. Listen, if this is a deal-breaker for you, Texas—” Remi found her shirt on the floor and picked it up to slip over her head.

  “No,” they both said in unison. He could hear Texas’ panic. It was the same that he felt—a gnawing, savage feeling to take Remi. They wouldn’t let her just walk out of that room. Yeah, they were both animals when it came to it and Jag’s desires for Remi were downright primal.

  “We can make this work,” Jag offered. Remi dropped her shirt back to the floor and sauntered across the room to where he stood. He couldn’t seem to take his eyes off the way she playfully swayed her hips. Yeah, she knew exactly what she was doing and how to play the game.

  “Down on your knees,” she ordered. Jag looked across the room to Texas and he wasn’t sure what his next move should be. The defiant smirk on his friend’s face told him that Tex wouldn’t so easily bend to Remi’s demands. Jag, on the other hand, was willing to do some fucking bending if that would end with her screaming out his damn name. Jag sunk to his knees and Remi gifted him with her sly smile. Remi thrust her hips in his direction and his dick twitched at what she was offering him. Jag leaned in to inhale her scent and even through her jeans, he could tell that she was completely turned on by the whole scene.

  “Fuck, Baby,” Jag swore. He looked past Remi to the corner of the room to find Tex still watching them. He wanted to tell his friend to get his head out of his ass and give her what she wanted from them but Texas didn’t look like he was willing to give an inch on the matter. His friend craved dominance and letting Remi take that from him might be too much for poor Texas.

  “She smells so good, Texas,” he whispered, wrapping his big hands around her slender hips to pull her against his face. He wanted to do more than just smell her. God, he wanted to touch her and the thought of tasting her made his mouth water.

  “This isn’t us,” Texas drawled. “We don’t get on our fucking knees, she does.”

  Jag sighed and nodded. “I’m sorry, Remi,” he said. “You’re going to have to give Texas a minute to catch up with the current century. His inner caveman is butt hurt that you won’t play by his rules.” Remi giggled and Tex made a scoffing noise from the corner of the room. He slunk down into the room’s only chair and crossed his ankle over his knee. Jag knew his friend well. He knew that Tex was trying for laid back and easy-going, but the erection he was sporting told a different story.

  Remi looked back over her left shoulder and smiled. “Suit yourself, Tex,” she offered. She turned back to face Jag and flashed her wicked grin. “Get me naked and eat my pussy,” she ordered. Jag didn’t even hesitate this time. Hearing her ask for—no, demand—what she wanted was so fucking hot. Jag unzipped her skin-tight jeans and worked them down her body, pulling her lacy panties down with them. After he helped her to step clear of her jeans, he kissed his way up her body, practically shoving his nose into her already drenched pussy. Jag made a humming noise in the back of his throat and he almost felt bad for Tex when he heard his soft curses coming from the corner of the room. He could hear Texas shifting in the chair behind Remi and if Jag wasn’t mistaken, he heard him unzip his jeans.

  “Poor Texas,” Remi said, pouting out her bottom lip. “You want to play so badly, but you don’t know how to ask nicely. Ask me, Tex. Ask me to play with us,” she ordered. Jag kissed his way up Remi’s body, almost demanding her attention back on him. He stood in front of her and unhooked her bra, letting her ample breasts fill his hands. Remi moaned and thrust them against his palms.

  “Yes,” she hissed. “More, Jag,” Remi insisted. “I need more.” Jag walked her back to the bed, pushing her down as soon as the back of her knees hit the mattress. She willingly fell onto the bed and spread her legs, as in invitation.

  She didn’t have to tell him what she wanted him to do next. Jag settled between her legs and licked her wet folds, sucking her sensitive clit into his mouth. She practically screamed out his name, running her hands through his hair, tugging on the ends. Remi was aggressive and bossy; everything he thought he’d never want in a woman. Now, with her in his bed, letting him eat her pussy, shouting out his fucking name—he’d never want anything or anyone else.


  Tex stroked his heavy shaft in his own damn hands, wishing it was Remi’s touch he was feeling. Earlier, when she so freely touched his body, it felt like he was coming home. How could he have missed the signs that she wasn’t submissive? It really wasn’t a deal-breaker for him, but letting a woman take control wasn’t something he usually let happen. The question was would he be able to walk away from Remi now? He wanted her—God, he fucking wanted her and watching Jag eat her out was just about driving him out of his damn mind.

  Hearing Remi scream out Jag’s name as she came on his mouth made him want to give up his stubborn pride and give her exactly what she wanted. Tex just wanted her to meet him half-way, a little give and take, but that wasn’t something Remi seemed interested in. Hell, maybe this was Remi’s plan all along. Sometimes, when it was just the three of them hanging out, Texas got the feeling that Remi was more into Jag than she was him. Maybe she wanted Jag to be the one joining her in bed and this was just her way to make sure that happened. She had to know that Texas wasn’t going to give up his dominance so easily. It wasn’t how things were done in his world. Remi had been around their MC world enough to know that bikers weren’t the type to drop to their fucking knees just because a sexy as shit woman demanded it. Well, that’s what he thought until Jag sunk to his knees as soon as the seer demanded it. It was as if his friend was under Remi’s spell and honestly, he felt the same damn way.

  “Texas,” Remi begged. “Please.” She reached across the bed towards him and he had to look away from the two of them. It was too much and if he gave in now, he’d be giving up everything. Texas was worried that not giving in would have the same ending—him losing everything and walking out of the damn room without having the woman who haunted his dreams for months now. He wanted her too much to do that. He needed to taste her, mark her and make her his or he might regret sitting this one out for a damn long time.

  “Don’t be like this, man,” Jag warned. “You know you want her. Remi isn’t asking for anything you’re not willing to give. Come taste her,” Jag begged. “Make her ours with me.”

  “Fuck,” Texas swore. Jag was right, but that shouldn’t really surprise him. Jag was always fucking right.

  “I want you, Texas,” Remi begged.

  “But, not enough to let me be in charge,” Texas said. He sounded like a complete ass, but he couldn’t help it. It was who he was.

  “How about a compromise?” Remi offered. “You come over here, tell me what you want and I’ll do my best to give that to you.” Remi looked so hopeful, he almost wanted to laugh. Jag stripped and was standing over her body, sending him pleading looks. Texas sighed and stood, shucking out of his jeans.

  “Fine,” he growled.

  Remi’s giggle filled the room. “Gee Tex, don’t seem so happy about fucking me,” she teased.

  “I’m sure he’s just sexually frustrated, Baby. Maybe you can help him out?” Jag asked. Texas didn’t need his friend to fucking beg Remi to give him anything. He could ask for what he wanted and if she was willing to give it, fine. Otherwise, he’d finish jerking himself off and Jag and Remi could figure things out without him.

  “Don’t do me any favors,” Texas grouched.

  Remi laughed again and he stroked his own cock, loving the way her eyes followed his movement. “How much are you willing to compromise, Honey?” Texas asked.

  “Wh—why are you asking me that?” Remi asked, eyeing him suspiciously.

  “Are you willing to get down on those pretty knees for me?” he almost whispered. Remi smiled up at him and it felt like the whole damn room lit up.

  “Yes,” she said, enthusiastically nodding her agre

  “Alright,” Texas said. “How about we put that bossy mouth of yours to work then, Honey,” he taunted. Remi slid off the bed and down to the floor, kneeling in front of him and he didn’t hide his appreciation.

  “Thank you for this, Honey. You are so fucking beautiful.” Remi smiled up at him and opened her mouth as if offering everything he was asking her for. Texas stroked his big hand down her beautiful cheek, cupping her jaw. Remi wrapped her hands around his cock and let her tongue playfully dart out to lick the tip of his dick. Texas hissed out his breath and she sucked his cock into her hot mouth, moaning out her pleasure. She was a vixen, his siren, the person he had been chasing for months and he’d finally caught her. A part of Tex wondered if he would ever truly catch her. He had a feeling that would depend on when or even if Remi Nez wanted to be caught. He wanted to believe he was taking control of the situation, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. He was the exact opposite of in control, but he wasn’t ready to tell Remi that. Admitting that he was completely out of control wasn’t something he wanted to admit to either person standing in front of him. Remi let his cock pop free from her lips and Tex instantly missed her warm mouth around his dick.

  Jag sat down on the edge of the bed as if needing a front-row seat to watch the two of them. Remi turned back to Jag to run her hand over his erection. His friend moaned and thrust into her hands, taking the pleasure she was offering him.

  “Please, don’t stop,” Jag begged Remi. She stood and wrapped her arms around Jag’s shoulders. “I won’t,” Remi promised. “I need you,” she admitted. Remi turned to Texas to take his hand into hers. “Both of you.” Hearing Remi say that she wanted them both did crazy things to his heart. It was what Texas had been waiting for, even if he didn’t know it. He wanted her to give him the words and now that she had, Tex wanted nothing more than to make Remi his.


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