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Nasty Business

Page 18

by Gillian Godden

  They went to the hospital to see Joe. He was in the burns unit. His skin had blistered badly; he lay on his stomach and the whole of his torso was bandaged. Fortunately, his head and face hadn’t been touched. Joe was full of morphine to stop the pain, but he acknowledged Tony and Jake.

  ‘We’re going to have you taken to a private clinic, Joe, and I promise you, this will get sorted. The person who did this will pay for it, I assure you. Obviously, you will remain on full pay while you recover.’

  ‘Thanks,’ he said.

  ‘Have you told the police anything about it?’ Tony was curious. Although Angus assured them that the police weren’t involved, he thought that the hospital would have to inform them, especially about an acid attack.

  ‘I told them I don’t know who it was. It was just some random punter picking a fight with one of the strippers, I stepped in and, well, this.’ Joe looked down at his bandaged body. ‘They said they would look into it, but they don’t have any leads or anything. The guy ran out of the door before anyone could stop him.’

  ‘Do you know who it was, Joe?’

  ‘No, boss, never seen him before, not one of the regulars.’ Joe winced in pain. His breathing was laboured.

  Tony and Jake looked at one another. Joe had no idea who Luke was and so, even if he had felt bitter about being in so much pain, he still couldn’t tell the police anything and drag Tony, Jake or Angus into it. Angus had done a very good job, after all.

  In a way, it had gone even better than Tony planned. A fight had broken out with a stripper? Well, she wasn’t going to say anything, was she, and let her family and friends know what she did for a living.

  This outsider, who was now beaten to a pulp and would be out of the way for some time, was seemingly unknown to everyone. Tony and Jake had been out of the country. Now Tony was back and would have the dealers removed from the streets and calm would be restored. Angus, Tony had to admit, had been right. They had achieved what they set out to accomplish.


  Sharon had organized the meeting with the local businessmen and invited them all to the club for it. They were all in awe of the club, they had never been there before, and Tony felt Sharon had only decided to invite them to a meeting there to spite him.

  Tony and Jake had showered and changed out of their travelling clothes into their suits. As this was a meeting, they had to look like businessmen. When they walked towards the office at the club, they could see a dozen familiar faces that they knew. Each and every one of them wanted to be heard, they were shouting questions and looking at Tony and Jake for answers.

  ‘Mr Lambrianu, I presume you have heard what has happened.’ The owner of the snooker club looked up at Tony. His face was pale and drawn.

  Tony nodded. ‘You don’t have to fill me in on the details, gentlemen, I already know everything. As we speak, things are being sorted out, and I promise you, peace will be restored.’ Tony sat down beside Jake; he felt he had already said enough.

  ‘That South London mob were dealing near our premises, Mr Lambrianu; is that what is going to happen every time you go away?’ Each one of them had a question to ask, they showed proper respect, but it was clear they were afraid.

  ‘No, this will not happen each time I go away. As a matter of fact, I have already been to see the South London mob leader.’ They all looked shocked that he had already started to sort things out. They knew he had only just got back and yet he hadn’t let the grass grow; they all seemed relieved at his prompt action.

  ‘What did he say about that guy and the acid attack? Is it going to happen again?’ Tony looked across at the publican who spoke and raised one eyebrow.

  ‘It won’t happen again, I assure you. I will not go into details, gentlemen, but that is what you pay me for. Protection. While we’re on that subject, I will be hiring more men to look after your properties and your families, and so I will have to increase the payments a little.’

  ‘That’s okay, Mr Lambrianu.’ The group of men all nodded in unison. ‘As long as you’re sorting it out and we can go about our daily business without fear.’ They all seemed satisfied that Tony looked confident and in charge of the situation. They all seemed satisfied that they had him to rely on in situations like this, and he had proved himself to be worth every penny they paid.

  Tony waved them all off after listening to any more concerns they might have and finally went to his own apartment, with Jake and Sharon in tow. ‘What a day, I’m knackered.’ Tony threw himself on the sofa and kicked off his shoes. ‘Did you get Dan to start spreading the word that everything is under control now?’ Tony had his head laid back on the sofa and he closed his eyes.

  Jake started to speak to him, but noticed that Tony had drifted off to sleep and was starting to snore. ‘Come on, Sharon, let’s go home,’ he said. He took her hand, turned off the lamp and left. He hadn’t had a moment with her since he got back.


  ‘Tony!’ Jake barged into the office, took in the sight before him, then looked directly at Tony. ‘I think you might want to put her down; you really need to see this.’

  Tony had a half-naked woman perched on his desk, her legs wrapped firmly around him. ‘For fuck’s sake, Jake, haven’t you ever heard of knocking? I’m not finished—’ Jake’s words got through to him. ‘See what?’ he said. It was clear from the expression on Jake’s face that whatever it was, it was serious.

  He separated himself from the woman and pulled his trousers up; it was obvious the moment had gone. This was pleasure; whatever Jake had come to tell him was business, and business was always the priority.

  ‘Sweetheart, pull your dress down and leave,’ said Jake. ‘Leave, now.’

  The young woman stood up and adjusted herself. This was not the time to argue. ‘Will I see you later, Tony?’ she said.

  ‘Maybe. It depends. We’ll talk later.’ He kissed her on the cheek. She wasn’t very happy and slammed the door behind her.

  ‘For God’s sake, doesn’t that dick of yours ever sleep?’

  ‘It doesn’t have a watch on it. A speedometer, sometimes, but not a watch.’ Tony smiled, swept his hair back and sat down. He was still doing up his shirt buttons. ‘So, what’s this thing I need to see?’

  Jake beckoned him and opened the office door, then marched down the corridor to the back exit. Tony hurried after him. Jake had his serious face on. Something was definitely wrong.

  Leaning on one of the dustbins to hold himself up was John, Tony’s driver. He was holding a cloth to his nose, which had obviously been broken. Blood was all over his face. He was holding on to his ribs and clearly in a lot of pain. A couple of bodyguards stood next to him, looking lost.

  Tony looked at the injured man, weak, swaying, trying to catch his breath while mopping the blood from his nose and the other cuts on his face; he immediately reverted to business mode. ‘What the fuck happened to you?’

  ‘I’ll tell him, John, it’s okay, catch your breath,’ said Jake. He turned to Tony. ‘Do you remember Leroy, the pimp who used to work for Marlon?’ Jake saw Tony’s face redden and his eyes grow darker at the mention of Leroy.

  ‘Do you mean that bastard that emptied Marlon’s safe and did a runner before we got there? Yes, I remember him. Are you telling me he did this?’

  Jake nodded. ‘It’s a message for you.’ He lit a cigarette and handed it to John, hoping that it would calm his nerves. ‘That bastard has set up his own little gang, apparently over in Streatham, somewhere. Still pimping and prostitutes, but now he wants to meet us to discuss terms about sharing the south of London. This is his message. John was filling up the car with petrol when the bastards jumped out of the car and beat the shit out of him. They want to meet us at three, this afternoon.’

  ‘Jesus Christ, it’s only a week since we sorted the last lot out! Why hasn’t Angus done anything about this? Get that bastard on the telephone, now. And, you two.’ Tony looked at the bodyguards standing beside John. ‘Stop fucking standing there
like lampposts and get him inside. Get him cleaned up and get him a drink. God, do I have to think of everything!’

  The two men were glad to make themselves scarce. Tony was in a foul mood. Someone was going to be on the receiving end of that temper of his and they were glad it wasn’t them. They each took an arm to help support John’s weight and half-dragged him inside. Tony and Jake walked behind them along the corridor to his office; they went inside while the other men headed up to Tony’s apartment.

  Jake called Angus. When it was obvious the call had been answered, Tony snatched the telephone out of his hand and screamed and shouted at the Scotsman. Angus was oblivious to it all. Yes, he was aware that some gang had been shooting their mouths off about Tony and Jake, but that had been in Hammersmith, somewhere.

  Breathing heavily, Tony said through gritted teeth, ‘They might have been in Hammersmith then, but they live in fucking Streatham. Right on your turf, Angus. Now, sort it out.’ He looked at Jake, then had second thoughts. ‘No, Angus, scratch that – I’ll sort this out.’ He slammed the telephone down and turned to Jake. ‘They want to meet, you say?’ he said.

  Jake nodded. ‘At the Two Brewers pub.’

  ‘Okay, we’ll go and meet them.’

  ‘They’ll be going mob-handed; what about us?’ Jake darted a look at Tony. He could see his mind was racing and this had pushed him way over the edge. Someone was going to challenge him on his own turf. This was going to end badly.

  ‘I don’t need anybody to fight my battles. It’s just you and me, Jake. That’s how it’s always been. I want to watch those bastards squirm myself.’


  Tony and Jake surveyed the dingy pub as they walked across the floor and up to the bar. There was a handful of men sitting at different tables, supposedly just having a drink. The landlord excused himself, something about having to change a barrel, and went down to the cellar.

  ‘I see you got my message then, Lambrianu. Turns out it weren’t that hard, bringing the rat out of its hole.’ Leroy walked up to where Tony was standing at the bar. ‘I want fifty-fifty of the South London mob. It was Marlon’s, not yours, and I know you fucking killed him. I aren’t making no deals, I’m telling you straight. You don’t scare me. My boys, here, will make a mess of you and that fucking club of yours.’ Leroy’s Jamaican tones echoed through the pub. He was making his stance and he wanted ‘his boys’ to know that he wasn’t scared. He took a metal baton from his coat pocket and waved it in front of Tony’s face. ‘Coming here on your own, white boys, to face me and my boys … how stupid can you get.’ Leroy smiled, showing a row of white teeth in his black face. He turned to look at his men, who were now standing up to surround Tony and Jake.

  ‘What the fuck is that?’ Tony turned to look at Jake and then looked back at Leroy. ‘I came for a fucking shoot-out and you bring a metal vibrator. You’ve been pimping those whores of yours for far too long, Leroy.’ Tony had his hands in his coat pocket, and he raised them. He might not have gone mob-handed, but it was clear to Leroy and his mob that he had a gun in each pocket and both were now pointing at Leroy.

  ‘I’ll show you what this is, Lambrianu. Did you think we would come without being tooled up?’ Leroy was trying to hold his nerve while he looked at Tony’s coat pockets.

  ‘Oh, fuck this, Leroy, I’m leaving,’ Tony said. He dropped his hands. ‘This is no gangland war. It’s a bunch of Jamaicans with a metal rolling pin. You got some plastic guns in there from the toy shop, as well? Fuck off, I’m leaving.’ Tony barged through them and walked out the door, leaving Jake standing in the circle of men.

  ‘Left you to it, has he, Jakey, my boy?’ said Leroy. ‘Some good friend you got there. Well, you’ll do for now; maybe that will show him we mean business.’

  Jake nodded. He leaned over the bar and when he picked up a glass, they all reached for their weapons, then turned to look at each other and shrugged as they watched Jake pour himself a drink.

  Jake took a sip of his drink and smacked his lips, then looked directly at Leroy. ‘Tell me, Leroy, what do you get when an angry psychopath walks into a pub?’ Again, Jake took a sip of his drink and watched as they turned their bemused faces to one other and shrugged. Looking over their shoulders, Jake shouted, ‘Show them, Tony!’

  Standing behind them was a very angry Tony Lambrianu, with a very large claw hammer in each hand. Instantly, he started waving them around and hitting the men on their heads and bodies.

  ‘And you,’ said Jake, looking at Leroy as he put on his spiked knuckledusters, ‘will be very glad I brought these.’ He threw a punch into Leroy’s shocked face. Blood spurted out of the holes the spikes had made. Again and again, Jake punched Leroy in the face, until he collapsed onto the floor.

  Tony was in the middle of the men, bringing his hammers down hard. Shouts of pain filled the room. Everyone was covered in blood. Some lay on the floor where they had fallen after Tony had hammered their kneecaps. They couldn’t stand to fight back. One man jumped Tony from behind and pushed him forward. Tony crashed into one of the tables and fell to the floor on his knees, his face cut and bleeding.

  Jake walked swiftly over to where Tony was kneeling and saw the man that had pushed him had a gun in his hand and was about to shoot Tony in the back. He hit the man with a bottle. ‘Bastard! Is that all you lot do? Surprise people from behind? Why not look into people’s faces when you kill them, you spineless bastards!’ Jake carried on kicking the man until he could see he was unconscious.

  Tony was panting for breath and bleeding. He rose to his feet and surveyed the room. It was covered in blood – thankfully not his own. He picked up the gun and walked over to where Leroy lay on the floor. Blood was pouring from his face. ‘Now, I’ve got a message for you,’ Tony said. He pointed the gun at Leroy’s head and fired. He picked up a pint of beer, walked over to the unconscious man who had been going to shoot him in the back, and threw it into his face, to bring him back to consciousness. ‘Oy, you lot, I want you to see this,’ Tony shouted.

  Some of the men on the floor who were still conscious, albeit holding their broken legs and howling in pain, turned their heads to see what was happening.

  Tony wiped his bloody mouth then pointed at the man’s hand. ‘That is the hand you were going to shoot me with, right?’ He didn’t wait for an answer; he reached into the inside pocket of his coat and took out a machete, then crouched down and chopped the hand off with one blow. The man’s piercing screams filled the room. One man found the energy to vomit on the floor. Still kneeling beside the handless man, Tony smiled. ‘Don’t ever fuck with me again, you lot,’ he said. He stood and looked around the room at the men there. ‘This is a message for you – all of you – and your friends. You did your best, but it wasn’t anywhere near good enough. Nevertheless, you tried, and I applaud you for it.’ He bent and picked up the severed hand lying on the floor, then held it aloft. ‘In fact, gentlemen, I raise a hand to you!’ He grinned and threw it in the middle of the room, amongst them. He and Jake shared a look and turned towards the door. They both knew it was time to leave. This gangland war had been nipped in the bud.


  A few months passed after Tony and Jake’s holiday in Italy. Everything was back to normal. The local businessmen were pleased that, as quickly as all the trouble had started, it had been stopped. They were thankful they had Tony looking after their interests, they reckoned it was worth every penny, even at the new – higher – price they were paying.

  Joe, the bouncer who had suffered the awful acid attack, was back at home. He still lived with his parents, and they were grateful that their son was being looked after by Tony and Jake. He was still on full pay, and all of his hospital bills were being paid by them. He had undergone some surgery and some skin grafts, and now they just had to let the skin heal before they could do anything further. Thankfully, his face was okay, it was mainly his back, side and arm that had been affected, so it wouldn’t affect his prospects.

  Angus was
relieved to know that he still had a job. He would make sure things wouldn’t ever threaten his own livelihood again. He knew he had taken a chance with that Luke guy and, in line with Tony’s instructions, he had him watched. Not long after Luke got out of hospital after being beaten up, he’d had both his legs broken. Angus was determined not to let Tony down again and, when the year was up and it was time to make Luke disappear, he would be first in line to see it happened.


  ‘Tony, did you remember to order the Christmas trees?’ Sharon popped her head around the office door and could see by the look on his face he had forgotten.

  Tony was sitting at his desk looking through his accounts. ‘I’m on it, Sharon, how many do we need again?’ He looked towards Jake and shrugged.

  ‘I told you, we need seven – two for this place, one for the men’s club and four for the casino. Come on, get on with it. It’s okay for you, sitting there with your pink shirt sleeves rolled up and pretending to do a bit of work, but some of us actually have real work to do. Trees, now!’ With that she turned to leave, but then suddenly stopped. ‘Actually, you two, forget it, I’ll sort the trees out.’

  ‘She wanted to do that all along, you know, order the trees, I mean,’ Jake said to Tony.

  This was the run up to the busiest time of the year. Christmas was coming and everyone wanted to party and gamble. Sharon had Christmas parties to organize and had taken on an assistant of her own to help her.

  Tony pointed to a box of video tapes in the corner of the room. ‘Have you seen some of the stuff on that lot?’ He shook his head in disbelief.

  ‘What are they?’ Jake leaned forward and took one of the tapes out of the box. It had no name on it. He held it up and looked at Tony.

  ‘It’s some of the recordings from the men’s club bedrooms. Believe me, Jake, it’s more than I bargained for. There’s a well-known celebrity dressed in a French maid’s outfit, plus two guys having sex. It doesn’t do it for me, it made my jaw drop. It’s not for me to judge, but it does make me see them through different eyes. It’s insurance, though. If I ever need their help, they’ll move heaven and earth to provide it, not because they like me, but because of this.’ Tony waved a video tape in the air.


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